The truth about joe biden and the democrat party....

He's not the he's got my vote.

Most white nationalists support Trump; there is a good reason for that. He validates their hate. post that while the democrat party terrorists groups, antifa and black lives matter marxists burn, loot and kill in democrat controlled cities.........? Actual burning, looting and killing........? And you have to keep pretending that Trump is the racist.......while the democrat party terrorists, antifa, and black lives matter burn, loot and kill in primarily Black neighborhood........

I posted that? I think you've inhaled too much gun powder chump.

True or false; most white nationalists (like yourself) support the blob. True...right?

Do you think that 900,000 (or whatever your numbers are) white nationalists just have it wrong?

The only racist here is you, and the democrat party you support, the home of racism in this country.......the party that uses race to gain power and money......

There are a grand total of 6 white nationalists in the country.......and you post your post as the democrat party terrorist groups, antifa and black lives matter marxists are burning, looting and killing people in primarily Black neighborhoods........during an election year when Trump had higher approval ratings among Black and Hispanics than other Republican Presidential candidates.....a guy who has actually done more for the Black community than democrats have done in the last 60 years...........

6? LOL

Put down the crack pipe.
True or false; most white nationalists support the blob. True...right?

Do you think that 900,000 (or whatever your numbers are) white nationalists just have it wrong?

As for the OP; there are thousands and thousands of black racists too. Most will vote for Biden.
He's not the he's got my vote.

Most white nationalists support Trump; there is a good reason for that. He validates their hate.

The only reason they support him is because Trump wants to secure the border, but securing the border does not mean you are a racist, that just means you want voters to decide immigration policy rather than it being decided for them by those outside the border line.

So go ahead, vote for the black faced racists and watch more inner city riots occur in the next 4 years and blame them all on Trump.
A look at who joe biden is....and the party he represents...

Old Joe Biden is a classic Democrat racist. There is a fifty-year record of his anti-black comments and policies. He opposed integration. In 1977, he was proud to announce that he did not want his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.” That is who Joe Biden was and is.

Like the rest of the Democrats, he has long assumed that black Americans are naïve enough to believe all the unfulfilled promises the party has made for over fifty years while bringing exactly none of those promises to fruition. LBJ’s Great Society effectively destroyed the black family. Now Black Lives Matter wants to eradicate the nuclear family altogether! It’s on their website. Biden and the Democrats embrace BLM, Antifa, and any and all other like-minded groups who have been carefully taught to hate the country people from all over the world would love to come to and live. All these anti-American organizations are funded by far-left people like George Soros, Tom Steyer and others who have made billions of dollars thanks to capitalism and now mean to prevent others from having the same opportunities they had by stamping out capitalism.

It doesn't matter who Joe Biden "really is" because no matter how low, corrupt and venal Joe Biden could potentially be, he's still a better human being and a more competent President, than Donald Trump.

Trump has been actively trying to destroy the USA since the day he was elected. He's crashed the economy. 30 million people are out of work, and over 1.3 million are sick with the corona virus.

The Russians are paying bounties to the Taliban for killing Americans, and Trump does NOTHING.

130,000 Americans have died from the corona virus due to the incompetence of Trump's response.

And then there's the crisis in policing.

Trump isn't up to the job, and come November, the nation is going to say "You're fired!!!"
He's not the he's got my vote.

Most white nationalists support Trump; there is a good reason for that. He validates their hate.

The only reason they support him is because Trump wants to secure the border, but securing the border does not mean you are a racist, that just means you want voters to decide immigration policy rather than it being decided for them by those outside the border line.

So go ahead, vote for the black faced racists and watch more inner city riots occur in the next 4 years and blame them all on Trump.


Joe Biden must stand before the American people and be interviewed for the job, face tough questions, demonstrate he's up to the task. Instead he's in hiding.
He's not the he's got my vote.

Most white nationalists support Trump; there is a good reason for that. He validates their hate.

The only reason they support him is because Trump wants to secure the border, but securing the border does not mean you are a racist, that just means you want voters to decide immigration policy rather than it being decided for them by those outside the border line.

That and he endorses people screaming “white power”, says Americans of different skin color should go back to where they came from, keeps little brown kids in cages as a matter of policy, and calls Mexicans rapists.
A look at who joe biden is....and the party he represents...

Old Joe Biden is a classic Democrat racist. There is a fifty-year record of his anti-black comments and policies. He opposed integration. In 1977, he was proud to announce that he did not want his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.” That is who Joe Biden was and is.

Like the rest of the Democrats, he has long assumed that black Americans are naïve enough to believe all the unfulfilled promises the party has made for over fifty years while bringing exactly none of those promises to fruition. LBJ’s Great Society effectively destroyed the black family. Now Black Lives Matter wants to eradicate the nuclear family altogether! It’s on their website. Biden and the Democrats embrace BLM, Antifa, and any and all other like-minded groups who have been carefully taught to hate the country people from all over the world would love to come to and live. All these anti-American organizations are funded by far-left people like George Soros, Tom Steyer and others who have made billions of dollars thanks to capitalism and now mean to prevent others from having the same opportunities they had by stamping out capitalism.

The second sentence of the post disqualifies it as something to be taken seriously.

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