The Truth About Vladimir Lenin -- New Video by Former Seattle Times Editor David Volodzko


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
In this eye-opening video, David Volodzko discusses his firing from the Seattle Times editorial board last year for writing a column about Vladimir Lenin's crimes against humanity. Volodzko wrote the column in response to the erection of a large statue of Lenin in the upscale Fremont neighborhood in Seattle. Volodzko also reviews some important history about Lenin's numerous acts of brutality.

Volodzko notes the moral depravity and selective outrage of liberal activists who have torn down statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson but who have no problem with a statue of Lenin.

For those who may wonder what Volodzko's shirt says, it shows the Hebrew word for "truth" (a-met).


Lenin died 100 years ago...

If this guy thought that was "news" in Seattle, maybe he should have been fired.

So if Lenin killed 10 million, and Stalin killed 50 million, how were there any people left in the USSR?
As I pointed out in another thread, the difference between a war hero and a war criminal is the difference between winners and losers.

Lenin, Stalin, and Mao ultimately won their conflicts and are revered by their people to varying degrees. which is why you can still visit Lenin's pickled body today.

Hitler and Tojo lost, and are considered war criminals. No one naming a school after those boys.

The only exceptions to these rules are people like Napoleon or the inbreds who led the Confederacy. I'm not sure why they get the reverence they still get.
Thank you for once again proving what a Marxist wingnut and extremist you are.

Lenin died 100 years ago...

If this guy thought that was "news" in Seattle, maybe he should have been fired.
Did you even watch the video? If you did, somehow you missed the fact that he wrote the article in response to the erection of a statue of Lenin in Seattle.

So if Lenin killed 10 million, and Stalin killed 50 million, how were there any people left in the USSR?
"IF"??? Gee, "IF Hitler killed 6 million Jews, how were there any Jews left in Europe?!" Some Holocaust deniers have actually used a version of this argument. Congratulations.

Had you bothered to read any of the sources I've linked for you in previous replies, you would already know the answer to your shameful, absurd question. You could start by reading the book Stalin's Genocides (Princeton University Press, 2011), written by Dr. Norman Naimark of Stanford University.

Other sources for your education:

Thank you for once again proving what a Marxist wingnut and extremist you are.

Did you even watch the video? If you did, somehow you missed the fact that he wrote the article in response to the erection of a statue of Lenin in Seattle.

"IF"??? Gee, "IF Hitler killed 6 million Jews, how were there any Jews left in Europe?!" Some Holocaust deniers have actually used a version of this argument. Congratulations.

Had you bothered to read any of the sources I've linked for you in previous replies, you would already know the answer to your shameful, absurd question. You could start by reading the book Stalin's Genocides (Princeton University Press, 2011), written by Dr. Norman Naimark of Stanford University.

Other sources for your education:

The laobaixing and kulaks don't count as "people", to mass murdering Marxist scum.
Did you even watch the video? If you did, somehow you missed the fact that he wrote the article in response to the erection of a statue of Lenin in Seattle.
And how was that news? The guy clearly didn't understand his job, so out he goes.

"IF"??? Gee, "IF Hitler killed 6 million Jews, how were there any Jews left in Europe?!" Some Holocaust deniers have actually used a version of this argument. Congratulations.

Except that Hitler deliberately killed people. The only way you get to the big numbers in Russia and China are by throwing in famines and natural disasters. Famines happened in China and Russia before the Commies took over. Capitalist countries have also had famines like Ireland in 1848 and Bengal in 1943.

Had you bothered to read any of the sources I've linked for you in previous replies,
Naw, just not all that interested in Bircher garbage.
"Famines", either created or exacerbated by the complete incompetence and indifference of communist central planning.
"Famines", either created or exacerbated by the complete incompetence and indifference of communist central planning.

Then how did we have famines under Capitalist rule or predating the Communists.

Famines are kind of hard to imagine today since the "Green Revolution" increased grain yeilds. But they've been common since biblical times.
Then how did we have famines under Capitalist rule or predating the Communists.

Famines are kind of hard to imagine today since the "Green Revolution" increased grain yeilds. But they've been common since biblical times.
Just like the committed Marxist to deliberately leave out the "or exacerbated by" part.....Lying by omission is a way of life.
Just like the committed Marxist to deliberately leave out the "or exacerbated by" part.....Lying by omission is a way of life.
You are the ones who give Trump a complete pass on Covid being "exacerbated" by his incompetence.

