The Trump Recession Begins

Seven straight days of market gains since the election.

The OP should be hoping this thresd disappears and stops making him look like the fool for starting it.
Why, as I pointed out, Obama calmed the markets.
Once Obama is gone however, Trump will usher in his own Great and Wonderful Depression, and I can tell you it will be the greatest and most wonderful depression in history, that I can tell you.

You presented this thread, over what was happenning immediately in the market.
I presented this thread before Obama stepped in to calm the markets. Once Trump is on his own, The Trump recession will resume and grow into the greatest most beautiful depression in history, that I can tell you.

Oh and just who has been running the country for the last eight years there clueless??

Douchebag, that's who. So if this depression appears just who do you think any thinking person will blame??

Douchebag, that's who. God you are clueless. LMAO
Seven straight days of market gains since the election.

The OP should be hoping this thresd disappears and stops making him look like the fool for starting it.
Why, as I pointed out, Obama calmed the markets.
Once Obama is gone however, Trump will usher in his own Great and Wonderful Depression, and I can tell you it will be the greatest and most wonderful depression in history, that I can tell you.

You presented this thread, over what was happenning immediately in the market.
I presented this thread before Obama stepped in to calm the markets.

That's baloney. The Dow futures started returning to normal as soon as Trump began his victory speech and was statesmanlike in his manner. Obama had nothing to do with it.

As soon as the markets opened on the 9th, they bounced into positive territory. Before you started this topic.
The reason Bush tried to put a clamp on the GSE portfolios in 2005 is because Wall Street wanted more of the secondary market share, and Bush was trying to accommodate them. Bush was trying to privatize the subprime gold rush. The arguments about "systemic risk" on the part of the GSEs are shown to be so much bullshit in light of the SEC's ruling which threw the underwriting laws of the Universe out the window on behalf of the top five broker-dealers.

Wall Street's subprime action, which was stoked by Bush, dwarfed the GSEs.

Focusing on the GSEs as the cause the INTERNATIONAL banking crash is classic misdirection. As is the CRA bullshit. The rubes are dumb fucks for falling for these hoaxes. And stone blind. This was a GLOBAL subprime bubble, and neither Bear Stearns, or Lehman Brothers, or AIG, or Merrill Lynch, or Goldman Sachs, or Morgan Stanley were subject to the CRA. Nor were the hundreds of banks all over the planet which partook in this disaster. Do these idiots think the negroes of Iceland were responsible for the demise of Landsbanki?

It was all caused by unchecked greed and stupidity.
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Dow futures pare losses, down about 500; safety breakers stop Nasdaq, S&P 500 spirals

Dow futures briefly dropped more than 800 points and bonds rallied as markets feared Donald Trump could pull off an upset and take the White House. Dow futures were trading about 500 points lower as of 2:14 a.m., ET.

Just before midnight ET, S&P 500 futures and Nasdaq 100 futures plunged more than 5 percent.

That was just above levels identified as "limit down" by the CME, which confirmed to CNBC that S&P and Nasdaq futures can trade above but not below those prices until 9:30 a.m., ET, when the Wednesday U.S. trading session begins.
Every post you leftards make turns into self mutilation.

DOW is up over 600 in just one week since the election.
Don't forget the record year of hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Jeanne, Frances, et al. In 2004-2005.
Cam, thanks to 'the History of Bush debt according to Liberals'

Barak Obama declared Bush was 'Un-Patriotic' because he is CREDITED with adding $4 trillion during his entire 8 years in office.

In his 1st 6 years with a GOP-led Congress - 6 years that included the 9/11/01 terrorist attack, the economic aftermath that followed, AND 2 wars - Bush's administration ONLY added $2.5 Trillion in new debt...again, in ONLY 6 years.

At the end of his 6th Year Democrats took over a near Super Majority control of Congress. One of the 1st things they did was suspend the passage of annual budgets, which were / are REQUIRED BY LAW. They opted instead for spending measures. One of the reasons why is because when you pass an actual budget you list out exactly what you want money spent on and you - the Controlling Party in Congress - puts your name in the books as it being YOUR Budget. There is a good reason why Liberals did not want their name on the spending they engaged in that followed:

In Bush's last 2 years in office the DNC near-Super Controlled Congress added $1.5 Trillion in 2 years (not bad considering Obama's 1st several budgets AVERAGED $1.3 Trillion EVERY Year.) Still, Democrats managed to spen $1 Trillion less over 2 years than Bush had spend over 6 (SIX) years before they took over Congress. That's quite a jump.

Democrats held onto this near-Super Majority Control of Congress through the end of Obama's 2nd year in office. ... And Barry took full advantage of it...

