About 50% of the people in the US don't even have to pay the despicable trillion dollar a year income tax but yet most of the Moon Bats that don't have to pay that tax bitch about it should higher for other people to pay. That is real greed, isn't it? They want other people to pay their bills for them.

Greedy little bastards.

I pay plenty of income tax. About $5000 last year. The rich should pay their fair share and not whine about it.

With all the money you claim to make, $5000 isn't a fair share nor it is very much. That is, if you can PROVE you paid that much.
Who gives a shit what you like? We all like those things. And no matter what scare tactics you communist leftists put forth, we've always had those things - and will always have those things.
You left wing loons spew how you need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to provide those things.

We didnt always have those things. I remember growing up and having days you couldn' see the sun because the smog was so thick.

Like the global warming hoax for instance.
A huge tax drain to further the leftist government takeover.
You leftists will gladly sell away your freedom and liberty for a hard nickel.

Yawn, guy, I don't feel free when a big corporation can screw me at any time.

You government leeches are swallowing the Obama/hillary spew with a smile on your face, and in 10 years wonder why you live under a dictatorship.

Who is using scare tactics now?
Who gives a shit what you like? We all like those things. And no matter what scare tactics you communist leftists put forth, we've always had those things - and will always have those things.
You left wing loons spew how you need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to provide those things.

We didnt always have those things. I remember growing up and having days you couldn' see the sun because the smog was so thick.

Like the global warming hoax for instance.
A huge tax drain to further the leftist government takeover.
You leftists will gladly sell away your freedom and liberty for a hard nickel.

Yawn, guy, I don't feel free when a big corporation can screw me at any time.

You government leeches are swallowing the Obama/hillary spew with a smile on your face, and in 10 years wonder why you live under a dictatorship.

Who is using scare tactics now?

Are you sure it was't because you had your head up your ass that you confused for smog?

You're using scare tactics with "I don't feel free when a big corporation can screw me at any time".

I pay plenty of income tax. About $5000 last year. The rich should pay their fair share and not whine about it.

You need to stop being a fucking greedy envious little prick and stop worrying about how much other people pay in taxes.

The problem is not that we aren't taxed enough The problem is that the filthy ass government spends far too much of our hard earned money and the cost of combined government in the US is 40% of the GDP, which is killing the economy. We see the consequence of failed Left economics in Obama's increased poverty, increased welfare, decreased family income, dismal economic growth and that enormous Obamadebt.

I have never been hurt by a rich person but the filthy ass government oppresses me with regulations, bureaucracy and takes the money I make away and give it to shitheads that didn't do jackshit to earn it.

$5Kin income taxes isn't jackshit Moon Bat. I am retired and I pay a whole lot more than that. Ever cent I give to a stupid government asshole elected by special interest groups to give to the illegals, Obamaphone Lady, welfare queens and Solyndra Democrat bundlers executives is one less cent I have to spend on what is really important and that creates real jobs.

Stop being so fucking greedy. It just makes you look like a fool when you post that sorry shit.
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With all the money you claim to make, $5000 isn't a fair share nor it is very much. That is, if you can PROVE you paid that much.

He is probably lying. Most of these sorry greedy Moon Bats are on welfare or disability or some government dole like that.

It takes a really sorry dumbass Moon Bat to think that it is better to give the money they make away to a corrupt politician, elected by greedy special interest groups, to spend the money they earn rather than themselves.
This is a must see video no matter what side of the aisle you're on. In the face of some really good facts, some sound logic, and some steady reasoning, this woman refuses to accept reality or change her position. We have far too many Americans like this. If the voters don't start educating themselves and thinking for themselves, the Republic will not survive.

Birther Trump

please, must see? who is this woman? Is she important or representative of any group?

Doom and Gloom! Call the Fuhrer Dopey Drumpf!

I pay plenty of income tax. About $5000 last year. The rich should pay their fair share and not whine about it.

You need to stop being a fucking greedy envious little prick and stop worrying about how much other people pay in taxes.
Donald Trump is always talking about 'fair' Why would you attack anyone asking about who pays their fair share of taxes?

