
Have you noticed how they call everything they support doing in order to buy those votes as an "investment"?

I am capable of making my own investments.

I don't need a corrupt shithead politician elected by special interest groups telling me how I should invest my money. I sure as hell don't need to invest it in giving a goddamn illegal alien free food stamps or paying the healthcare bill of some Colt Malt Liquor drink ghetto monkey.

Seems like Monkey Obama can't do as well as the white President when it comes to those that use food stamps. Same unemployment rate and the black President still has over 40 million relying on people like me to buy their damn food. Don't you think it's about time those freeloaders start doing for themselves? Don't you think it's time that less than 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks start feeding their own damn 3 out of 4 bastard children?

The basis for the Democrat party in this country is "vote for me and I will force somebody else to pay your bills". Despicable, isn't it?

Of course we see with Obama's increased poverty, increased welfare rolls, increase debt, decreased family income, increased taxes, increased size of government and dismal economic growth that greedy economic policy is a complete failure.
There is no Democrat Party, but there is a Democratic Party..


Have you noticed how they call everything they support doing in order to buy those votes as an "investment"?

I am capable of making my own investments.

I don't need a corrupt shithead politician elected by special interest groups telling me how I should invest my money. I sure as hell don't need to invest it in giving a goddamn illegal alien free food stamps or paying the healthcare bill of some Colt Malt Liquor drink ghetto monkey.

Same here.

I've asked the "free" college supporters what kind of guarantee are those of us expected to invest in a kid whose own parents won't invest in him/her going to get when it comes to such a program. They say there is no guarantee but they can come up with all sorts of numbers on how doing it will produce a return. They also ask if I get a guarantee when I make personal investments. I have to respond no but explain that the difference is I'm choosing those personal investment, therefore, if I lose, it's due to my choice not theirs on my behalf.
I am not a Republican you nitwit so your hatefest against them is wasted on me, however I am a Conservative and you are full of shit.

In short, you are an angry little man who is easily distracted by the one percent into hating people who are int eh same boat you are in. Got it.

My political philosophy if very simple. I will be responsible for paying my bills and you can go fuck a goat if you are too damn lazy and greedy to pay your own.

So you are telling me you've never collected unemployment, never used any public service of any kind, right?

I also cherish liberty and don't want the oppressive government telling me what to do every second of my life. You pathetic Pajama Boy Libtards are so damn sorry that you need the nanny state government telling you what to whenever you step out of your Mother's basement.

Guy, I'm not like that and i don't know anyone who is. So i think the problem is you are fighting something that doesn't exist. The reality is most of the people you hate are in the same boat you are in.

You Libtards hate the concept of freedom and you sure as hell hate the idea that you should be responsible for your own welfare instead of using the filthy ass government to force somebody else to pay your bills, which is despicable.

It is slavery living in a country where the cost of the filthy ass government is 40% of GDP and corrupt shitheads like Crooked Hillary get filthy rich selling government influence that we have to pay for

You see, here's the thing. I like breathing clean air. I like drinking clean water and I like having roads and schools and streetlights and things you get from having a government in a civilized state. When you guys go live in a third world country where they don't have thee things, let me know.

What I don't want is to pay for health insurance for years and years and years and then be told that my operation is "elective" and I have to pay for it out of my own pocket, which actually HAS happened to me. That's the system you support.

Same here.

I've asked the "free" college supporters what kind of guarantee are those of us expected to invest in a kid whose own parents won't invest in him/her going to get when it comes to such a program. They say there is no guarantee but they can come up with all sorts of numbers on how doing it will produce a return. They also ask if I get a guarantee when I make personal investments. I have to respond no but explain that the difference is I'm choosing those personal investment, therefore, if I lose, it's due to my choice not theirs on my behalf.

Government "investments" are driven by the greed of the special interest groups that help to get corrupt politicians elected. There are many examples but that dumbshit Obama giving our money away to the Solyndra Democrat campaign bundlers is a great example. Obama said giving money to Solyndra was somehow an investment and these idiot Libtards believed it.

