Trumps Missed Opportunities in the Debate

These would only be "missed opportunities", if they involved a somewhat normal human being with a normal brain.

But this thread is like saying Kevin Hart missed an opportunity to dunk on Shaq in the 4th quarter.

Kevin Hart can't dunk on Shaq. And Trump cannot think or behave normally.
Why does the NBA discriminate against Asians and women?
A Presidential Debate should never be conducted by just one news outlet, whether it's ABC, CNN or FOX. They are all clearly aligned with a Party. Debates should have two moderators one from FOX and one from any of the Democrat controlled News Networks. FOX asks Kamala questions and the other moderator asks Trump questions.
I thought Trump only did slightly better than Kamala but fell so very far short of where he should have been, the 3 vs 1 tag team notwithstanding.
  1. Main Focus. The main focus was on all the damage inflicted on the nation by the current Administration: Inflation, immigration, lawfare and fundamental transformation of the once Free and Great America into a Third World Socialist Failure. I think he made this point very well
  2. Inflation. Inflation is only caused by massive government spending! That's it! There's no cure for inflation -- by started new government Programs. Take a page from Milei in Argentina. Government is not the solution to inflation - it's the cause. He should have said he was going to cut all the recent spending started by Biden/Harris
  3. Immigration. Eating cats and dogs just demonstrates how these Invaders do not want to assimilate. Bigger problem: How are the Illegals getting from Haiti to Ohio in the first place? Are the American Tax payers funding this, one way or another? Americans are getting poorer because Harris is bringing in more Invaders We are paying their airfare, and they are draining our resources once here!
  4. Lawfare. The Biden Harris DOJ sent one of their top people to NYC to direct Alvin Bragg's case against Trump. That's the definition of Lawfare
  5. Kamala's Plans. Forget whatever she says, look at what she's done! She's sent to Ukraine as the American Emissary, three days later Biden approves a "limited invasion" She's in charge of the Southern Border, we cannot count to the nearest million the number of Invaders she's encouraged to let in. She can promise Gluten Free unicorn powered cars in every home, her track record is a disaster. If, God forbid, Kamala steal this election, inflation will double again and we will have to have armed citizens at the borders to prevent any further invasion
Very disappointed in Trump's performance!
While I agree that Trump’s debate performance vs Kamalalala was poor, and I’d even agree to an extent that she “won” the debate (if defined as performing better), still that blowhard, Kamalalala, didn’t actually answer any questions nor did she get “fact-checked” by the highly biased “moderators,” despite lying her fat ass off.

Aside from that, I agree with the OP.
You seem to know, so provide the PROOF.

Your claim was that Harris was "Flying them In."
Provide the proof. ONUS is on you.

I'm asking a question

In America 2.0 are people allowed to ask questions?

Asking for a heavily armed friend
Last edited:
Who paid for destitute Illegal Invader Haitians to get from Haiti to Ohio?
You answered that question. See quote below.
Why are you asking again.
I'm just asking for proof of your answer/claim.
You can provide that......right?

Americans are getting poorer because Harris is bringing in more Invaders We are paying their airfare, and they are draining our resources once here!
You made the claim. Right there ^^^^^ in RED.
SO back up your own claim and answer your own question.
You answered that question. See quote below.
Why are you asking again.
I'm just asking for proof of your answer/claim.
You can provide that......right?

You made the claim. Right there ^^^^^ in RED.
SO back up your own claim and answer your own question.

How did they get from Haiti to Ohio, magic beans?
You answered that question. See quote below.
Why are you asking again.
I'm just asking for proof of your answer/claim.
You can provide that......right?

You made the claim. Right there ^^^^^ in RED.
SO back up your own claim and answer your own question.

Wait, you think 20,000 people did a Diana Nyad and SWAM here?

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