The Trump Hating Media Has Not Kept The Public Informed

5 lawsuits are still being decided in the states

Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona

Trump is right about the media
2 dozen lawsuits have been dismissed. Most of Trump's lawyers have quit. In desperation, Giuliani is arguing before a judge for the first time in 30 years. Their arguments have failed at every turn.

But we are supposed to be taking this seriously?
Rudy tells the judge he has no evidence of fraud from fear of perjury charges and lies to the public claiming he has truckloads of fraud evidence. As the result, Judge sends Rudy packing in shame and disgrace. Trump's lawyer Rudy becomes known as the goofy former mayor who got photographed playing with his pecker in a hotel room for a suspected 15-year-old girl.
Imagine being dumb enough to think Giuliani has any credibility.
Early in his career, he was a US Attorney who put lots of organized crime figures in prison.
The mob took him very seriously.
Sad that he sold his soul for money and relevance, in his later life...
Rudy trapped many..he is going down with the Trumptanic.

Imagine being dumb enough to think Giuliani has any credibility.
Early in his career, he was a US Attorney who put lots of organized crime figures in prison.
The mob took him very seriously.
Yup..that was then...and this is now. Giuliani has fritted away all his credibility in the name of Trump..sad.
Point noted. That's like saying Plugs, at one time, could form a coherent sentence instead of looking like a drooling fucktard shitting the bed while we watch.
5 lawsuits are still being decided in the states

Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona

Trump is right about the media
2 dozen lawsuits have been dismissed. Most of Trump's lawyers have quit. In desperation, Giuliani is arguing before a judge for the first time in 30 years. Their arguments have failed at every turn.

But we are supposed to be taking this seriously?

The lawyers who left The Presidents Team left because of the level of threats and over doxing done by punk ass punks with your fucking mindset.
You Mother fuckers will definitely rue the day that you set the new parameters for voter intimidation.

Now - the main 2 attorneys that are handing the specific areas of vote tampering ( and that is what it is ) - simpletons like you keep saying there is no fraud, even the Presidents Lawyers say that there is no fraud.
The President's team is not pursing the normal fraud that happens in normal elections - for a reason.
They are pursuing documented widespread systematic vote tampering.

Trey Gowdy rather quietly joined the team.

The lawyers didn't leave the team for doxxing. They left the team because their bullshit cases were being thrown out of court, and their reputations were being destroyed by going into court with these claims. The term is "frivolous litigation". They had NOTHING and they knew it.

They aren't pursuing "systemic vote tampering". They're trying to take Trump's basketful of lies and turn it into a legal case, and it's not working.

What a total idiot you are to buy into Trump's lies and bullshit. Trump lost because he's the WORST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.
5 lawsuits are still being decided in the states

Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona

Trump is right about the media
2 dozen lawsuits have been dismissed. Most of Trump's lawyers have quit. In desperation, Giuliani is arguing before a judge for the first time in 30 years. Their arguments have failed at every turn.

But we are supposed to be taking this seriously?

The lawyers who left The Presidents Team left because of the level of threats and over doxing done by punk ass punks with your fucking mindset.
You Mother fuckers will definitely rue the day that you set the new parameters for voter intimidation.

Now - the main 2 attorneys that are handing the specific areas of vote tampering ( and that is what it is ) - simpletons like you keep saying there is no fraud, even the Presidents Lawyers say that there is no fraud.
The President's team is not pursing the normal fraud that happens in normal elections - for a reason.
They are pursuing documented widespread systematic vote tampering.

Trey Gowdy rather quietly joined the team.

The lawyers didn't leave the team for doxxing. They left the team because their bullshit cases were being thrown out of court, and their reputations were being destroyed by going into court with these claims. The term is "frivolous litigation". They had NOTHING and they knew it.

They aren't pursuing "systemic vote tampering". They're trying to take Trump's basketful of lies and turn it into a legal case, and it's not working.

What a total idiot you are to buy into Trump's lies and bullshit. Trump lost because he's the WORST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.

Dismissed - dumb. Canuck
Hunter Biden's laptop.

Speaking of that old woman, have you watched Hunted rape and torture the little Chinese girls? They say he beats them with his fists.... and the little girls' screams will haunt you.

That would be a good test to see if you have a soul.

The test of whether you have a soul is your reaction to Donald Trump separating families at the border. Unlike the fake laptop story, these things really happened. Thousands of small children ripped from their parents arms never to see them again.

No one who has a soul was involved in the decision to do these heinous acts, and the lives of these children and their parents have been inexorably changed. Not one of you liars and fools has had a bad word to say about their policy which the American Pediatric Association has labelled as "child abuse", and the UN has labelled as "torture".

This isn't some manufactured lie to smear a political opponent. This not only happened, but it's still happening today. And not a word from any of you against it.
I followed the situation in Arizona closely through our local news for the few days it was newsworthy down here. Coverage quickly dissolved after that when the issue boiled down to 180 voters not being satisfied with assurances by election officials that their vote would be counted. Heard one story about Trump's votes not being counted in Michigan and so I hit Google in search of a source there to see what it was all about. Found article in a Michigan newspaper's website that gave explanation and even named person responsible for the error. If one wishes to be informed then I would recommend searching out local media sources to investigate matters one hears about.
5 lawsuits are still being decided in the states

Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona

Trump is right about the media
2 dozen lawsuits have been dismissed. Most of Trump's lawyers have quit. In desperation, Giuliani is arguing before a judge for the first time in 30 years. Their arguments have failed at every turn.

But we are supposed to be taking this seriously?

The lawyers who left The Presidents Team left because of the level of threats and over doxing done by punk ass punks with your fucking mindset.
You Mother fuckers will definitely rue the day that you set the new parameters for voter intimidation.

Now - the main 2 attorneys that are handing the specific areas of vote tampering ( and that is what it is ) - simpletons like you keep saying there is no fraud, even the Presidents Lawyers say that there is no fraud.
The President's team is not pursing the normal fraud that happens in normal elections - for a reason.
They are pursuing documented widespread systematic vote tampering.

Trey Gowdy rather quietly joined the team.

The lawyers didn't leave the team for doxxing. They left the team because their bullshit cases were being thrown out of court, and their reputations were being destroyed by going into court with these claims. The term is "frivolous litigation". They had NOTHING and they knew it.

They aren't pursuing "systemic vote tampering". They're trying to take Trump's basketful of lies and turn it into a legal case, and it's not working.

What a total idiot you are to buy into Trump's lies and bullshit. Trump lost because he's the WORST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.

Dismissed - dumb. Canuck

Of course you dismiss it. Because you can't refute the facts. You're just another lying piece of shit paid poster who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground.
Hunter Biden's laptop.

Speaking of that old woman, have you watched Hunted rape and torture the little Chinese girls? They say he beats them with his fists.... and the little girls' screams will haunt you.

That would be a good test to see if you have a soul.

The test of whether you have a soul is your reaction to Donald Trump separating families at the border. Unlike the fake laptop story, these things really happened. Thousands of small children ripped from their parents arms never to see them again.

No one who has a soul was involved in the decision to do these heinous acts, and the lives of these children and their parents have been inexorably changed. Not one of you liars and fools has had a bad word to say about their policy which the American Pediatric Association has labelled as "child abuse", and the UN has labelled as "torture".

This isn't some manufactured lie to smear a political opponent. This not only happened, but it's still happening today. And not a word from any of you against it.
Calm down old woman, you're gonna stroke out.

The Kenyan Klown built the cages, you must not have gotten the memo.

You and your filth have told us, for years now, that the only proper way to separate children from their parents is with a coathanger.

We get it.


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