The Trump Hating Media Has Not Kept The Public Informed

your focus on ruby when there are dozens of not hundreds of other people involved tell me youre scared and as your alinsky training commands you you attack the messenger and ignore the details of the message,,,
I focus on Rudy because he’s the one in court. We can talk about these dozens or hundreds of people you claim exist when they get before a judge. Lin Wood is in front of a judge in Atlanta today and his sole witness is a Republican activist who claimed that she thought it was suspicious that Biden got 90+% of votes in a batch of a few dozen that was processed. She had a few other nit picks but at the end of the day she had no evidence that any fraudulent voting had occurred.

Again, people say one thing before a camera, but when under scrutiny, it’a nothing.
you keep telling yourself that,, but dont get mad if trump ends up winning,,,

If things were fair I would tend to agree. I fear that there is far too much corruption and money involved here to help Biden. The FBI has looked anything but non-partisan in the last 4 years and they have a large hand in all of this. Democrats are too indoctrinated to get that they wool is being pulled over their eyes by big money and the MSM. Sad but true.
your right I dont know the truth,, and is why I want all to be audited and confirmed before we put a chinese and russian operative in the whitehouse,,,

now you on the otherhand want any chance to find the truth suppressed and stopped before the truth can come out,,,
The normal processes is proceeding. Hell, you even got a hand recount of the entire state of Georgia. It didn't make any difference.

Trump is panicking and this charade is both embarrassing and ultimately harmful to the integrity of the nation.
your right I dont know the truth,, and is why I want all to be audited and confirmed before we put a chinese and russian operative in the whitehouse,,,

now you on the otherhand want any chance to find the truth suppressed and stopped before the truth can come out,,,
The normal processes is proceeding. Hell, you even got a hand recount of the entire state of Georgia. It didn't make any difference.

Trump is panicking and this charade is both embarrassing and ultimately harmful to the integrity of the nation.
like I said,,, you stay focused on that,, just dont get mad when trump wins,,,
Imagine being dumb enough to think Giuliani has any credibility.

Imagine to be indoctrinated enough to think that censorship is not contrary to everything America stands for. The media should report, not decide. Twitter and Facebook's blatant one-sided censorship should scare real Americans to death.

The media does not have an obligation to give someone a platform for their baseless conspiracy theories.

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