The Trump Hating Media Has Not Kept The Public Informed

See how you are with all......... your stupid speculative narratives.
Nothing that your cult hero has provided to a REAL court of law has passed any real meaning of evidence.
Only you and the 3% cultists think it is all "real" evidence.
Get a job? LOL
How comical of you.
Take your own advice.

NOPE! No such thing, bubba, the only thing happening here is you with your cultist little mind and your made up ,inflated evidence.
You and tRUMP are alike, typical Narcissistic fools.
The entire world is against you, we get it.
Grow up.
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I am not escaping anything. The truth is what you are trying to escape.
Let little boy donnie keep leading the pack down the wrong venue.

See, folks, another disgruntled child making threats and name calling.
Follow your leader!! tRUMP!LOL

5 lawsuits are still being decided in the states

Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona

Trump is right about the media
2 dozen lawsuits have been dismissed. Most of Trump's lawyers have quit. In desperation, Giuliani is arguing before a judge for the first time in 30 years. Their arguments have failed at every turn.

But we are supposed to be taking this seriously?
most likely they are being threatened. it's what the demofks do. more and more shit coming out of the woodwork. evil fks you are. someone disagrees with you all, you threaten them. punks everyone of you.
not disgruntled at all. merely pointing to the evil that is a demofk. you just can't escape who you are. no ballot should be viewed before it being cast.
that evil fks from the demofks threaten individuals who don't agree with them? damn straight they do. evidence out the butt for that. Look at Portland. The last march in DC. evil fks who can't stand someone who disagrees with them. anything to silence that voice is your motto. You're doing it here.
oh sure there was a Portland event. It was over thirty days long. you must have slept through it. I get it. you have no job.

BTW, I don't play mindless Jedi games.

5 lawsuits are still being decided in the states

Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona

Trump is right about the media

Even if these cases are lost in state courts, appeal to the US Supreme Court will take place.

Yes the public knows all about the cases that are still in the courts. We also know that trump will appeal.

We also know that so far he has won one case about where people stand while observing the counting.

Other than that, trump has lost every case he has brought to court. He has not presented any evidence of his accusations. In fact, when the judge pressed his lawyers, they had to admit there was no fraud and no one was prevented from observing the count.

He can appeal all he wants but without any evidence of his claims, he will continue to lose and I wouldn't be surprised if the Supreme Court refused to hear his appeal.

His lawyers aren't wiling to lie for him so most of them have dropped him as in they fired him as their client.

All he has left now is giuliani. You know, the guy who does very sick things with his private parts in front of teenage girls.

What isn't the media telling us?
See how you are with all......... your stupid speculative narratives.
Nothing that your cult hero has provided to a REAL court of law has passed any real meaning of evidence.
Only you and the 3% cultists think it is all "real" evidence.
Get a job? LOL
How comical of you.
Take your own advice.
one more time. the mere fact that someone sees someone else's ballot prior to casting it, is illegal. What part of that don't you get?
Is it someone on site
Is that a question?

Where did you hear that ballots are being altered? How?
thrown away was one way. are you a mathematical person at all?

If so, given the evenness of the counts heading into the mail in ballots, how statistically normal would it be that 684,000 new votes would be all for one candidate? Are you a math person or not.
thrown away was one way. are you a mathematical person at all?

If so, given the evenness of the counts heading into the mail in ballots, how statistically normal would it be that 684,000 new votes would be all for one candidate? Are you a math person or not.
Someone has you all mixed up. You don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.
thrown away was one way. are you a mathematical person at all?

If so, given the evenness of the counts heading into the mail in ballots, how statistically normal would it be that 684,000 new votes would be all for one candidate? Are you a math person or not.
Someone has you all mixed up. You don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.
I asked for a statistical explanation. you avoided it. That therefore implies you know that isn't possible.
The media hasn't kept the public informed for over 40 years. It's the only way leftism can thrive.

What media would that be? The Billionaire Corporate Media has certainly not kept the public informed. Their goal is to sell the Republican agenda to the gullible fools like you, so that Robert Mercer, Rupert Murdoch, the Walton Family, the Koch Family, and the Tyson Family can continue to enjoy the benefits of a right wing oligarchy, and cheap labout, without the worry of having their Republican benefactors voted out of office.
Biden has already promised open borders and off-shoring.
Nope. The RWNJ infotainment sites have told you that. It's not real.
Schmuck, I live here and see it.
Live where and see what?
I asked you where live and you didn’t answer.
I live in Nassau County and have many friends in NYC who are in the medical field and work in NY hospitals.

Well that makes you a policy expert, now doesn't it.

Except that you lied when you said Joe Biden favours open borders and off-shoring. When your post is premised on a proveable lie, you lose all credibility, assuming you ever had any.

Even worse, when your proveable lie is a Trumpian talking point, you come across as both ill-informed and very gullible, since if you had half a brain, you would have checked out your claims before posting them.
thrown away was one way. are you a mathematical person at all?

If so, given the evenness of the counts heading into the mail in ballots, how statistically normal would it be that 684,000 new votes would be all for one candidate? Are you a math person or not.
Someone has you all mixed up. You don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.
I asked for a statistical explanation. you avoided it. That therefore implies you know that isn't possible.

You didn't pose a statistical question, and you failed to provide any kind of additional data to either support your supposition that there was something fishy about it all. The mere fact that Biden was behind in the state by a large margin before the mail-in ballots were counted, or before the counts came in from the cities in that state is hardly surprising. When you're talking millions of votes, and 80% of the black vote going to Biden, yes the numbers you cited are entirely possible.
I asked for a statistical explanation. you avoided it. That therefore implies you know that isn't possible
Good thing what you claimed never actually happened.
well sure it did. It's the only way the count changed. Pittsburgh and Philly.

Why are Trumpist so short in imagination, and why does their imagination always lead them to believe the worst scenario?

You can't possibly come up with any other explanation for Trump losing the election other than he was cheated? Just had to be that one and only thing? You're really fucking stupid if that's the only thing you can come up with.
You have not proved anything.
You sound exactly like your cult hero. tRUMP

See how you are with all......... your stupid speculative narratives.
Nothing that your cult hero has provided to a REAL court of law has passed any real meaning of evidence.
Only you and the 3% cultists think it is all "real" evidence.
Get a job? LOL
How comical of you.
Take your own advice.
one more time. the mere fact that someone sees someone else's ballot prior to casting it, is illegal. What part of that don't you get?

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