Donald Trump is always talking about 'fair' Why would you attack anyone asking about who pays their fair share of taxes?

I am not voting for Trump because he is an obnoxious New York big government Liberal so I don't have to defend anything he says.

I attack any Moon Bat that supports higher taxes and big government, especially one that is so stupid as to vote for this idiot Crooked Hillary who is proposing higher taxes. How stupid is that?

Everybody in this country pays an unfair amount of taxes either directly or indirectly. Even the welfare queens that get a free ride on income taxes but they are too stupid to know it. The combined cost of government in this country is 40% of the GDP and that is far too much. We all get screwed by it. In most American households regardless of income levels the cost of government is usually the highest single cost item a family pays in a year. More than food, more than housing, more than medical, more than transportation. More than just about anything else.

In my household before retirement as an Engineer with a school teacher (private school) wife most years her entire salary went to pay our combined tax bills and that is despicable. No wonder this country has piss poor economic growth and decreasing family income and families have a hard time getting ahead.

In my retirement the cost of government is my single highest family expenditure and that is also despicable.

The government is fucking us all.

I pay plenty of income tax. About $5000 last year. The rich should pay their fair share and not whine about it.

You need to stop being a fucking greedy envious little prick and stop worrying about how much other people pay in taxes.
Donald Trump is always talking about 'fair' Why would you attack anyone asking about who pays their fair share of taxes?

Depends on who it is. Someone that pays no income taxes talking about another person that already pays not paying their fair share should STFU until they start paying something.
To rise to the level of perjury it must be MATERIAL.....

Now please desist from further displays of ignorance...
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ
blogs.wsj.com/washwire/.../why-bill-clinton-was-impeached/The Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica ...
1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality

1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality | USAM | Department of Justice
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ
blogs.wsj.com/washwire/.../why-bill-clinton-was-impeached/The Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica...

Must have "risen to the level" of "material" - uh cupcake? He comitted perjury dumb-fuck...


What was the outcome of those proceedings, "cupcake"?

Impeachment is still on his record and people like you keep proving you're willing to overlook liars. You overlooked Bill's lies and now you accept Hillary's.
Did you want to answer in place of your fellow imbecile?
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ
blogs.wsj.com/washwire/.../why-bill-clinton-was-impeached/The Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica ...
1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality

1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality | USAM | Department of Justice
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ
blogs.wsj.com/washwire/.../why-bill-clinton-was-impeached/The Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica...

Must have "risen to the level" of "material" - uh cupcake? He comitted perjury dumb-fuck...


What was the outcome of those proceedings, "cupcake"?

Impeachment is still on his record and people like you keep proving you're willing to overlook liars. You overlooked Bill's lies and now you accept Hillary's.
Did you want to answer in place of your fellow imbecile?

I answered. You're unwilling to accept the truth. Not my fault you think it's OK to lie. NO wonder you support the vagina for President.
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ
blogs.wsj.com/washwire/.../why-bill-clinton-was-impeached/The Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica...

Must have "risen to the level" of "material" - uh cupcake? He comitted perjury dumb-fuck...


What was the outcome of those proceedings, "cupcake"?

Impeachment is still on his record and people like you keep proving you're willing to overlook liars. You overlooked Bill's lies and now you accept Hillary's.
Did you want to answer in place of your fellow imbecile?

I answered. You're unwilling to accept the truth. Not my fault you think it's OK to lie. NO wonder you support the vagina for President.

No.......you whined something unresponsive.....the question related to the outcome of the proceedings considering charge of perjury....
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ
blogs.wsj.com/washwire/.../why-bill-clinton-was-impeached/The Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica...

Must have "risen to the level" of "material" - uh cupcake? He comitted perjury dumb-fuck...


What was the outcome of those proceedings, "cupcake"?

Impeachment is still on his record and people like you keep proving you're willing to overlook liars. You overlooked Bill's lies and now you accept Hillary's.
Did you want to answer in place of your fellow imbecile?

I answered. You're unwilling to accept the truth. Not my fault you think it's OK to lie. NO wonder you support the vagina for President.

No.......you whined something unresponsive.....the question related to the outcome of the proceedings considering charge of perjury....

