"The Trump Prophecy"-------The President Who Would Return America to God

I'm pretty sure Trump wasn't alive back then.
That is a lie and you are a liar and a racist. God will curse those that curse Israel.

Tell me this, since you have zero knowledge of The Bible:

Where does The Bible say The 2nd Coming of Christ occurs?

What Mountain did Christ Ascend upon in to Heaven and what Mountain will He touch down upon when He Returns?

Where does Christ establish His throne after He defeats The AntiChrist, False Prophet and their armies, and throws them and Satan in Hell along with the wicked on Judgment Day?

How many times is Israel referred to by its various Biblical Names in The Bible?

Isaiah 44:6-26 - GNT - The Lord, who rules and protects Israel, the L...

6 The Lord, who rules and protects Israel, the Lord Almighty, has this to say: "I am the first, the last, the only God; there is no other god but me.
7 Could anyone else have done what I did? Who could have predicted all that would happen from the very beginning to the end of time?
8Do not be afraid, my people! You know that from ancient times until now I have predicted all that would happen, and you are my witnesses. Is there any other god? Is there some powerful god I never heard of?"
9 All those who make idols are worthless, and the gods they prize so highly are useless. Those who worship these gods are blind and ignorant - and they will be disgraced.
10 It does no good to make a metal image to worship as a god!
11 Everyone who worships it will be humiliated. The people who make idols are human beings and nothing more. Let them come and stand trial - they will be terrified and will suffer disgrace.
12 The metalworker takes a piece of metal and works with it over a fire. His strong arm swings a hammer to pound the metal into shape. As he works, he gets hungry, thirsty, and tired.
13 The carpenter measures the wood. He outlines a figure with chalk, carves it out with his tools, and makes it in the form of a man, a handsome human figure, to be placed in his house.
14 He might cut down cedars to use, or choose oak or cypress wood from the forest. Or he might plant a laurel tree and wait for the rain to make it grow.
15 A person uses part of a tree for fuel and part of it for making an idol. With one part he builds a fire to warm himself and bake bread; with the other part he makes a god and worships it.
16 With some of the wood he makes a fire; he roasts meat, eats it, and is satisfied. He warms himself and says, "How nice and warm! What a beautiful fire!"
17 The rest of the wood he makes into an idol, and then he bows down and worships it. He prays to it and says, "You are my god - save me!"
18Such people are too stupid to know what they are doing. They close their eyes and their minds to the truth.
19 The maker of idols hasn't the wit or the sense to say, "Some of the wood I burned up. I baked some bread on the coals, and I roasted meat and ate it. And the rest of the wood I made into an idol. Here I am bowing down to a block of wood!"
20 It makes as much sense as eating ashes. His foolish ideas have so misled him that he is beyond help. He won't admit to himself that the idol he holds in his hand is not a god at all.
21 The Lord says, "Israel, remember this; remember that you are my servant. I created you to be my servant, and I will never forget you.
22 I have swept your sins away like a cloud. Come back to me; I am the one who saves you."
23 Shout for joy, you heavens! Shout, deep places of the earth! Shout for joy, mountains, and every tree of the forest! The Lord has shown his greatness by saving his people Israel.
24 "I am the Lord, your savior; I am the one who created you. I am the Lord, the Creator of all things. I alone stretched out the heavens; when I made the earth, no one helped me.
25 I make fools of fortunetellers and frustrate the predictions of astrologers. The words of the wise I refute and show that their wisdom is foolishness.
26 But when my servant makes a prediction, when I send a messenger to reveal my plans, I make those plans and predictions come true. I tell Jerusalem that people will live there again, and the cities of Judah that they will be rebuilt. Those cities will rise from the ruins.

Those are inferences on YOUR part. God doesn't care about a modern state. God doesn't care about the NATION of Israel any more than he cares about the nation of Cambodia.
You are a slave to your Jew masters.
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I'm pretty sure Trump wasn't alive back then.

I'm pretty sure Trump wasn't alive back then.

It Applies to the present and future. Are you an racist Jew Hater too? No wonder you are
That is a lie and you are a liar and a racist. God will curse those that curse Israel.

