More evidence against Putin than against Hillary. The Trumps and his campaign manager are in business in Russia...
More evidence against Putin than against Hillary. The Trumps and his campaign manager are in business in Russia...

Evidence against Putin concerning what exactly? Accusations are not truth and since her e-mail server was unsecured, any 2nd rate hacker could get her e-mails and man oh man, have we evergottena treasure trove of information how Hitlery and the state department, Holder and the Barrypuppet were indeed funding ISIS just like I said three years ago and just like military whistle blower Scott Bennett claimed FOUR years ago. Bury your head in the sand and walk around with your ass hanging skin off of my nose. I will say this, I trust the integrity of Putin over Hitlery any day of thh week....and since Putin is former KGB? That should tell you how little I think of Hitlery.......

Clinton spins FBI director's comments about her email
Of course, you're a hater dupe. You trust Putin? lol. Breaking for dupes: No e-mails were marked classified. And not hacked like State's.
This is a must see video no matter what side of the aisle you're on. In the face of some really good facts, some sound logic, and some steady reasoning, this woman refuses to accept reality or change her position. We have far too many Americans like this. If the voters don't start educating themselves and thinking for themselves, the Republic will not survive.

well my friend and fan of the fockign cheats, Russia is behind the DNC hacking, and gave it to WikiLeaks, which leaked it, and Trump and Manafort , or one of them, took out the gop plank of arming Ukraine. So, there is some conspiracy, although my guess is it's less than organized. Manafort and/or Trump are predisposed to appeasing Putin over Ukraine, and that probably is not associated with WikiLeaks, although how much Manafort and Trump have financially gained from Putin is a relevant question.

Can you rationally explain to me how you are not genuinely excited that corruption with U.S. politics was exposed and made public to the American people? Are you seriously that big of an absurd, blind, partisan, hack?!? Come on.... :eusa_doh:

What corruption, dupe?
More evidence against Putin than against Hillary. The Trumps and his campaign manager are in business in Russia...
More evidence against Putin than against Hillary. The Trumps and his campaign manager are in business in Russia...

Evidence against Putin concerning what exactly? Accusations are not truth and since her e-mail server was unsecured, any 2nd rate hacker could get her e-mails and man oh man, have we evergottena treasure trove of information how Hitlery and the state department, Holder and the Barrypuppet were indeed funding ISIS just like I said three years ago and just like military whistle blower Scott Bennett claimed FOUR years ago. Bury your head in the sand and walk around with your ass hanging skin off of my nose. I will say this, I trust the integrity of Putin over Hitlery any day of thh week....and since Putin is former KGB? That should tell you how little I think of Hitlery.......

Clinton spins FBI director's comments about her email
Of course, you're a hater dupe. You trust Putin? lol. Breaking for dupes: No e-mails were marked classified. And not hacked like State's.

Why would I ever embrace someone like Hitlery? There is nothing even slightly likable about her. She used the goon squad and private investigators to silence those assaulted by Bill "drop trou" or those he had affairs with to make sure that they kept their mouths shut. She treats her underlings like shit and all of that is well documented. As far as Putin goes? I trust him a helluva lot more than I do the Clintons or the Bush crime family. He has never fucked over Americans like those two CFR/ Rockefeller sponsored parasitic entities of humanity. I know more than live in this little bubble where "leftard is good" and anything that exposes it for the disgusting blight on humanity that it is? Well, you just ignore it and put your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and pretend that it's not happening. Reality is going to bite you on the ass in a great big way and soon.
More evidence against Putin than against Hillary. The Trumps and his campaign manager are in business in Russia...
More evidence against Putin than against Hillary. The Trumps and his campaign manager are in business in Russia...

Evidence against Putin concerning what exactly? Accusations are not truth and since her e-mail server was unsecured, any 2nd rate hacker could get her e-mails and man oh man, have we evergottena treasure trove of information how Hitlery and the state department, Holder and the Barrypuppet were indeed funding ISIS just like I said three years ago and just like military whistle blower Scott Bennett claimed FOUR years ago. Bury your head in the sand and walk around with your ass hanging skin off of my nose. I will say this, I trust the integrity of Putin over Hitlery any day of thh week....and since Putin is former KGB? That should tell you how little I think of Hitlery.......

Clinton spins FBI director's comments about her email
Of course, you're a hater dupe. You trust Putin? lol. Breaking for dupes: No e-mails were marked classified. And not hacked like State's.

