
How can blacks be screwed by a party for which they don't vote? Based on the results in many areas ( hs graduation, unemployment, bastard birth rate, IQ), seems voting for Democrats for 50 years hasn't done them much good.

These Moon Bats like to blame Obama's increasing poverty, decreasing family income, dismal economic growth, astronomical debt and increasing unemployment of Blacks on somebody else.

It is what they do. They never take responsibility for the consequences of failed Left economics.

Franco seems to think someone can be screwed by a party for which they don't support despite the results of having supported Democrats is dismal, at best. I've come to the conclusion that the reason MOST blacks support Democrats despite the dismal results is that they know if they tried it on their own, they'd do worse. They have to pick the lesser of the two. They can either try it on their own and fail or be willing to accept a lesser return but guaranteeing something.

Franco seems to think someone can be screwed by a party for which they don't support despite the results of having supported Democrats is dismal, at best. I've come to the conclusion that the reason MOST blacks support Democrats despite the dismal results is that they know if they tried it on their own, they'd do worse. They have to pick the lesser of the two. They can either try it on their own and fail or be willing to accept a lesser return but guaranteeing something.

LBJ is the father of American welfare with his filthy ass Great Society plan. That conditioned Blacks to vote their welfare check instead of what is good for the country.

It would be great if Blacks would stop being selfish greedy assholes more concerned about getting somebody else to pay their bills than concerned about the good of the country and would think for themselves for a change instead of joining the Democrat's welfare slave plantation.

Blacks know which party is full of racists and bs. Shows how blacks are screwed in the New BS GOP America.

I am not a Republican so your partisan pig hate fest against them is wasted on me. They kiss the ass of special interest groups just like the filthy Democrats. It is just in the case of the Republicans it doesn't do any good because the greedy Blacks will always perceive they will get a bigger welfare check out of the Democrats. LBJ established that idea in the mind of the greedy Blacks that would rather get somebody else to pay their bills that earn their own keep. It is despicable when you think a large voting block votes their greed instead of what is good for the country.

That is why this country is so screwed up and we are in astronomical debt and piss poor economic growth with increasing poverty. Socialistic greed always fucks up everything.
What billionaires run the Dems like Murdoch and the others run the GOP?......BULLSHYTTE! Many dupes believe the Pubcrappe just like YOU DO. They give up and believe the small gov't/lower taxes bs THEY NEVER GET. Blacks took advantage of cheap college when they had it in the early 70's. That racist bs is just that. They've been screwed by GOP cutbacks and tax cuts for the rich just like the rest of the nonrich. You idiots blame the Dems for GOP obstruction of all kinds of solutions. Hopefully Trump the candidate of the brainwashed will give us congress so we can fix this GOP mess.

You probably believe the Dems had control under Obama and their policies do this...NOT! This is the New BS GOP economy. Has been since Reagan.

Oh yeah, you're a dupe. Are you voting Dem? Then you're a dupe.

How can blacks be screwed by a party for which they don't vote? Based on the results in many areas ( hs graduation, unemployment, bastard birth rate, IQ), seems voting for Democrats for 50 years hasn't done them much good.

These Moon Bats like to blame Obama's increasing poverty, decreasing family income, dismal economic growth, astronomical debt and increasing unemployment of Blacks on somebody else.

It is what they do. They never take responsibility for the consequences of failed Left economics.

Franco seems to think someone can be screwed by a party for which they don't support despite the results of having supported Democrats is dismal, at best. I've come to the conclusion that the reason MOST blacks support Democrats despite the dismal results is that they know if they tried it on their own, they'd do worse. They have to pick the lesser of the two. They can either try it on their own and fail or be willing to accept a lesser return but guaranteeing something.
They know which party is full of racist dupes and screws the nonrich...why don't you, chumps?
acts are facts. 97% of the Blacks in this country vote for the filthy ass Democrats because they expect to get something out of it. They sure as hell don't vote for the best interest of the county. It is greed.

I don't think you'd know a fact if it walked up and bit you on the ass. But okay. Of course most adult blacks have jobs and a majority of people on welfare are white. But youkeep telling yourself that black folks vote for phones...

You are confused and delusional Moon Bat.

At any one time 40% of the Blacks in America are on welfare and during their lives 85% have been on welfare at one time or another. This corresponds to 5% and 11% respectively for Whites.

These greedy shithead Blacks vote their welfare checks while fucking the country. They are the vassals of the filthy ass Democrat Party. Slaves on the welfare plantation and they are too greedy and stupid to know or care..

For instance, they voted for this jackass Obama and the welfare rolls increased, a whole shitload more of them got Obamaphones (like the Obamaphone Lady) and they got their healthcare subsidized through his stupid destructive Obamacare program.