Tell me this, since you have zero knowledge of The Bible:

Where does The Bible day The 2nd Coming of Christ occurs?

Where does Christ establish His throne after He defeats The AntiChrist, False Prophet and their armies, and throws them and Satan in Hell along with the wicked on Judgment Day?

Isaiah 44:6-26 - GNT - The Lord, who rules and protects Israel, the L...

6 The Lord, who rules and protects Israel, the Lord Almighty, has this to say: "I am the first, the last, the only God; there is no other god but me.
7 Could anyone else have done what I did? Who could have predicted all that would happen from the very beginning to the end of time?
8Do not be afraid, my people! You know that from ancient times until now I have predicted all that would happen, and you are my witnesses. Is there any other god? Is there some powerful god I never heard of?"
9 All those who make idols are worthless, and the gods they prize so highly are useless. Those who worship these gods are blind and ignorant - and they will be disgraced.
10 It does no good to make a metal image to worship as a god!
11 Everyone who worships it will be humiliated. The people who make idols are human beings and nothing more. Let them come and stand trial - they will be terrified and will suffer disgrace.
12 The metalworker takes a piece of metal and works with it over a fire. His strong arm swings a hammer to pound the metal into shape. As he works, he gets hungry, thirsty, and tired.
13 The carpenter measures the wood. He outlines a figure with chalk, carves it out with his tools, and makes it in the form of a man, a handsome human figure, to be placed in his house.
14 He might cut down cedars to use, or choose oak or cypress wood from the forest. Or he might plant a laurel tree and wait for the rain to make it grow.
15 A person uses part of a tree for fuel and part of it for making an idol. With one part he builds a fire to warm himself and bake bread; with the other part he makes a god and worships it.
16 With some of the wood he makes a fire; he roasts meat, eats it, and is satisfied. He warms himself and says, "How nice and warm! What a beautiful fire!"
17 The rest of the wood he makes into an idol, and then he bows down and worships it. He prays to it and says, "You are my god - save me!"
18Such people are too stupid to know what they are doing. They close their eyes and their minds to the truth.
19 The maker of idols hasn't the wit or the sense to say, "Some of the wood I burned up. I baked some bread on the coals, and I roasted meat and ate it. And the rest of the wood I made into an idol. Here I am bowing down to a block of wood!"
20 It makes as much sense as eating ashes. His foolish ideas have so misled him that he is beyond help. He won't admit to himself that the idol he holds in his hand is not a god at all.
21 The Lord says, "Israel, remember this; remember that you are my servant. I created you to be my servant, and I will never forget you.
22 I have swept your sins away like a cloud. Come back to me; I am the one who saves you."
23 Shout for joy, you heavens! Shout, deep places of the earth! Shout for joy, mountains, and every tree of the forest! The Lord has shown his greatness by saving his people Israel.
24 "I am the Lord, your savior; I am the one who created you. I am the Lord, the Creator of all things. I alone stretched out the heavens; when I made the earth, no one helped me.
25 I make fools of fortunetellers and frustrate the predictions of astrologers. The words of the wise I refute and show that their wisdom is foolishness.
26 But when my servant makes a prediction, when I send a messenger to reveal my plans, I make those plans and predictions come true. I tell Jerusalem that people will live there again, and the cities of Judah that they will be rebuilt. Those cities will rise from the ruins.

Those are inferences on YOUR part. God doesn't care about a modern state. God doesn't care about the NATION of Israel any more than he cares about the nation of Cambodia.
You are a slave to your Jew masters.
Once again you show that you are a slave to the Jew and the synagogue of Satan. The Jew murdered our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
You cannot serve Zionism and be a Christian. Stop your ways or burn with the vile Jew in eternal fire!
The Word Zion comes from The Bible as does The Word Israel. You cannot hate or speak of your hate of Israel and Zion without The Bible. No matter how much you hate God and Jews and Christians, you cannot speak such hate without referencing God’s Word.

You have damned your own Soul to Hell, and unless you repent of your wickedness and lies, your eternity will be one in Hell.

God’s Word is True. The very existence of Israel is proof of that.

