The truth some here cannot take

IM I’ve told you. I ll Stand shoulder to shoulder with you. What is your plan to end racism?

And I told you. Start an organization in the white communiy and work to end the racism in the white community.

Now stop asking.

Me asking someone not to be racist is not going to do it. Imagine you hate whites. I come to you and ask you to please no longer hate whites. Why would you do that?

In fact me doing this would make you hate whites more.
I've never known you to post the truth. Where is all the black created infrastructure? Where are all the colleges created by blacks? Where are all the aircraft manufacturing plants created by blacks? Where are all the colliders created by blacks? Where is anything created by blacks except here:

george washington carver?

are you saying that whites created everything? that no black ever created anything worthwhile or of value?

wasn't jesus black?

Jesus was a Jew. Do you know many black Jews? He was dark skinned. Olive. Not black.
So in your mind, desiring racial harmony is a racist thing?
Where did I state, or even suggest, that?

First of all, it was a question. Secondly, where did Azogthedefiler state or suggest that he didn't want to deal w/the past and/or current sins by whites against blacks? Thirdly, it was a question based on my experiences here with certain blacks who seem to think that whites who do not go around waving signs declaring their acceptance of white racist history are racist.

So let me ask you another question: Do you or do you not contend that whites who "don't want to deal with the past and/or current sins by whites against blacks" are racist themselves?
The ones who respond in an insenesd manner, yes.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Hmm, that hasn't entirely been my experience here but, okay.
Can't we just be human instead of black, white, etc.?

This thread is annoying.
This is what whites, usually experiencing some guilt complex, try to say when they don't want to deal w/the past and/or current sins by whites against blacks.

They try to neutralize it.

Even when a white person suggests blurring the color lines in an attempt to promote harmony between the races, they're racist.

For fuck's sake, is there any way a white person can not be racist to you guys?

Sorry but this person nor you want to try to even begin to promote racial harmony. What you both want is to have me shut up pointing out white racism.

Uh huh. This from the guy who tells me I can't say anything about blacks or that I need "only concern myself with..." You tell people to "Shut the fuck up" all the time. You've already done it once or twice in this thread alone.

Because if you or any other white "conservative" here was about that, you'd be in other threads telling whites there to stop what they are doing But you don't. You follow me or other blacks around to harass us trying to make us shut up so you can all spend all day long talking your racist shit about us as black people with no opposition.

You started this thread and you got exactly what you were hoping for; whitey disagreeing with you so you could point out how racist we are for disagreeing with you. Harassment my white ass.

Yes harassment. Every fucking thread no matter the subject, no matter the black poster, you racists say the same fucking things. You never discuss the thread topic, it's all ad hominem attacks. We are called racists when we have said nothing racist and a low life like you starts whining like you've done nothing pretending not to understand how you and whites like you create animosity.

You've never gotten ad hominem attacks from me and you damn well know it. You just called me a low life for Christ's sake. And, don't hand me that "We are called racists..." sludge, you have called every single white person who disagreed with you a racist, including me. It doesn't even matter what it is they're disagreeing about; if they disagree with you on any opinions you have on the subject of race and race relations, they're racist.

Instead you are just poor innocent victims wrongfully attacked only because your skin is white. Or how we hate every white person who ever existed on planet earth because we oppose the racism of a few raggedy white racists here at USMB while pointing out the history and continuing racism by whites. Every single time.

I remember you telling me once that you judged me based on the history of white racism. When I pointed out that this means you judge me because I'm white, I got nothing and you bailed on the discussion.

If you drag that history-of-white-racism baggage to the discussion table, no white person has a chance in hell of being judged fairly and objectively on their own words and actions.

But you love Avery Jahrman because he says what you want and need to hear. He blames blacks for everything like you want us to. So he's the acceptable house negro of the moment. But you guys can't understand how we can call you racists.

You see, that's part of your problem right there. You lump me in with other whites who agree with this person but I don't even know who Avery Jahrman is and I never said anything about him. You're criticizing me for things other people said about someone I've never even heard of.

I have the same right to discuss the racism of whites in the race and racism forum as you do when you post your dumb ass false racist screeds about us.

Don't give me that crap about "I have the same right...", I wasn't even addressing you, I was addressing Marc and responding to something he said. You're the one who came at me and what's more, you claimed I didn't want racial harmony and you claimed I only want to shut you up pointing out racism when I wasn't even talking to you, much less trying to shut you up. Or trying to shut Marc up either for that matter.

Just because we can show proof of your racism through laws and polices that allowed you to be given what you have doesn't change that.

