The Trump Recession Begins

Just out of curiosity edthecynic - why would you keep coming back to a thread you created which absolutely humiliates you? Are you trying to lose credibility with that last person on USMB that isn't aware of your reputation for stuff like this?!?
After your 10 million lie, what makes you think you have credibility????
Keeping responding to this thread so it stays at the top, stupid. That way everyone can keep laughing at you and see that you're the liar.
Hey,'s that prediction of your working out?
Pretty good so far. After quoting the Right linking the pre inauguration economy to Obama, I have gotten quite a number of wing-nuts to make the current stock market bubble belong to Tramp, so they can't blame Obama when the Tramp bubble bursts.
In addition to over 4 million previously unemployed workers finding jobs, there are nearly 10 million more total people working then when Obama took office.

So thank you for not only admitting that Obama created 10 million new jobs, but he also moved 4 million from unemployed to a job.
Except that you just admitted that those are due to the Baby Boomers retiring. :lol:

You credit him with creating 9 million jobs while ignoring that he caused 10 million jobs to be lost. A net loss of 1 million jobs.
I am ignoring your LIE that Obama caused 10 million jobs to be lost, because it is a LIE you made up. I proved my numbers with actual data, you made up shit.'re doing what you do best. Ignoring facts.
Your lies are NOT facts until you can back them with data, until then they only make you a serial liar.
Hey,'s that prediction of your working out?
Pretty good so far. After quoting the Right linking the pre inauguration economy to Obama, I have gotten quite a number of wing-nuts to make the current stock market bubble belong to Tramp, so they can't blame Obama when the Tramp bubble bursts.
Bwahahahahaha! Yeah...he had a "master plan" all along. :lmao:

Look nitwit...we've clearly explained to you already that the markets are excited over Trump after 8 years of Obama failure. But Obama's failed policies are still in place and are still having a negative impact. Trump hasn't been sworn in yet sweetie.
Obama is President, blame him.
You are correct, Obama still is president and this is his fault...

DJIA .......... 18,956.69 -- all-time high
NASDAQ ..... 5,368.86 -- all-time high
S&P500 ....... 2,198.18 -- all-time high

* DJIA: UP 225%
* NASDAQ: UP 298%
* S&P500: UP 209%

* DJIA: DOWN 22%
* S&P500: DOWN 37%

* DJIA: UP 129%
* NASDAQ: UP 253%
* S&P500: UP 159%

Thanks, Obama!

Hey,'s that prediction of your working out?
Pretty good so far. After quoting the Right linking the pre inauguration economy to Obama, I have gotten quite a number of wing-nuts to make the current stock market bubble belong to Tramp, so they can't blame Obama when the Tramp bubble bursts.
Bwahahahahaha! Yeah...he had a "master plan" all along. :lmao:

Look nitwit...we've clearly explained to you already that the markets are excited over Trump after 8 years of Obama failure. But Obama's failed policies are still in place and are still having a negative impact. Trump hasn't been sworn in yet sweetie.
And there it is, the Rise in the market is Tramp's doing but when the Tramp Bubble bursts it's Obama's fault. I love how the Obama policies are having a negative impact on a record market! :cuckoo:
Hey,'s that prediction of your working out?
Pretty good so far. After quoting the Right linking the pre inauguration economy to Obama, I have gotten quite a number of wing-nuts to make the current stock market bubble belong to Tramp, so they can't blame Obama when the Tramp bubble bursts.
Bwahahahahaha! Yeah...he had a "master plan" all along. :lmao:

Look nitwit...we've clearly explained to you already that the markets are excited over Trump after 8 years of Obama failure. But Obama's failed policies are still in place and are still having a negative impact. Trump hasn't been sworn in yet sweetie.
And there it is, the Rise in the market is Tramp's doing but when the Tramp Bubble bursts it's Obama's fault. I love how the Obama policies are having a negative impact on a record market! :cuckoo:
Under Obama (so far), the Dow goes from about 6500 to 18600, a 184% increase (almost triple) and the right claims Obama had nothing to do with it. Trump isn't even president and they credit him with the 3½% increase since the election.

NASDAQ bottomed out at 1269 during Bush's Great Recession. Under Obama, it bounced back to 5340. A whopping 321% increase (more than quadruple); and rightards salute Trump with sieg heils because it too is up percent since the election.

What a wonderful display of typical rightardism.
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And there it is, the Rise in the market is Tramp's doing but when the Tramp Bubble bursts it's Obama's fault. I love how the Obama policies are having a negative impact on a record market! :cuckoo:
The ZIRP has inflated the markets, which are currently going up with an anticipation of Trumps new tax and regulatory policies.

But you are right that the underlying bubble really kind of makes all this irrelevant.

If the prime goes up, the money made on day trading and leveraged stock positions will evaporate and the money will be pulled from the market or simply not re-entered once they trigger/stop out. This will cause some form of collapse in stock values; it is simply inevitable.