Despite declaring in his campaign he would eliminate pork in spending, his very 1st piece of legislation was the massive nearly $1 Trillion-in-1-shot Liberal-Only Porkulas disaster Known as Obama's (non-stimulating) Stimulus Bill. This sucker was packed with OVER 7,000 pieces of every backlogged 'wet-dream' pork spending projects Libs had held onto for years while the GOP controlled Congress, just waiting for that day. Not 1 GOP pork bill was in this bloated, tax-payer dollar abusing piece of legislation.
-- It contained such 'awesome' Liberal projects as funding the 'scientific' study of why a homosexual Argentinean male's sex life was better than a heterosexual American male's sex life. (No one can tell me this one wasn't barney Frank's bill! :p)
-- Barry was even forced to admit there was no such thing as 'Shovel-ready' projects (...much like there was no way you could keep your health care plan / doctor if you liked them once the ACA was rammed into law)

In the end, this DNC-ONLY piece of Obama administration spending cost nearly $1 trillion (in 1 bill, not like the Liberal Congress' $1.5 Trillion under Bush over 2 years), contained over 7,00 pieces of pork, and the CBO reported in the final numbers that Obama's Stimulus Bill, touted as a JOBS Bill', FAILED to keep the Unemployment rate down below 5% as promised (it rose to 9.1%), and cost over $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have saved / created.
Yeah, THAT is the definition of FAILURE and a waste of nearly $1 trillion in a 'Depression'. (Libs enjoyed spending the money...and benefitting personally from 'tax-free 'loans'', like MILLIONAIRE Diane Feinstein who made sure one pork spending bill included a interest-free/don't-have-to-pay-back loan to her husband's bankrupting business was in the 'Jobs' Bill. (Hard working Americans wouldn't mind floating Millionaire Feinstein some of their hard-earned money, right?!)

At the VERY end of Obama's 1st 4 years, the man who had called Bush 'Un-Patriotic' - with the help of his near Super Majority Controlled DNC Congress his 1st 2 years - added nearly 7 (SEVEN) TRILLION in only 4 (FOUR YEARS).

It was damn-near like Barry was TRYING to see if he could DOUBLE Bush's 8 year's worth of spending in his 1st 4 years.

Yeah, that's all part of the documented Obama 'Fairy Tale' Libs always make sure they leave out of their tale about Bush's Spending.
Nope, the Trump Recession, soon to be the Great Trump Depression.
You truly have no shame. I'd be far too embarrassed to show my face again if I created a thread claiming the election of Donald Trump was causing the economy to collapse when in fact the stock market is skyrocketing right now just on the news of his election alone.

Then you double-down on the idiocy with the hilarious claim that we're in a "Trump Recession". Barack Obama just oversaw 8 years of astounding failure. Not a single year of 3% or more GDP growth. The first president in U.S. history with that pathetic distinction. Even Jimmy Carter managed to meet that bare minimum one out of his four years. Obama had 8 and couldn't do it.
Nope, the Trump Recession, soon to be the Great Trump Depression.
You truly have no shame. I'd be far too embarrassed to show my face again if I created a thread claiming the election of Donald Trump was causing the economy to collapse when in fact the stock market is skyrocketing right now just on the news of his election alone.

Then you double-down on the idiocy with the hilarious claim that we're in a "Trump Recession". Barack Obama just oversaw 8 years of astounding failure. Not a single year of 3% or more GDP growth. The first president in U.S. history with that pathetic distinction. Even Jimmy Carter managed to meet that bare minimum one out of his four years. Obama had 8 and couldn't do it.

Obama is so much better than the eight years of Bush there's no comparison:


Obama is so much better than the eight years of Bush there's no comparison
Bwahahaha! First of all, Obama "added" 9 million jobs to the economy after losing 10 million jobs. He still has a net loss of a million jobs.

Second - Obama had a record number of people on food stamps under his watch (something that would never happen if he actually just added 9 million jobs without losing 10 million first). He had a record number of people drop out of the labor force on his watch (again, something that would never happen if he actually just added 9 million jobs without losing 10 million first). Per Face the Nation (on 10/16/16), 3.7 million women were pushed in poverty during Obama's 8 years in office. And Obama became the first president in U.S. history to not oversee at least one year of 3% or more GDP growth.