I had nothing to do with any laws or policies against blacks and I certainly wasn't given anything. I've had to work, study and train just like everybody else to make it ahead in my profession. What's more, there are many blacks in my profession and there has been ever since I got into this line of work thirty four years ago so obviously nobody was giving me an advantage.
As for my parents and others in my family, there simply weren't any blacks in the area where I grew up in upstate New York. There were only two blacks in the entire high school at that time and they were sisters. So there were basically no blacks to have an advantage over.

You don't get any special rights because your ass is white.

Since we don't get any special rights, does that mean you will no longer call white people racist for the stupidest reasons?

This is not 1918. I nor any of the blacks have to read the stereotyped racist rants you guys post and accept it as truth. We don't have to say," yessah boss you'se right about us negros, we did this to ourselves" just because that's a lie you guys want to tell yourselves and would like to force us to believe. We know what the problem is. We know what started the problem. You whites here say you don't want to be blamed? Whites should not have done what you dd. You whites here say you don't want to be blamed? Stop doing what you keep doing.

Speaking for myself, I'm not doing anything regarding race relations that I need to stop doing.

When you talk abut us, its not accurate. You don't enter threads made by whites doing what you do to blacks here.[/quote]

And what have I done to blacks here?

For some reason you don't see what whites are saying as things that are not racially divisive That's one reason why I say you need to concern yourself with white racism.

I'll only concern myself with white racism if you only concern yourself with black racism. Deal? Oh that's right, you don't believe blacks can be racist even though some are. So, you leave me no choice but to point this out to you.

Just as much as you and others lecture me about doing something about a black community you have made up, I say the same for you. Don't like being told to STFU, stop making rude and racist comments all the time.

What rude and racist comments have I ever made to you or anybody? Need I remind you that you're the one who has done all the name calling in our discussions? You've called me "stupid fucker", "dumb bastard", "fool", "punk" and "bitch" among other things. The worst I ever said to you was to call you "dumbass" once and I'm not sure that wasn't directed at someone else.

Didn't see you getting on whites here who tell me the other blacks here how blacks have never dine anything and depend on whites for everything. Until you can do that, you really have nothing to say to blacks.

Didn't see you getting on blacks here for any racist remarks either so I guess that makes us even.

Because if you can't. then all you are doing is trying to bully blacks here into silence.

I don't know who you're talking about but I've never tried to bully anyone into anything.

You seem to have this hangup about white people trying to shut you up that borders on paranoia. It's been a common thread in just about all your discussions and interactions. All a white person has to do is disagree with you on something and this makes them racist and they're trying to shut you up.
If I say some blacks are racist, I'm racist and I'm trying to shut you up. If I say that something like a cotton plant is not racist, I'm racist and I'm trying to shut you up. If I say that not all conservatives are racist, I'm racist and I'm trying to shut you up. Ad nauseum...

After all you claim to be doing this to promote racial harmony but you only jump on blacks when we are only opposing the racism we get from whites. Promoting racial harmony isn't letting whites freely speak racist crap while trying to shut up blacks for opposing it.

I never said anything about promoting racial harmony other than to confront Marc about his assumptions regarding Azogthedefiler's comment, i.e., "Can't we just be human instead of black, white, etc.?"

I started this thread to show whites like you that blacks have done things here. But you can't understand how a black person could be pissed off and tired of reading this shit from whites like you all the damn time. In standard form you racist jump in, try to derail the thread then cry when you get called the racists that you are.

My first contribution to this thread was simply to answer Marc's question regarding political division vs. racial division. Then Azogthedefiler made his remark about us all just being humans instead of black or white and Marc then basically accuses him of merely saying that out of white guilt and as an excuse to not "deal w/the past and/or current sins by whites against blacks." This was nothing more than an assumption on his part and he had no way of knowing that this was the reason behind Azog's remark so I confronted him on it.

I don't "cry when you get called the racists...". If I see an unjustified assumption or judgment, or a contradiction in someone's argument, or hypocrisy, or something that is simply not true, I'm going to point it out.
Walter Rodney

IM I’ve told you. I ll Stand shoulder to shoulder with you. What is your plan to end racism?

And I told you. Start an organization in the white communiy and work to end the racism in the white community.

Now stop asking.

Me asking someone not to be racist is not going to do it. Imagine you hate whites. I come to you and ask you to please no longer hate whites. Why would you do that?

In fact me doing this would make you hate whites more.

If you notice what I said, then you understand that it is not about asking. It is about holding classes, going into schools, senior centers, businesses, conducting seminars.workshops and trainings. Work, get it?
IM I’ve told you. I ll Stand shoulder to shoulder with you. What is your plan to end racism?