Meanwhile because they helped to get this jackass Obama elected poverty rates increased, the debt sky rocketed, family income decreased, the cost of healthcare increased for the paying Americans, taxes increased, the growth of the economy was dismal and the country is pretty well fucked.

Yea, the greedy bastards got a few bennies and got somebody else to pay their bills and got their free chitlins but the country suffered because of it.

Blacks know which party is full of racists and bs. Shows how blacks are screwed in the New BS GOP America.

How can blacks be screwed by a party for which they don't vote? Based on the results in many areas ( hs graduation, unemployment, bastard birth rate, IQ), seems voting for Democrats for 50 years hasn't done them much good.

The GOP pander to the rich POLICIES, dumbass. Duh. Low taxes on the rich, high taxes and fees on the nonrich, high college and training costs, low pay and crappy benefits- see sig. Get your head out of your ass, dupe.
If you had "common sense", you wouldn't be a leftard. Guns are an inanimate object much like gasoline and a blow torch are.Put a blow torch and a spray bottle of gasoline in the hands of someone unhinged or a "gubermint" sponsored false flag that wants to restrict or ban the use thereof? The possibilities are endless....much like the OKC bombing....or create the underwear bomber fake false flag event so that people have to go through bio-metric scanners at the airports. The NRA isn't going to expose the false flag events like Sandy Hoax, Aurora, Charleston S.C or the Virginia TV reporter shooting because that isn't their function nor should they be allowed to be pulled into it. Their job is to make sure that people have a constitutional right to bear arms and use their political power backed by the people to keep the U.N sponsored commies like Hitlery from usurping the God given rights of the people. I do not need the power of the "state" to exist on this planet to grant me "privileges" that they can take away at their whim should they so desire. I hope the Sandy Hoaxers decide to go through with their threat to sue the gun manufacturers because that leads to "discovery" and "discovery" also means autopsy reports and if need be, it means digging up graves and doing DNA testing and an autopsy by an independent source overseen with full scrutiny. You "mock" no one but yourself because you have no strength behind your convictions which is why you bail like the coward that you are. I win yet again....(yawn)

Yes, you do...


Okay, so let's look at your logic here. The government is making up ALL of these mass shootings, in part of some nefarious scheme to restrict gun ownership so the UN can take over. And then you have the NRA, which is the brave organization which are protecting these God Given Rights from the Government.

And then some guy shows up at their front door with "proof" that the government was behind faking these incidents.

So do you

1) Expose the entire rancid business on TV.

2) Pretend it doesn't happen and work though the government to block common sense laws, like preventing terrorists and crazy people from buying guns...

So what you are saying is that essentially, the NRA is in on the mass conspiracy... um, right.

and you don't sound the least bit crazy when you say that.

You've earned it my friend, you've earned it.


Nope, not every shooting is staged but the ones that I have mentioned most definitely are. The truth is like a lion's roar and it's easy for all to see. When you have dishonesty and lies on a massive scale and acting has to be introduced into the equation by amateurs ? Well, it simply sticks out like a cockroach on a wedding cake. Your bought and paid for corporate media are nothing but shills for USA.INC. They don't report the news insomuch as they now create the news in which they use blue and green screens like Hollywood. These screens provide the media with the ability to be anywhere, at any time miraculously reporting "on-the-scene" when they are actually in their studio. There are many examples of this going all the way back to the first Gulf War. So, if we cannot trust the media with something as simple as "being on the ground" then wouldn't you say that the integrity of journalism has been severely compromise?

As far as the NRA goes and how they are trying to deal with false flag shootings goes? They are in a tough position because they are trying to keep the 2nd amendment in place thus they have an agenda. But "da gubermint" uses the media to run this psy-op in order to traumatize the dumbed down masses thus if the NRA pointed it out publicly, they would be playing right into the hands of the gun grabbing liberal ass wipes. There are PLENTY of gun acts, statutes and codes on the books and they are still wanting to pass more draconian acts, statutes and codes. We have laws against drug usage...but yet how many people go to jail every day for possessing and selling drugs? I know that some bad shit is coming down the road and so does your beloved "gubermint" which is why they are wanting to disarm us even as they buy up billions of rounds of hollow point bullets. Gutless liberal pieces of shit like you will never dictate what type of firearm people are allowed to have so they can defend their families....get it, shit-head?? I am getting bored with kicking your ass and schooling you on things that should be common sense to those with more than two brain cells.
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acts are facts. 97% of the Blacks in this country vote for the filthy ass Democrats because they expect to get something out of it. They sure as hell don't vote for the best interest of the county. It is greed.