Your words are lies, and all liars burn in Hell and are separated from God forever. For Heaven cannot be Heaven if people with lies on their tongues and hate in their hearts abide there.

Turn from the path of damnation before it leads you straight to Hell.
That is a lie and you are a liar and a racist. God will curse those that curse Israel.

Tell me this, since you have zero knowledge of The Bible:

Where does The Bible day The 2nd Coming of Christ occurs?

Where does Christ establish His throne after He defeats The AntiChrist, False Prophet and their armies, and throws them and Satan in Hell along with the wicked on Judgment Day?

Isaiah 44:6-26 - GNT - The Lord, who rules and protects Israel, the L...

6 The Lord, who rules and protects Israel, the Lord Almighty, has this to say: "I am the first, the last, the only God; there is no other god but me.
7 Could anyone else have done what I did? Who could have predicted all that would happen from the very beginning to the end of time?
8Do not be afraid, my people! You know that from ancient times until now I have predicted all that would happen, and you are my witnesses. Is there any other god? Is there some powerful god I never heard of?"
9 All those who make idols are worthless, and the gods they prize so highly are useless. Those who worship these gods are blind and ignorant - and they will be disgraced.
10 It does no good to make a metal image to worship as a god!
11 Everyone who worships it will be humiliated. The people who make idols are human beings and nothing more. Let them come and stand trial - they will be terrified and will suffer disgrace.
12 The metalworker takes a piece of metal and works with it over a fire. His strong arm swings a hammer to pound the metal into shape. As he works, he gets hungry, thirsty, and tired.
13 The carpenter measures the wood. He outlines a figure with chalk, carves it out with his tools, and makes it in the form of a man, a handsome human figure, to be placed in his house.
14 He might cut down cedars to use, or choose oak or cypress wood from the forest. Or he might plant a laurel tree and wait for the rain to make it grow.
15 A person uses part of a tree for fuel and part of it for making an idol. With one part he builds a fire to warm himself and bake bread; with the other part he makes a god and worships it.
16 With some of the wood he makes a fire; he roasts meat, eats it, and is satisfied. He warms himself and says, "How nice and warm! What a beautiful fire!"
17 The rest of the wood he makes into an idol, and then he bows down and worships it. He prays to it and says, "You are my god - save me!"
18Such people are too stupid to know what they are doing. They close their eyes and their minds to the truth.
19 The maker of idols hasn't the wit or the sense to say, "Some of the wood I burned up. I baked some bread on the coals, and I roasted meat and ate it. And the rest of the wood I made into an idol. Here I am bowing down to a block of wood!"
20 It makes as much sense as eating ashes. His foolish ideas have so misled him that he is beyond help. He won't admit to himself that the idol he holds in his hand is not a god at all.
21 The Lord says, "Israel, remember this; remember that you are my servant. I created you to be my servant, and I will never forget you.
22 I have swept your sins away like a cloud. Come back to me; I am the one who saves you."
23 Shout for joy, you heavens! Shout, deep places of the earth! Shout for joy, mountains, and every tree of the forest! The Lord has shown his greatness by saving his people Israel.
24 "I am the Lord, your savior; I am the one who created you. I am the Lord, the Creator of all things. I alone stretched out the heavens; when I made the earth, no one helped me.
25 I make fools of fortunetellers and frustrate the predictions of astrologers. The words of the wise I refute and show that their wisdom is foolishness.
26 But when my servant makes a prediction, when I send a messenger to reveal my plans, I make those plans and predictions come true. I tell Jerusalem that people will live there again, and the cities of Judah that they will be rebuilt. Those cities will rise from the ruins.

Those are inferences on YOUR part. God doesn't care about a modern state. God doesn't care about the NATION of Israel any more than he cares about the nation of Cambodia.
You are a slave to your Jew masters.
Once again you show that you are a slave to the Jew and the synagogue of Satan. The Jew murdered our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
You cannot serve Zionism and be a Christian. Stop your ways or burn with the vile Jew in eternal fire!
The Word Zion comes from The Bible as does The Word Israel. You cannot hate or speak of your hate if Israel and Zion without The Bible. No matter how much you hate God and Jews and Christians, you cannot speak such hate without referencing God’s Word.