I freely admit, Mao and Stalin made mistakes in their agricultural policies that made these famines a lot worse than they needed to be.

But that's a lot different than the intentional extermination of people as happened in Nazi Germany.
Now the deflection to YEABBUT TRUUUUUUUMP! :rofl:

Your Marxist lies stand on their own, liar.
It is often overlooked or ignored, at least by many liberal historians, that Stalin murdered over 1 million Jews (approximately 1.3 million), in addition to persecuting them (LINK, LINK, LINK. LINK).

Except for a tiny number of far-left Stalin apologists in the West, Stalin's mass murders and other brutality are universally acknowledged by Western scholars. However, Stalin's murder of over 1 million Jews is not highlighted nearly as much as Hitler's murder of 5-6 million Jews.

To put this into better perspective, this means that Stalin was the second-biggest murderer of Jews in European history, second only to Hitler.

We should also remember that following the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop pact between Germany and the Soviet Union in 1939, Stalin promised the Nazis that he would rid the Soviet Union of "Jewish domination" and ordered the purge of Jewish employees in government ministries, universities, the military, and other major institutions. This was accompanied by increased violence and discrimination against Soviet Jews.

Moreover, shortly before he died, Stalin was on the verge of launching a massive campaign of persecution and oppression against Soviet Jews that would have resulted in mass deportations and/or mass imprisonment in concentration camps, if not worse. This fact has been discussed by many scholars, such as Alexander Rashin's 2003 book Why Didn't Stalin Murder All the Jews and Louis Rapoport's 1990 book Stalin's War Against the Jews, and also in a few documentaries (see also LINK).

Even today, Russia's brutal regime persecutes and smears Jews and even minimizes the Holocaust (LINK, LINK).
It is often overlooked or ignored, at least by many liberal historians, that Stalin murdered over 1 million Jews (approximately 1.3 million), in addition to persecuting them
Nobody denied he was a ruthless bastard.

We just find claims that he killed 50 million people to be a little absurd. Especially since the population of the USSR INCREASED under Stalin's regime.
In this eye-opening video, David Volodzko discusses his firing from the Seattle Times editorial board last year for writing a column about Vladimir Lenin's crimes against humanity. Volodzko wrote the column in response to the erection of a large statue of Lenin in the upscale Fremont neighborhood in Seattle. Volodzko also reviews some important history about Lenin's numerous acts of brutality.

Volodzko notes the moral depravity and selective outrage of liberal activists who have torn down statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson but who have no problem with a statue of Lenin.

For those who may wonder what Volodzko's shirt says, it shows the Hebrew word for "truth" (a-met).

a good one, do you agree that Ulyanov was a German spy ?
Attach a label, then attack the label. Bet you learned that technique in the public elementary schools. At the playground.

Naw, I just think it's kind of silly to argue if stuff that happened 100 years ago was brutal or not. The reason why the people killed in the Russian Civil War don't get that much attention was that WWI and the Spanish Flu killed millions more people. the people killed in the Russian Civil War by Lenin was barely a blip.

In fact, here is a funny story: I was working at a place where one of my team was from Ukraine. He was talking about how his grandfather fought in WWI, WWII and the Civil War, which caused a confused look on a coworker's face, and I had to add, "Russian Civil War, Mike!"
Nobody denied he was a ruthless bastard.
Uh, you did when we first discussed him in another thread, and you only began to grudgingly criticize him after I confronted you with numerous sources on his mass murders and brutality.

Similarly, recently you've been voicing some criticisms of Mao, but then you turn around and say he deserves "admiration," and you claim that he modernized China, brought stability, etc., etc. One, Free China's economic growth dwarfed Red China's under Mao. Two, yeah, Mao brought "stability" by murdering at least 20 million people and sending a bunch of others to concentration camps.

You exhibit a sick, warped Communist mindset when you pretend that Mao's horrific crimes are somehow offset by the good that you claim he did.

Heck, you could make much the same argument about Hitler by noting that he actually did revive Germany's economy, markedly raised the standard of living, restored German national pride, etc., etc.--but nobody cares about these things, and rightly so, because Hitler also murdered 5-6 million Jews and caused millions of other deaths through his invasions of Europe and Russia.