And I told you. Start an organization in the white communiy and work to end the racism in the white community.

Now stop asking.

Me asking someone not to be racist is not going to do it. Imagine you hate whites. I come to you and ask you to please no longer hate whites. Why would you do that?

In fact me doing this would make you hate whites more.

If you notice what I said, then you understand that it is not about asking. It is about holding classes, going into schools, senior centers, businesses, conducting seminars.workshops and trainings. Work, get it?

And do what at those seminars, workshops, etc.? Educate on the atrocities of the past?
IM I’ve told you. I ll Stand shoulder to shoulder with you. What is your plan to end racism?

And I told you. Start an organization in the white communiy and work to end the racism in the white community.

Now stop asking.

Me asking someone not to be racist is not going to do it. Imagine you hate whites. I come to you and ask you to please no longer hate whites. Why would you do that?

In fact me doing this would make you hate whites more.

If you notice what I said, then you understand that it is not about asking. It is about holding classes, going into schools, senior centers, businesses, conducting seminars.workshops and trainings. Work, get it?

And do what at those seminars, workshops, etc.? Educate on the atrocities of the past?

Figure it out. Because white racism has not ended. So stop talking about it like it's in the past.
The Haitian Revolution: /// How Blacks Defeated Whites !

IM I’ve told you. I ll Stand shoulder to shoulder with you. What is your plan to end racism?

And I told you. Start an organization in the white communiy and work to end the racism in the white community.

Now stop asking.

Me asking someone not to be racist is not going to do it. Imagine you hate whites. I come to you and ask you to please no longer hate whites. Why would you do that?

In fact me doing this would make you hate whites more.

If you notice what I said, then you understand that it is not about asking. It is about holding classes, going into schools, senior centers, businesses, conducting seminars.workshops and trainings. Work, get it?

And do what at those seminars, workshops, etc.? Educate on the atrocities of the past?

Figure it out. Because white racism has not ended. So stop talking about it like it's in the past.

I just told you that you cannot stop racists from being racist. I am a Jew. People have hated Jews for 4k years. I just don't care. I move on. LOL. You need to grow the F up.
Even when a white person suggests blurring the color lines in an attempt to promote harmony between the races, they're racist.

For fuck's sake, is there any way a white person can not be racist to you guys?
I've posted it a thousand times on here already, and I'll post it a thousand more times if I have to.

If you don't want to be called/considered racist, don't. Do. Racist. Things.
According to many black posters, whites only do racist things.
This is what whites, usually experiencing some guilt complex, try to say when they don't want to deal w/the past and/or current sins by whites against blacks.

They try to neutralize it.

Even when a white person suggests blurring the color lines in an attempt to promote harmony between the races, they're racist.

For fuck's sake, is there any way a white person can not be racist to you guys?

Sorry but this person nor you want to try to even begin to promote racial harmony. What you both want is to have me shut up pointing out white racism.

Uh huh. This from the guy who tells me I can't say anything about blacks or that I need "only concern myself with..." You tell people to "Shut the fuck up" all the time. You've already done it once or twice in this thread alone.

Because if you or any other white "conservative" here was about that, you'd be in other threads telling whites there to stop what they are doing But you don't. You follow me or other blacks around to harass us trying to make us shut up so you can all spend all day long talking your racist shit about us as black people with no opposition.

You started this thread and you got exactly what you were hoping for; whitey disagreeing with you so you could point out how racist we are for disagreeing with you. Harassment my white ass.

Yes harassment. Every fucking thread no matter the subject, no matter the black poster, you racists say the same fucking things. You never discuss the thread topic, it's all ad hominem attacks. We are called racists when we have said nothing racist and a low life like you starts whining like you've done nothing pretending not to understand how you and whites like you create animosity.

You've never gotten ad hominem attacks from me and you damn well know it. You just called me a low life for Christ's sake. And, don't hand me that "We are called racists..." sludge, you have called every single white person who disagreed with you a racist, including me. It doesn't even matter what it is they're disagreeing about; if they disagree with you on any opinions you have on the subject of race and race relations, they're racist.

Instead you are just poor innocent victims wrongfully attacked only because your skin is white. Or how we hate every white person who ever existed on planet earth because we oppose the racism of a few raggedy white racists here at USMB while pointing out the history and continuing racism by whites. Every single time.

I remember you telling me once that you judged me based on the history of white racism. When I pointed out that this means you judge me because I'm white, I got nothing and you bailed on the discussion.

