This election is so important. Weve been hearing this forever. If you believe this you are not my fellow americans.
Try watching the video of an actual Democrat and try to understand the closed-minded thinking of people on both sides. Attacking sources and dismissing facts is the big problem these days and you are clearly part of what's wrong with this country.
Try putting down the broad brush and using it for crass political purposes, trying to portray one person as representative of all Democrats. Attacking sources and dismissing facts is what you have been known to do quite often.

And two can play your game. Try listening to a REAL Trump supporter

The Leader of the American Nazi Party Supports Trump
He said a Trump victory would be "a real opportunity." So there's that.

The Leader of the American Nazi Party Supports Trump
How is it doom and gloom to admit we have a serious problem?
Serious problem on what? Has America ever been problem free?

Worlds on fire. We haven't had real economic growth in over 8 years. We are divided as a people, more so than just about any time in our history, we are trillions in debt, we've destroyed our health care system.

But no everything is just fine
Worlds on fire. We haven't had real economic growth in over 8 years. We are divided as a people, more so than just about any time in our history, we are trillions in debt, we've destroyed our health care system is just fine

Has anyone in the world had the kind of economic growth, and the bubbles that came with it that you pine for? We were divided when Reagan took office and demonized 'liberalism' it just a few elections for you people to be poisoned by your own toxic brand of politics.

Our healthcare system is better than it was pre 2010 just as our financial system is better than it was in 2009. You may believe we can go backwards, but we can't.

Doom and Gloom is all you've got to sell

So you're down with the whole "Obama is a Muslim" thing too?

Keep up the good CC fight.

I think he is a worthless piece of shit asshole.

When you are that much of an asshole it doesn't make any difference if you are a Muslim asshole or a ghetto Black attending hate Whites and Jews church goer asshole, does it?

^^Hater dupe tripe. And Hillary was referring to the fact that the attackers' exact motives can't be found out, so what difference do all the GOP bs theories matter?

That stupid incompetent lying bitch has no idea what she was talking about.

She lied to the American people and to the families of the Benghazi victims and to Congress and she was just trying to cover her fat ass with a stupid statement that will be used an example of stupidity for the next 20 years..

A monstrous clusterfuck to start....It's like they were separated at birth....

So, you're mentally retarded and lying. :thup:

The reality is that you go to the leftist hate sites, they post idiotic shit, you lack the intellect and education to question it, repost it here, and end up looking stupid.

Such is the danger of being a mindless hack.
Chicken Little lives in the heart of every conservative, the sky has been fallen for so long it's a wonder there is any left up there.

*whispered TV nature program voice*

Here we see the common liberal hypocrite in its natural habitat. It's a very stupid creature, but performs its ritual dance with great regularity. Observe the shameless lack of self-awareness. Scientists are baffled by how an animal with such a tiny brain can function at all. It seems to exist only to whine, mark any territory in a voting booth with a "D," and seek out its main form of sustenance, commonly referred to as 'free stuff.' The cycle of dependent life is truly fascinating.
Division will onlu grow after the election. Thats the way it is. Class division will only grow no matter who wins. Is that a bad sign?
The US of 1960 (not to mention 1860) is in serious trouble of being long forgotten...much to the chagrin of republicans everywhere.

The US of 2020 is very likely to be identical to Moscow in 1917.

All the hard work of democrats is paying off.
Let's make it more like the Libertarian paradise of Mogadishu...
I love when libtards claim that oppressive dictators with guns are a "libertarian paradise" when in fact Cuba and Mogadishu is what liberals are trying to turn America into.

A monstrous clusterfuck to start....It's like they were separated at birth....

So, you're mentally retarded and lying. :thup:

The reality is that you go to the leftist hate sites, they post idiotic shit, you lack the intellect and education to question it, repost it here, and end up looking stupid.

Such is the danger of being a mindless hack.

Speaking of "Mindless", my oeuvre is available in the stacks......feel free to cruise them to find me employing " leftist hate sites" for citations....

When your done we can compare educations, 'k?
Chicken Little lives in the heart of every conservative, the sky has been fallen for so long it's a wonder there is any left up there.

*whispered TV nature program voice*

Here we see the common liberal hypocrite in its natural habitat. It's a very stupid creature, but performs its ritual dance with great regularity. Observe the shameless lack of self-awareness. Scientists are baffled by how an animal with such a tiny brain can function at all. It seems to exist only to whine, mark any territory in a voting booth with a "D," and seek out its main form of sustenance, commonly referred to as 'free stuff.' The cycle of dependent life is truly fascinating.
String some more trite phrases together for us, U.....
Everybody in this country pays an unfair amount of taxes either directly or indirectly. Even the welfare queens that get a free ride on income taxes but they are too stupid to know it. The combined cost of government in this country is 40% of the GDP and that is far too much.

And if you wanted to have a rational discussion about them spending smarter, that's awesome, but you just want to whine about governmetn spending money at all... and over use the adjective "filthy" because apparently the nuns didn't teach you any other adjectives.
The US of 1960 (not to mention 1860) is in serious trouble of being long forgotten...much to the chagrin of republicans everywhere.

The US of 2020 is very likely to be identical to Moscow in 1917.

All the hard work of democrats is paying off.
Let's make it more like the Libertarian paradise of Mogadishu...
I love when libtards claim that oppressive dictators with guns are a "libertarian paradise" when in fact Cuba and Mogadishu is what liberals are trying to turn America into.
The closest this country has come to spiraling down the commode was near the end of the disastrous terms of the most recent POTUS for whom you've voted.

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