The Trumpian Divide, Part II - data now coming in


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
On this thread in the elections forum:

The Divide The Trumpians vs. the expected 2016 demographics US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I presented the simple math that shows that the divisive language that Donald Trump is using about immigration goes squarely against the demographics that the GOP will need to win a presidential election in the forseeable future. I also wrote on that thread that soon, polling data would reflect what people are thinking about Trump's very brash commentary on Latinos.

Well, a Suffolk / USA Today poll came out last evening, now showing Trump leading the GOP field but losing to Hillary (D) by 17 points in the General, proves the point:

Donald Trump 17%
Jeb Bush 14%
Scott Walker 8%
Ted Cruz 6%
Marco Rubio 5%
Ben Carson 4%
Rnad Paul 4%
Mike Huckabee 4%
Chris Christie 3%
Everyone Else <2%

Margin: Trump +3, just within the MoE

Hillary Clinton (D) 46%
Jeb Bush (R) 42%
Margin: Hillary +4

Hillary Clinton (D) 46%
Marco Rubio (R) 40%
Margin: Hillary +6

Hillary Clinton (D) 49%
Mike Huckabee (R) 40%
Margin: Hillary +9

Hillary Clinton (D) 48%
Rand Paul (R) 38%
Margin: Hillary +10

Hillary Clinton (D) 48%
Scott Walker (R) 37%
Margin: Hillary +11

Hillary Clinton (D) 49%
Ben Carson (R) 36%
Margin: Hillary +13

Hillary Clinton (D) 51%
Donald Trump (R) 34%
Margin: Hillary +17

The only two candidates who come even remotely close to Clinton are Bush (-4) and Rubio (-6). After that, Hillary is then winning with landslide margins over the rest.

Not only that, the poll is weighted a little too heavily FOR Republicans and also a little too heavily for men. You will see this if you click on the .pdf

Questions 31 and 32 are the decisive questions other than the matchups themselves:

31. Recently Donald Trump made public comments about illegal immigration with specific reference to Mexican immigrants saying they bring drugs, crime, and are rapists. Do Trump’s comments matter to you in your vote?

32. Do Trump’s comments make you more likely to vote for him, less likely, or no difference?

You will find the numbers at the .pdf. They clearly explain why Trump is 17 points behind Clinton.

The leanest margin in this poll, +4 over Jeb Bush, is equivalent to President Obama's winning margin from 2012. Hillary STARTS with this margin over her closest contender, and then things get a lot worse for the GOP very fast.

Suffolk and USA Today don't always pair up with each other, so a direct comparison to 2012 is hard, but Suffolk was the pollster which in 2012 already called Virginia, North Carolina and Florida for Romney ONE MONTH before the General election and didn't poll those states any more, so no claim can be made that Suffolk is left leaning. It is not. As we all know, Obama won both Virginia and Florida, so Suffolk was WAY off to the Right in both of those states.

The point, however, is the same as was in 2012, only far more enhanced looking toward 2016: Donald Trump is currently leading the GOP field because he is throwing a certain kind of "red meat" to the extreme Right GOP base, which is currying him favor among Republicans, but absolutely crushing him in GE matchups against Hillary. Why? Because that "red meat" that works so well for GOPers in the primaries ends up being a poison pill for them in the GE. This is exactly what Reince Preibus was warning against in his now-famous 2012 Election "autopsy".

This poll will likely just be one of many showing Trump doing well in the GOP field but losing by a humiliating margin to Hillary.

The one matchup missing from this poll that I would have liked to have seen as well would have been a Cruz-Clinton matchup.

The last time a candidate did this poorly in an actual presidential election as Trump did in this poll was Walter Mondale (D) in 1984, who lost to Ronald Reagan (R) by 18.22 points. I just want to put that 17 point spread in context.

It's getting so bad that the owner of one decidedly Republican website that publishes polling values gave this commentary in his header:

Suffolk University and USA Today have dumped out a national poll and it shows Donald Trup (sic) leading the Republican field, now standing at 17%. Republcain (sic) voters really are trying their damnedest(sic) to guarantee a President Hillary Clinton.

Facit: "I told you so".

To be clear, this is now the 4th Clinton-Trump matchup since Trump entered the race, and all 4 matchups look bad for him:

Clinton-Trump matchups.png

Interesting that FOX News (tilted decidedly to the Right) and Suffolk (which fucked up in October 2012) show the same toplines and the same margin.

So, yes, Democrats would love for Donald Trump to become the GOP nominee.

St Hillary the Inevitable is already 35% ahead of Clem Bush in her 2020 reelection bid. 57 State Sweep?!!
On this thread in the elections forum:

The Divide The Trumpians vs. the expected 2016 demographics US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I presented the simple math that shows that the divisive language that Donald Trump is using about immigration goes squarely against the demographics that the GOP will need to win a presidential election in the forseeable future. I also wrote on that thread that soon, polling data would reflect what people are thinking about Trump's very brash commentary on Latinos.

