The US of 1960 (not to mention 1860) is in serious trouble of being long forgotten...much to the chagrin of republicans everywhere.

The US of 2020 is very likely to be identical to Moscow in 1917.

All the hard work of democrats is paying off.
Let's make it more like the Libertarian paradise of Mogadishu...
I love when libtards claim that oppressive dictators with guns are a "libertarian paradise" when in fact Cuba and Mogadishu is what liberals are trying to turn America into.
The closest this country has come to spiraling down the commode was near the end of the disastrous terms of the most recent POTUS for whom you've voted.
I never voted for Barack Obama. Oh....and before you ask...I also never cast a single vote for George W. Bush. Ever. Not in either of his elections. Not even in a primary. Want to try again slick?
The US of 1960 (not to mention 1860) is in serious trouble of being long forgotten...much to the chagrin of republicans everywhere.

The US of 2020 is very likely to be identical to Moscow in 1917.

All the hard work of democrats is paying off.
Let's make it more like the Libertarian paradise of Mogadishu...
I love when libtards claim that oppressive dictators with guns are a "libertarian paradise" when in fact Cuba and Mogadishu is what liberals are trying to turn America into.

Ah the nutty things Trumpsters believe.

That's just as crazy as claiming the GOP want a Nazi regime in power.
Nope, not every shooting is staged but the ones that I have mentioned most definitely are. The truth is like a lion's roar and it's easy for all to see. When you have dishonesty and lies on a massive scale and acting has to be introduced into the equation by amateurs ? Well, it simply sticks out like a cockroach on a wedding cake.

except- again- you have to believe that hundreds of people are involved in these conspriacies, including both parties and the NRA. Dude, I'm sorry, to most normal people, this is simply crazy.

Your bought and paid for corporate media are nothing but shills for USA.INC. They don't report the news insomuch as they now create the news in which they use blue and green screens like Hollywood. These screens provide the media with the ability to be anywhere, at any time miraculously reporting "on-the-scene" when they are actually in their studio. There are many examples of this going all the way back to the first Gulf War. So, if we cannot trust the media with something as simple as "being on the ground" then wouldn't you say that the integrity of journalism has been severely compromise?

So your evidence of nutjob conspiracy theories are more nutjob conspiracy theories. Now the first Gulf War was a fraud? Is this what you are arguing?

As far as the NRA goes and how they are trying to deal with false flag shootings goes? They are in a tough position because they are trying to keep the 2nd amendment in place thus they have an agenda. But "da gubermint" uses the media to run this psy-op in order to traumatize the dumbed down masses thus if the NRA pointed it out publicly, they would be playing right into the hands of the gun grabbing liberal ass wipes.

Uh, no, guy... If there was real evidence that these were faked incidents, and the NRA exposed them, there would be real consequences.

Here's what you don't get. if the government was powerful enough, ruthless enough and effective enough to pull off these "False flags" and have cowed the NRA, why haven't they put bullets through Alex Jones' skull. Or better, put him in bed with a pile of blow and a dead hooker?

Or are we a free society where we have the occassional nut with a gun who shoots a bunch of people, and some other nut claims it was a conspiracy.

Occam's Razor, baby. The simplest explanation is usually correct.

There are PLENTY of gun acts, statutes and codes on the books and they are still wanting to pass more draconian acts, statutes and codes. We have laws against drug usage...but yet how many people go to jail every day for possessing and selling drugs? I know that some bad shit is coming down the road and so does your beloved "gubermint" which is why they are wanting to disarm us even as they buy up billions of rounds of hollow point bullets. Gutless liberal pieces of shit like you will never dictate what type of firearm people are allowed to have so they can defend their families....get it, shit-head?? I am getting bored with kicking your ass and schooling you on things that should be common sense to those with more than two brain cells.

Guy, frankly, I'm more worried about you having guns than the government. You sound like you are ready to hurt someone.

"So your evidence of nutjob conspiracy theories are more nutjob conspiracy theories. Now the first Gulf War was a fraud? Is this what you are arguing?"

