The U.S. and North Korea to meet 06/12/2018 in Singapour

Something i have pondered, there4..
The mullahs only want money and power, it seems. If they actually developed nukes, they would get sanctioned out of this world. Which will hurt both of their goals..
Does that make sense?

To them "power" means regional hegemony. So they need the nukes to be able to threaten their neighbors and delude themselves into thinking the USA will not attack them. They could bluff that dumbass Kenyan muslim pussy, but it won't work on Trump.
To them, money means money. They would get sanctioned out of this world if they developed one. If not invaded..

Ya, but even under heavy sanctions the boys in charge seem to find a way to feather their nests. It's not like they give a shit that the rest of the country starves as long as they can keep them intimidated and defenseless.
Something i have pondered, there4..
The mullahs only want money and power, it seems. If they actually developed nukes, they would get sanctioned out of this world. Which will hurt both of their goals..
Does that make sense?

To them "power" means regional hegemony. So they need the nukes to be able to threaten their neighbors and delude themselves into thinking the USA will not attack them. They could bluff that dumbass Kenyan muslim pussy, but it won't work on Trump.
To them, money means money. They would get sanctioned out of this world if they developed one. If not invaded..

Ya, but even under heavy sanctions the boys in charge seem to find a way to feather their nests. It's not like they give a shit that the rest of the country starves as long as they can keep them intimidated and defenseless.
Very true!
Singapore is a nice friendly neutral country that everybody loves.

Sort of like Switzerland except in Asia.
His claims to being a master deal maker are definitely on the line, as is the fate of many people.
I'm believing that the Master Clown has already disclosed his limitations regarding an ability as deal maker par excellence having already been exposed for what his limited skills are by not even attempting to work on the Iran nuke agreement because he wasn't up to the task of delivering after overloading his fat ass with his mouth. He walked away rather than be shown as the braggadocios fool he is.

Those Manchus are smart as hell with thousands of years of experience at survival fending off Mongols and multiple dynasties of Chinese and even manipulating the Japanese. NK is going to eat Trumps lunch, and we will be the ones paying for those additional forced errors.
It is quite possible Iran has no intentions of spending on a weapon that it cannot reasonably use. Winning a nuclear war (as if anyone could) is certainly beyond their grasp. Korea may have come to a similar conclusion.
I can't imagine NK, having observed US actions in the ME, coming to a different similar conclusion.

It is quite possible Iran has no intentions of spending on a weapon that it cannot reasonably use. Winning a nuclear war (as if anyone could) is certainly beyond their grasp. Korea may have come to a similar conclusion.
I can't imagine NK, having observed US actions in the ME, coming to a different conclusion.

Funny how they could imagine it with that worthless Kenyan muslim pussy in the White House but they can't imagine it with Trump in the White House.
It is quite possible Iran has no intentions of spending on a weapon that it cannot reasonably use. Winning a nuclear war (as if anyone could) is certainly beyond their grasp. Korea may have come to a similar conclusion.
I can't imagine NK, having observed US actions in the ME, coming to a different conclusion.

Funny how they could imagine it with that worthless Kenyan muslim pussy in the White House but they can't imagine it with Trump in the White House.
Where is Singapour?
Who is "they"?
If you were the leader of North Korea, what would be your negotiating position vis-s-vis the leader of the U.S.?

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