I don't mind paying for the minimal and necessary government functions like defense, police, courts etc. I don't mind a user fee like the fuel tax to pay for for roads. After all, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

I don't mind paying for a literacy education providing the money is spent on real education and not stupid Left Wing social justice indoctrination or being a welfare package for the Teacher's Unions that give money to the Moon Bat candidates.

However, it is absolutely wrong to take the money that I earn and give it away some shithead simply because they have the right to vote taking away my money.

I sure as hell should not have to pay for somebody else's college education. It is their responsibility, not mine.

That is thievery and it is destructive to the economy.

Same here.

I've asked the "free" college supporters what kind of guarantee are those of us expected to invest in a kid whose own parents won't invest in him/her going to get when it comes to such a program. They say there is no guarantee but they can come up with all sorts of numbers on how doing it will produce a return. They also ask if I get a guarantee when I make personal investments. I have to respond no but explain that the difference is I'm choosing those personal investment, therefore, if I lose, it's due to my choice not theirs on my behalf.

Government "investments" are driven by the greed of the special interest groups that help to get corrupt politicians elected. There are many examples but that dumbshit Obama giving our money away to the Solyndra Democrat campaign bundlers is a great example. Obama said giving money to Solyndra was somehow an investment and these idiot Libtards believed it.

I don't mind paying for the minimal and necessary government functions like defense, police, courts etc. I don't mind a user fee like the fuel tax to pay for for roads. After all, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

I don't mind paying for a literacy education providing the money is spent on real education and not stupid Left Wing social justice indoctrination or being a welfare package for the Teacher's Unions that give money to the Moon Bat candidates.

However, it is absolutely wrong to take the money that I earn and give it away some shithead simply because they have the right to vote taking away my money.

I sure as hell should not have to pay for somebody else's college education. It is their responsibility, not mine.

That is thievery and it is destructive to the economy.

I don't have a problem paying the taxes that fund the things for which the federal government has the authority to do under the Constitution regardless of the form the tax comes in.

I have a problem when those that don't pay the very taxes that fund the programs they use then bitch about how someone else that is the source of that funding isn't paying enough (food stamps, housing assistance, welfare).

So you are telling me you've never collected unemployment, never used any public service of any kind, right?

I have never collected any welfare, disability, unemployment or any other kind of government handouts. I never even bothered to use the VA benefits that I accrued by fighting LBJ's interventionist war.

I don't mind paying for the few necessary government functions such as defense, courts, police etc. I don't mind paying for the roads I drive on because after all there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

That is not welfare, that is paying for the few services that is better done collectively.

However, I should no be forced by the government to pay your fucking bills you piece of greedy irresponsible shit. What the hell is wrong with you? Are you too damn sorry to pay your bills?

I don't have a problem paying the taxes that fund the things for which the federal government has the authority to do under the Constitution regardless of the form the tax comes in.

I have a problem when those that don't pay the very taxes that fund the programs they use then bitch about how someone else that is the source of that funding isn't paying enough (food stamps, housing assistance, welfare).

About 50% of the people in the US don't even have to pay the despicable trillion dollar a year income tax but yet most of the Moon Bats that don't have to pay that tax bitch about it should higher for other people to pay. That is real greed, isn't it? They want other people to pay their bills for them.

Greedy little bastards.

I don't have a problem paying the taxes that fund the things for which the federal government has the authority to do under the Constitution regardless of the form the tax comes in.

I have a problem when those that don't pay the very taxes that fund the programs they use then bitch about how someone else that is the source of that funding isn't paying enough (food stamps, housing assistance, welfare).

About 50% of the people in the US don't even have to pay the despicable trillion dollar a year income tax but yet most of the Moon Bats that don't have to pay that tax bitch about it should higher for other people to pay. That is real greed, isn't it? They want other people to pay their bills for them.

Greedy little bastards.