You have damned your own Soul to Hell, and unless you repent of your wickedness and lies, your eternity will be one in Hell.

That is a lie and you are a liar and a racist. God will curse those that curse Israel.

Tell me this, since you have zero knowledge of The Bible:

Where does The Bible day The 2nd Coming of Christ occurs?

Where does Christ establish His throne after He defeats The AntiChrist, False Prophet and their armies, and throws them and Satan in Hell along with the wicked on Judgment Day?

Isaiah 44:6-26 - GNT - The Lord, who rules and protects Israel, the L...

6 The Lord, who rules and protects Israel, the Lord Almighty, has this to say: "I am the first, the last, the only God; there is no other god but me.
7 Could anyone else have done what I did? Who could have predicted all that would happen from the very beginning to the end of time?
8Do not be afraid, my people! You know that from ancient times until now I have predicted all that would happen, and you are my witnesses. Is there any other god? Is there some powerful god I never heard of?"
9 All those who make idols are worthless, and the gods they prize so highly are useless. Those who worship these gods are blind and ignorant - and they will be disgraced.
10 It does no good to make a metal image to worship as a god!
11 Everyone who worships it will be humiliated. The people who make idols are human beings and nothing more. Let them come and stand trial - they will be terrified and will suffer disgrace.
12 The metalworker takes a piece of metal and works with it over a fire. His strong arm swings a hammer to pound the metal into shape. As he works, he gets hungry, thirsty, and tired.
13 The carpenter measures the wood. He outlines a figure with chalk, carves it out with his tools, and makes it in the form of a man, a handsome human figure, to be placed in his house.
14 He might cut down cedars to use, or choose oak or cypress wood from the forest. Or he might plant a laurel tree and wait for the rain to make it grow.
15 A person uses part of a tree for fuel and part of it for making an idol. With one part he builds a fire to warm himself and bake bread; with the other part he makes a god and worships it.
16 With some of the wood he makes a fire; he roasts meat, eats it, and is satisfied. He warms himself and says, "How nice and warm! What a beautiful fire!"
17 The rest of the wood he makes into an idol, and then he bows down and worships it. He prays to it and says, "You are my god - save me!"
18Such people are too stupid to know what they are doing. They close their eyes and their minds to the truth.
19 The maker of idols hasn't the wit or the sense to say, "Some of the wood I burned up. I baked some bread on the coals, and I roasted meat and ate it. And the rest of the wood I made into an idol. Here I am bowing down to a block of wood!"
20 It makes as much sense as eating ashes. His foolish ideas have so misled him that he is beyond help. He won't admit to himself that the idol he holds in his hand is not a god at all.
21 The Lord says, "Israel, remember this; remember that you are my servant. I created you to be my servant, and I will never forget you.
22 I have swept your sins away like a cloud. Come back to me; I am the one who saves you."
23 Shout for joy, you heavens! Shout, deep places of the earth! Shout for joy, mountains, and every tree of the forest! The Lord has shown his greatness by saving his people Israel.
24 "I am the Lord, your savior; I am the one who created you. I am the Lord, the Creator of all things. I alone stretched out the heavens; when I made the earth, no one helped me.
25 I make fools of fortunetellers and frustrate the predictions of astrologers. The words of the wise I refute and show that their wisdom is foolishness.
26 But when my servant makes a prediction, when I send a messenger to reveal my plans, I make those plans and predictions come true. I tell Jerusalem that people will live there again, and the cities of Judah that they will be rebuilt. Those cities will rise from the ruins.

You have never read a Bible, have you? Who do you think God is talking about? What was The Abrahamic Covenant about?

Numbers 24:9 He crouches, he lies down like a lion; like a lioness, who dares to rouse him? Blessed are those who bless you and cursed are those who curse you."

