The Tyranny of Won { One ? }


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
meaning what.That winning is not something like competing
at a bake-off at a Seniors event where a bunch of old bags
have appetites like Pro Football players.
So good luck when MTG { a Republican Congressman/Woman }
uses a dopey Congressional rule where just one member of Congress
can initiate a vote to have their speaker voted out of leadership.
As Mark Levin explains how the Father of our Constitution
James Madison would NeVeR approve.
Like that and pitching pennies is the best part of watching
Steve McQueen in - The Cincinnati Kid - { 1965 } ... Maybe so.
Forget all about the great poker scene where Old Man Gambler
Lancey Howard { brillantly played to perfection by Edward G. Robinson }
does his thing and makes a virtual, schmuck out of The Cincinnati
Biden every week is attempting with his rag tag band of Anti-American
scoundrels to pull some card out of nowhere and voila.Rid the
American Populace from any influence by a former Potus { Trump }
just to prove it can be done.Some humans prefer that form of
Americanism.So todays populace in the U.S. has been ripened for
that outcome.Both Come Hell or High Water.
Makes no nevermind.I mean,this ain't the days of Laurel & Hardy or
Abbot & Costello_Or Red Skelton.Or even Milton Berle.
That Was America.No longer.
Today Humor is about as original and laughable as watching a
Butcher use a butter knive to trim a side of Beef.Or maybe an
Orthodox Jew Butcher attempting to amuse a non-Orthodox
butcher using the same butter knife { Kosher be damned }.
No matter in Kosher law eating blood is not permissable since
blood contains the soul of the animal being slaughtered.
No Joke.I don't care what Henny Youngman's Granny explained
to him as a youth.
So Joking around today is no longer a fine-tuned art form.
It's just sick.Getting sicker by the week,the day,even the hour.
At this rate by November 5th maybe even Cows will have two
cows.So don't have a cow about.When you can have two Cows
about.As Biden practices.Having a Cow er two.
Because ... - It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World - { 1963 }
Or dint you git the memo.

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