Why would I ever embrace someone like Hitlery? There is nothing even slightly likable about her. She used the goon squad and private investigators to silence those assaulted by Bill "drop trou" or those he had affairs with to make sure that they kept their mouths shut. She treats her underlings like shit and all of that is well documented. As far as Putin goes? I trust him a helluva lot more than I do the Clintons or the Bush crime family. He has never fucked over Americans like those two CFR/ Rockefeller sponsored parasitic entities of humanity. I know more than live in this little bubble where "leftard is good" and anything that exposes it for the disgusting blight on humanity that it is? Well, you just ignore it and put your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and pretend that it's not happening. Reality is going to bite you on the ass in a great big way and soon.
Like how? Very scary. lol
This is a must see video no matter what side of the aisle you're on. In the face of some really good facts, some sound logic, and some steady reasoning, this woman refuses to accept reality or change her position. We have far too many Americans like this. If the voters don't start educating themselves and thinking for themselves, the Republic will not survive.

You can find just as many Nuts who believe crazy shit on the right. Sadly, your party nominated one of them for President.

So what's your point?.
No wonder the left delivers candidates like Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Hitlery Clinton. A real bunch of Mensa candidates on that side of the aisle.... :eusa_doh:

This is a must see video no matter what side of the aisle you're on. In the face of some really good facts, some sound logic, and some steady reasoning, this woman refuses to accept reality or change her position. We have far too many Americans like this. If the voters don't start educating themselves and thinking for themselves, the Republic will not survive.

"The fact that they were released proves Putin is behind them".

Yup, she got the public education, unfortunately.
This is a must see video no matter what side of the aisle you're on. In the face of some really good facts, some sound logic, and some steady reasoning, this woman refuses to accept reality or change her position. We have far too many Americans like this. If the voters don't start educating themselves and thinking for themselves, the Republic will not survive.

I can do this all night.

You'll run out of videos of stupid dems long before I run out of videos of stupid Pubs.
Chicken Little lives in the heart of every conservative, the sky has been fallen for so long it's a wonder there is any left up there.
That's a remarkable response considering "the sky is falling" has been the platform of the Dumbocrats for over 100 years now. Did you catch the DNC? Every speech was about how everyone is a victim in America and only by turning over power, control, and money to the Dumbocrats can we be saved.

DNC: The Night of a Thousand Victims

yep, as if democrats have not been in charge. Is Hillary really running on Obama's record or against it? Everything she says sounds like against it. You know "it's your turn." As if it wasn't for 8 years. Yet Obama still campaigns for her letting her use AF 1. Quite the bennie. Maybe a SCOTUS position in Obama future or Michelle's?
This is a must see video no matter what side of the aisle you're on. In the face of some really good facts, some sound logic, and some steady reasoning, this woman refuses to accept reality or change her position. We have far too many Americans like this. If the voters don't start educating themselves and thinking for themselves, the Republic will not survive.

I can do this all night.

You'll run out of videos of stupid dems long before I run out of videos of stupid Pubs.

With dumb regressive liberals the content is coming in so fast that no single person can even absorb it all. I mean some of these people believe that truth does not exist (that must include Hillary), so from that it follows no statement is too dumb to make. And boy do they follow that rule.

Hillary lies alone would occupy all the bandwidth a normal person has for quite some time, so the challenge will have to be declined.
we were in trouble when "The Stupid Vote" elected Obama in 2008

we were in trouble even earlier when the Stupid Vote re-elected President Bush in 2004! :D
You're all wrong - it started with the election of Woodrow Wilson and has been all down hill from there. He and FDR shredded the U.S. Constitution. Then spit on it. Then pissed on it. The list of idiots elected (Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama) is embarrassing. With the exception of Ronald Reagan, we haven't seen a decent president in over 120 years.

How was Reagan any more "decent" than, say, Clinton?

He never tried to sell us on a BS story like Clinton's Bosnia lie.
This is a must see video no matter what side of the aisle you're on. In the face of some really good facts, some sound logic, and some steady reasoning, this woman refuses to accept reality or change her position. We have far too many Americans like this. If the voters don't start educating themselves and thinking for themselves, the Republic will not survive.

I can do this all night.

You'll run out of videos of stupid dems long before I run out of videos of stupid Pubs.[/QUOT

Who was that leftard congressman that thought islands could tip over? (snicker)
This is a must see video no matter what side of the aisle you're on. In the face of some really good facts, some sound logic, and some steady reasoning, this woman refuses to accept reality or change her position. We have far too many Americans like this. If the voters don't start educating themselves and thinking for themselves, the Republic will not survive.

You can find just as many Nuts who believe crazy shit on the right. Sadly, your party nominated one of them for President.

So what's your point?.