We just find claims that he killed 50 million people to be a little absurd. Especially since the population of the USSR INCREASED under Stalin's regime.
Oh my goodness, you're still making this ignorant, ridiculous argument, even after I've provided you with numerous scholarly sources on the fact that Stalin murdered at least 20 million people.

You've made no effort to explain any of the evidence presented in those sources. Instead, you rely on problematic Soviet census data, as if the Soviet censuses were reliable and complete.
Mormon Mike, still acting like a 1950's Bircher.

Uh, you did when we first discussed him in another thread,

Um, no, I said that he didn't kill 50 Gazillion people like you guys claim he did. Because the population of the USSR INCREASED. Did he kill a lot of people? Probably. Shit happens in Civil Wars.

Similarly, recently you've been voicing some criticisms of Mao, but then you turn around and say he deserves "admiration," and you claim that he modernized China, brought stability, etc., etc. One, Free China's economic growth dwarfed Red China's under Mao. T

Of course, he deserves admiration (and gets it from Millions of Chinese) because he took what was a country that was ravaged by warlords, and within a generation, turned it into a world superpower.

Peanut barely controlled the area around Nanjing, before the Japs took it from him. Even the US realized he was a lost cause at a certain point, and stopped propping him up.

There was no "Free China". Chiang was a fucking fascist. The problem was he was an incompetent fascist, and the other fascist powers (Germany and Italy) didn't want to be bothered with him after a certain point. The Allies found him equally worthless. The Japanese were STILL slapping him around in 1945 while the Axis was being rolled up on every other front of the war.

Two, yeah, Mao brought "stability" by murdering at least 20 million people and sending a bunch of others to concentration camps.

What, I thought you said it was 50 million. If you take out the famines and only include events like the Cultural Revolution, the number is probably closer to 10 million.

You exhibit a sick, warped Communist mindset when you pretend that Mao's horrific crimes are somehow offset by the good that you claim he did.

No, I just put it into the context of Chinese History. Mass death usually goes along with any upheaval. The fall of the Ming Dynasty to the Qing cost an estimated 25 million deaths in the 16th Century (when the population of China was 160 million.) Incidently, that's a MEASURABLE drop, as the population dropped from 160 Million in 1600 to 140 million in 1650 when the Qing established control.

The Taiping Rebellion, when some nut in China thought he was Jesus' brother, cost China 30 million lives.

So taking out the Famine of 1959-61 (which my wife lived through) you have maybe 10 million people killed in the Civil War and the revolutions afterwards. I just can't get that worked up about it, especially since the Chinese themselves see Mao as a net benefit.

Heck, you could make much the same argument about Hitler by noting that he actually did revive Germany's economy, markedly raised the standard of living, restored German national pride, etc., etc.--but nobody cares about these things, and rightly so, because Hitler also murdered 5-6 million Jews and caused millions of other deaths through his invasions of Europe and Russia.

Except Hitler plunged Germany into a world war that left it in ruins. That's his legacy. Mao's legacy is that China went from being a fractured country to a world superpower.

Oh my goodness, you're still making this ignorant, ridiculous argument, even after I've provided you with numerous scholarly sources on the fact that Stalin murdered at least 20 million people.

You provided a bunch of Bircher crap.

In 1926, when Stalin Took Power, the USSR had a population of 147 million. by 1939, the population of the USSR had increased to 170 Million. Just not seeing how that is possible if Stalin killed 50 million people like you claimed. By 1959, the population was up to 208 million, despite the USSR suffering 20 million fatalities in WWII.

You've made no effort to explain any of the evidence presented in those sources. Instead, you rely on problematic Soviet census data, as if the Soviet censuses were reliable and complete.

A bunch of people outside the USSR spewing anti-Communist propaganda is more reliable than census figures obtained by government agencies?
In this eye-opening video, David Volodzko discusses his firing from the Seattle Times editorial board last year for writing a column about Vladimir Lenin's crimes against humanity. Volodzko wrote the column in response to the erection of a large statue of Lenin in the upscale Fremont neighborhood in Seattle. Volodzko also reviews some important history about Lenin's numerous acts of brutality.

Volodzko notes the moral depravity and selective outrage of liberal activists who have torn down statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson but who have no problem with a statue of Lenin.

For those who may wonder what Volodzko's shirt says, it shows the Hebrew word for "truth" (a-met).


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