If you drag that history-of-white-racism baggage to the discussion table, no white person has a chance in hell of being judged fairly and objectively on their own words and actions.

But you love Avery Jahrman because he says what you want and need to hear. He blames blacks for everything like you want us to. So he's the acceptable house negro of the moment. But you guys can't understand how we can call you racists.

You see, that's part of your problem right there. You lump me in with other whites who agree with this person but I don't even know who Avery Jahrman is and I never said anything about him. You're criticizing me for things other people said about someone I've never even heard of.

I have the same right to discuss the racism of whites in the race and racism forum as you do when you post your dumb ass false racist screeds about us.

Don't give me that crap about "I have the same right...", I wasn't even addressing you, I was addressing Marc and responding to something he said. You're the one who came at me and what's more, you claimed I didn't want racial harmony and you claimed I only want to shut you up pointing out racism when I wasn't even talking to you, much less trying to shut you up. Or trying to shut Marc up either for that matter.

Just because we can show proof of your racism through laws and polices that allowed you to be given what you have doesn't change that.

I had nothing to do with any laws or policies against blacks and I certainly wasn't given anything. I've had to work, study and train just like everybody else to make it ahead in my profession. What's more, there are many blacks in my profession and there has been ever since I got into this line of work thirty four years ago so obviously nobody was giving me an advantage.
As for my parents and others in my family, there simply weren't any blacks in the area where I grew up in upstate New York. There were only two blacks in the entire high school at that time and they were sisters. So there were basically no blacks to have an advantage over.

You don't get any special rights because your ass is white.

Since we don't get any special rights, does that mean you will no longer call white people racist for the stupidest reasons?

This is not 1918. I nor any of the blacks have to read the stereotyped racist rants you guys post and accept it as truth. We don't have to say," yessah boss you'se right about us negros, we did this to ourselves" just because that's a lie you guys want to tell yourselves and would like to force us to believe. We know what the problem is. We know what started the problem. You whites here say you don't want to be blamed? Whites should not have done what you dd. You whites here say you don't want to be blamed? Stop doing what you keep doing.

Speaking for myself, I'm not doing anything regarding race relations that I need to stop doing.

When you talk abut us, its not accurate. You don't enter threads made by whites doing what you do to blacks here.

And what have I done to blacks here?

For some reason you don't see what whites are saying as things that are not racially divisive That's one reason why I say you need to concern yourself with white racism.

I'll only concern myself with white racism if you only concern yourself with black racism. Deal? Oh that's right, you don't believe blacks can be racist even though some are. So, you leave me no choice but to point this out to you.

Just as much as you and others lecture me about doing something about a black community you have made up, I say the same for you. Don't like being told to STFU, stop making rude and racist comments all the time.

What rude and racist comments have I ever made to you or anybody? Need I remind you that you're the one who has done all the name calling in our discussions? You've called me "stupid fucker", "dumb bastard", "fool", "punk" and "bitch" among other things. The worst I ever said to you was to call you "dumbass" once and I'm not sure that wasn't directed at someone else.

Didn't see you getting on whites here who tell me the other blacks here how blacks have never dine anything and depend on whites for everything. Until you can do that, you really have nothing to say to blacks.

Didn't see you getting on blacks here for any racist remarks either so I guess that makes us even.

Because if you can't. then all you are doing is trying to bully blacks here into silence.

I don't know who you're talking about but I've never tried to bully anyone into anything.

You seem to have this hangup about white people trying to shut you up that borders on paranoia. It's been a common thread in just about all your discussions and interactions. All a white person has to do is disagree with you on something and this makes them racist and they're trying to shut you up.
If I say some blacks are racist, I'm racist and I'm trying to shut you up. If I say that something like a cotton plant is not racist, I'm racist and I'm trying to shut you up. If I say that not all conservatives are racist, I'm racist and I'm trying to shut you up. Ad nauseum...

After all you claim to be doing this to promote racial harmony but you only jump on blacks when we are only opposing the racism we get from whites. Promoting racial harmony isn't letting whites freely speak racist crap while trying to shut up blacks for opposing it.

I never said anything about promoting racial harmony other than to confront Marc about his assumptions regarding Azogthedefiler's comment, i.e., "Can't we just be human instead of black, white, etc.?"

I started this thread to show whites like you that blacks have done things here. But you can't understand how a black person could be pissed off and tired of reading this shit from whites like you all the damn time. In standard form you racist jump in, try to derail the thread then cry when you get called the racists that you are.