The fact that you are so "gung ho" about Hitlery without ever vetting the voluminous amount of information that exposes her for being the elitist scum that she is tell;s me all I need to know about you and your ilk. I am not advocating Trump either...there are OTHER candidates if you actually believe in this fraudulent system. I suspect that you are the typical commie hiding under the auspices of being a "liberal", comrade??
The fact that you are so "gung ho" about Hitlery without ever vetting the voluminous amount of information that exposes her for being the elitist scum that she is tell;s me all I need to know about you and your ilk. I am not advocating Trump either...there are OTHER candidates if you actually believe in this fraudulent system. I suspect that you are the typical commie hiding under the auspices of being a "liberal", comrade??

Once more, guy, you are a nut who thinks mass shootings are false flag operations. You don't need discussion, you need medication.

Beyond that... Either Hillary or Trump will be President in November. Period.

I'm sorry the GOP didn't give us better choices. They had about 10 pretty good candidates, none of whom were as willing as the Trumpenfuhrer to play to White Anger.
More evidence against Putin than against Hillary. The Trumps and his campaign manager are in business in Russia...
More evidence against Putin than against Hillary. The Trumps and his campaign manager are in business in Russia...

Evidence against Putin concerning what exactly? Accusations are not truth and since her e-mail server was unsecured, any 2nd rate hacker could get her e-mails and man oh man, have we evergottena treasure trove of information how Hitlery and the state department, Holder and the Barrypuppet were indeed funding ISIS just like I said three years ago and just like military whistle blower Scott Bennett claimed FOUR years ago. Bury your head in the sand and walk around with your ass hanging skin off of my nose. I will say this, I trust the integrity of Putin over Hitlery any day of thh week....and since Putin is former KGB? That should tell you how little I think of Hitlery.......

Clinton spins FBI director's comments about her email
Of course, you're a hater dupe. You trust Putin? lol. Breaking for dupes: No e-mails were marked classified. And not hacked like State's.
Pardon me if I trust the FBI over your crooked hitlery....:lol:

99% of people in jail claim they are innocent.....
The fact that you are so "gung ho" about Hitlery without ever vetting the voluminous amount of information that exposes her for being the elitist scum that she is tell;s me all I need to know about you and your ilk. I am not advocating Trump either...there are OTHER candidates if you actually believe in this fraudulent system. I suspect that you are the typical commie hiding under the auspices of being a "liberal", comrade??

Once more, guy, you are a nut who thinks mass shootings are false flag operations. You don't need discussion, you need medication.

Beyond that... Either Hillary or Trump will be President in November. Period.

I'm sorry the GOP didn't give us better choices. They had about 10 pretty good candidates, none of whom were as willing as the Trumpenfuhrer to play to White Anger.

Hey, you are the idiot that believes that the Sandy Hook school was exempt from the Americans with Disabilities Act that declared that handicap parking spaces had to be outlined in blue paint and a sign that is at least 62 inches tall designating it as such. I have done my research and I simply sought the truth. The "truth" to you is whatever your beloved lamestream media and beloved "corporate gubermint" tells you what it is. You can't debate me on this...and you can't debate me on Aurora, Charleston or San Bernadino.....your only argument is "da gubermint said it happened and CNN says so"......sorry, fuckwad, that's not good enough for me. Propaganda is why German citizens didn't give a shit about killing alleged "enemies of the fatherland". Put up or STFU........debate me....I am armed to the gills with irrefutable evidence...all you have is lamestream media footage and "gubermint" talking points and that's not gonna cut it.
Hey, you are the idiot that believes that the Sandy Hook school was exempt from the Americans with Disabilities Act that declared that handicap parking spaces had to be outlined in blue paint and a sign that is at least 62 inches tall designating it as such.

This is your whole agruement, you didn't seen a parking space (that probably had an emergency vehicle over it.)?

I have done my research and I simply sought the truth. The "truth" to you is whatever your beloved lamestream media and beloved "corporate gubermint" tells you what it is.

No, guy, I just use common sense.

One Crazy guy with a gun (in a country that has too many fucking guns) is a lot more likely than a HUGE conspiracy involving hundreds of people to accomplish...well, I'm not sure what they were likely to accomplish.

Do you think that if there was REAL evidence that Sandy Hook (or Aurora or Orlando) was a hoax, that Wayne LaPeirre and the NRA wouldn't be out there TOMORROW screaming about it? Of course he would.

Unless you think the NRA is in on the conspiracy, too? and this is where your logic goes right into the weeds.

Put up or STFU........debate me....I am armed to the gills with irrefutable evidence..

Guy, I don't debate crazy people. I mock them. I also recommend they get properly medicated.
It is always great when a USMB nutbag finds a video of some "Democrat" somewhere saying something crazy. It speaks to the fact that there aren't many crazy things being said by "liberals" on these pages.