Those that don't pay use the "rich don't pay their fair share" BS. I guess they think benefiting from things they don't fund means they're paying a fair share while those that don't benefit from those same things pay to fund them.

Have you noticed how they call everything they support doing in order to buy those votes as an "investment"?

I am capable of making my own investments.

I don't need a corrupt shithead politician elected by special interest groups telling me how I should invest my money. I sure as hell don't need to invest it in giving a goddamn illegal alien free food stamps or paying the healthcare bill of some Colt Malt Liquor drink ghetto monkey.

Your avatar looks like the Southern Cross to me and when you mentioned monkey brought back an old Aussie Chief Petty Officer when telling a sea story in a NATO/SEATO school. Am I mistaken?
To rise to the level of perjury it must be MATERIAL.....

Now please desist from further displays of ignorance...
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ
blogs.wsj.com/washwire/.../why-bill-clinton-was-impeached/The Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica ...
1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality

1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality | USAM | Department of Justice

I am not a Republican you nitwit so your hatefest against them is wasted on me, however I am a Conservative and you are full of shit.

In short, you are an angry little man who is easily distracted by the one percent into hating people who are int eh same boat you are in. Got it.

My political philosophy if very simple. I will be responsible for paying my bills and you can go fuck a goat if you are too damn lazy and greedy to pay your own.

So you are telling me you've never collected unemployment, never used any public service of any kind, right?

I also cherish liberty and don't want the oppressive government telling me what to do every second of my life. You pathetic Pajama Boy Libtards are so damn sorry that you need the nanny state government telling you what to whenever you step out of your Mother's basement.

Guy, I'm not like that and i don't know anyone who is. So i think the problem is you are fighting something that doesn't exist. The reality is most of the people you hate are in the same boat you are in.

You Libtards hate the concept of freedom and you sure as hell hate the idea that you should be responsible for your own welfare instead of using the filthy ass government to force somebody else to pay your bills, which is despicable.

It is slavery living in a country where the cost of the filthy ass government is 40% of GDP and corrupt shitheads like Crooked Hillary get filthy rich selling government influence that we have to pay for

You see, here's the thing. I like breathing clean air. I like drinking clean water and I like having roads and schools and streetlights and things you get from having a government in a civilized state. When you guys go live in a third world country where they don't have thee things, let me know.

What I don't want is to pay for health insurance for years and years and years and then be told that my operation is "elective" and I have to pay for it out of my own pocket, which actually HAS happened to me. That's the system you support.
Who gives a shit what you like? We all like those things. And no matter what scare tactics you communist leftists put forth, we've always had those things - and will always have those things.
You left wing loons spew how you need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to provide those things.
Like the global warming hoax for instance.
A huge tax drain to further the leftist government takeover.
You leftists will gladly sell away your freedom and liberty for a hard nickel.
Hitler's methods are proving correct.
If you keep spewing the same sewage over and over, a gullable, weak-minded voting base will eventually bend over and say thank you.
You government leeches are swallowing the Obama/hillary spew with a smile on your face, and in 10 years wonder why you live under a dictatorship.
Last edited:

Your avatar looks like the Southern Cross to me and when you mentioned monkey brought back an old Aussie Chief Petty Officer when telling a sea story in a NATO/SEATO school. Am I mistaken?

US Americal Infantry Division, Vietnam.

Last edited:
To rise to the level of perjury it must be MATERIAL.....

Now please desist from further displays of ignorance...
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ
blogs.wsj.com/washwire/.../why-bill-clinton-was-impeached/The Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica ...
1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality

1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality | USAM | Department of Justice
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ
blogs.wsj.com/washwire/.../why-bill-clinton-was-impeached/The Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica...

Must have "risen to the level" of "material" - uh cupcake? He comitted perjury dumb-fuck...


You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ
blogs.wsj.com/washwire/.../why-bill-clinton-was-impeached/The Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica...

Must have "risen to the level" of "material" - uh cupcake? He comitted perjury dumb-fuck...

