The truth about Truman’s bombing Japan

No, they weren't. Or perhaps unlike everyone else on this thread YOU can post the offer to surrender made by the Japanese Government before the first bomb was dropped? Even after the 1st bomb the Government of Japan REFUSED to surrender and after the second bomb, they refused again the Emperor overrode them and for that the Army staged a failed Coup to try and stop him.
Be specific shit boy and tell us when the Japanese Government offered to surrender with an actual link to an actual GOVERNMENT offer.
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LOL a history teacher DISAGREES with actual History. Tell shit boy what was Alaska, Guam, and the Philippines in WW2? Who owned them you fucking retard?
Look the retard still disagrees on historical facts. Tell us shit boy who owned Guam Wake, Alaska and the Philippines in 1942? Since you claim the US did not.
The OP is certainly allowed to believe the stuff in his OP; and he’s free to “buy” the arguments made by the author of the work he cites.

But there anre actually quite a few very strong counter-arguments. Based on what the then projected numbers were of allied losses which would be likely to result from the invasion, as well as the likely obliteration of many-fold more Japanese (including civilians), the horrific decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan suddenly seems like a better option.
Why invade?
Why invade?
Because the war needed to end. Thousands of Burmese, Thai, Chinese and Malaysian civilians were being murdered every day by Japanese troops, Hundreds of allied POWs were being murdered and worked to death by the Japanese every month. Every day the war lasted more innocent people were being killed by the Japanese. If the US had opted for a blockade to starve the Japanese into surrender, it could have taken months or even years with innocent victims of Japanese brutality dying every minute.
Look the retard still disagrees on historical facts. Tell us shit boy who owned Guam Wake, Alaska and the Philippines in 1942? Since you claim the US did not.
still he disagrees he claims to be a history teacher and doesnt even know that Guam Wake the Phili[ppines and Alaska were all part of the USA at the time that Japan invaded them.
Truman was a leftie psychopath. Sometimes ya need one of those I guess. He sure stopped the Japs.
But they weren’t and so what if they wouldn’t surrender? Their nation and military were destroyed. We had nothing to fear.
Your analysis is nothing more than a reflection of your predisposed opinion.
Unconditional surrender was demanded but declined. Their choice. The consequences followed. Tough fucking luck.
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Your analysis is nothing more than a reflection of your predisposed opinion.
Unconditional surrender was demanded but declined. Their choice. The consequences followed. Tough fucking luck.
Lol. No need for unconditional surrender. That was merely a plan for total destruction of Japan. Mass murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.
Lol. No need for unconditional surrender. That was merely a plan for total destruction of Japan. Mass murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.

I enjoy it when you make shit up and pronounce it like you have any credible basis.
There’s a number of Americans who love Japanese culture so much (the anime stuff, the samurai-code-of-honor stuff, the karate stuff, or all of it) that they give them a pass for the negative aspects of the culture.

Personally, I’ve never understood the love for Japanese culture/society. They’re a hyper-conformist, hyper-homogeneous island nation. What’s so great about it?
But they weren’t and so what if they wouldn’t surrender? Their nation and military were destroyed. We had nothing to fear.
The Japanese were still actively fighting in Burma, China and Malaysia and were still occupying Indochina, Manchuria and Korea. The Japanese surface navy was largely destroyed, but the Army was almost intact. It still had well over a million combat troops deployed and fighting as well as several hundred thousand of its best troops deployed in Kyushu prepared to defend the invasion beaches which they had correctly identified.

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