The truth about D-day. It was BS. Russia had already annihilated germany

Ad homming a solid American veteran and citizen merely demonstrates you have no balls or stick on this OP, Frank.

The bulk of USAAF did not stay in Europe because it was going to Japan. Frank, your alternate history, to be credible, has to reside in the reality of the situation.

The Soviet army and air merely needed to be on the defensive.

It would have taken until winter to refit the armaments on our armor.

The Germans would not have participated: there is no way that Patton would have ever permitted the Germans to rearm and retrain, much less Eisenhower agreeing.

Frank, truly, grow up.

Even upgunning the old Sherman wouldn't have made it match for the Soviets. Historical revisionism at its worst.

Reagan actually made the point that if we'd really have wanted to end the Soviet state via a military attack, we'd simply have done so in 1946, when only we had the ABomb.

Just so. The Soviet line of armor was better than what we had, period.

Opinion based on What?

You have not offered a shread of evidence to support any of your preposterous claims.

I could just as easily claim the Soviets had Ray Gun technology found on an Alien Spacecraft that had crashed in Siberia.
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Even upgunning the old Sherman wouldn't have made it match for the Soviets. Historical revisionism at its worst.

Reagan actually made the point that if we'd really have wanted to end the Soviet state via a military attack, we'd simply have done so in 1946, when only we had the ABomb.

Just so. The Soviet line of armor was better than what we had, period.

Opinion based on What?

You have not offered a shread of evidence to support any of your preposterous claims.

I could just as easily claim the Soviets had secret technology found on an Alien Spacecraft that had crashed in Siberia.

Jake is an expert on all things relating to the USSR.

He just is
westwall, you demonstrate an incredible lack of knowledge about the Eastern Front.

Now I want you to go back through the posts and checking out why the arguments are lining up they are lining up.

I won't debate the topic with somebody who is being deliberately ignorant about the subject.

I need you to twist your philosophy to the facts not vice versa.

Jake I would wager I know so much more than you about the Eastern Front that it wouldn't be funny. I have walked the battlefields with the warriors from both sides who fought there. I have actually been in the Grain Elevator in Stalingrad, you? It is exactly the same as it was during the battle. I have wandered through the fields around Kharkov and Bryansk, Smolensk, Cholm, and Demyansk. You?

Jason D. Mark is one of the premier authors on eastern front military history and is a good friend of mine. You should read his books, here's a link to one of them and you can follow your nose from there...[ame][/ame]
You'll learn a lot more than the Time Life series you seem to be reading.
westwall, you demonstrate an incredible lack of knowledge about the Eastern Front.

Now I want you to go back through the posts and checking out why the arguments are lining up they are lining up.

I won't debate the topic with somebody who is being deliberately ignorant about the subject.

I need you to twist your philosophy to the facts not vice versa.

Jake I would wager I know so much more than you about the Eastern Front that it wouldn't be funny. I have walked the battlefields with the warriors from both sides who fought there. I have actually been in the Grain Elevator in Stalingrad, you? It is exactly the same as it was during the battle. I have wandered through the fields around Kharkov and Bryansk, Smolensk, Cholm, and Demyansk. You?

Jason D. Mark is one of the premier authors on eastern front military history and is a good friend of mine. You should read his books, here's a link to one of them and you can follow your nose from there...[ame=]Death of the Leaping Horseman: The 24th Panzer Division in Stalingrad: Jason D. Mark: 9780811714044: Books[/ame]
You'll learn a lot more than the Time Life series you seem to be reading.

Yeah Jake, I bet you never even considered:

Westwall, then you have learned nothing.

Jason is one of many, many historians. But you have made up your mind to wallow in a belief not evidence and investigation.

That you put a faith belief in front of evidence and investigation is your issue not mine.
westwall, you demonstrate an incredible lack of knowledge about the Eastern Front.

Now I want you to go back through the posts and checking out why the arguments are lining up they are lining up.

I won't debate the topic with somebody who is being deliberately ignorant about the subject.

I need you to twist your philosophy to the facts not vice versa.

Jake I would wager I know so much more than you about the Eastern Front that it wouldn't be funny. I have walked the battlefields with the warriors from both sides who fought there. I have actually been in the Grain Elevator in Stalingrad, you? It is exactly the same as it was during the battle. I have wandered through the fields around Kharkov and Bryansk, Smolensk, Cholm, and Demyansk. You?

