The two central email questions to consider regarding Hillary Clinton

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
The two central email questions to consider

Yet given the drip-drip nature of the entire email story -- Will we see Hillary's private emails? Does her past words match up with the actual record of events? -- as well as the constant leaks, it's important to keep these two central questions in mind:

  • Did Hillary Clinton and her top aides knowingly and willfully mishandle classified information?
  • Did hackers or foreign governments obtain classified information from her private server?
The Email Story Returns for Hillary Clinton

No and I doubt it.


I'd ask has she broken any laws? Doesn't seem so. We have been hearing about this for months


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The only question that is to be considered is how fast will the Conservatives go back to the notion of Unitary Executive and Executive Privilege
once they have one of their own in the White House.

Probably so fast it will make your head spin.
I agree with Sallow. It's pointless to discuss Hillary, she has already lost. If the MSM, controlled by the CFR, has harped on this "scandal" for this long, there is a reason. It's because the elites that control things have already decided, for what ever reason that they don't want her to be POTUS. So, she is not going to be. That is the end of story.

As far as a Unitary Executive, count on it. The elites, paymasters and puppeteers that control who is in office will have it that way, and the press will make it seem acceptable. It has been that way for two decades, why should it change anytime soon?

The representative in congress and the Senate will be paid and given the appropriate incentives to roll over. Nothing ever changes.

The only thing a person can do is to not endorse this charade one way or another.
The only question left is.......will the FBI do their fuckin' job!!!
The Clintons, who are murderous criminals, have had over 20 years to place their cohorts and fellow conspirators into the Government system like a cancer. There will always be someone in a department of Government to thwart and block any effort to bring those bastards to justice. And the progressive liberals who worship the bums will continue to make their pitiful excuses.
The only question left is.......will the FBI do their fuckin' job!!!
The Clintons, who are murderous criminals, have had over 20 years to place their cohorts and fellow conspirators into the Government system like a cancer. There will always be someone in a department of Government to thwart and block any effort to bring those bastards to justice. And the progressive liberals who worship the bums will continue to make their pitiful excuses.

Honestly, I don't care who it is doing this. National security is /more important/ than any politician's convenience. Even if they don't nail Mrs. Clinton for w/e crime/not crime, they do need to made a change to prevent this from happening again.

It's common sense; we civilians don't go around posting our credit card numbers and social security numbers on any old website because there is a very real possibility that someone will steal our money or identity. By the same token, government correspondence, and I don't even care if it's classified shit or not, doesn't belong on an unsecure server because there is a very real possibility that it will be stolen and sold to those who might wish to do us harm.
Actually, this is good news for Hillary on the bigger scope...the FBi has her server, and it was not wiped clean as right wingers said about Hillary..... Hilary said she simply deleted her personal emails and Did not wipe her computer server the FBI HAS her server AND HAS HER WORK AND PERSONAL emails..... she knew they would have them because she knew she did not wipe the server..... that tells me, she believes she has nothing to hide.

As far as deleting her personal emails, it came out that doing such was gvt policy and procedure and everyone in the gvt is told to do the same, to delete personal emails and archive only govt material.

Yes, changes were made after she left to tighten the rules, as they should be.
If hiLIARy's supposedly "personal" e-mails contain even one non-personal e-mail- I think she's done. Kaput. Finito!!

She may be done already. Folks in the know say Slow Joe is a go.
The only question left is.......will the FBI do their fuckin' job!!!
The Clintons, who are murderous criminals, have had over 20 years to place their cohorts and fellow conspirators into the Government system like a cancer. There will always be someone in a department of Government to thwart and block any effort to bring those bastards to justice. And the progressive liberals who worship the bums will continue to make their pitiful excuses.

Go ahead and laugh. When you send cartons of cigarettes to The Billary twins in the pokey, remember, they smoke Gauloises.

The two central email questions to consider

Yet given the drip-drip nature of the entire email story -- Will we see Hillary's private emails? Does her past words match up with the actual record of events? -- as well as the constant leaks, it's important to keep these two central questions in mind:

  • Did Hillary Clinton and her top aides knowingly and willfully mishandle classified information?
  • Did hackers or foreign governments obtain classified information from her private server?
The Email Story Returns for Hillary Clinton

No and I doubt it.


I'd ask has she broken any laws? Doesn't seem so. We have been hearing about this for months

Is Hillary still campaigning?

Oh my! Somebody please tell the media and the right wing

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