My first contribution to this thread was simply to answer Marc's question regarding political division vs. racial division. Then Azogthedefiler made his remark about us all just being humans instead of black or white and Marc then basically accuses him of merely saying that out of white guilt and as an excuse to not "deal w/the past and/or current sins by whites against blacks." This was nothing more than an assumption on his part and he had no way of knowing that this was the reason behind Azog's remark so I confronted him on it.

I don't "cry when you get called the racists...". If I see an unjustified assumption or judgment, or a contradiction in someone's argument, or hypocrisy, or something that is simply not true, I'm going to point it out.[/QUOTE]
IM2 is disliked because of his angry attitude toward whites, he may not say ALL whites, but he infers it. If he took that chip off his shoulder he would experience a much better relationship with whites.
Even when a white person suggests blurring the color lines in an attempt to promote harmony between the races, they're racist.

For fuck's sake, is there any way a white person can not be racist to you guys?

Sorry but this person nor you want to try to even begin to promote racial harmony. What you both want is to have me shut up pointing out white racism.

Uh huh. This from the guy who tells me I can't say anything about blacks or that I need "only concern myself with..." You tell people to "Shut the fuck up" all the time. You've already done it once or twice in this thread alone.

Because if you or any other white "conservative" here was about that, you'd be in other threads telling whites there to stop what they are doing But you don't. You follow me or other blacks around to harass us trying to make us shut up so you can all spend all day long talking your racist shit about us as black people with no opposition.

You started this thread and you got exactly what you were hoping for; whitey disagreeing with you so you could point out how racist we are for disagreeing with you. Harassment my white ass.

Yes harassment. Every fucking thread no matter the subject, no matter the black poster, you racists say the same fucking things. You never discuss the thread topic, it's all ad hominem attacks. We are called racists when we have said nothing racist and a low life like you starts whining like you've done nothing pretending not to understand how you and whites like you create animosity.

You've never gotten ad hominem attacks from me and you damn well know it. You just called me a low life for Christ's sake. And, don't hand me that "We are called racists..." sludge, you have called every single white person who disagreed with you a racist, including me. It doesn't even matter what it is they're disagreeing about; if they disagree with you on any opinions you have on the subject of race and race relations, they're racist.

Instead you are just poor innocent victims wrongfully attacked only because your skin is white. Or how we hate every white person who ever existed on planet earth because we oppose the racism of a few raggedy white racists here at USMB while pointing out the history and continuing racism by whites. Every single time.

I remember you telling me once that you judged me based on the history of white racism. When I pointed out that this means you judge me because I'm white, I got nothing and you bailed on the discussion.

If you drag that history-of-white-racism baggage to the discussion table, no white person has a chance in hell of being judged fairly and objectively on their own words and actions.

But you love Avery Jahrman because he says what you want and need to hear. He blames blacks for everything like you want us to. So he's the acceptable house negro of the moment. But you guys can't understand how we can call you racists.

You see, that's part of your problem right there. You lump me in with other whites who agree with this person but I don't even know who Avery Jahrman is and I never said anything about him. You're criticizing me for things other people said about someone I've never even heard of.

I have the same right to discuss the racism of whites in the race and racism forum as you do when you post your dumb ass false racist screeds about us.

Don't give me that crap about "I have the same right...", I wasn't even addressing you, I was addressing Marc and responding to something he said. You're the one who came at me and what's more, you claimed I didn't want racial harmony and you claimed I only want to shut you up pointing out racism when I wasn't even talking to you, much less trying to shut you up. Or trying to shut Marc up either for that matter.

Just because we can show proof of your racism through laws and polices that allowed you to be given what you have doesn't change that.

I had nothing to do with any laws or policies against blacks and I certainly wasn't given anything. I've had to work, study and train just like everybody else to make it ahead in my profession. What's more, there are many blacks in my profession and there has been ever since I got into this line of work thirty four years ago so obviously nobody was giving me an advantage.
As for my parents and others in my family, there simply weren't any blacks in the area where I grew up in upstate New York. There were only two blacks in the entire high school at that time and they were sisters. So there were basically no blacks to have an advantage over.

You don't get any special rights because your ass is white.

Since we don't get any special rights, does that mean you will no longer call white people racist for the stupidest reasons?

This is not 1918. I nor any of the blacks have to read the stereotyped racist rants you guys post and accept it as truth. We don't have to say," yessah boss you'se right about us negros, we did this to ourselves" just because that's a lie you guys want to tell yourselves and would like to force us to believe. We know what the problem is. We know what started the problem. You whites here say you don't want to be blamed? Whites should not have done what you dd. You whites here say you don't want to be blamed? Stop doing what you keep doing.

