The Trump neocons love the smell of napalm in the morning

All this does is give reason for Pelosi to not send the impeachment over in a time of crisis..... which gives them more time to have a court rule on evidence that needs to be released and not held thru executive or this fake, absolute immunity.

It is Pelosi choice and whatever she does will be viewed political.

If we are going look at what Trump ordered as being criminal then we must remember Obama, Bush II, and Clinton should be held to the same standards.

Obama did not have a declaration of war when he used drones in Yemen on terroristic subjects, Bush opened this pandora box based on faulty intel, and Clinton bombed Iraq on the eve of his impeachment vote.

You may not agree with me which is fine but Trump order to kill that General is nothing surprising to me.

Pelosi should tread lightly if she tries to use this killing for political capital because when a Democrat does what Obama or Clinton did or pull a LBJ just remember if House is GOP they will strike back with impeachment...
Obama and Bush2 notified the gang of 8, ahead of all actions, as required.... and notified our Allies held close, so they could prepare for any retribution, from what I have read on it....

President Trump, did not....

And THAT is the issue that irks Congress....coupled with denying all subpoenas from congress, on his illegal absolute immunity CREATION....

As a citizen, our only power in the government that represents "We the People" is Congress, and their power being usurped, takes away our democratic republic and the checks and balances our Constitution and founders created.

That's their issue on this... not being notified and given the evidence for the action, which all other presidents have done.

Do you EVER not lie? Obozo notified NOBODY when he was killing civilians. Yet not a peep from any of these idiots then. Pisslosi and Schmucker deserve nothing and that’s what they got. You don’t give people sympathetic to the opposition your information. The fact that you lefties are crying because a terrorist leader got killed is the most telling thing off all. Just driving more voters to Trump.
You are just one cup of piss and vinegar!! What in the world has caused you to turn in to this complete sour puss??? My prayers go out for you!

Though all are human beings, and both killing types are worthy topics of discussion... they are not the same....

This assassination, was the equivalent of another country assassinating our Secretary of Defense, while in another country...or a General Colin Powel type, and not just a civilian....

and the possibilities of this escalating in to War is much greater than if simply a civilian, and this has drawn all eyes to it, from our own country, to all countries in the world, good and bad, eying what we've done with a magnifying glass....

This is BIGGER than just killing a civilian, and the whole world is watching and waiting for the wrath from it..... our Allies, just hoping, it is not them, that gets the brunt of that wrath... like they did, with the Iraq invasion jihadi wrath...

the gang 8, should have been notified.

Angry? Real Americans do get angry at terrorist lovers like you leftards. Oh, Iran will rain fire and death! Oh wait, they make these claims all the time and do nothing. Our Secretary of State has not killed civilians in other countries so quit with the stupid comparisons. He’s dead and the world is better for it.
sigh.... Mr. Sourpuss, is alive! And well! Good to see you back! :rolleyes:

I'm grateful the guy's dead... it's the Domino effect that hopefully has been thought through carefully, and what exactly is the end game strategy... shooting from the hip, is never good for anyone!
It is Pelosi choice and whatever she does will be viewed political.

If we are going look at what Trump ordered as being criminal then we must remember Obama, Bush II, and Clinton should be held to the same standards.

Obama did not have a declaration of war when he used drones in Yemen on terroristic subjects, Bush opened this pandora box based on faulty intel, and Clinton bombed Iraq on the eve of his impeachment vote.

You may not agree with me which is fine but Trump order to kill that General is nothing surprising to me.

Pelosi should tread lightly if she tries to use this killing for political capital because when a Democrat does what Obama or Clinton did or pull a LBJ just remember if House is GOP they will strike back with impeachment...
Obama and Bush2 notified the gang of 8, ahead of all actions, as required.... and notified our Allies held close, so they could prepare for any retribution, from what I have read on it....

President Trump, did not....

And THAT is the issue that irks Congress....coupled with denying all subpoenas from congress, on his illegal absolute immunity CREATION....

As a citizen, our only power in the government that represents "We the People" is Congress, and their power being usurped, takes away our democratic republic and the checks and balances our Constitution and founders created.

That's their issue on this... not being notified and given the evidence for the action, which all other presidents have done.

Do you EVER not lie? Obozo notified NOBODY when he was killing civilians. Yet not a peep from any of these idiots then. Pisslosi and Schmucker deserve nothing and that’s what they got. You don’t give people sympathetic to the opposition your information. The fact that you lefties are crying because a terrorist leader got killed is the most telling thing off all. Just driving more voters to Trump.
You are just one cup of piss and vinegar!! What in the world has caused you to turn in to this complete sour puss??? My prayers go out for you!

Though all are human beings, and both killing types are worthy topics of discussion... they are not the same....

This assassination, was the equivalent of another country assassinating our Secretary of Defense, while in another country...or a General Colin Powel type, and not just a civilian....

and the possibilities of this escalating in to War is much greater than if simply a civilian, and this has drawn all eyes to it, from our own country, to all countries in the world, good and bad, eying what we've done with a magnifying glass....

This is BIGGER than just killing a civilian, and the whole world is watching and waiting for the wrath from it..... our Allies, just hoping, it is not them, that gets the brunt of that wrath... like they did, with the Iraq invasion jihadi wrath...

the gang 8, should have been notified.

Angry? Real Americans do get angry at terrorist lovers like you leftards. Oh, Iran will rain fire and death! Oh wait, they make these claims all the time and do nothing. Our Secretary of State has not killed civilians in other countries so quit with the stupid comparisons. He’s dead and the world is better for it.
sigh.... Mr. Sourpuss, is alive! And well! Good to see you back! :rolleyes:

I'm grateful the guy's dead... it's the Domino effect that hopefully has been thought through carefully, and what exactly is the end game strategy... shooting from the hip, is never good for anyone!

So let’s wait for this moron to kill more Americans, great strategy there. And being angry at people supporting a dead terrorist is not being sour, it’s being a real American. Trump had the opportunity and killed a major player. No dithering or killing civilians like Obozo did. And Obozo never notified Congress of his illegal strikes on Americans citizens. Period.

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