The truth about pre-existing conditions and the Republican House plan...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes...the left is going to lie and lie and lie......they need to attack obamacare repeal or obama will just be known as that guy who was President before Trump....with the funny sounding name...who gave Iran nuclear weapons...

The Pre-Existing Lie

The legislation maintains a federal baseline of protection in such cases, and says only that states can apply for a waiver from it, provided that they abide by certain conditions meant to ensure that no one is left out in the cold.

Since these provisions only involve the individual insurance market, a small slice of the overall insurance picture (about 18 million are on the individual market), and merely make possible state waivers, they are inherently limited.

You’re not affected if you get insurance through your employer (155 million people), or through Medicaid or Medicare.

You’re not affected if you live in a state that doesn’t request the waiver, a category that will certainly include every blue state and most red states, too.

Even if you buy insurance on the individual market and live in a state that gets a waiver, you’re not affected if you’ve maintained insurance coverage continuously and not had a gap in coverage longer than 63 days.

By this point, we’re talking about a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the population.

If you do have a pre-existing condition in a waiver state and haven’t had continuous coverage, you can be charged more by your insurer only the first year.

The state will have access to $8 billion in federal funds explicitly to ease the cost of your insurance, and the state must further have a high-risk pool or similar program to mitigate insurance costs for the sick.

Clearly, if Republicans set out to recklessly endanger the well-being of people with pre-existing conditions, they didn’t do a very good job of it. T

he purpose of these provisions isn’t to punish people who are sick, but to create an incentive for people to buy insurance while they are healthy. (The Obamacare exchanges are failing because the law’s tangle of regulations drove up costs and made insurance economically unappealing to the young and healthy.)

Read more at: The Pre-Existing Lie
$8 billion?

Is that the best Republicans can do to sell their tax cut?
Yes...the left is going to lie and lie and lie......they need to attack obamacare repeal or obama will just be known as that guy who was President before Trump....with the funny sounding name...who gave Iran nuclear weapons...

The Pre-Existing Lie

The legislation maintains a federal baseline of protection in such cases, and says only that states can apply for a waiver from it, provided that they abide by certain conditions meant to ensure that no one is left out in the cold.

Since these provisions only involve the individual insurance market, a small slice of the overall insurance picture (about 18 million are on the individual market), and merely make possible state waivers, they are inherently limited.

You’re not affected if you get insurance through your employer (155 million people), or through Medicaid or Medicare.

You’re not affected if you live in a state that doesn’t request the waiver, a category that will certainly include every blue state and most red states, too.

Even if you buy insurance on the individual market and live in a state that gets a waiver, you’re not affected if you’ve maintained insurance coverage continuously and not had a gap in coverage longer than 63 days.

By this point, we’re talking about a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the population.

If you do have a pre-existing condition in a waiver state and haven’t had continuous coverage, you can be charged more by your insurer only the first year.

The state will have access to $8 billion in federal funds explicitly to ease the cost of your insurance, and the state must further have a high-risk pool or similar program to mitigate insurance costs for the sick.

Clearly, if Republicans set out to recklessly endanger the well-being of people with pre-existing conditions, they didn’t do a very good job of it. T

he purpose of these provisions isn’t to punish people who are sick, but to create an incentive for people to buy insurance while they are healthy. (The Obamacare exchanges are failing because the law’s tangle of regulations drove up costs and made insurance economically unappealing to the young and healthy.)

Read more at: The Pre-Existing Lie

Couple of things. It only affects the "individual" market. That is true. But I -- like millions of others of self-employed had our Professional Group Plans OUTLAWED and were tossed into the pool. Since group plans are no longer ILLEGAL under the changes, the numbers being quoted "in the pool" will DECREASE dramatically as soon as professional group plans for restaurant owners, veterinarians, lawyers, consultants, etc are restarted.

Secondly.. It's not efficient for the govt to just FUND a broken concept. Right now, the insurance companies will reject ANY male over 40 taking cholesterol or blood pressure meds. That's over 35% of the male population having PHONEY "pre-existing" conditions. These are the preventative measures that SAVE health care costs. Shouldn't be "cherry-picked".

Before shelling out Billions to "shelter" these rejected people, the insurance companies need to kept from cherry picking on such ridiculous scale. You probably can be rejected for having recurrent acne as a pre-existing condition. THAT'S GOTTA STOP -- before you start brawling over "funding it"...
$8 billion?

That's good for about ... a day.

Why do the Republicans lie like this? They have to know they're not fooling anyone.

That runs the entire federal government for day....amazing how suddenly you are concerned about spending.....

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