Speaking for myself, I'm not doing anything regarding race relations that I need to stop doing.

When you talk abut us, its not accurate. You don't enter threads made by whites doing what you do to blacks here.

And what have I done to blacks here?

For some reason you don't see what whites are saying as things that are not racially divisive That's one reason why I say you need to concern yourself with white racism.

I'll only concern myself with white racism if you only concern yourself with black racism. Deal? Oh that's right, you don't believe blacks can be racist even though some are. So, you leave me no choice but to point this out to you.

Just as much as you and others lecture me about doing something about a black community you have made up, I say the same for you. Don't like being told to STFU, stop making rude and racist comments all the time.

What rude and racist comments have I ever made to you or anybody? Need I remind you that you're the one who has done all the name calling in our discussions? You've called me "stupid fucker", "dumb bastard", "fool", "punk" and "bitch" among other things. The worst I ever said to you was to call you "dumbass" once and I'm not sure that wasn't directed at someone else.

Didn't see you getting on whites here who tell me the other blacks here how blacks have never dine anything and depend on whites for everything. Until you can do that, you really have nothing to say to blacks.

Didn't see you getting on blacks here for any racist remarks either so I guess that makes us even.

Because if you can't. then all you are doing is trying to bully blacks here into silence.

I don't know who you're talking about but I've never tried to bully anyone into anything.

You seem to have this hangup about white people trying to shut you up that borders on paranoia. It's been a common thread in just about all your discussions and interactions. All a white person has to do is disagree with you on something and this makes them racist and they're trying to shut you up.
If I say some blacks are racist, I'm racist and I'm trying to shut you up. If I say that something like a cotton plant is not racist, I'm racist and I'm trying to shut you up. If I say that not all conservatives are racist, I'm racist and I'm trying to shut you up. Ad nauseum...

After all you claim to be doing this to promote racial harmony but you only jump on blacks when we are only opposing the racism we get from whites. Promoting racial harmony isn't letting whites freely speak racist crap while trying to shut up blacks for opposing it.

I never said anything about promoting racial harmony other than to confront Marc about his assumptions regarding Azogthedefiler's comment, i.e., "Can't we just be human instead of black, white, etc.?"

I started this thread to show whites like you that blacks have done things here. But you can't understand how a black person could be pissed off and tired of reading this shit from whites like you all the damn time. In standard form you racist jump in, try to derail the thread then cry when you get called the racists that you are.

My first contribution to this thread was simply to answer Marc's question regarding political division vs. racial division. Then Azogthedefiler made his remark about us all just being humans instead of black or white and Marc then basically accuses him of merely saying that out of white guilt and as an excuse to not "deal w/the past and/or current sins by whites against blacks." This was nothing more than an assumption on his part and he had no way of knowing that this was the reason behind Azog's remark so I confronted him on it.

I don't "cry when you get called the racists...". If I see an unjustified assumption or judgment, or a contradiction in someone's argument, or hypocrisy, or something that is simply not true, I'm going to point it out.
IM2 is disliked because of his angry attitude toward whites, he may not say ALL whites, but he infers it. If he took that chip off his shoulder he would experience a much better relationship with whites.

His objectivity is so polluted by his anger he can't even keep straight which white person said what. The exchange about Avery Jahrman in my last post was but yet another in a long list of times I've had to correct him on what I said or didn't say. I've already had to tell him like four or five times in other discussions that someone else said what he was confronting me on. In fact, I had to correct him twice in the same discussion that I did not go to an all black school, that it was another poster who told him this.
And I told you. Start an organization in the white communiy and work to end the racism in the white community.

Now stop asking.

Me asking someone not to be racist is not going to do it. Imagine you hate whites. I come to you and ask you to please no longer hate whites. Why would you do that?

In fact me doing this would make you hate whites more.

If you notice what I said, then you understand that it is not about asking. It is about holding classes, going into schools, senior centers, businesses, conducting seminars.workshops and trainings. Work, get it?

And do what at those seminars, workshops, etc.? Educate on the atrocities of the past?

Figure it out. Because white racism has not ended. So stop talking about it like it's in the past.

I just told you that you cannot stop racists from being racist. I am a Jew. People have hated Jews for 4k years. I just don't care. I move on. LOL. You need to grow the F up.

You are racially white. And racism can be stopped. You've had nothing to move on from white man. Be quiet.
Whites did not invent as much as they claim.

Oh lord have mercy!

Truthfully if it were not for Indians ( from India ), Chinese and Persia most of us would still be grunting and scratching our private parts.