The outcome was he was impeached. That the charges weren't upheld have nothing to do with whether or not he lied. It has everything to do with enough Democrats in the Senate to keep it from ending up that way.

You lefties constantly say acquittal doesn't mean innocent. Are you changing your mind on that now?
What was the outcome of those proceedings, "cupcake"?

Impeachment is still on his record and people like you keep proving you're willing to overlook liars. You overlooked Bill's lies and now you accept Hillary's.
Did you want to answer in place of your fellow imbecile?

I answered. You're unwilling to accept the truth. Not my fault you think it's OK to lie. NO wonder you support the vagina for President.

No.......you whined something unresponsive.....the question related to the outcome of the proceedings considering charge of perjury....

The outcome was he was impeached. That the charges weren't upheld have nothing to do with whether or not he lied. It has everything to do with enough Democrats in the Senate to keep it from ending up that way.

You lefties constantly say acquittal doesn't mean innocent. Are you changing your mind on that now?
What qualifies you to contradict the verdict?
Impeachment is still on his record and people like you keep proving you're willing to overlook liars. You overlooked Bill's lies and now you accept Hillary's.
Did you want to answer in place of your fellow imbecile?

I answered. You're unwilling to accept the truth. Not my fault you think it's OK to lie. NO wonder you support the vagina for President.

No.......you whined something unresponsive.....the question related to the outcome of the proceedings considering charge of perjury....

The outcome was he was impeached. That the charges weren't upheld have nothing to do with whether or not he lied. It has everything to do with enough Democrats in the Senate to keep it from ending up that way.

You lefties constantly say acquittal doesn't mean innocent. Are you changing your mind on that now?
What qualifies you to contradict the verdict?

Because I know what perjury means and that he lied under oath. Not my fault a bunch of Democrats refused to hold him accountable. Is it your fault that you don't.
I don't know if Russia was behind the hacks or not because due to her having an unsecured private server?

So the DNC housed it's email server on the Clinton's old server in their basement that was put out of commission years ago?

Wow! No wonder Russia could hack them.

Did you want to answer in place of your fellow imbecile?

I answered. You're unwilling to accept the truth. Not my fault you think it's OK to lie. NO wonder you support the vagina for President.

No.......you whined something unresponsive.....the question related to the outcome of the proceedings considering charge of perjury....

The outcome was he was impeached. That the charges weren't upheld have nothing to do with whether or not he lied. It has everything to do with enough Democrats in the Senate to keep it from ending up that way.

You lefties constantly say acquittal doesn't mean innocent. Are you changing your mind on that now?
What qualifies you to contradict the verdict?

Because I know what perjury means and that he lied under oath. Not my fault a bunch of Democrats refused to hold him accountable. Is it your fault that you don't.
How was the statement in question "material"?
The outcome was he was impeached. That the charges weren't upheld have nothing to do with whether or not he lied. It has everything to do with enough Democrats in the Senate to keep it from ending up that way.

You lefties constantly say acquittal doesn't mean innocent. Are you changing your mind on that now?

Impeachment is a charge. D'Oh!!! President Clinton was acquitted of 2 'charges' out of almost a dozen considered. So the political witch hunt charge stands better than any charges against the President.

and the President got the trailer trash woman to settle in a civil case. Civil = none criminal

You keep saying Clinton was 'guilty' of something. So attacking people who would claim he was innocent is a bit nonsensical. You are the one who NEEDS to backup a claim
The outcome was he was impeached. That the charges weren't upheld have nothing to do with whether or not he lied. It has everything to do with enough Democrats in the Senate to keep it from ending up that way

Impeachment is a charge. D'Oh!!! President Clinton was acquitted of 2 'charges' out of almost a dozen considered. So the political witch hunt charge stands better than any charges against the President.

and the President got the trailer trash woman to settle in a civil case. Civil = none criminal

You keep saying Clinton was 'guilty' of something. So attacking people who would claim he was innocent is a bit nonsensical. You are the one who NEEDS to backup a claim

are you claiming it was because Democrats were in the Senate, that President Bill Clinton was not found guilty?

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