The Truth about the poor in America


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
Michigan, USA
Liberals like to keep saying the Rich are Getting Richer and the poor are Getting poorer.

Well, it is true in a sense but they leave out one important detail. Studies have shown the Poor have gotten a bit poorer, However they also show that they are new poor. That is to say the people who were poor 10 years ago. will only 18% of them are still in the Poor Bracket. The rest have moved up the ladder. The poor they are counting today are overwhelmingly new Immigrants who came here poor. were Importing shit tons of the worlds poor, and that is making it seem the poor are getting poorer, when the truth is 82% of the poor counted 10 years ago have moved up, 12% of them all the way to the top 20%.

So the truth is everyone is getting richer, 82% of the poor in America do not stay that way, things get better for them, and new recent Immigrants and young people take their place.

Keep thinking it doesn't matter...

Keep thinking it doesn't matter...

Of course that chart does nothing to show how the poor that are getting poor, are new poor, and all but 18% of the old poor have moved up the laddered to something above Poor.


I know facts are hard to deal with, but hey ignore them if you want.

Who ever asked for a link, stop being so lazy. I found the information with one Google Search, from a US government study done 4 years ago.

Liberals like to keep saying the Rich are Getting Richer and the poor are Getting poorer.
Well, it is true in a sense but they leave out one important detail. Studies have shown the Poor have gotten a bit poorer, However they also show that they are new poor. That is to say the people who were poor 10 years ago. will only 18% of them are still in the Poor Bracket. The rest have moved up the ladder. The poor they are counting today are overwhelmingly new Immigrants who came here poor. were Importing shit tons of the worlds poor, and that is making it seem the poor are getting poorer, when the truth is 82% of the poor counted 10 years ago have moved up, 12% of them all the way to the top 20%.

So the truth is everyone is getting richer, 82% of the poor in America do not stay that way, things get better for them, and new recent Immigrants and young people take their place.

The rich get richer and the poor get CHILDREN!
Four years ago! Excellent. Nothing's changed in the past four years.

Well, except for the Kochroach Brothers bounce.


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