I don't think you'd know a fact if it walked up and bit you on the ass. But okay. Of course most adult blacks have jobs and a majority of people on welfare are white. But youkeep telling yourself that black folks vote for phones...

You are confused and delusional Moon Bat.

At any one time 40% of the Blacks in America are on welfare and during their lives 85% have been on welfare at one time or another. This corresponds to 5% and 11% respectively for Whites.

These greedy shithead Blacks vote their welfare checks while fucking the country. They are the vassals of the filthy ass Democrat Party. Slaves on the welfare plantation and they are too greedy and stupid to know or care..

For instance, they voted for this jackass Obama and the welfare rolls increased, a whole shitload more of them got Obamaphones (like the Obamaphone Lady) and they got their healthcare subsidized through his stupid destructive Obamacare program.

Meanwhile because they helped to get this jackass Obama elected poverty rates increased, the debt sky rocketed, family income decreased, the cost of healthcare increased for the paying Americans, taxes increased, the growth of the economy was dismal and the country is pretty well fucked.

Yea, the greedy bastards got a few bennies and got somebody else to pay their bills and got their free chitlins but the country suffered because of it.

Blacks know which party is full of racists and bs. Shows how blacks are screwed in the New BS GOP America.

How can blacks be screwed by a party for which they don't vote? Based on the results in many areas ( hs graduation, unemployment, bastard birth rate, IQ), seems voting for Democrats for 50 years hasn't done them much good.

The GOP pander to the rich POLICIES, dumbass. Duh. Low taxes on the rich, high taxes and fees on the nonrich, high college and training costs, low pay and crappy benefits- see sig. Get your head out of your ass, dupe.

You are the idiot with your head up your ass. Your beloved "gubermint" i.e USA.INC is the majority shareholders in every Fortune 500 corporation. Your beloved "politicians" are nothing but glorified corporate officers that have to do the bidding of the shareholders (mostly international bankers). The very corporations that you rail against that offshore jobs are doing so with the blessing of USA.INC. You have no fucking idea on how the system actually works nor do you have the slightest fucking clue on how badly we have been fucked over by the unconstitutional federal reserve/fractional banking system. You lack the intellect to understand. I blame it on the fact that you are just single digits away in IQ points from being declared "mentally retarded".
I don't think you'd know a fact if it walked up and bit you on the ass. But okay. Of course most adult blacks have jobs and a majority of people on welfare are white. But youkeep telling yourself that black folks vote for phones...

You are confused and delusional Moon Bat.

At any one time 40% of the Blacks in America are on welfare and during their lives 85% have been on welfare at one time or another. This corresponds to 5% and 11% respectively for Whites.

These greedy shithead Blacks vote their welfare checks while fucking the country. They are the vassals of the filthy ass Democrat Party. Slaves on the welfare plantation and they are too greedy and stupid to know or care..

For instance, they voted for this jackass Obama and the welfare rolls increased, a whole shitload more of them got Obamaphones (like the Obamaphone Lady) and they got their healthcare subsidized through his stupid destructive Obamacare program.

Meanwhile because they helped to get this jackass Obama elected poverty rates increased, the debt sky rocketed, family income decreased, the cost of healthcare increased for the paying Americans, taxes increased, the growth of the economy was dismal and the country is pretty well fucked.

Yea, the greedy bastards got a few bennies and got somebody else to pay their bills and got their free chitlins but the country suffered because of it.

Blacks know which party is full of racists and bs. Shows how blacks are screwed in the New BS GOP America.

How can blacks be screwed by a party for which they don't vote? Based on the results in many areas ( hs graduation, unemployment, bastard birth rate, IQ), seems voting for Democrats for 50 years hasn't done them much good.

The GOP pander to the rich POLICIES, dumbass. Duh. Low taxes on the rich, high taxes and fees on the nonrich, high college and training costs, low pay and crappy benefits- see sig. Get your head out of your ass, dupe.

You are the idiot with your head up your ass. Your beloved "gubermint" i.e USA.INC is the majority shareholders in every Fortune 500 corporation. Your beloved "politicians" are nothing but glorified corporate officers that have to do the bidding of the shareholders (mostly international bankers). The very corporations that you rail against that offshore jobs are doing so with the blessing of USA.INC. You have no fucking idea on how the system actually works nor do you have the slightest fucking clue on how badly we have been fucked over by the unconstitutional federal reserve/fractional banking system. You lack the intellect to understand. I blame it on the fact that you are just single digits away in IQ points from being declared "mentally retarded".

It's a CONSPIRACEE!!!!!!!!! Nutjob.
You are confused and delusional Moon Bat.

