The Trump Hating Media Has Not Kept The Public Informed

5 lawsuits are still being decided in the states

Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona

Trump is right about the media
2 dozen lawsuits have been dismissed. Most of Trump's lawyers have quit. In desperation, Giuliani is arguing before a judge for the first time in 30 years. Their arguments have failed at every turn.

But we are supposed to be taking this seriously?

The lawyers who left The Presidents Team left because of the level of threats and over doxing done by punk ass punks with your fucking mindset.
You Mother fuckers will definitely rue the day that you set the new parameters for voter intimidation.

Now - the main 2 attorneys that are handing the specific areas of vote tampering ( and that is what it is ) - simpletons like you keep saying there is no fraud, even the Presidents Lawyers say that there is no fraud.
The President's team is not pursing the normal fraud that happens in normal elections - for a reason.
They are pursuing documented widespread systematic vote tampering.

Trey Gowdy rather quietly joined the team.

The lawyers didn't leave the team for doxxing. They left the team because their bullshit cases were being thrown out of court, and their reputations were being destroyed by going into court with these claims. The term is "frivolous litigation". They had NOTHING and they knew it.

They aren't pursuing "systemic vote tampering". They're trying to take Trump's basketful of lies and turn it into a legal case, and it's not working.

What a total idiot you are to buy into Trump's lies and bullshit. Trump lost because he's the WORST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.

Dismissed - dumb. Canuck

Of course you dismiss it. Because you can't refute the facts. You're just another lying piece of shit paid poster who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground.

I'm not paid.
Trump is simply the most unAmerican president, in our History!

He's just trying to protect himself and financial future....keep his followers, following him, after he is gone.... sad that he puts himself first, before America first, as he always claimed.
Exactly the opposite of the truth just like all your libberbabble.
You do realize that they are not doing a full recount, yes?
You do realize that what they are doing is not being done per the legal parameters, yes?
Yes, it is a full recount. No, it does not show that Dominion Voting machines were switching votes.

How are you going to explain it?

So uninformed.
Every ballot cast in the election was picked up and examined by two humans. The votes for each candidate were tabulated by hand. No machines. The totals are not substantively different.

How do you explain the theory that Dominion stole votes if the hand recount doesn’t show it?

I’d love to hear it.
The media hasn't kept the public informed for over 40 years. It's the only way leftism can thrive.

What media would that be? The Billionaire Corporate Media has certainly not kept the public informed. Their goal is to sell the Republican agenda to the gullible fools like you, so that Robert Mercer, Rupert Murdoch, the Walton Family, the Koch Family, and the Tyson Family can continue to enjoy the benefits of a right wing oligarchy, and cheap labout, without the worry of having their Republican benefactors voted out of office.
You do realize that they are not doing a full recount, yes?
You do realize that what they are doing is not being done per the legal parameters, yes?
Yes, it is a full recount. No, it does not show that Dominion Voting machines were switching votes.

How are you going to explain it?

So uninformed.
Every ballot cast in the election was picked up and examined by two humans. The votes for each candidate were tabulated by hand. No machines. The totals are not substantively different.

How do you explain the theory that Dominion stole votes if the hand recount doesn’t show it?

I’d love to hear it.

Do you know why ballots are being changed during the recount?
5 lawsuits are still being decided in the states

Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona

Trump is right about the media
2 dozen lawsuits have been dismissed. Most of Trump's lawyers have quit. In desperation, Giuliani is arguing before a judge for the first time in 30 years. Their arguments have failed at every turn.

But we are supposed to be taking this seriously?
Did you take the Housing Bubble seriously?
The media hasn't kept the public informed for over 40 years. It's the only way leftism can thrive.

What media would that be? The Billionaire Corporate Media has certainly not kept the public informed. Their goal is to sell the Republican agenda to the gullible fools like you, so that Robert Mercer, Rupert Murdoch, the Walton Family, the Koch Family, and the Tyson Family can continue to enjoy the benefits of a right wing oligarchy, and cheap labout, without the worry of having their Republican benefactors voted out of office.
Biden has already promised open borders and off-shoring.

5 lawsuits are still being decided in the states

Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Arizona

Trump is right about the media

Even if these cases are lost in state courts, appeal to the US Supreme Court will take place.

We (and the real media) are well aware of these.

They are going nowhere.

You lost.

Get over it.
The media hasn't kept the public informed for over 40 years. It's the only way leftism can thrive.

What media would that be? The Billionaire Corporate Media has certainly not kept the public informed. Their goal is to sell the Republican agenda to the gullible fools like you, so that Robert Mercer, Rupert Murdoch, the Walton Family, the Koch Family, and the Tyson Family can continue to enjoy the benefits of a right wing oligarchy, and cheap labout, without the worry of having their Republican benefactors voted out of office.
Biden has already promised open borders and off-shoring.
Nope. The RWNJ infotainment sites have told you that. It's not real.
The media hasn't kept the public informed for over 40 years. It's the only way leftism can thrive.

What media would that be? The Billionaire Corporate Media has certainly not kept the public informed. Their goal is to sell the Republican agenda to the gullible fools like you, so that Robert Mercer, Rupert Murdoch, the Walton Family, the Koch Family, and the Tyson Family can continue to enjoy the benefits of a right wing oligarchy, and cheap labout, without the worry of having their Republican benefactors voted out of office.
Biden has already promised open borders and off-shoring.
Nope. The RWNJ infotainment sites have told you that. It's not real.
Schmuck, I live here and see it.
The media hasn't kept the public informed for over 40 years. It's the only way leftism can thrive.

What media would that be? The Billionaire Corporate Media has certainly not kept the public informed. Their goal is to sell the Republican agenda to the gullible fools like you, so that Robert Mercer, Rupert Murdoch, the Walton Family, the Koch Family, and the Tyson Family can continue to enjoy the benefits of a right wing oligarchy, and cheap labout, without the worry of having their Republican benefactors voted out of office.
Biden has already promised open borders and off-shoring.
Nope. The RWNJ infotainment sites have told you that. It's not real.
Schmuck, I live here and see it.
Live where and see what?
The media hasn't kept the public informed for over 40 years. It's the only way leftism can thrive.

What media would that be? The Billionaire Corporate Media has certainly not kept the public informed. Their goal is to sell the Republican agenda to the gullible fools like you, so that Robert Mercer, Rupert Murdoch, the Walton Family, the Koch Family, and the Tyson Family can continue to enjoy the benefits of a right wing oligarchy, and cheap labout, without the worry of having their Republican benefactors voted out of office.
Biden has already promised open borders and off-shoring.
Nope. The RWNJ infotainment sites have told you that. It's not real.
Schmuck, I live here and see it.
Live where and see what?
I asked you where live and you didn’t answer.
I live in Nassau County and have many friends in NYC who are in the medical field and work in NY hospitals.
Do you know why ballots are being changed during the recount?
Ballots are not being changed during the recount. They're being counted.


Look at you making up bullshit words and acting like you're all that and a bag of peanuts.

Nobody is promulgating any of the lies you're posting except Don the Con, and his staffers. Not the States' election offices, not the REAL poll watchers, and not the Department of Homeland Security. And Trump is only lying to you because he lost.

Only a complete idiot such as yourself and the other paid posters here, are saying otherwise.

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