Well, a Suffolk / USA Today poll came out last evening, now showing Trump leading the GOP field but losing to Hillary (D) by 17 points in the General, proves the point:

Donald Trump 17%
Jeb Bush 14%
Scott Walker 8%
Ted Cruz 6%
Marco Rubio 5%
Ben Carson 4%
Rnad Paul 4%
Mike Huckabee 4%
Chris Christie 3%
Everyone Else <2%

Margin: Trump +3, just within the MoE

Hillary Clinton (D) 46%
Jeb Bush (R) 42%
Margin: Hillary +4

Hillary Clinton (D) 46%
Marco Rubio (R) 40%
Margin: Hillary +6

Hillary Clinton (D) 49%
Mike Huckabee (R) 40%
Margin: Hillary +9

Hillary Clinton (D) 48%
Rand Paul (R) 38%
Margin: Hillary +10

Hillary Clinton (D) 48%
Scott Walker (R) 37%
Margin: Hillary +11

Hillary Clinton (D) 49%
Ben Carson (R) 36%
Margin: Hillary +13

Hillary Clinton (D) 51%
Donald Trump (R) 34%
Margin: Hillary +17

The only two candidates who come even remotely close to Clinton are Bush (-4) and Rubio (-6). After that, Hillary is then winning with landslide margins over the rest.

Not only that, the poll is weighted a little too heavily FOR Republicans and also a little too heavily for men. You will see this if you click on the .pdf

Questions 31 and 32 are the decisive questions other than the matchups themselves:

31. Recently Donald Trump made public comments about illegal immigration with specific reference to Mexican immigrants saying they bring drugs, crime, and are rapists. Do Trump’s comments matter to you in your vote?

32. Do Trump’s comments make you more likely to vote for him, less likely, or no difference?

You will find the numbers at the .pdf. They clearly explain why Trump is 17 points behind Clinton.

The leanest margin in this poll, +4 over Jeb Bush, is equivalent to President Obama's winning margin from 2012. Hillary STARTS with this margin over her closest contender, and then things get a lot worse for the GOP very fast.

Suffolk and USA Today don't always pair up with each other, so a direct comparison to 2012 is hard, but Suffolk was the pollster which in 2012 already called Virginia, North Carolina and Florida for Romney ONE MONTH before the General election and didn't poll those states any more, so no claim can be made that Suffolk is left leaning. It is not. As we all know, Obama won both Virginia and Florida, so Suffolk was WAY off to the Right in both of those states.

The point, however, is the same as was in 2012, only far more enhanced looking toward 2016: Donald Trump is currently leading the GOP field because he is throwing a certain kind of "red meat" to the extreme Right GOP base, which is currying him favor among Republicans, but absolutely crushing him in GE matchups against Hillary. Why? Because that "red meat" that works so well for GOPers in the primaries ends up being a poison pill for them in the GE. This is exactly what Reince Preibus was warning against in his now-famous 2012 Election "autopsy".

This poll will likely just be one of many showing Trump doing well in the GOP field but losing by a humiliating margin to Hillary.

The one matchup missing from this poll that I would have liked to have seen as well would have been a Cruz-Clinton matchup.

The last time a candidate did this poorly in an actual presidential election as Trump did in this poll was Walter Mondale (D) in 1984, who lost to Ronald Reagan (R) by 18.22 points. I just want to put that 17 point spread in context.

It's getting so bad that the owner of one decidedly Republican website that publishes polling values gave this commentary in his header:

Suffolk University and USA Today have dumped out a national poll and it shows Donald Trup (sic) leading the Republican field, now standing at 17%. Republcain (sic) voters really are trying their damnedest(sic) to guarantee a President Hillary Clinton.

Facit: "I told you so".

Stat, I think these polls are going to be more accurate when we have actual nominees from the parties.
On this thread in the elections forum:

The Divide The Trumpians vs. the expected 2016 demographics US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I presented the simple math that shows that the divisive language that Donald Trump is using about immigration goes squarely against the demographics that the GOP will need to win a presidential election in the forseeable future. I also wrote on that thread that soon, polling data would reflect what people are thinking about Trump's very brash commentary on Latinos.