At any one time 40% of the Blacks in America are on welfare and during their lives 85% have been on welfare at one time or another. This corresponds to 5% and 11% respectively for Whites.

These greedy shithead Blacks vote their welfare checks while fucking the country. They are the vassals of the filthy ass Democrat Party. Slaves on the welfare plantation and they are too greedy and stupid to know or care..

For instance, they voted for this jackass Obama and the welfare rolls increased, a whole shitload more of them got Obamaphones (like the Obamaphone Lady) and they got their healthcare subsidized through his stupid destructive Obamacare program.

Meanwhile because they helped to get this jackass Obama elected poverty rates increased, the debt sky rocketed, family income decreased, the cost of healthcare increased for the paying Americans, taxes increased, the growth of the economy was dismal and the country is pretty well fucked.

Yea, the greedy bastards got a few bennies and got somebody else to pay their bills and got their free chitlins but the country suffered because of it.

Blacks know which party is full of racists and bs. Shows how blacks are screwed in the New BS GOP America.

How can blacks be screwed by a party for which they don't vote? Based on the results in many areas ( hs graduation, unemployment, bastard birth rate, IQ), seems voting for Democrats for 50 years hasn't done them much good.

The GOP pander to the rich POLICIES, dumbass. Duh. Low taxes on the rich, high taxes and fees on the nonrich, high college and training costs, low pay and crappy benefits- see sig. Get your head out of your ass, dupe.

You are the idiot with your head up your ass. Your beloved "gubermint" i.e USA.INC is the majority shareholders in every Fortune 500 corporation. Your beloved "politicians" are nothing but glorified corporate officers that have to do the bidding of the shareholders (mostly international bankers). The very corporations that you rail against that offshore jobs are doing so with the blessing of USA.INC. You have no fucking idea on how the system actually works nor do you have the slightest fucking clue on how badly we have been fucked over by the unconstitutional federal reserve/fractional banking system. You lack the intellect to understand. I blame it on the fact that you are just single digits away in IQ points from being declared "mentally retarded".

It's a CONSPIRACEE!!!!!!!!! Nutjob.

Not a conspiracy, dumb ass...it's simply business. Stupid little fucks like you lack the ability to do anything but regurgitate what they see and hear on TV and that makes you the ultimate "dupe"...get it now, dumb ass?

They know which party is full of racist dupes and screws the nonrich...why don't you, chumps?

You mean like the Democrat's nominee for President that is a rich corrupt White bitch backed by Wall Street and how has a pocket full of IOUs from corporations and foreign countries that paid her and Slick Willy big bucks?

They know which party is full of racist dupes and screws the nonrich...why don't you, chumps?

Wouldn't a racist be somebody that attended a filthy ass Black hate church for 20 years that openly preached hate against Whites and Jews?
If the voters don't start educating themselves and thinking for themselves, the Republic will not survive.
It is worthwhile to repost this quote since it is applicable to a potential Clinton presidency also.
This was back in May, 2012

Perfect Quote

Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way that you can quickly understand them. This quote came from the Czech Republic. Someone over there has it figured out. It was translated into English from an article in the Prague newspaper.

~ Prager Zeitung

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president."

Franco seems to think someone can be screwed by a party for which they don't support despite the results of having supported Democrats is dismal, at best. I've come to the conclusion that the reason MOST blacks support Democrats despite the dismal results is that they know if they tried it on their own, they'd do worse. They have to pick the lesser of the two. They can either try it on their own and fail or be willing to accept a lesser return but guaranteeing something.

LBJ is the father of American welfare with his filthy ass Great Society plan. That conditioned Blacks to vote their welfare check instead of what is good for the country.

It would be great if Blacks would stop being selfish greedy assholes more concerned about getting somebody else to pay their bills than concerned about the good of the country and would think for themselves for a change instead of joining the Democrat's welfare slave plantation.

Franco is stuck on "stupid". The Rothschilds of all people threw a 100K a plate fundraiser for Hitlery...let that sink in. The same oligarchs that run every central bank in the world with this debt slavery system is backing Hitlery....but does Franco even know this? Probably not and he wouldn't care anyway because he isn't intelligent enough to understand the significance of it.

Franco seems to think someone can be screwed by a party for which they don't support despite the results of having supported Democrats is dismal, at best. I've come to the conclusion that the reason MOST blacks support Democrats despite the dismal results is that they know if they tried it on their own, they'd do worse. They have to pick the lesser of the two. They can either try it on their own and fail or be willing to accept a lesser return but guaranteeing something.