Ok...where does it say Israel?
Those are inferences on YOUR part. God doesn't care about a modern state. God doesn't care about the NATION of Israel any more than he cares about the nation of Cambodia.
You are a slave to your Jew masters.
Once again you show that you are a slave to the Jew and the synagogue of Satan. The Jew murdered our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
You cannot serve Zionism and be a Christian. Stop your ways or burn with the vile Jew in eternal fire!
Oh really...so we are at root words now? You should probably stop with your Jew idolatry.
Jesus Christ Warned Us About The Synagogue of Satan
One more thing, yes The Jews some of them did kill Christ. But Christ is coming back for The Jew as much as He is for The Christian.

The Jews when they see Christ will fall on their knees and weep when they see “Him whom they pierced.” And “mourn for Him like one mourns for the loss of an Only Son.”

And they will say to Christ “Where did you get these wounds in thy hands?” And He will reply, “They were given me in the house of my friends.”

At that Moment they will recognize Christ as Their Messiah and worship Him.

The rejection of Christ by Israel was prophesied, and it was done to bring the gospel to the Gentiles and the entire world. That is what God meant that through Israel the entire world would be blessed.

Blessed by The Messiah and The Promise
Of Salvation.

Lastly Jesus was a Jew. Why do you bother making any arguments with The Words of a Jew that you twist for your own Evil Purposes?
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The Word Zion comes from The Bible as does The Word Israel. You cannot hate or speak of your hate if Israel and Zion without The Bible. No matter how much you hate God and Jews and Christians, you cannot speak such hate without referencing God’s Word.

You have damned your own Soul to Hell, and unless you repent of your wickedness and lies, your eternity will be one in Hell.

That is a lie and you are a liar and a racist. God will curse those that curse Israel.

Tell me this, since you have zero knowledge of The Bible:

Where does The Bible day The 2nd Coming of Christ occurs?

Where does Christ establish His throne after He defeats The AntiChrist, False Prophet and their armies, and throws them and Satan in Hell along with the wicked on Judgment Day?

Isaiah 44:6-26 - GNT - The Lord, who rules and protects Israel, the L...

6 The Lord, who rules and protects Israel, the Lord Almighty, has this to say: "I am the first, the last, the only God; there is no other god but me.
7 Could anyone else have done what I did? Who could have predicted all that would happen from the very beginning to the end of time?
8Do not be afraid, my people! You know that from ancient times until now I have predicted all that would happen, and you are my witnesses. Is there any other god? Is there some powerful god I never heard of?"
9 All those who make idols are worthless, and the gods they prize so highly are useless. Those who worship these gods are blind and ignorant - and they will be disgraced.
10 It does no good to make a metal image to worship as a god!
11 Everyone who worships it will be humiliated. The people who make idols are human beings and nothing more. Let them come and stand trial - they will be terrified and will suffer disgrace.
12 The metalworker takes a piece of metal and works with it over a fire. His strong arm swings a hammer to pound the metal into shape. As he works, he gets hungry, thirsty, and tired.
13 The carpenter measures the wood. He outlines a figure with chalk, carves it out with his tools, and makes it in the form of a man, a handsome human figure, to be placed in his house.
14 He might cut down cedars to use, or choose oak or cypress wood from the forest. Or he might plant a laurel tree and wait for the rain to make it grow.
15 A person uses part of a tree for fuel and part of it for making an idol. With one part he builds a fire to warm himself and bake bread; with the other part he makes a god and worships it.
16 With some of the wood he makes a fire; he roasts meat, eats it, and is satisfied. He warms himself and says, "How nice and warm! What a beautiful fire!"
17 The rest of the wood he makes into an idol, and then he bows down and worships it. He prays to it and says, "You are my god - save me!"
18Such people are too stupid to know what they are doing. They close their eyes and their minds to the truth.
19 The maker of idols hasn't the wit or the sense to say, "Some of the wood I burned up. I baked some bread on the coals, and I roasted meat and ate it. And the rest of the wood I made into an idol. Here I am bowing down to a block of wood!"
20 It makes as much sense as eating ashes. His foolish ideas have so misled him that he is beyond help. He won't admit to himself that the idol he holds in his hand is not a god at all.
21 The Lord says, "Israel, remember this; remember that you are my servant. I created you to be my servant, and I will never forget you.
22 I have swept your sins away like a cloud. Come back to me; I am the one who saves you."
23 Shout for joy, you heavens! Shout, deep places of the earth! Shout for joy, mountains, and every tree of the forest! The Lord has shown his greatness by saving his people Israel.
24 "I am the Lord, your savior; I am the one who created you. I am the Lord, the Creator of all things. I alone stretched out the heavens; when I made the earth, no one helped me.
25 I make fools of fortunetellers and frustrate the predictions of astrologers. The words of the wise I refute and show that their wisdom is foolishness.
26 But when my servant makes a prediction, when I send a messenger to reveal my plans, I make those plans and predictions come true. I tell Jerusalem that people will live there again, and the cities of Judah that they will be rebuilt. Those cities will rise from the ruins.