In Libtard Moonbatland being a sleazeball sexual predator and a convicted liar doesn't disqualify you from being President. Jut like being corrupt, incompetent, dishonest and a major security risk doesn't disqualify you from being a Presidential candidate.
To rise to the level of perjury it must be MATERIAL.....

Now please desist from further displays of ignorance...
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ
blogs.wsj.com/washwire/.../why-bill-clinton-was-impeached/The Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica ...
1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality

1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality | USAM | Department of Justice
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ
blogs.wsj.com/washwire/.../why-bill-clinton-was-impeached/The Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica...

Must have "risen to the level" of "material" - uh cupcake? He comitted perjury dumb-fuck...


What was the outcome of those proceedings, "cupcake"?
We'll be fine once we discard Trump.
Thank you for proving the premise of this thread - the blind, obedient, willfully ignorant American voter.

As bad as Trump is (and he's awful) Hitlery is exponentially worse.
She has committed felonies on multiple occasions, she rigged the Dumbocrat primary, she is a pathological liar, she's accepted millions of dollars from China, and she's desperate for power and wealth.

Trump isn't even remotely close. No felonies. No millions to his campaign from foreign nations, and nobody is a pathological liar on the level of Hitlery.
oh jebus, you are so clueless! :lol:

Hillary did not run the DNC nor was she in charge of the DNC, Obama officially was the head, over the Chairman of the DNC until there was a presumptive nominee...

Hillary didn't rig the primary by the DNC.

Foreign Nations gave nothing to the Clinton Campaign, but the Trump campaign has officially solicited campaign donations from foreign countries...

She's committed NO FELONIES.

While Trump is accused of Fraud, and has thousands of court cases and complaints brought against him...
Oh Jebus...you're as much of a pathological liar as Hitlery. Both her private emails server hosting government business and classified information, as well as her million in campaign contributions from China are felonies sweetie.

Hitlery rigged the DNC primaries.

Oh...and lets not forget Hitlery stealing from the White House once 'ole Slick Willy's term was up. The list goes on and on and on sweetie. She's the most corrupt politician in U.S. history.

Laughing! :laugh:
Isn't this tread about liberal conspiracies?
This is a must see video no matter what side of the aisle you're on. In the face of some really good facts, some sound logic, and some steady reasoning, this woman refuses to accept reality or change her position. We have far too many Americans like this. If the voters don't start educating themselves and thinking for themselves, the Republic will not survive.

well my friend and fan of the fockign cheats, Russia is behind the DNC hacking, and gave it to WikiLeaks, which leaked it, and Trump and Manafort , or one of them, took out the gop plank of arming Ukraine. So, there is some conspiracy, although my guess is it's less than organized. Manafort and/or Trump are predisposed to appeasing Putin over Ukraine, and that probably is not associated with WikiLeaks, although how much Manafort and Trump have financially gained from Putin is a relevant question.

Absolutely. The ties are undeniable.

About 50% of the people in the US don't even have to pay the despicable trillion dollar a year income tax but yet most of the Moon Bats that don't have to pay that tax bitch about it should higher for other people to pay. That is real greed, isn't it? They want other people to pay their bills for them.

Greedy little bastards.

I pay plenty of income tax. About $5000 last year. The rich should pay their fair share and not whine about it.
To rise to the level of perjury it must be MATERIAL.....

Now please desist from further displays of ignorance...
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ
blogs.wsj.com/washwire/.../why-bill-clinton-was-impeached/The Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica ...
1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality

1748. Elements Of Perjury -- Materiality | USAM | Department of Justice
You are a very (very) special kind of stupid.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached - Washington Wire - WSJ
blogs.wsj.com/washwire/.../why-bill-clinton-was-impeached/The Wall Street Journal
May 9, 2014 - President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica...

Must have "risen to the level" of "material" - uh cupcake? He comitted perjury dumb-fuck...


What was the outcome of those proceedings, "cupcake"?

Impeachment is still on his record and people like you keep proving you're willing to overlook liars. You overlooked Bill's lies and now you accept Hillary's.

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