Jason D. Mark is one of the premier authors on eastern front military history and is a good friend of mine. You should read his books, here's a link to one of them and you can follow your nose from there...[ame=]Death of the Leaping Horseman: The 24th Panzer Division in Stalingrad: Jason D. Mark: 9780811714044: Books[/ame]
You'll learn a lot more than the Time Life series you seem to be reading.

Yeah Jake, I bet you never even considered:


Yup, damn those ray guns. :lol:
Westwall, then you have learned nothing.

Jason is one of many, many historians. But you have made up your mind to wallow in a belief not evidence and investigation.

That you put a faith belief in front of evidence and investigation is your issue not mine.

You're long on words and short on facts Jake. Better step up to the plate and show us what you got or you can slink off and hide. Makes no matter to me, but I can give you chapter and verse with FACTS. You?
Westwall, I even stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

But I am not an expert on hotels.

And you know very little about the war on the Eastern Front no matter how many battlefields, tours, excursions, and special breakfasts you attended.
Westwall, I even stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

But I am not an expert on hotels.

And you know very little about the war on the Eastern Front no matter how many battlefields, tours, excursions, and special breakfasts you attended.

Blah, blah, blah,...insult. Is not a meaningful discussion Jake. I wasn't on tours, I was with the authors doing their research. I've been to Russia many, many, many times. In fact just a couple of years ago I attended the wedding of one of my best friends in St. Petersburg.

You talk real big Jake but it is obvious to everyone who is watching this little drama, that you really are out of your depth. Best to run off now before you really get embarrassed.
I will send you and Frank a good reading list on the Eastern Front and on Patton's Folly.

You simply do not understand the subject.
I guess those interviews with Brit and US tankers bemoaning the Shermans lack of firepower and tendency to "brew up" were urban legends.

No, they were facts. Just like the fact that the Israelis used the Ishermans and Super Shermans to devastating effect on T-55's, which were arguably the best tank in the world in the 1950's.

Your problem is you think one dimensionally. Anyone who has studied anything knows that armor is best used where there is NO enemy armor. Patton understood that very well. He let our air power deal with the German tanks.

There is no question that Wittmann in his Tiger was a fearsome thing (just ask the Brit 7th Armored Div. veterans) but in the end he was killed along with his crew by either tanks, or aircraft or a lowly AT gun. No one knows exactly who got him....but got he was.

The Soviets and the Germans had been killing each other in their millions for years....we and the British hadn't. We had a full strength army and an even better full strength airforce that would have obliterated everything we decided we wanted to.
I will send you and Frank a good reading list on the Eastern Front and on Patton's Folly.

You simply do not understand the subject.

Sure thing Jake. Your surrender is duly noted.
Even upgunning the old Sherman wouldn't have made it match for the Soviets. Historical revisionism at its worst.

Reagan actually made the point that if we'd really have wanted to end the Soviet state via a military attack, we'd simply have done so in 1946, when only we had the ABomb.

Just so. The Soviet line of armor was better than what we had, period.

Opinion based on What?

You have not offered a shread of evidence to support any of your preposterous claims.

I could just as easily claim the Soviets had Ray Gun technology found on an Alien Spacecraft that had crashed in Siberia.
He´s right. The Korea War showed that the Soviet tanks were superior to the American tanks. Not to mention the German tanks. In Addition to that the Soviets did not only have medium tanks but many heavy tanks: The KV and JS series.

Sherman tanks were not nearly as efficient or as armored as the primary German tank, the Panzer IV. This was a fact even before the upgrading of Panzer gun barrels and armor in 1943. Shermans were under-gunned when fighting German Tiger tanks and out-maneuvered when facing German Panther tanks. These disparities are shown in an account of the famous Lt. Colonel William B. Lovelady, commander of the 3rd Armored Division’s 2nd Battalion, retold by Lt. Colonel Haynes Dugan.

The faults of the Sherman were [...] balanced by the sheer number that could be manufactured and the speed of this production. Regardless of the reasons for the Sherman’s problems, individuals of the Third Armored division dealt with them in their daily lives. The Sherman M4 medium tank proved to be both a “death trap” for American soldiers and a poor defense against German tanks. However, its use by almost all of the Allied Forces was crucial to their ultimate success in WWII.

A Poor Defense: Sherman tanks in WW2 | University of Illinois Archives
Just so. The Soviet line of armor was better than what we had, period.

Opinion based on What?

You have not offered a shread of evidence to support any of your preposterous claims.