No, what I am saying is that they were faking the news using blue and green screens as far back as the first Gulf War...your reading comprehension skills are pathetic. Before I address the rest of your pathetic excuse for a is proof of manufactured "news"..... blue screen reporting......

Anderson Cooper, CIA infiltrator's nose disappears on green screen because he really isn't at Sandy Hook.....

So, if news is manufactured and they are trying to pull fast ones on can we POSSIBLY trust anything that they report? I have many more examples of this kind of bullshit and I can continue to rip the official narrative of Sandy Hoax apart...but before I continue your ass-kicking, I just need for you to grasp what I was saying with my prior post because you obviously didn't "get it".......I'm here to help.
I'm well aware of what impeachment is. The outcome was he was still impeached. That will be a matter of history. That he was found not guilty doesn't mean he didn't lie. It means no Democrat Senators were honest enough to vote guilty even though he lied under oath, a crime.

Are you claiming he didn't lie under oath?

He was charged. Wow!!! He was not found 'not guilty' he was acquainted of all charges. Which is equivalent to saying they should not have been brought forth to begin with.

Did he lie about what? A consensual affair with another adult? I don't care and neither do most normal people. It was a private affair. It became public during a witch hunt and we have the prosecutor of that witch hunt now apologizing (Starr, sort of) to Bill Clinton

Saying they shouldn't have been brought is not what it says. It says that there weren't enough Democrats willing to do the right thing. This wasn't a 12 person jury trial, moron.

Did he lie is all that matters. That you excuse a lie because of what it's about proves your'e willing to accept a LIE when you can justify it in your simple minds.
Bwahahahahaha! That's it stupid - triple down on your ignorant claims. It's doing wonders for your credibility here.

He was impeached for perjury. He lied to a Grand Jury and admitted that in front of a national audience. Those are the facts and they are indisputable.
Impeachment is merely a charge.

Bill lied to a Grand Jury? Why wasn't he charged in a criminal court?
Myth: Clinton committed perjury

He lied and you're willing to accept a lie. That he did it in front of a grand jury doesn't change that he perjured himself. He LIED under OATH.
Bwahahahahaha! That's it stupid - triple down on your ignorant claims. It's doing wonders for your credibility here.

He was impeached for perjury. Those are the facts and they are indisputable.
''Is respondent William Jefferson Clinton guilty or not guilty?'' asked Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, in his gold-striped black robe. In a hushed chamber, with senators standing one by one to pronounce Mr. Clinton ''guilty'' or ''not guilty,'' the Senate rejected the charge of perjury, 55 to 45, with 10 Republicans voting against conviction.

It then split 50-50 on a second article accusing Mr. Clinton of obstruction of justice in concealing his affair with Monica S. Lewinsky. Five Republicans broke ranks on the obstruction-of-justice charge. No Democrats voted to convict on either charge, and it would have taken a dozen of them, and all 55 Republicans, to reach the two-thirds majority of 67 senators required for conviction.

That tells you Democrats were following orders and weren't willing to do the right thing.
Who gives a shit what you like? We all like those things. And no matter what scare tactics you communist leftists put forth, we've always had those things - and will always have those things.
You left wing loons spew how you need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to provide those things.

We didnt always have those things. I remember growing up and having days you couldn' see the sun because the smog was so thick.

Like the global warming hoax for instance.
A huge tax drain to further the leftist government takeover.
You leftists will gladly sell away your freedom and liberty for a hard nickel.

Yawn, guy, I don't feel free when a big corporation can screw me at any time.

You government leeches are swallowing the Obama/hillary spew with a smile on your face, and in 10 years wonder why you live under a dictatorship.

Who is using scare tactics now?

Are you sure it was't because you had your head up your ass that you confused for smog?

You're using scare tactics with "I don't feel free when a big corporation can screw me at any time".
Those damn big corporations supplying all those taxpayers to support all those leftist traitors...
???? Off the meds again. As amazingly stupid as you brainwashed ignorant RW jackasses are, the USA will go on...thank god for the constitution and "left wing traitors" lol...
Who gives a shit what you like? We all like those things. And no matter what scare tactics you communist leftists put forth, we've always had those things - and will always have those things.
You left wing loons spew how you need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to provide those things.