LBJ is the father of American welfare with his filthy ass Great Society plan. That conditioned Blacks to vote their welfare check instead of what is good for the country.

It would be great if Blacks would stop being selfish greedy assholes more concerned about getting somebody else to pay their bills than concerned about the good of the country and would think for themselves for a change instead of joining the Democrat's welfare slave plantation.

Franco is stuck on "stupid". The Rothschilds of all people threw a 100K a plate fundraiser for Hitlery...let that sink in. The same oligarchs that run every central bank in the world with this debt slavery system is backing Hitlery....but does Franco even know this? Probably not and he wouldn't care anyway because he isn't intelligent enough to understand the significance of it.

Franco is a card carrying Moon Bat for sure.
The only fools are those who believe that it reallt matters who wins. In reality it doesnt.
Blacks know which party is full of racists and bs. Shows how blacks are screwed in the New BS GOP America.

How can blacks be screwed by a party for which they don't vote? Based on the results in many areas ( hs graduation, unemployment, bastard birth rate, IQ), seems voting for Democrats for 50 years hasn't done them much good.
The GOP pander to the rich POLICIES, dumbass. Duh. Low taxes on the rich, high taxes and fees on the nonrich, high college and training costs, low pay and crappy benefits- see sig. Get your head out of your ass, dupe.

You are the idiot with your head up your ass. Your beloved "gubermint" i.e USA.INC is the majority shareholders in every Fortune 500 corporation. Your beloved "politicians" are nothing but glorified corporate officers that have to do the bidding of the shareholders (mostly international bankers). The very corporations that you rail against that offshore jobs are doing so with the blessing of USA.INC. You have no fucking idea on how the system actually works nor do you have the slightest fucking clue on how badly we have been fucked over by the unconstitutional federal reserve/fractional banking system. You lack the intellect to understand. I blame it on the fact that you are just single digits away in IQ points from being declared "mentally retarded".
It's a CONSPIRACEE!!!!!!!!! Nutjob.

Not a conspiracy, dumb ass...it's simply business. Stupid little fucks like you lack the ability to do anything but regurgitate what they see and hear on TV and that makes you the ultimate "dupe"...get it now, dumb ass?
That's called real life, dupe. Also newspapers, books. Masters in History...you? Conspiracies like that don't happen. Why do I bother lol...

Franco seems to think someone can be screwed by a party for which they don't support despite the results of having supported Democrats is dismal, at best. I've come to the conclusion that the reason MOST blacks support Democrats despite the dismal results is that they know if they tried it on their own, they'd do worse. They have to pick the lesser of the two. They can either try it on their own and fail or be willing to accept a lesser return but guaranteeing something.

LBJ is the father of American welfare with his filthy ass Great Society plan. That conditioned Blacks to vote their welfare check instead of what is good for the country.

It would be great if Blacks would stop being selfish greedy assholes more concerned about getting somebody else to pay their bills than concerned about the good of the country and would think for themselves for a change instead of joining the Democrat's welfare slave plantation.

Franco is stuck on "stupid". The Rothschilds of all people threw a 100K a plate fundraiser for Hitlery...let that sink in. The same oligarchs that run every central bank in the world with this debt slavery system is backing Hitlery....but does Franco even know this? Probably not and he wouldn't care anyway because he isn't intelligent enough to understand the significance of it.

Franco is a card carrying Moon Bat for sure.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. People who DON'T believe in conspiracies are the moonbats in your world? lol

Franco seems to think someone can be screwed by a party for which they don't support despite the results of having supported Democrats is dismal, at best. I've come to the conclusion that the reason MOST blacks support Democrats despite the dismal results is that they know if they tried it on their own, they'd do worse. They have to pick the lesser of the two. They can either try it on their own and fail or be willing to accept a lesser return but guaranteeing something.

LBJ is the father of American welfare with his filthy ass Great Society plan. That conditioned Blacks to vote their welfare check instead of what is good for the country.

It would be great if Blacks would stop being selfish greedy assholes more concerned about getting somebody else to pay their bills than concerned about the good of the country and would think for themselves for a change instead of joining the Democrat's welfare slave plantation.

Franco is stuck on "stupid". The Rothschilds of all people threw a 100K a plate fundraiser for Hitlery...let that sink in. The same oligarchs that run every central bank in the world with this debt slavery system is backing Hitlery....but does Franco even know this? Probably not and he wouldn't care anyway because he isn't intelligent enough to understand the significance of it.

Franco is a card carrying Moon Bat for sure.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. People who DON'T believe in conspiracies are the moonbats in your world? lol

Hey, dumb fuck....it was revealed with the release of Hitlery's e-mails.......so what was that you were saying???>?

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