The U.S. Economy Is IMPLODING


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

All of the warnings point to an IMPLODING U.S. Economy:

[ame=""]ALERT! U.S. Depression Breadline Hits New Record![/ame] Article:
US food stamps set ever-higher record-32.8 million

WASHINGTON, Feb 5 (Reuters) - A record 38.2 million Americans were enrolled in the food stamp program at latest count, up 246,000 from the previous month and the latest in record-high monthly tallies that began in December 2008.

Food stamps are the primary federal anti-hunger program, helping poor people buy groceries. The Agriculture Department updated enrollment data on Friday with a preliminary figure for November.

USDA estimates up to $58 billion will be spent on food stamps this fiscal year, which ends Sept 30, with average enrollment of 40.5 million people. Food stamps were renamed the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program in 2008.

Participation has surged since the financial-market turmoil of late 2008 and has set records each month since December 2008, when it reached 31.78 million. Enrollment is highest during times of economic distress. (Reporting by Charles Abbott; Editing by David Gregorio)
The real unemployment rate is closer to 20 percent: Story:

Real Unemployment Rate at 16.77%

We Need Jobs!

WASHINGTON - February 5 - Americans for Democratic Action’s National Director, Michael J. Wilson, made the following statement about today’s unemployment numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

“The real unemployment rate released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics is 16.7% -- a full 7 points higher than the officially reported rate.

“We are beginning to see signs of an economic recovery. Even though we know that jobs are a lagging indicator, we know that is of little comfort to the millions who have remained jobless for week after week after week.

“In addition, as we enter African American History Month, the 24.3% African American unemployment rate means that nearly one in four African Americans is jobless. The Congress and the President need to work together to make sure that the Great Recession’s contribution to history is ending the disparate impact joblessness has on the African American community.

Former Joint Economic Committee Economist and ADA partner Paul Manchester, said the following:

“The unemployment rate fell from 10.0% in December to 9.7% in January.

The number of unemployed also fell, from 15.27 million to 14.84 million, which is also good news.

However, the average length of unemployment increased, from 29.1 weeks to 30.2 weeks, a record.

The increase in the duration of unemployment more than offsets the drop in the number of unemployed, so the Manchester Index continued to rise, from 444.3 million weeks to 448.1 million weeks of joblessness. However, it should be noted that this is the smallest increase the last 12 months.”
Record Foreclosures Story

Record Bankruptcies Story

Bank Failures Continue To Rise

Sign Up For Your Food Stamps Here

If Obama really wanted to create just one real job in the USA, he would deport one of 20 MILLION Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals ...

[ame=""]Gerald Celente - The Crash of 2010 Has Begun as Predicted[/ame]


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I have been telling people for months now that we are in a Depression. The Liberals on the board disagree with me and say everything is fine.

The government under Obama has been lying like hell about The Depression, but we are there and wallowing in economic misery with three million newly unemployed each month.....

All of the falsified numbers economic numbers are only proof of how corrupt the government has become. Under Obama, the Federal Government has become our public enemy number one.

Forget about Osama, we have more to fear from Obama.
Hi Neubarth:

I have been telling people for months now that we are in a Depression. The Liberals on the board disagree with me and say everything is fine.

The government under Obama has been lying like hell about The Depression, but we are there and wallowing in economic misery with three million newly unemployed each month.....

All of the falsified numbers economic numbers are only proof of how corrupt the government has become. Under Obama, the Federal Government has become our public enemy number one.

Forget about Osama, we have more to fear from Obama.

We agree. More and more Floridians I know are collecting unemployment and food stamps than ever before. The three top masonry contractors in my area once had 350, 300 and 250 employees respectively, but today those companies have no work at all. ZERO. The only contractors getting work are those using more than their fair share of Illegal Aliens, which is displacing legitimate contractors out of the local markets.

My youngest brother is the chief estimator at one of those once-large masonry companies and he cut prices more than 30 percent below cost and cannot get a single commercial masonry job. His only avenue is to hire Illegal Aliens to lower his prices, or allow the doors to remain closed.

The Obama Banksters are getting the gold mine and real working class Americans are getting the shaft ...




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