You have never read a Bible, have you? Who do you think God is talking about? What was The Abrahamic Covenant about?

Numbers 24:9 He crouches, he lies down like a lion; like a lioness, who dares to rouse him? Blessed are those who bless you and cursed are those who curse you."
Those are inferences on YOUR part. God doesn't care about a modern state. God doesn't care about the NATION of Israel any more than he cares about the nation of Cambodia.
You are a slave to your Jew masters.
Once again you show that you are a slave to the Jew and the synagogue of Satan. The Jew murdered our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
You cannot serve Zionism and be a Christian. Stop your ways or burn with the vile Jew in eternal fire!
Oh really...so we are at root words now? You should probably stop with your Jew idolatry.
Jesus Christ Warned Us About The Synagogue of Satan

The Synagogue of Satan are those fake believers that cling to lies, and that deny The Word of God, and deny the promises God made to The Jews through the Abrahamic Covenant and deny that Christ is God.
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With Trump's list of sins and character flaws, as described in the Bible, are Little Trumpsters serious?
Anybody who thinks Trump was chosen by God, has never read the Bible.
What an incredible fantasy the OP has constructed for himself; some concoction of his race, ethnicity, an extremely cooperative Supreme Being who somehow favors him and his nasty ways, and an entire, very huge country.

I've said all along that some people who are on drugs shouldn't be, and others who are not on drugs should be.

Excuse me, but my unicorn is hungry and there are some black faeries outside who are extremely annoyed.
God is with him at all times...

God has a twitter account too?


If god was there during the grabbing them by the pussy incident, he should have told him to quit.

Lets also look at Epstein, Weinstein, Bubba Clinton, and try to balance out the ledger. I don't want to start listing the kiddie crimes, #metoo crimes, and casting couch crimes for the big protected democrat donors. Democrats are fucking hypocrites. In case you want to talk policies, here are policies that democrat candidates favor:
1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. "Medicare for all", aka rationed healthcare, "Lois Lerner" in charge of your access to healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones" and Sharia Law
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property theft
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines
16. No offshore drilling
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Increase domestic surveillance, especially on "white supremacist" organizations
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
35. Be sure that any "red flag" laws exclude gang members (only get those rural guns)
36. Full welfare and free healthcare for illegal immigrants
Trump is here to stop the destruction.

“Youths oppress my people, women rule over them.”
Isaiah 3:12
Jesus was not about being wealthy. In fact he preached against it. No president has never nor will ever be picked by God.

No; Jesus preached about being so in love with wealth that you forget God; same as anything else that might make you forget God....like liberalism.

God is with him at all times...

God has a twitter account too?


If god was there during the grabbing them by the pussy incident, he should have told him to quit.

Lets also look at Epstein, Weinstein, Bubba Clinton, and try to balance out the ledger. I don't want to start listing the kiddie crimes, #metoo crimes, and casting couch crimes for the big protected democrat donors. Democrats are fucking hypocrites. In case you want to talk policies, here are policies that democrat candidates favor:
1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. "Medicare for all", aka rationed healthcare, "Lois Lerner" in charge of your access to healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones" and Sharia Law
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property theft
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines
16. No offshore drilling
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Increase domestic surveillance, especially on "white supremacist" organizations
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
35. Be sure that any "red flag" laws exclude gang members (only get those rural guns)
36. Full welfare and free healthcare for illegal immigrants

What does any of that have to do with god supporting Trump?

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