Hate to tell you neither black or whites are that damn special!
Me asking someone not to be racist is not going to do it. Imagine you hate whites. I come to you and ask you to please no longer hate whites. Why would you do that?

In fact me doing this would make you hate whites more.

If you notice what I said, then you understand that it is not about asking. It is about holding classes, going into schools, senior centers, businesses, conducting seminars.workshops and trainings. Work, get it?

And do what at those seminars, workshops, etc.? Educate on the atrocities of the past?

Figure it out. Because white racism has not ended. So stop talking about it like it's in the past.

I just told you that you cannot stop racists from being racist. I am a Jew. People have hated Jews for 4k years. I just don't care. I move on. LOL. You need to grow the F up.

You are racially white. And racism can be stopped. You've had nothing to move on from white man. Be quiet.

No, it can not because those like you are in every race and prevent it from being stopped!
Sorry but this person nor you want to try to even begin to promote racial harmony. What you both want is to have me shut up pointing out white racism.

Uh huh. This from the guy who tells me I can't say anything about blacks or that I need "only concern myself with..." You tell people to "Shut the fuck up" all the time. You've already done it once or twice in this thread alone.

Because if you or any other white "conservative" here was about that, you'd be in other threads telling whites there to stop what they are doing But you don't. You follow me or other blacks around to harass us trying to make us shut up so you can all spend all day long talking your racist shit about us as black people with no opposition.

You started this thread and you got exactly what you were hoping for; whitey disagreeing with you so you could point out how racist we are for disagreeing with you. Harassment my white ass.

Yes harassment. Every fucking thread no matter the subject, no matter the black poster, you racists say the same fucking things. You never discuss the thread topic, it's all ad hominem attacks. We are called racists when we have said nothing racist and a low life like you starts whining like you've done nothing pretending not to understand how you and whites like you create animosity.

You've never gotten ad hominem attacks from me and you damn well know it. You just called me a low life for Christ's sake. And, don't hand me that "We are called racists..." sludge, you have called every single white person who disagreed with you a racist, including me. It doesn't even matter what it is they're disagreeing about; if they disagree with you on any opinions you have on the subject of race and race relations, they're racist.

Instead you are just poor innocent victims wrongfully attacked only because your skin is white. Or how we hate every white person who ever existed on planet earth because we oppose the racism of a few raggedy white racists here at USMB while pointing out the history and continuing racism by whites. Every single time.

I remember you telling me once that you judged me based on the history of white racism. When I pointed out that this means you judge me because I'm white, I got nothing and you bailed on the discussion.

If you drag that history-of-white-racism baggage to the discussion table, no white person has a chance in hell of being judged fairly and objectively on their own words and actions.

But you love Avery Jahrman because he says what you want and need to hear. He blames blacks for everything like you want us to. So he's the acceptable house negro of the moment. But you guys can't understand how we can call you racists.

You see, that's part of your problem right there. You lump me in with other whites who agree with this person but I don't even know who Avery Jahrman is and I never said anything about him. You're criticizing me for things other people said about someone I've never even heard of.

I have the same right to discuss the racism of whites in the race and racism forum as you do when you post your dumb ass false racist screeds about us.

Don't give me that crap about "I have the same right...", I wasn't even addressing you, I was addressing Marc and responding to something he said. You're the one who came at me and what's more, you claimed I didn't want racial harmony and you claimed I only want to shut you up pointing out racism when I wasn't even talking to you, much less trying to shut you up. Or trying to shut Marc up either for that matter.

Just because we can show proof of your racism through laws and polices that allowed you to be given what you have doesn't change that.

I had nothing to do with any laws or policies against blacks and I certainly wasn't given anything. I've had to work, study and train just like everybody else to make it ahead in my profession. What's more, there are many blacks in my profession and there has been ever since I got into this line of work thirty four years ago so obviously nobody was giving me an advantage.
As for my parents and others in my family, there simply weren't any blacks in the area where I grew up in upstate New York. There were only two blacks in the entire high school at that time and they were sisters. So there were basically no blacks to have an advantage over.

You don't get any special rights because your ass is white.

Since we don't get any special rights, does that mean you will no longer call white people racist for the stupidest reasons?

This is not 1918. I nor any of the blacks have to read the stereotyped racist rants you guys post and accept it as truth. We don't have to say," yessah boss you'se right about us negros, we did this to ourselves" just because that's a lie you guys want to tell yourselves and would like to force us to believe. We know what the problem is. We know what started the problem. You whites here say you don't want to be blamed? Whites should not have done what you dd. You whites here say you don't want to be blamed? Stop doing what you keep doing.

