The truth about Truman’s bombing Japan

NO they did not they targeted cities with war production, you three are idiots.
Lol. Our very own fourth grader doesn’t know every major city in Japan and Germany was reduced to rubble by the US military, causing massive civilian casualties.

Maybe he thinks every major city was a military base. Lol.
Lol. Our very own fourth grader doesn’t know every major city in Japan and Germany was reduced to rubble by the US military, causing massive civilian casualties.

Maybe he thinks every major city was a military base. Lol.
Production of war materials DUMBASS makes it a legit target.
Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan, Reconsidered
By Alan Mosley

January 2, 2019

Russia’s move, in fact, compelled the Japanese to consider unconditional surrender; until then, they were only open to a conditional surrender that left their Emperor Hirohito some dignity and protections from war-crimes trials. Ward concludes that, as in the European theatre, Truman didn’t beat Japan; Stalin did.

Harry Truman never expressed regret publicly over his decision to use the atomic bombs. However, he did order an independent study on the state of the war effort leading up to August of 1945, and the strategic value of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. In 1946, the U.S. Bombing Survey published its findings, which concluded as follows: “Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945 and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.” This is an intensive condemnation of Truman’s decision, seeing as Russia did enter the war, and that plans for an invasion had been developed.

As Timothy P. Carney writesfor the Washington Examiner, the fog of war can be a tricky thing. But if we’re forced to side with Truman, or Eisenhower and the other dissenting military leaders, the Eisenhower position isn’t merely valid; it actually aligns better with some fundamental American values. Given all the uncertainty, both at the time and with modern historical revisionism, it’s better to look to principle rather than fortune-telling. One principle that should be near the top of everyone’s list is this: it’s wrong to target civilians with weapons of mass destruction. The deliberate killing of innocent men, women, and children by the hundreds of thousandscannot be justified under any circumstances, much less the ambiguous ones Truman encountered. Whether his decision was motivated by indignation toward Japanese “ pigheadedness” or concern for his troops, Truman’s use of such devastating weapons against non-combatants should not be excused. Americans must strive for complete and honest analysis of the past (and present) conflicts. And if she is to remain true to her own ideals, America must strive for more noble and moral ends—in all conflicts, domestic and foreign—guided by our most cherished first principles, such as the Golden Rule. At the very least, Americans should not try so hard to justify mass murder.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan - LewRockwell
Bullshit, the bombs saved millions of lives, American and Japanese, They ended the war. Truman did the right thing for the world.

After his time in office he and his wife got in their personal car in DC and drove home to Missouri alone. If alive today, Truman would not be a democrat, neither would Kennedy.
Again with the thinking of a sixth grader. Not knowing the US military mass murdered civilians using aerial bombing during WWII, is akin to knowing nothing about WWII.
there is collateral damage in every war, we did not target civilians.
You just admitted they targeted war industry.

I never said they didn't. I said that, in addition to targeting war industry, and military facilities, they indiscriminately bombed the civilian populace.

I'm not saying that was particularly a bad thing, it was necessary to end the war. A war that Japan started and conducted most brutally themselves.

I'm not one of those who subscribes to the idea that the Japanese were just sitting around, making bad merchandise and raising goldfish, when the Americans just showed up and nuked them.

I have visited the Hiroshima Peace Park on a few occasions and the one thing I NEVER SAW was any descriptions of the atrocities that they committed on their enemies, including Americans.

"We find no evidence that anyone within the Truman administration undertook a formal legal analysis of the attack options in 1945. Nonetheless, intuitive moral concerns and background legal principles were often raised, especially by Stimson. But the archival record makes clear that such concerns were muted and rationalized away. Killing civilians was the primary purpose of the Hiroshima bombing. "

I have visited the Hiroshima Peace Park on a few occasions and the one thing I NEVER SAW was any descriptions of the atrocities that they committed on their enemies, including Americans.

Would that be the appropriate place for it? Do we have a memorial to the No Gun Ri massacre at the Vietnam War memorial?
Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan, Reconsidered
By Alan Mosley

January 2, 2019

Russia’s move, in fact, compelled the Japanese to consider unconditional surrender; until then, they were only open to a conditional surrender that left their Emperor Hirohito some dignity and protections from war-crimes trials. Ward concludes that, as in the European theatre, Truman didn’t beat Japan; Stalin did.

Harry Truman never expressed regret publicly over his decision to use the atomic bombs. However, he did order an independent study on the state of the war effort leading up to August of 1945, and the strategic value of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. In 1946, the U.S. Bombing Survey published its findings, which concluded as follows: “Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945 and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.” This is an intensive condemnation of Truman’s decision, seeing as Russia did enter the war, and that plans for an invasion had been developed.

As Timothy P. Carney writesfor the Washington Examiner, the fog of war can be a tricky thing. But if we’re forced to side with Truman, or Eisenhower and the other dissenting military leaders, the Eisenhower position isn’t merely valid; it actually aligns better with some fundamental American values. Given all the uncertainty, both at the time and with modern historical revisionism, it’s better to look to principle rather than fortune-telling. One principle that should be near the top of everyone’s list is this: it’s wrong to target civilians with weapons of mass destruction. The deliberate killing of innocent men, women, and children by the hundreds of thousandscannot be justified under any circumstances, much less the ambiguous ones Truman encountered. Whether his decision was motivated by indignation toward Japanese “ pigheadedness” or concern for his troops, Truman’s use of such devastating weapons against non-combatants should not be excused. Americans must strive for complete and honest analysis of the past (and present) conflicts. And if she is to remain true to her own ideals, America must strive for more noble and moral ends—in all conflicts, domestic and foreign—guided by our most cherished first principles, such as the Golden Rule. At the very least, Americans should not try so hard to justify mass murder.

The Atomic Bombing of Japan - LewRockwell
Wow that is beyond revisionist history!!! You are equating the Holocaust to the bombing of Japan. Not even close to an equivalent and that is why only a hate American troll would present it.

" According to records on the war damage, 78 schools were damaged in the atomic bombing, including 39 national schools, 30 middle schools, and nine high schools and universities."
Wow that is beyond revisionist history!!! You are equating the Holocaust to the bombing of Japan. Not even close to an equivalent and that is why only a hate American troll would present it.
Fool. Mass murdering civilians no matter how it’s done or how many are murdered, is STILL a war crime.

Because our government didn’t murder six million people means to you something ignorant.

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