The truth about Truman’s bombing Japan

Once again you prove you know nothing. Their army was starving and without oil. Little ammunition and completely demoralized. Their best soldiers were dead. If you knew anything, you’d know that’s a military incapable of offensive action.

You might read up on how the Soviet Red Army handled the Japanese Imperial Army (Kwantung Army) in Manchuria, but than you’d have to know how to read above fourth grade level.
The Red Army "handled" the Kwantung Army because it outnumbered them three to one in men, five to one in tanks, ten to one in artillery, and had control of the air. The Japanese tanks had 37mm guns, the Soviet tanks had 85mm guns, the largest Japanese infantry artillery was 70mm the largest Soviet infantry gun was 100mm. The Soviet troops were veterans of the Eastern Front, and the Japanese troops were conscripts used to fighting lightly armed Chinese troops and guerillas. The Kwantung army had plenty of fuel, food and ammo and was certainly NOT starving. The best soldiers had been moved to Japan to meet the invasion and they weren't starving either, the civilians in Japan were near starvation, but the military got everything it needed.
War is hell, that is the only answer. Innocents have died in every war in history, But earlier you said that the US killed innocents on purpose, that is a lie. When Truman dropped the bombs, he killed hundreds of thousands but saved millions on both sides, he ended the war. It was the right thing to do.

As well as destroying the largest military base, logistics base, and command structure of the entire Southern Army.

As well as one of the largest shipyards in Japan, that was also the home port of most of their submarine fleet.
It was a total war. To win it, you had to kill more enemies on the ground than your opposing sides did. Area bombing was a grim necessity. Air Marshal Harris thought German morale might still be broken by bombing. Britain won the war by its successful bombing campaigns over Germany, by which the country was totally devastated, while Britain remained relatively unscathed. The German bombing of Coventry only killed 176 people and Dresden was a vicious payback. This was repeated in the East between the U.S. and Imperial Japan.
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..... But earlier you said that the US killed innocents on purpose, that is a lie. ...
I certainly agree in general to your post, but not quite on the statement I highlighted in bold

All war parties killed "innocent" civilians during WW2 and any other war on intention - if e.g. a bombing run onto e.g. Tokyo or London or Berlin was undertaken, the mission's goals were to cause destruction upon the opponent and as such also intentionally onto his civilian population - clearly according to the thesis "bombing the opponent into submission".

As such aside from having used 2 atom -bombs instead of conventional explosives, phosphate or air-mines - the purpose/goal was the same - end/win the war.

gipper, Placing blame onto the USA for having killed e.g. Japanese civilians "unnecessarily" fit's the argumentation that it is the Ukrainians that are killing their own population because they are/keeping them amidst their line of defense (cities) towards Russian troops - as such exposing them intentionally towards Russian artillery, rockets, whatever. So why not evacuate all Ukrainian civilians from a threatened city - and thus reducing own civilian cassulties and making it easier for the Russians to win?

So yes, war is hell - and the killing of civilians is intentional on all sides till to this present day. However the ones who propagate that the A-bomb only served the intention of killing innocent civilians and not the purpose of ending a war that had caused 20 million dead civilians already and further to come, are delusional.

Do I as a German blame or accuse e.g. the USA as an intentional civilian killer during WW2 ? yes off course I do - but Nazi Germany had started this war and had done the same thing to others - they just had less numbers of capable bombers and thank God no A-bomb. Same goes for Imperial Japan.
I certainly agree in general to your post, but not quite on the statement I highlighted in bold

All war parties killed "innocent" civilians during WW2 and any other war on intention - if e.g. a bombing run onto e.g. Tokyo or London or Berlin was undertaken, the mission's goals were to cause destruction upon the opponent and as such also intentionally onto his civilian population - clearly according to the thesis "bombing the opponent into submission".

As such aside from having used 2 atom -bombs instead of conventional explosives, phosphate or air-mines - the purpose/goal was the same - end/win the war.

gipper, Placing blame onto the USA for having killed e.g. Japanese civilians "unnecessarily" fit's the argumentation that it is the Ukrainians that are killing their own population because they are/keeping them amidst their line of defense (cities) towards Russian troops - as such exposing them intentionally towards Russian artillery, rockets, whatever. So why not evacuate all Ukrainian civilians from a threatened city - and thus reducing own civilian cassulties and making it easier for the Russians to win?

So yes, war is hell - and the killing of civilians is intentional on all sides till to this present day. However the ones who propagate that the A-bomb only served the intention of killing innocent civilians and not the purpose of ending a war that had caused 20 million dead civilians already and further to come, are delusional.

Do I as a German blame or accuse e.g. the USA as an intentional civilian killer during WW2 ? yes off course I do - but Nazi Germany had started this war and had done the same thing to others - they just had less numbers of capable bombers and thank God no A-bomb. Same goes for Imperial Japan.
yes, civilians are killed in every war. But to say that the US did it intentionally is simply a lie. Japan did it intentionally when they bombed pearl harbor, the Germans did it intentionally when they bombed London. The US never targeted civilians. sure, many were killed but collateral damage is not the same as targeting. Maybe we should have targeted civilian areas, the wars might have been shorter if we did.
Afghanistan might not have lasted 20 years if we did not try to avoid civilian areas, same with Viet Nam (which we lost and Nixon declared defeat and withdrew). Biden declared defeat in Afghanistan but he left thousands of civilians to be killed plus billions of dollars worth of equipment and classified data.
yes, civilians are killed in every war. But to say that the US did it intentionally is simply a lie. Japan did it intentionally when they bombed pearl harbor, the Germans did it intentionally when they bombed London. The US never targeted civilians. sure, many were killed but collateral damage is not the same as targeting. Maybe we should have targeted civilian areas, the wars might have been shorter if we did.
Afghanistan might not have lasted 20 years if we did not try to avoid civilian areas, same with Viet Nam (which we lost and Nixon declared defeat and withdrew). Biden declared defeat in Afghanistan but he left thousands of civilians to be killed plus billions of dollars worth of equipment and classified data.
Truman intentionally mass murdered defenseless civilians. This is a war crime for which he should have been hung at Nuremberg, like the crazed Nazis were.
Truman intentionally mass murdered defenseless civilians. This is a war crime for which he should have been hung at Nuremberg, like the crazed Nazis were.
Truman ended WW2 and saved millions of lives on both sides. He committed no crimes of any kind. He simply made the hard decision and ended the war The winners always put the losers on trial, that is the history of humanity.

By the way, if Truman was alive today he would not be a democrat, neither would Kennedy.
yes, civilians are killed in every war. But to say that the US did it intentionally is simply a lie. Japan did it intentionally when they bombed pearl harbor, the Germans did it intentionally when they bombed London. The US never targeted civilians. sure, many were killed but collateral damage is not the same as targeting......
Sorry I can't follow your double standard
Truman intentionally mass murdered defenseless civilians. This is a war crime for which he should have been hung at Nuremberg, like the crazed Nazis were.
You forgot those Japanese mass-murderers. - intentionally? ;)
The truth about the atom bomb?

My father had been an infantryman in Europe.

After VE Day he had plenty of points to be sent home.

However, his division was alerted for possible relocation to the Pacific.

The truth was that he was damn glad when the Japs surrender after being nuked. Damn glad.
The truth about the atom bomb?

My father had been an infantryman in Europe.

After VE Day he had plenty of points to be sent home.

However, his division was alerted for possible relocation to the Pacific.

The truth was that he was damn glad when the Japs surrender after being nuked. Damn glad.
Means absolutely nothing. Truman is still a war criminal who should have been hung.

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