All that liberals here have to do is look at the latest thread to find an actual "conservative" USMB member saying something crazy. You idiots don't have to outsource your crazy. It's right here.

Think on that for a sec, dummy.
And I don't want to hear some obscure woman telling me what's wrong with America. Let's hear Donald Trump get up on stage and repeat what that woman just said and let's see if the American people buy it.
Hey, you are the idiot that believes that the Sandy Hook school was exempt from the Americans with Disabilities Act that declared that handicap parking spaces had to be outlined in blue paint and a sign that is at least 62 inches tall designating it as such.

This is your whole agruement, you didn't seen a parking space (that probably had an emergency vehicle over it.)?

I have done my research and I simply sought the truth. The "truth" to you is whatever your beloved lamestream media and beloved "corporate gubermint" tells you what it is.

No, guy, I just use common sense.

One Crazy guy with a gun (in a country that has too many fucking guns) is a lot more likely than a HUGE conspiracy involving hundreds of people to accomplish...well, I'm not sure what they were likely to accomplish.

Do you think that if there was REAL evidence that Sandy Hook (or Aurora or Orlando) was a hoax, that Wayne LaPeirre and the NRA wouldn't be out there TOMORROW screaming about it? Of course he would.

Unless you think the NRA is in on the conspiracy, too? and this is where your logic goes right into the weeds.

Put up or STFU........debate me....I am armed to the gills with irrefutable evidence..

Guy, I don't debate crazy people. I mock them. I also recommend they get properly medicated.

If you had "common sense", you wouldn't be a leftard. Guns are an inanimate object much like gasoline and a blow torch are.Put a blow torch and a spray bottle of gasoline in the hands of someone unhinged or a "gubermint" sponsored false flag that wants to restrict or ban the use thereof? The possibilities are endless....much like the OKC bombing....or create the underwear bomber fake false flag event so that people have to go through bio-metric scanners at the airports. The NRA isn't going to expose the false flag events like Sandy Hoax, Aurora, Charleston S.C or the Virginia TV reporter shooting because that isn't their function nor should they be allowed to be pulled into it. Their job is to make sure that people have a constitutional right to bear arms and use their political power backed by the people to keep the U.N sponsored commies like Hitlery from usurping the God given rights of the people. I do not need the power of the "state" to exist on this planet to grant me "privileges" that they can take away at their whim should they so desire. I hope the Sandy Hoaxers decide to go through with their threat to sue the gun manufacturers because that leads to "discovery" and "discovery" also means autopsy reports and if need be, it means digging up graves and doing DNA testing and an autopsy by an independent source overseen with full scrutiny. You "mock" no one but yourself because you have no strength behind your convictions which is why you bail like the coward that you are. I win yet again....(yawn)
Last edited:
If you had "common sense", you wouldn't be a leftard. Guns are an inanimate object much like gasoline and a blow torch are.Put a blow torch and a spray bottle of gasoline in the hands of someone unhinged or a "gubermint" sponsored false flag that wants to restrict or ban the use thereof? The possibilities are endless....much like the OKC bombing....or create the underwear bomber fake false flag event so that people have to go through bio-metric scanners at the airports. The NRA isn't going to expose the false flag events like Sandy Hoax, Aurora, Charleston S.C or the Virginia TV reporter shooting because that isn't their function nor should they be allowed to be pulled into it. Their job is to make sure that people have a constitutional right to bear arms and use their political power backed by the people to keep the U.N sponsored commies like Hitlery from usurping the God given rights of the people. I do not need the power of the "state" to exist on this planet to grant me "privileges" that they can take away at their whim should they so desire. I hope the Sandy Hoaxers decide to go through with their threat to sue the gun manufacturers because that leads to "discovery" and "discovery" also means autopsy reports and if need be, it means digging up graves and doing DNA testing and an autopsy by an independent source overseen with full scrutiny. You "mock" no one but yourself because you have no strength behind your convictions which is why you bail like the coward that you are. I win yet again....(yawn)

Yes, you do...


Okay, so let's look at your logic here. The government is making up ALL of these mass shootings, in part of some nefarious scheme to restrict gun ownership so the UN can take over. And then you have the NRA, which is the brave organization which are protecting these God Given Rights from the Government.

And then some guy shows up at their front door with "proof" that the government was behind faking these incidents.

So do you

1) Expose the entire rancid business on TV.

2) Pretend it doesn't happen and work though the government to block common sense laws, like preventing terrorists and crazy people from buying guns...

So what you are saying is that essentially, the NRA is in on the mass conspiracy... um, right.

and you don't sound the least bit crazy when you say that.

You've earned it my friend, you've earned it.


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