Speaking for myself, I'm not doing anything regarding race relations that I need to stop doing.

When you talk abut us, its not accurate. You don't enter threads made by whites doing what you do to blacks here.

And what have I done to blacks here?

For some reason you don't see what whites are saying as things that are not racially divisive That's one reason why I say you need to concern yourself with white racism.

I'll only concern myself with white racism if you only concern yourself with black racism. Deal? Oh that's right, you don't believe blacks can be racist even though some are. So, you leave me no choice but to point this out to you.

Just as much as you and others lecture me about doing something about a black community you have made up, I say the same for you. Don't like being told to STFU, stop making rude and racist comments all the time.

What rude and racist comments have I ever made to you or anybody? Need I remind you that you're the one who has done all the name calling in our discussions? You've called me "stupid fucker", "dumb bastard", "fool", "punk" and "bitch" among other things. The worst I ever said to you was to call you "dumbass" once and I'm not sure that wasn't directed at someone else.

Didn't see you getting on whites here who tell me the other blacks here how blacks have never dine anything and depend on whites for everything. Until you can do that, you really have nothing to say to blacks.

Didn't see you getting on blacks here for any racist remarks either so I guess that makes us even.

Because if you can't. then all you are doing is trying to bully blacks here into silence.

I don't know who you're talking about but I've never tried to bully anyone into anything.

You seem to have this hangup about white people trying to shut you up that borders on paranoia. It's been a common thread in just about all your discussions and interactions. All a white person has to do is disagree with you on something and this makes them racist and they're trying to shut you up.
If I say some blacks are racist, I'm racist and I'm trying to shut you up. If I say that something like a cotton plant is not racist, I'm racist and I'm trying to shut you up. If I say that not all conservatives are racist, I'm racist and I'm trying to shut you up. Ad nauseum...

After all you claim to be doing this to promote racial harmony but you only jump on blacks when we are only opposing the racism we get from whites. Promoting racial harmony isn't letting whites freely speak racist crap while trying to shut up blacks for opposing it.

I never said anything about promoting racial harmony other than to confront Marc about his assumptions regarding Azogthedefiler's comment, i.e., "Can't we just be human instead of black, white, etc.?"

I started this thread to show whites like you that blacks have done things here. But you can't understand how a black person could be pissed off and tired of reading this shit from whites like you all the damn time. In standard form you racist jump in, try to derail the thread then cry when you get called the racists that you are.

My first contribution to this thread was simply to answer Marc's question regarding political division vs. racial division. Then Azogthedefiler made his remark about us all just being humans instead of black or white and Marc then basically accuses him of merely saying that out of white guilt and as an excuse to not "deal w/the past and/or current sins by whites against blacks." This was nothing more than an assumption on his part and he had no way of knowing that this was the reason behind Azog's remark so I confronted him on it.

I don't "cry when you get called the racists...". If I see an unjustified assumption or judgment, or a contradiction in someone's argument, or hypocrisy, or something that is simply not true, I'm going to point it out.
IM2 is disliked because of his angry attitude toward whites, he may not say ALL whites, but he infers it. If he took that chip off his shoulder he would experience a much better relationship with whites.

His objectivity is so polluted by his anger he can't even keep straight which white person said what. The exchange about Avery Jahrman in my last post was but yet another in a long list of times I've had to correct him on what I said or didn't say. I've already had to tell him like four or five times in other discussions that someone else said what he was confronting me on. In fact, I had to correct him twice in the same discussion that I did not go to an all black school, that it was another poster who told him this.

I don't think you understand. I am not concerned about winning white racist friends anywhere much less online. I have the friends here I need or desire to have. I don't care what scum like you do not like.. My experience with whites is excellent. My chip is so big, I meet with a group that is majority white on a weekly basis to discus ways to end racial harassment by police in his town. I have served as a member of a multiracial committee that plans MLK week activities in this town for the last 20 years. Or I served on a state committee advocating to help reduce a disease that hits whites more than anyone else. That's how much I am disliked by whites. That's how big my chip is. That's how polluted by anger I am. Try not repeating white racist memes about blacks who stand up to your racism, racist. If I repeated Sowell you'd love me because I would be saying what you need and want to hear. Whites like you want to force everyone into your narrative, no matter how false. You wear the chip and that's your problem.
Whites did not invent as much as they claim.

Oh lord have mercy!

Truthfully if it were not for Indians ( from India ), Chinese and Persia most of us would still be grunting and scratching our private parts.

Hate to tell you neither black or whites are that damn special!

Not the truth, but these guys have made contributions that have been ignored also.

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