The Trump Hating Media Has Not Kept The Public Informed

You have not proved anything.
You sound exactly like your cult hero. tRUMP

See how you are with all......... your stupid speculative narratives.
Nothing that your cult hero has provided to a REAL court of law has passed any real meaning of evidence.
Only you and the 3% cultists think it is all "real" evidence.
Get a job? LOL
How comical of you.
Take your own advice.
one more time. the mere fact that someone sees someone else's ballot prior to casting it, is illegal. What part of that don't you get?
proved? I merely made a statement. again, it is illegal for someone to see someone else's ballot before casting. It's illegal. the mail in process is a fraud.
well sure it did. It's the only way the count changed. Pittsburgh and Philly.


This website doesn't say anything about 684,000 votes all being for one person. It says that Trump had a large day of voting lead and he lost it because the mail in ballots swung heavily for Biden. This is exactly what we were all expecting because Democrats requested far more mail in ballots than Republicans.
well sure it did. It's the only way the count changed. Pittsburgh and Philly.


This website doesn't say anything about 684,000 votes all being for one person. It says that Trump had a large day of voting lead and he lost it because the mail in ballots swung heavily for Biden. This is exactly what we were all expecting because Democrats requested far more mail in ballots than Republicans.
statistically impossible. I'd play the Rudy tapes but you'd just say they were rudy. so instead I posted that. statistically impossible.
statistically impossible. I'd play the Rudy tapes but you'd just say they were rudy. so instead I posted that. statistically impossible.
Trump got 66% of Election Day votes, Biden got 78% of mail in votes. What's statistically impossible about that? There's nothing impossible about it. In fact, it's pretty much what we expected.
statistically impossible. I'd play the Rudy tapes but you'd just say they were rudy. so instead I posted that. statistically impossible.
Trump got 66% of Election Day votes, Biden got 78% of mail in votes. What's statistically impossible about that? There's nothing impossible about it. In fact, it's pretty much what we expected.
it was as expected bcause it was planned ahead of time,,,

thats why joe said what he did about the dem voter fraud program,,,
it was as expected bcause it was planned ahead of time,,,
No, it was expected because Democrats were requesting substantially higher numbers of mail in ballots since that was what the Democratic Party was pushing their voters to do. It's not voter fraud, it's called getting out the vote.
it was as expected bcause it was planned ahead of time,,,
No, it was expected because Democrats were requesting substantially higher numbers of mail in ballots since that was what the Democratic Party was pushing their voters to do. It's not voter fraud, it's called getting out the vote.
you keep saying that while the evidence to the contrary keep surfacing,,,
you keep saying that while the evidence to the contrary keep surfacing,,,
It doesn't. I know, Rudy says a lot of things in front of the camera, but when he gets into a court of law where truth and facts matter, he's a different person and his claims about fraud disappear.
you keep saying that while the evidence to the contrary keep surfacing,,,
It doesn't. I know, Rudy says a lot of things in front of the camera, but when he gets into a court of law where truth and facts matter, he's a different person and his claims about fraud disappear.
your focus on ruby when there are dozens of not hundreds of other people involved tell me youre scared and as your alinsky training commands you you attack the messenger and ignore the details of the message,,,
your focus on ruby when there are dozens of not hundreds of other people involved tell me youre scared and as your alinsky training commands you you attack the messenger and ignore the details of the message,,,
I focus on Rudy because he’s the one in court. We can talk about these dozens or hundreds of people you claim exist when they get before a judge. Lin Wood is in front of a judge in Atlanta today and his sole witness is a Republican activist who claimed that she thought it was suspicious that Biden got 90+% of votes in a batch of a few dozen that was processed. She had a few other nit picks but at the end of the day she had no evidence that any fraudulent voting had occurred.

Again, people say one thing before a camera, but when under scrutiny, it’a nothing.
your focus on ruby when there are dozens of not hundreds of other people involved tell me youre scared and as your alinsky training commands you you attack the messenger and ignore the details of the message,,,
I focus on Rudy because he’s the one in court. We can talk about these dozens or hundreds of people you claim exist when they get before a judge. Lin Wood is in front of a judge in Atlanta today and his sole witness is a Republican activist who claimed that she thought it was suspicious that Biden got 90+% of votes in a batch of a few dozen that was processed. She had a few other nit picks but at the end of the day she had no evidence that any fraudulent voting had occurred.

Again, people say one thing before a camera, but when under scrutiny, it’a nothing.
you keep telling yourself that,, but dont get mad if trump ends up winning,,,
your focus on ruby when there are dozens of not hundreds of other people involved tell me youre scared and as your alinsky training commands you you attack the messenger and ignore the details of the message,,,
I focus on Rudy because he’s the one in court. We can talk about these dozens or hundreds of people you claim exist when they get before a judge. Lin Wood is in front of a judge in Atlanta today and his sole witness is a Republican activist who claimed that she thought it was suspicious that Biden got 90+% of votes in a batch of a few dozen that was processed. She had a few other nit picks but at the end of the day she had no evidence that any fraudulent voting had occurred.

Again, people say one thing before a camera, but when under scrutiny, it’a nothing.
on a side note,,

wouldnt want a person as POTUS with known family connections to the chinese and russian governments,,
you meann the people that swore under oath or the people on the internet???
I mean the people that swore under oath.

See, Rudy goes in front of a camera and waves his hands about all these witnesses who say this, that or the other thing. But in front of the camera, Rudy doesn't have to be accurate, truthful or realistic. He can say whatever he wants about these witnesses or affidavits. Rudy knows that people aren't pulling up the filings and looking at the affidavits, they aren't watching the hearings where these witnesses testify and they're not seeing the cross examination from state or local officials.

Which means, that most people, such as yourself, don't actually know the truth, which is how Trump and Rudy want.
You have to prove it first.

Seems you are the one that doesn't understand.

You have not proved anything.
You sound exactly like your cult hero. tRUMP

See how you are with all......... your stupid speculative narratives.
Nothing that your cult hero has provided to a REAL court of law has passed any real meaning of evidence.
Only you and the 3% cultists think it is all "real" evidence.
Get a job? LOL
How comical of you.
Take your own advice.
one more time. the mere fact that someone sees someone else's ballot prior to casting it, is illegal. What part of that don't you get?
proved? I merely made a statement. again, it is illegal for someone to see someone else's ballot before casting. It's illegal. the mail in process is a fraud.
you meann the people that swore under oath or the people on the internet???
I mean the people that swore under oath.

See, Rudy goes in front of a camera and waves his hands about all these witnesses who say this, that or the other thing. But in front of the camera, Rudy doesn't have to be accurate, truthful or realistic. He can say whatever he wants about these witnesses or affidavits. Rudy knows that people aren't pulling up the filings and looking at the affidavits, they aren't watching the hearings where these witnesses testify and they're not seeing the cross examination from state or local officials.

Which means, that most people, such as yourself, don't actually know the truth, which is how Trump and Rudy want.
your right I dont know the truth,, and is why I want all to be audited and confirmed before we put a chinese and russian operative in the whitehouse,,,

now you on the otherhand want any chance to find the truth suppressed and stopped before the truth can come out,,,
Imagine being dumb enough to think Giuliani has any credibility.

Imagine to be indoctrinated enough to think that censorship is not contrary to everything America stands for. The media should report, not decide. Twitter and Facebook's blatant one-sided censorship should scare real Americans to death.

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