But if we have a growing robust economy, it could be that there will be enough free capital created to allow people to buy back in from other sources of liquidity, and Trumps advisers need to be creative to find new ways of letting people invest with higher interest rates.

There are a great many various ways to make money in the financial markets and Trump will have some of the best people working for him to come up with new ways of investing.

He is going to need them if he wants to avoid being blamed for the stock market crash that will likely occur on his watch.

But really, interest rates need to come back up at some point in time, the only real question is how fast and how steep the rate increase will be.

A slower ramp up will allow the economy time to adjust.
Racists always try to blame the CRA because it got rid of the racist banking practice of red lining.
Oh here we go again....everything is racist when the facts defeat you people. You want real racism? Here it is - from liberals as always:

Great video. Our current president and AG need to see that. Oh! They already know that voter ID laws aren't racist since they aren't stupid; they simply want to use voter ID (suppressing minorities) as a wedge issue.
If the prime goes up, the money made on day trading and leveraged stock positions will evaporate and the money will be pulled from the market or simply not re-entered once they trigger/stop out. This will cause some form of collapse in stock values; it is simply inevitable.
The Fed has already raised the prime last December and none of that happened under Obama, but you fully expect a rise in the prime to destroy the "wonderful" Tramp economy.

Very revealing!!!
If the prime goes up, the money made on day trading and leveraged stock positions will evaporate and the money will be pulled from the market or simply not re-entered once they trigger/stop out. This will cause some form of collapse in stock values; it is simply inevitable.
The Fed has already raised the prime last December and none of that happened under Obama, but you fully expect a rise in the prime to destroy the "wonderful" Tramp economy.
Yellin raised it only a small amount. The Fed does not make its increases all at once, but tries to phase them in.


As the prime is brought gradually upwards, if the Fed sees bad things happening they put brakes on the increases till they see how the markets react and then adjust from there.

But as anyone that has ever rowed a boat to a specific point can tell you, correcting for "over shoot" can be challenging.
If the prime goes up, the money made on day trading and leveraged stock positions will evaporate and the money will be pulled from the market or simply not re-entered once they trigger/stop out. This will cause some form of collapse in stock values; it is simply inevitable.
The Fed has already raised the prime last December and none of that happened under Obama, but you fully expect a rise in the prime to destroy the "wonderful" Tramp economy.
Yellin raised it only a small amount. The Fed does not make its increases all at once, but tries to phase them in.


As the prime is brought gradually upwards, if the Fed sees bad things happening they put brakes on the increases till they see how the markets react and then adjust from there.

But as anyone that has ever rowed a boat to a specific point can tell you, correcting for "over shoot" can be challenging.
But the Right have been telling us how shitty the Obama economy is and yet it was strong enough to grow after a Fed increase, but the "wonderful" Tramp economy is so strong it will crash if the Fed moves more quickly than it did with Obama.

Either the Right have been lying about how bad the Obama economy has been or they are lying about how great the Tramp economy will be, or both.
Oh well Trump can play the Obama card, focus blame on the previous crooked administration. So what would the media report if in fact GDP increased, actual true unemployment decreased, and consumer spending increased? What would they say then, it was Obama's brilliance? One can only hope the change yields improved results.
Are we to conclude that liberals are absolute idiots when it comes to understanding macroeconomics?
Dow futures pare losses, down about 500; safety breakers stop Nasdaq, S&P 500 spirals

Dow futures briefly dropped more than 800 points and bonds rallied as markets feared Donald Trump could pull off an upset and take the White House. Dow futures were trading about 500 points lower as of 2:14 a.m., ET.

Just before midnight ET, S&P 500 futures and Nasdaq 100 futures plunged more than 5 percent.

That was just above levels identified as "limit down" by the CME, which confirmed to CNBC that S&P and Nasdaq futures can trade above but not below those prices until 9:30 a.m., ET, when the Wednesday U.S. trading session begins.

The market now seems to think that Trump's win, combined with Republicans retaining control of both the House of Representatives and Senate, should mean that many of Trump's market-friendly policies will be enacted.

Investors are betting Trump will get a stimulus package passed that will help rebuild much of the nation's infrastructure. That's why stocks like Caterpillar (CAT) and U.S. Steel (X) have surged since the election.

The market is also betting that Trump may roll back some of the provisions of two signature laws passed during the Obama administration -- the Affordable Care Act and the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

Drugmakers Merck (MRK) and Pfizer (PFE) have rallied on hopes that the Trump administration won't focus so much on reining in the price of medications as Clinton might have. This could also be good news for health insurers.

And Wall Street banks JPMorgan Chase (JPM) and Goldman Sachs (GS) have popped on expectations that Trump will be more lenient to financial firms.

Dow hits new high of 19,000 as Trump rally continues

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