Well, a Suffolk / USA Today poll came out last evening, now showing Trump leading the GOP field but losing to Hillary (D) by 17 points in the General, proves the point:

Donald Trump 17%
Jeb Bush 14%
Scott Walker 8%
Ted Cruz 6%
Marco Rubio 5%
Ben Carson 4%
Rnad Paul 4%
Mike Huckabee 4%
Chris Christie 3%
Everyone Else <2%

Margin: Trump +3, just within the MoE

Hillary Clinton (D) 46%
Jeb Bush (R) 42%
Margin: Hillary +4

Hillary Clinton (D) 46%
Marco Rubio (R) 40%
Margin: Hillary +6

Hillary Clinton (D) 49%
Mike Huckabee (R) 40%
Margin: Hillary +9

Hillary Clinton (D) 48%
Rand Paul (R) 38%
Margin: Hillary +10

Hillary Clinton (D) 48%
Scott Walker (R) 37%
Margin: Hillary +11

Hillary Clinton (D) 49%
Ben Carson (R) 36%
Margin: Hillary +13

Hillary Clinton (D) 51%
Donald Trump (R) 34%
Margin: Hillary +17

The only two candidates who come even remotely close to Clinton are Bush (-4) and Rubio (-6). After that, Hillary is then winning with landslide margins over the rest.

Not only that, the poll is weighted a little too heavily FOR Republicans and also a little too heavily for men. You will see this if you click on the .pdf

Questions 31 and 32 are the decisive questions other than the matchups themselves:

31. Recently Donald Trump made public comments about illegal immigration with specific reference to Mexican immigrants saying they bring drugs, crime, and are rapists. Do Trump’s comments matter to you in your vote?

32. Do Trump’s comments make you more likely to vote for him, less likely, or no difference?

You will find the numbers at the .pdf. They clearly explain why Trump is 17 points behind Clinton.

The leanest margin in this poll, +4 over Jeb Bush, is equivalent to President Obama's winning margin from 2012. Hillary STARTS with this margin over her closest contender, and then things get a lot worse for the GOP very fast.

Suffolk and USA Today don't always pair up with each other, so a direct comparison to 2012 is hard, but Suffolk was the pollster which in 2012 already called Virginia, North Carolina and Florida for Romney ONE MONTH before the General election and didn't poll those states any more, so no claim can be made that Suffolk is left leaning. It is not. As we all know, Obama won both Virginia and Florida, so Suffolk was WAY off to the Right in both of those states.

The point, however, is the same as was in 2012, only far more enhanced looking toward 2016: Donald Trump is currently leading the GOP field because he is throwing a certain kind of "red meat" to the extreme Right GOP base, which is currying him favor among Republicans, but absolutely crushing him in GE matchups against Hillary. Why? Because that "red meat" that works so well for GOPers in the primaries ends up being a poison pill for them in the GE. This is exactly what Reince Preibus was warning against in his now-famous 2012 Election "autopsy".

This poll will likely just be one of many showing Trump doing well in the GOP field but losing by a humiliating margin to Hillary.

The one matchup missing from this poll that I would have liked to have seen as well would have been a Cruz-Clinton matchup.

The last time a candidate did this poorly in an actual presidential election as Trump did in this poll was Walter Mondale (D) in 1984, who lost to Ronald Reagan (R) by 18.22 points. I just want to put that 17 point spread in context.

It's getting so bad that the owner of one decidedly Republican website that publishes polling values gave this commentary in his header:

Suffolk University and USA Today have dumped out a national poll and it shows Donald Trup (sic) leading the Republican field, now standing at 17%. Republcain (sic) voters really are trying their damnedest(sic) to guarantee a President Hillary Clinton.

Facit: "I told you so".


Yeah! I hope they go with the Trump.........:)
I heard Trump spouting off on Morning Joe and he was asked straightforward direct questions that he failed to answer.

For instance he was asked about his source for his claim about his lies about Mexicans. He said that he had 5 sources and he was asked what those 5 sources were. He babbled on nearly incoherently for a couple of minutes without answering. He was asked again with similar results.

It was the same with everything else. All he does is spout off his own misinformed opinions over and over again. In essence he is nothing more than your typical USMB extremist rightwanker with no substance but a whole lot of vitriol for everyone who doesn't agree with him.

I am not surprised that this nation would prefer Hillary over him by such a large margin. That will probably expand if he were to become the GOP candidate IMO.
The good news for Trump is his poll numbers have risen among white conservative Republicans.
I heard Trump spouting off on Morning Joe and he was asked straightforward direct questions that he failed to answer.

For instance he was asked about his source for his claim about his lies about Mexicans. He said that he had 5 sources and he was asked what those 5 sources were. He babbled on nearly incoherently for a couple of minutes without answering. He was asked again with similar results.

It was the same with everything else. All he does is spout off his own misinformed opinions over and over again. In essence he is nothing more than your typical USMB extremist rightwanker with no substance but a whole lot of vitriol for everyone who doesn't agree with him.

I am not surprised that this nation would prefer Hillary over him by such a large margin. That will probably expand if he were to become the GOP candidate IMO.

What's so funny......Trump claims he can get Mexicans to vote for him........they did a poll....85% of Hispanics voters do not like Trump......what a hoot.

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