What was the outcome of those proceedings, "cupcake"?

Impeachment is still on his record and people like you keep proving you're willing to overlook liars. You overlooked Bill's lies and now you accept Hillary's.
Did you want to answer in place of your fellow imbecile?

I answered. You're unwilling to accept the truth. Not my fault you think it's OK to lie. NO wonder you support the vagina for President.

No.......you whined something unresponsive.....the question related to the outcome of the proceedings considering charge of perjury....

The outcome was he was impeached. That the charges weren't upheld have nothing to do with whether or not he lied. It has everything to do with enough Democrats in the Senate to keep it from ending up that way.

You lefties constantly say acquittal doesn't mean innocent. Are you changing your mind on that now?

Didn't the Senate say he was not guilty (acquitted) of all charges brought by the House.

They know which party is full of racist dupes and screws the nonrich...why don't you, chumps?

Wouldn't a racist be somebody that attended a filthy ass Black hate church for 20 years that openly preached hate against Whites and Jews?

Wait a minute. I thought you conspiracy clowns claim that President Obama is a Muslim?

You CC nut crack me up.

Raised a fucking Muslim, turned to hating Whites and Jews in an Chicago ghetto monkey hate church that had some good things to say about Louis Farrakhan. Not all that disingenuous when you think about it.

So you're down with the whole "Obama is a Muslim" thing too?

Keep up the good CC fight.
This is a must see video no matter what side of the aisle you're on. In the face of some really good facts, some sound logic, and some steady reasoning, this woman refuses to accept reality or change her position. We have far too many Americans like this. If the voters don't start educating themselves and thinking for themselves, the Republic will not survive.

And INFOWARS is supposed to lead us out of this wilderness?

Try watching the video of an actual Democrat and try to understand the closed-minded thinking of people on both sides. Attacking sources and dismissing facts is the big problem these days and you are clearly part of what's wrong with this country.
Our serious problem is the giant New BS GOP propaganda machine, hater dupes, greedy a-hole GOP billionaires, and total GOP obstruction of solutions, all to save the bloated greedy idiot GOP rich.
This is a must see video no matter what side of the aisle you're on. In the face of some really good facts, some sound logic, and some steady reasoning, this woman refuses to accept reality or change her position. We have far too many Americans like this. If the voters don't start educating themselves and thinking for themselves, the Republic will not survive.

And INFOWARS is supposed to lead us out of this wilderness?

Try watching the video of an actual Democrat and try to understand the closed-minded thinking of people on both sides. Attacking sources and dismissing facts is the big problem these days and you are clearly part of what's wrong with this country.

Your "facts" are all bs propaganda, fool. So are the interviewer's. What a lying bought off shytte.
Who gives a shit what you like? We all like those things. And no matter what scare tactics you communist leftists put forth, we've always had those things - and will always have those things.
You left wing loons spew how you need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to provide those things.

We didnt always have those things. I remember growing up and having days you couldn' see the sun because the smog was so thick.

Like the global warming hoax for instance.
A huge tax drain to further the leftist government takeover.
You leftists will gladly sell away your freedom and liberty for a hard nickel.

Yawn, guy, I don't feel free when a big corporation can screw me at any time.

You government leeches are swallowing the Obama/hillary spew with a smile on your face, and in 10 years wonder why you live under a dictatorship.

Who is using scare tactics now?

Are you sure it was't because you had your head up your ass that you confused for smog?

You're using scare tactics with "I don't feel free when a big corporation can screw me at any time".
Those damn big corporations supplying all those taxpayers to support all those leftist traitors...
Who gives a shit what you like? We all like those things. And no matter what scare tactics you communist leftists put forth, we've always had those things - and will always have those things.
You left wing loons spew how you need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to provide those things.

We didnt always have those things. I remember growing up and having days you couldn' see the sun because the smog was so thick.

Like the global warming hoax for instance.
A huge tax drain to further the leftist government takeover.
You leftists will gladly sell away your freedom and liberty for a hard nickel.

Yawn, guy, I don't feel free when a big corporation can screw me at any time.

You government leeches are swallowing the Obama/hillary spew with a smile on your face, and in 10 years wonder why you live under a dictatorship.

Who is using scare tactics now?

Are you sure it was't because you had your head up your ass that you confused for smog?

You're using scare tactics with "I don't feel free when a big corporation can screw me at any time".
Those damn big corporations supplying all those taxpayers to support all those leftist traitors...
???? Off the meds again. As amazingly stupid as you brainwashed ignorant RW jackasses are, the USA will go on...thank god for the constitution and "left wing traitors" lol...
Who gives a shit what you like? We all like those things. And no matter what scare tactics you communist leftists put forth, we've always had those things - and will always have those things.
You left wing loons spew how you need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to provide those things.

We didnt always have those things. I remember growing up and having days you couldn' see the sun because the smog was so thick.

Like the global warming hoax for instance.
A huge tax drain to further the leftist government takeover.
You leftists will gladly sell away your freedom and liberty for a hard nickel.

Yawn, guy, I don't feel free when a big corporation can screw me at any time.

You government leeches are swallowing the Obama/hillary spew with a smile on your face, and in 10 years wonder why you live under a dictatorship.

Who is using scare tactics now?

Are you sure it was't because you had your head up your ass that you confused for smog?

You're using scare tactics with "I don't feel free when a big corporation can screw me at any time".
Those damn big corporations supplying all those taxpayers to support all those leftist traitors...
???? Off the meds again. As amazingly stupid as you brainwashed ignorant RW jackasses are, the USA will go on...thank god for the constitution and "left wing traitors" lol...
Lol what do you communist leftists know about the constitution? You Takers dont even work...
This is a must see video no matter what side of the aisle you're on. In the face of some really good facts, some sound logic, and some steady reasoning, this woman refuses to accept reality or change her position. We have far too many Americans like this. If the voters don't start educating themselves and thinking for themselves, the Republic will not survive.

And INFOWARS is supposed to lead us out of this wilderness?

Try watching the video of an actual Democrat and try to understand the closed-minded thinking of people on both sides. Attacking sources and dismissing facts is the big problem these days and you are clearly part of what's wrong with this country.

Once again......whacked out conspiracy mongering is InfoWars' stock in trade..... I merely pointed out the Irony redolent in the OP...

So you're down with the whole "Obama is a Muslim" thing too?

Keep up the good CC fight.

I think he is a worthless piece of shit asshole.

When you are that much of an asshole it doesn't make any difference if you are a Muslim asshole or a ghetto Black attending hate Whites and Jews church goer asshole, does it?


So you're down with the whole "Obama is a Muslim" thing too?

Keep up the good CC fight.

I think he is a worthless piece of shit asshole.

When you are that much of an asshole it doesn't make any difference if you are a Muslim asshole or a ghetto Black attending hate Whites and Jews church goer asshole, does it?


I think you're blocking your inner feelings. Don't keep holding back, tell me how you really feel!
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So all democrats dont work....hmmm. explain the three business owners in my neighborhood with hillary signs. Imagine white hard working folk voting democrat.

So you're down with the whole "Obama is a Muslim" thing too?

Keep up the good CC fight.

I think he is a worthless piece of shit asshole.

When you are that much of an asshole it doesn't make any difference if you are a Muslim asshole or a ghetto Black attending hate Whites and Jews church goer asshole, does it?

^^Hater dupe tripe. And Hillary was referring to the fact that the attackers' exact motives can't be found out, so what difference do all the GOP bs theories matter?

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