We didnt always have those things. I remember growing up and having days you couldn' see the sun because the smog was so thick.

Like the global warming hoax for instance.
A huge tax drain to further the leftist government takeover.
You leftists will gladly sell away your freedom and liberty for a hard nickel.

Yawn, guy, I don't feel free when a big corporation can screw me at any time.

You government leeches are swallowing the Obama/hillary spew with a smile on your face, and in 10 years wonder why you live under a dictatorship.

Who is using scare tactics now?

Are you sure it was't because you had your head up your ass that you confused for smog?

You're using scare tactics with "I don't feel free when a big corporation can screw me at any time".
Those damn big corporations supplying all those taxpayers to support all those leftist traitors...
???? Off the meds again. As amazingly stupid as you brainwashed ignorant RW jackasses are, the USA will go on...thank god for the constitution and "left wing traitors" lol...
Lol what do you communist leftists know about the constitution? You Takers dont even work...

Franco claims to have done all sorts of things yet no proof of a single word.
Saying they shouldn't have been brought is not what it says. It says that there weren't enough Democrats willing to do the right thing. This wasn't a 12 person jury trial, moron.

Did he lie is all that matters. That you excuse a lie because of what it's about proves your'e willing to accept a LIE when you can justify it in your simple minds.
People like you turn everything into a 'lie' when it suits an ideological or political point. You've actually contributed to acceptance of true lies, because when you belittle the real thing by conflating anything and everything into being a lie, lies become just another thing that comes with the territory

People like you will take a broken or compromised campaign 'promise' and turn it into a lie.
I never voted for Barack Obama. Oh....and before you ask...I also never cast a single vote for George W. Bush. Ever. Not in either of his elections. Not even in a primary. Want to try again slick?

I left the Republican party in 1989 because George Bush was their nominee. I sure the hell wasn't going to vote for his son.
I left the Republican party in 1989 because George Bush was their nominee. I sure the hell wasn't going to vote for his son.

GHW Bush was an extension of Reagan. You probably took out your frustrations with Reagan on Bush. When Reagan left, he was highly unpopular with many conservatives and especially the right wing. That is a fact
Nope, not every shooting is staged but the ones that I have mentioned most definitely are. The truth is like a lion's roar and it's easy for all to see. When you have dishonesty and lies on a massive scale and acting has to be introduced into the equation by amateurs ? Well, it simply sticks out like a cockroach on a wedding cake.

except- again- you have to believe that hundreds of people are involved in these conspriacies, including both parties and the NRA. Dude, I'm sorry, to most normal people, this is simply crazy.

Your bought and paid for corporate media are nothing but shills for USA.INC. They don't report the news insomuch as they now create the news in which they use blue and green screens like Hollywood. These screens provide the media with the ability to be anywhere, at any time miraculously reporting "on-the-scene" when they are actually in their studio. There are many examples of this going all the way back to the first Gulf War. So, if we cannot trust the media with something as simple as "being on the ground" then wouldn't you say that the integrity of journalism has been severely compromise?

So your evidence of nutjob conspiracy theories are more nutjob conspiracy theories. Now the first Gulf War was a fraud? Is this what you are arguing?

As far as the NRA goes and how they are trying to deal with false flag shootings goes? They are in a tough position because they are trying to keep the 2nd amendment in place thus they have an agenda. But "da gubermint" uses the media to run this psy-op in order to traumatize the dumbed down masses thus if the NRA pointed it out publicly, they would be playing right into the hands of the gun grabbing liberal ass wipes.

Uh, no, guy... If there was real evidence that these were faked incidents, and the NRA exposed them, there would be real consequences.

Here's what you don't get. if the government was powerful enough, ruthless enough and effective enough to pull off these "False flags" and have cowed the NRA, why haven't they put bullets through Alex Jones' skull. Or better, put him in bed with a pile of blow and a dead hooker?

Or are we a free society where we have the occassional nut with a gun who shoots a bunch of people, and some other nut claims it was a conspiracy.

Occam's Razor, baby. The simplest explanation is usually correct.

