After a tumultuous year of scandal that tested the Constitution and tried the nation's patience, neither of the two articles of impeachment brought by the House garnered a simple majority, much less the two-thirds necessary to convict Clinton of high crimes and misdemeanors. Article I alleging perjury was defeated on a 45 to 55 vote at 12:21 p.m. Just 18 minutes later, Article II charging obstruction failed on a 50 to 50 tie. Five Republicans joined all 45 Democrats in supporting full acquittal.

"It is, therefore, ordered and adjudged that the said William Jefferson Clinton be, and he hereby is, acquitted of the charges in the said articles," declared Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, the presiding officer, marking the conclusion of the first impeachment trial of a president in 131 years. Special Report: Clinton Accused


''Is respondent William Jefferson Clinton guilty or not guilty?'' asked Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, in his gold-striped black robe. In a hushed chamber, with senators standing one by one to pronounce Mr. Clinton ''guilty'' or ''not guilty,'' the Senate rejected the charge of perjury, 55 to 45, with 10 Republicans voting against conviction.

It then split 50-50 on a second article accusing Mr. Clinton of obstruction of justice in concealing his affair with Monica S. Lewinsky. Five Republicans broke ranks on the obstruction-of-justice charge. No Democrats voted to convict on either charge, and it would have taken a dozen of them, and all 55 Republicans, to reach the two-thirds majority of 67 senators required for conviction.
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Is there anyone In this nation that doesn't know we are in serious trouble? The problem is the only solution that seems popular is to do the same dumb stuff we did to get us here.

They know which party is full of racist dupes and screws the nonrich...why don't you, chumps?

Wouldn't a racist be somebody that attended a filthy ass Black hate church for 20 years that openly preached hate against Whites and Jews?

Wait a minute. I thought you conspiracy clowns claim that President Obama is a Muslim?

You CC nut crack me up.

They know which party is full of racist dupes and screws the nonrich...why don't you, chumps?

Wouldn't a racist be somebody that attended a filthy ass Black hate church for 20 years that openly preached hate against Whites and Jews?

Wait a minute. I thought you conspiracy clowns claim that President Obama is a Muslim?

You CC nut crack me up.

Raised a fucking Muslim, turned to hating Whites and Jews in an Chicago ghetto monkey hate church that had some good things to say about Louis Farrakhan. Not all that disingenuous when you think about it.
To rise to the level of perjury it must be MATERIAL.....

Now please desist from further displays of ignorance...
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica ...
1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality

1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality | USAM | Department of Justice
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica...

Must have "risen to the level" of "material" - uh cupcake? He comitted perjury dumb-fuck...


What was the outcome of those proceedings, "cupcake"?
Impeachment...Reading isn't your strong point, is it? Perhaps you could ask an adult for help?
To rise to the level of perjury it must be MATERIAL.....

Now please desist from further displays of ignorance...
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica ...
1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality

1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality | USAM | Department of Justice
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica...

Must have "risen to the level" of "material" - uh cupcake? He comitted perjury dumb-fuck...


What was the outcome of those proceedings, "cupcake"?
Impeachment...Reading isn't your strong point, is it? Perhaps you could ask an adult for help?

Pay attention, inbred 12 toed fuckstick...or you're gonna wake up tomorrow as stupid as you are now...

Impeachment is the process..

I'm asking about the outcome.
The outcome was he was impeached. That the charges weren't upheld have nothing to do with whether or not he lied. It has everything to do with enough Democrats in the Senate to keep it from ending up that way

Impeachment is a charge. D'Oh!!! President Clinton was acquitted of 2 'charges' out of almost a dozen considered. So the political witch hunt charge stands better than any charges against the President.

and the President got the trailer trash woman to settle in a civil case. Civil = none criminal

You keep saying Clinton was 'guilty' of something. So attacking people who would claim he was innocent is a bit nonsensical. You are the one who NEEDS to backup a claim

are you claiming it was because Democrats were in the Senate, that President Bill Clinton was not found guilty?

The outcome was he was impeached. That the charges weren't upheld have nothing to do with whether or not he lied. It has everything to do with enough Democrats in the Senate to keep it from ending up that way.

You lefties constantly say acquittal doesn't mean innocent. Are you changing your mind on that now?

Impeachment is a charge. D'Oh!!! President Clinton was acquitted of 2 'charges' out of almost a dozen considered. So the political witch hunt charge stands better than any charges against the President.

and the President got the trailer trash woman to settle in a civil case. Civil = none criminal

You keep saying Clinton was 'guilty' of something. So attacking people who would claim he was innocent is a bit nonsensical. You are the one who NEEDS to backup a claim

I'm well aware of what impeachment is. The outcome was he was still impeached. That will be a matter of history. That he was found not guilty doesn't mean he didn't lie. It means no Democrat Senators were honest enough to vote guilty even though he lied under oath, a crime.

Are you claiming he didn't lie under oath?
The outcome was he was impeached. That the charges weren't upheld have nothing to do with whether or not he lied. It has everything to do with enough Democrats in the Senate to keep it from ending up that way

Impeachment is a charge. D'Oh!!! President Clinton was acquitted of 2 'charges' out of almost a dozen considered. So the political witch hunt charge stands better than any charges against the President.

and the President got the trailer trash woman to settle in a civil case. Civil = none criminal

You keep saying Clinton was 'guilty' of something. So attacking people who would claim he was innocent is a bit nonsensical. You are the one who NEEDS to backup a claim

are you claiming it was because Democrats were in the Senate, that President Bill Clinton was not found guilty?