He was a spectacular failure chief. Bush's worst year in office was more successful than Obama's best year in office.
Obama "added" 9 million jobs to the economy after losing 10 million jobs. He still has a net loss of a million jobs.
Bush added 4.4 million jobs and increased the unemployed by 6 million for a net loss of 1.6 million jobs. Obama added nearly 14 million jobs from the bottom of the Great Bush Recession and has a gain of 9.8 million jobs from the day he started plus a 4.3 million reduction in the unemployed for a net gain of 14.1 million jobs.
Obama "added" 9 million jobs to the economy after losing 10 million jobs. He still has a net loss of a million jobs.
Bush added 4.4 million jobs and increased the unemployed by 6 million for a net loss of 1.6 million jobs. Obama added nearly 14 million jobs from the bottom of the Great Bush Recession and has a gain of 9.8 million jobs from the day he started plus a 4.3 million reduction in the unemployed for a net gain of 14.1 million jobs.
You are such a pathological liar. Under Obama, there over 10 million jobs lost (actually, probably more than that now) so he has a net loss. Which explains why he has a record number of people on food stamps, over 3.7 million women pushed into poverty, and a record number of people out of the labor force (all of which would be impossible if your lies of 14 million jobs created were true).

But hey....lies are what we've come to expect from you. After all, you started a thread called "The Trump Recession" when the markets are exploding over news of Trump being elected.
Obama "added" 9 million jobs to the economy after losing 10 million jobs. He still has a net loss of a million jobs.
Bush added 4.4 million jobs and increased the unemployed by 6 million for a net loss of 1.6 million jobs. Obama added nearly 14 million jobs from the bottom of the Great Bush Recession and has a gain of 9.8 million jobs from the day he started plus a 4.3 million reduction in the unemployed for a net gain of 14.1 million jobs.
You are such a pathological liar. Under Obama, there over 10 million jobs lost (actually, probably more than that now) so he has a net loss. Which explains why he has a record number of people on food stamps, over 3.7 million women pushed into poverty, and a record number of people out of the labor force (all of which would be impossible if your lies of 14 million jobs created were true).

But hey....lies are what we've come to expect from you. After all, you started a thread called "The Trump Recession" when the markets are exploding over news of Trump being elected.
As is typical of the Right, when caught lying they simply lie some more.

There were 142,152,000 employed and 12,058,000 unemployed when Obama took office, there are 151,925,000 employed and 7,787,000 unemployed now. Do the math yourself.

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age
As is typical of the Right, when caught lying they simply lie some more.

There were 142,152,000 employed and 12,058,000 unemployed when Obama took office, there are 151,925,000 employed and 7,787,000 unemployed now. Do the math yourself.

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age
As is typical of the left, when faced with indisputable facts, they ignore the facts and then lie some more.
  • Record number of people on food stamps
  • Record number of people out of the labor force
  • Record national debt
  • Over 3.7 million women pushed into poverty
That can't happen if someone is creating 15 million jobs.
As is typical of the Right, when caught lying they simply lie some more.

There were 142,152,000 employed and 12,058,000 unemployed when Obama took office, there are 151,925,000 employed and 7,787,000 unemployed now. Do the math yourself.

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age
As is typical of the left, when faced with indisputable facts, they ignore the facts and then lie some more.
  • Record number of people on food stamps
  • Record number of people out of the labor force
  • Record national debt
  • Over 3.7 million women pushed into poverty
That can't happen if someone is creating 15 million jobs.
I gave you the exact numbers, you gave bullshit.

The record number on food stamps was due to the Great Bush Recession.

The record number out of the work force is due to the record number of Boomers retiring.
Trump will set new records every year just as Bush set new records every year.

Trump will create new record debt every year just as Bush set new record debt every year.

Bush pushed 3.3 million women into poverty. Trump will double the number of women in poverty.
As is typical of the Right, when caught lying they simply lie some more.

There were 142,152,000 employed and 12,058,000 unemployed when Obama took office, there are 151,925,000 employed and 7,787,000 unemployed now. Do the math yourself.

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age
As is typical of the left, when faced with indisputable facts, they ignore the facts and then lie some more.
  • Record number of people on food stamps
  • Record number of people out of the labor force
  • Record national debt
  • Over 3.7 million women pushed into poverty
That can't happen if someone is creating 15 million jobs.
I gave you the exact numbers, you gave bullshit.

The record number on food stamps was due to the Great Bush Recession.

The record number out of the work force is due to the record number of Boomers retiring.
Trump will set new records every year just as Bush set new records every year.

Trump will create new record debt every year just as Bush set new record debt every year.

Bush pushed 3.3 million women into poverty. Trump will double the number of women in poverty.
Bwahahahahaha! So basically what you're saying is that you hate Bush because he added $6 trillion to the debt, but you love Obama because he added $10 trillion to the debt. You hate Bush because he pushed 3.3 million women into poverty, but you love Obama because he pushed 3.7 million women into poverty.

You can't make this stuff up folks. Then again, we shouldn't be surprised coming from a guy who started a thread called "The Trump Recession Begins" while the markets are skyrocketing over the news of Trump's election.
Was watching the news tonight and the market hasn't done this well in years.

Guess all the nay sayers are full of shit as usual.

Oh and if there is a recession just who has been POTUS for the last eight years??

Anyone?? LOL

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