There are PLENTY of gun acts, statutes and codes on the books and they are still wanting to pass more draconian acts, statutes and codes. We have laws against drug usage...but yet how many people go to jail every day for possessing and selling drugs? I know that some bad shit is coming down the road and so does your beloved "gubermint" which is why they are wanting to disarm us even as they buy up billions of rounds of hollow point bullets. Gutless liberal pieces of shit like you will never dictate what type of firearm people are allowed to have so they can defend their families....get it, shit-head?? I am getting bored with kicking your ass and schooling you on things that should be common sense to those with more than two brain cells.

Guy, frankly, I'm more worried about you having guns than the government. You sound like you are ready to hurt someone.

"So your evidence of nutjob conspiracy theories are more nutjob conspiracy theories. Now the first Gulf War was a fraud? Is this what you are arguing?"

No, what I am saying is that they were faking the news using blue and green screens as far back as the first Gulf War...your reading comprehension skills are pathetic. Before I address the rest of your pathetic excuse for a is proof of manufactured "news"..... blue screen reporting......

Anderson Cooper, CIA infiltrator's nose disappears on green screen because he really isn't at Sandy Hook.....

So, if news is manufactured and they are trying to pull fast ones on can we POSSIBLY trust anything that they report? I have many more examples of this kind of bullshit and I can continue to rip the official narrative of Sandy Hoax apart...but before I continue your ass-kicking, I just need for you to grasp what I was saying with my prior post because you obviously didn't "get it".......I'm here to help.

OH hell, when it comes right down to it, Anderson Cooper IS CIA. Operation Mockingbird anyone?

"Anderson Cooper was not only born into wealth and power, he has lived the life of that class, as even his official CNN bio affirms. After attending New York’s Dalton School, Cooper graduated from Yale College in 1989 with a BA in political science and two summer internships at the CIA. He also studied Vietnamese at the University of Hanoi. Cooper kept his CIA experience in the closet until September 2006, when an unnamed website reported that Cooper had worked for the CIA.

Cooper responded on his CNN blog. He said the website didn’t have its facts straight, but cited no errors. His own facts are well fudged – “for a couple of months over two summers I worked at the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia…. It was pretty bureaucratic and mundane.” Cooper doesn’t say what he did or even what years he was there (1987 and 1988, in the aftermath of William J. Casey’s directorship). "
Anderson Cooper, Worth Tens of Millions, Doesn't Relent on Attacking Bernie's Socialism

The US was in serious trouble when they allowed the Deep State to off JFK and did nothing. IKE warned us this shit would get out of control if we allowed the Deep State to take over.

Now we are reaping the fruits of our apathy.
Once they saw they could do it once, they kept on with it. First JFK, then MLK, then Bobby. It won't end till Americans say, no mas.
The US was in serious trouble when they allowed the Deep State to off JFK and did nothing. IKE warned us this shit would get out of control if we allowed the Deep State to take over.

Now we are reaping the fruits of our apathy.
Ike did not warn us of anything your warped mind creates. :rofl:

part of your charm is your instability :D
Speaking of "Mindless", my oeuvre is available in the stacks......feel free to cruise them to find me employing " leftist hate sites" for citations....

When your done we can compare educations, 'k?

Certainly Comrade.

First, what country are you from?

I assume by "my oeuvre is available in the stacks" you are implying that you cite your sources. Your phrasing is not consistent with American English.

However, the "stacks" you reference don't appear in most of your posts. The slander and libel that you, as a leftist engage in are just part of the hate message the American left offers as a substitute for valid discussion. I assume that you get most of your "thoughts" from the Soros hate sites, as most of the leftist trolls in this forum do.

Compare educations? :lmao:

I have a Ph.D.

Now granted, it isn't in underwater basket weaving, as is all the rage for the left. I went with advanced production systems, supply and production chain management, planning and scheduling. Dr. Goldratt's theory of constraints.

Certainly the left views such pursuits pedestrian, that which adds actual value to business or life is not that which the left engages. Ethnic studies or appreciation of prehistoric art forms is more the field of study one expects a Marxist to engage in.

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