I'm claiming that there weren't any honorable enough to vote for guilt. Not a single one voted guilty on either the perjury or obstruction charge.
I'm well aware of what impeachment is. The outcome was he was still impeached. That will be a matter of history. That he was found not guilty doesn't mean he didn't lie. It means no Democrat Senators were honest enough to vote guilty even though he lied under oath, a crime.

Are you claiming he didn't lie under oath?

He was charged. Wow!!! He was not found 'not guilty' he was acquainted of all charges. Which is equivalent to saying they should not have been brought forth to begin with.

Did he lie about what? A consensual affair with another adult? I don't care and neither do most normal people. It was a private affair. It became public during a witch hunt and we have the prosecutor of that witch hunt now apologizing (Starr, sort of) to Bill Clinton
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica ...
1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality

1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality | USAM | Department of Justice
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica...

Must have "risen to the level" of "material" - uh cupcake? He comitted perjury dumb-fuck...


What was the outcome of those proceedings, "cupcake"?
Impeachment...Reading isn't your strong point, is it? Perhaps you could ask an adult for help?

Pay attention, inbred 12 toed fuckstick...or you're gonna wake up tomorrow as stupid as you are now... Impeachment is the process.. I'm asking about the outcome.
Bwahahahahaha! That's it stupid - triple down on your ignorant claims. It's doing wonders for your credibility here.

He was impeached for perjury. Those are the facts and they are indisputable.
I'm claiming that there weren't any honorable enough to vote for guilt. Not a single one voted guilty on either the perjury or obstruction charge.
So now you resort to the politics of personal destruction on all those US Senators, because they saw a lack of evidence where you saw what?
that is pathetic
Really? Liberals don't impeach their own and you know it. It Barack Obama was caught on White House video tonight raping an intern and slitting her throat, not one damn Dumbocrat would vote to impeach him and that is a fact. Liberals buy into the disgusting "ends justify the means" ideology. Which means they will engage in any heinous act to further the liberal cause.
Bwahahahahaha! That's it stupid - triple down on your ignorant claims. It's doing wonders for your credibility here.

He was impeached for perjury. Those are the facts and they are indisputable.
''Is respondent William Jefferson Clinton guilty or not guilty?'' asked Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, in his gold-striped black robe. In a hushed chamber, with senators standing one by one to pronounce Mr. Clinton ''guilty'' or ''not guilty,'' the Senate rejected the charge of perjury, 55 to 45, with 10 Republicans voting against conviction.

It then split 50-50 on a second article accusing Mr. Clinton of obstruction of justice in concealing his affair with Monica S. Lewinsky. Five Republicans broke ranks on the obstruction-of-justice charge. No Democrats voted to convict on either charge, and it would have taken a dozen of them, and all 55 Republicans, to reach the two-thirds majority of 67 senators required for conviction.
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica...

Must have "risen to the level" of "material" - uh cupcake? He comitted perjury dumb-fuck...


What was the outcome of those proceedings, "cupcake"?
Impeachment...Reading isn't your strong point, is it? Perhaps you could ask an adult for help?

Pay attention, inbred 12 toed fuckstick...or you're gonna wake up tomorrow as stupid as you are now... Impeachment is the process.. I'm asking about the outcome.
Bwahahahahaha! That's it stupid - triple down on your ignorant claims. It's doing wonders for your credibility here.

He was impeached for perjury. He lied to a Grand Jury and admitted that in front of a national audience. Those are the facts and they are indisputable.
Really? Liberals don't impeach their own and you know it. It Barack Obama was caught on White House video tonight raping an intern and slitting her throat, not one damn Dumbocrat would vote to impeach him and that is a fact. Liberals buy into the disgusting "ends justify the means" ideology. Which means they will engage in any heinous act to further the liberal cause.
Bwahahahahaha! That's it stupid - triple down on your ignorant claims. It's doing wonders for your credibility here.

He was impeached for perjury. Those are the facts and they are indisputable.
''Is respondent William Jefferson Clinton guilty or not guilty?'' asked Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, in his gold-striped black robe. In a hushed chamber, with senators standing one by one to pronounce Mr. Clinton ''guilty'' or ''not guilty,'' the Senate rejected the charge of perjury, 55 to 45, with 10 Republicans voting against conviction.

It then split 50-50 on a second article accusing Mr. Clinton of obstruction of justice in concealing his affair with Monica S. Lewinsky. Five Republicans broke ranks on the obstruction-of-justice charge. No Democrats voted to convict on either charge, and it would have taken a dozen of them, and all 55 Republicans, to reach the two-thirds majority of 67 senators required for conviction.
It doesn't matter what corrupt politicians "vote". Bill Clinton himself admitted to the perjury genius. :eusa_doh:
Really? Liberals don't impeach their own and you know it. It Barack Obama was caught on White House video tonight raping an intern and slitting her throat, not one damn Dumbocrat would vote to impeach him and that is a fact. Liberals buy into the disgusting "ends justify the means" ideology. Which means they will engage in any heinous act to further the liberal cause.

What is your point? :dunno: Trump is a life-long liberal genius :lol:
Bwahahahahaha! That's it stupid - triple down on your ignorant claims. It's doing wonders for your credibility here.

He was impeached for perjury. He lied to a Grand Jury and admitted that in front of a national audience. Those are the facts and they are indisputable.
Impeachment is merely a charge.

Bill lied to a Grand Jury? Why wasn't he charged in a criminal court?
Myth: Clinton committed perjury

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