I could just as easily claim the Soviets had Ray Gun technology found on an Alien Spacecraft that had crashed in Siberia.
He´s right. The Korea War showed that the Soviet tanks were superior to the American tanks. Not to mention the German tanks. In Addition to that the Soviets did not only have medium tanks but many heavy tanks: The KV and JS series.

Sherman tanks were not nearly as efficient or as armored as the primary German tank, the Panzer IV. This was a fact even before the upgrading of Panzer gun barrels and armor in 1943. Shermans were under-gunned when fighting German Tiger tanks and out-maneuvered when facing German Panther tanks. These disparities are shown in an account of the famous Lt. Colonel William B. Lovelady, commander of the 3rd Armored Division’s 2nd Battalion, retold by Lt. Colonel Haynes Dugan.

The faults of the Sherman were [...] balanced by the sheer number that could be manufactured and the speed of this production. Regardless of the reasons for the Sherman’s problems, individuals of the Third Armored division dealt with them in their daily lives. The Sherman M4 medium tank proved to be both a “death trap” for American soldiers and a poor defense against German tanks. However, its use by almost all of the Allied Forces was crucial to their ultimate success in WWII.

A Poor Defense: Sherman tanks in WW2 | University of Illinois Archives

I see you continue to ignore the M-26......

T-34-85 Vs M26 Pershing: Korea 1950 - Steven J. Zaloga - Google Books
Just so. The Soviet line of armor was better than what we had, period.

Opinion based on What?

You have not offered a shread of evidence to support any of your preposterous claims.

I could just as easily claim the Soviets had Ray Gun technology found on an Alien Spacecraft that had crashed in Siberia.
He´s right. The Korea War showed that the Soviet tanks were superior to the American tanks. Not to mention the German tanks. In Addition to that the Soviets did not only have medium tanks but many heavy tanks: The KV and JS series.

Sherman tanks were not nearly as efficient or as armored as the primary German tank, the Panzer IV. This was a fact even before the upgrading of Panzer gun barrels and armor in 1943. Shermans were under-gunned when fighting German Tiger tanks and out-maneuvered when facing German Panther tanks. These disparities are shown in an account of the famous Lt. Colonel William B. Lovelady, commander of the 3rd Armored Division’s 2nd Battalion, retold by Lt. Colonel Haynes Dugan.

The faults of the Sherman were [...] balanced by the sheer number that could be manufactured and the speed of this production. Regardless of the reasons for the Sherman’s problems, individuals of the Third Armored division dealt with them in their daily lives. The Sherman M4 medium tank proved to be both a “death trap” for American soldiers and a poor defense against German tanks. However, its use by almost all of the Allied Forces was crucial to their ultimate success in WWII.

A Poor Defense: Sherman tanks in WW2 | University of Illinois Archives


Your quote does not address the issue, as it does not mention Russian Tanks.

But thanks for trying to bail Jake out of his quagmire of ludicrous unsubstantiated opinions
Opinion based on What?

You have not offered a shread of evidence to support any of your preposterous claims.

I could just as easily claim the Soviets had Ray Gun technology found on an Alien Spacecraft that had crashed in Siberia.
He´s right. The Korea War showed that the Soviet tanks were superior to the American tanks. Not to mention the German tanks. In Addition to that the Soviets did not only have medium tanks but many heavy tanks: The KV and JS series.

Sherman tanks were not nearly as efficient or as armored as the primary German tank, the Panzer IV. This was a fact even before the upgrading of Panzer gun barrels and armor in 1943. Shermans were under-gunned when fighting German Tiger tanks and out-maneuvered when facing German Panther tanks. These disparities are shown in an account of the famous Lt. Colonel William B. Lovelady, commander of the 3rd Armored Division’s 2nd Battalion, retold by Lt. Colonel Haynes Dugan.

The faults of the Sherman were [...] balanced by the sheer number that could be manufactured and the speed of this production. Regardless of the reasons for the Sherman’s problems, individuals of the Third Armored division dealt with them in their daily lives. The Sherman M4 medium tank proved to be both a “death trap” for American soldiers and a poor defense against German tanks. However, its use by almost all of the Allied Forces was crucial to their ultimate success in WWII.

A Poor Defense: Sherman tanks in WW2 | University of Illinois Archives


Your quote does not address the issue, as it does not mention Russian Tanks.

But thanks for trying to bail Jake out of his quagmire of ludicrous unsubstantiated opinions
The quote states that the Sherman was not only a weak tank but also a threat to the crew. A tank that tends to flare up even without any enemy action is not predestinated to represent a superior tank force.

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