The Ugly, Nasty, Disgusting Truth About The V.A. Scandal.


Dec 5, 2011
Republicans block Senate bill to boost veterans' benefits -

Senate Republicans BLOCKED $24 Billion Dollar Spend Bill for Veteran's Health Care and Education on February 27, 2014. The vote was 54 Democrats in favor, 41 Republicans opposed. Even with a majority vote the bill was defeated by the Republicans.

41 Republicans refused to vote for money that would benefit the Health Care and Education of our Veterans.


The fact that if there had been no Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional War(s) in Afghanistan and Iraq, there would be no scandal in Veteran's Administration.

But because the shrub and dead-eye dick(less) lied this country into those wars, with strong ConJob, NeoNut, RePug and TeaHadist support.

Every fucking Conservative at this forum wanted these wars and supported these wars.

Do not blame Secretary Shinseki for YOUR blind absolute, unconditional support for two wars that should never have been fought. If those wars had not been fought, the current crisis would not be happening.

You people wanted those fucking wars.

The blame is in fact yours.
Republicans block Senate bill to boost veterans' benefits -

Senate Republicans BLOCKED $24 Billion Dollar Spend Bill for Veteran's Health Care and Education on February 27, 2014. The vote was 54 Democrats in favor, 41 Republicans opposed. Even with a majority vote the bill was defeated by the Republicans.

41 Republicans refused to vote for money that would benefit the Health Care and Education of our Veterans.


The fact that if there had been no Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional War(s) in Afghanistan and Iraq, there would be no scandal in Veteran's Administration.

But because the shrub and dead-eye dick(less) lied this country into those wars, with strong ConJob, NeoNut, RePug and TeaHadist support.

Every fucking Conservative at this forum wanted these wars and supported these wars.

Do not blame Secretary Shinseki for YOUR blind absolute, unconditional support for two wars that should never have been fought. If those wars had not been fought, the current crisis would not be happening.

You people wanted those fucking wars.

The blame is in fact yours.

Spot on.

Republicans block Senate bill to boost veterans' benefits -

Senate Republicans BLOCKED $24 Billion Dollar Spend Bill for Veteran's Health Care and Education on February 27, 2014. The vote was 54 Democrats in favor, 41 Republicans opposed. Even with a majority vote the bill was defeated by the Republicans.

41 Republicans refused to vote for money that would benefit the Health Care and Education of our Veterans.


The fact that if there had been no Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional War(s) in Afghanistan and Iraq, there would be no scandal in Veteran's Administration.

But because the shrub and dead-eye dick(less) lied this country into those wars, with strong ConJob, NeoNut, RePug and TeaHadist support.

Every fucking Conservative at this forum wanted these wars and supported these wars.

Do not blame Secretary Shinseki for YOUR blind absolute, unconditional support for two wars that should never have been fought. If those wars had not been fought, the current crisis would not be happening.

You people wanted those fucking wars.

The blame is in fact yours.

Spot on.


Here to give your butt-buddy a reach-around, huh?

Look, you stupid fucks.

1) Every dimocrap scumbag in Congress voted for the Afghanistan War except one, and that fucking douche is gone now. Even dimocrap scum told heer to piss off.

Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On September 14, 2001 bill House Joint Resolution 64 passed in the House. The totals in the House of Representatives were: 420 Ayes, 1 Nay and 10 Not Voting. The Nay was Barbara Lee, D-CA. [1] Lee is notable as the only member of either house of Congress to vote against this bill.

2) Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans comprise only 7% of the Veterans seen by the VA and only 4% of the money spent.

3) You two are some seriously stupid fucks.

I mean mouth-breathing, drool-cup stupid.
Republicans block Senate bill to boost veterans' benefits -

Senate Republicans BLOCKED $24 Billion Dollar Spend Bill for Veteran's Health Care and Education on February 27, 2014. The vote was 54 Democrats in favor, 41 Republicans opposed. Even with a majority vote the bill was defeated by the Republicans.

41 Republicans refused to vote for money that would benefit the Health Care and Education of our Veterans.
This retarded post would lead one to believe that the problems with the VA started in February when the Republicans did not approve of a bill to increase VA spending. Speaking of that vote:

Democrats’ plans to expand education and health benefits for veterans died in the Senate on Thursday after Republicans blocked the bill for not having a funding source and thus busting the budget all sides agreed to just two months ago.
Republicans block Senate bill to boost veterans' benefits -

Senate Republicans BLOCKED $24 Billion Dollar Spend Bill for Veteran's Health Care and Education on February 27, 2014. The vote was 54 Democrats in favor, 41 Republicans opposed. Even with a majority vote the bill was defeated by the Republicans.

41 Republicans refused to vote for money that would benefit the Health Care and Education of our Veterans.


The fact that if there had been no Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional War(s) in Afghanistan and Iraq, there would be no scandal in Veteran's Administration.

But because the shrub and dead-eye dick(less) lied this country into those wars, with strong ConJob, NeoNut, RePug and TeaHadist support.

Every fucking Conservative at this forum wanted these wars and supported these wars.

Do not blame Secretary Shinseki for YOUR blind absolute, unconditional support for two wars that should never have been fought. If those wars had not been fought, the current crisis would not be happening.

You people wanted those fucking wars.

The blame is in fact yours.

Lying scumbucket.

GOP Budget and the President's Budget: A Comparison

Total Veterans Spending FY 2013 FY 2013-FY 2022

GOP Budget* $134.635 B** $1,510.938 B

President’s Budget* $135.651 $1,494.309 B

FY 2013 Budget: The Facts for Veterans | House Committee on Veterans' Affairs[/QUOTE]
Truth. It eludes left wing whackos but it is out there.

FY 2013 Budget: The Facts for Veterans
Issues: Veterans

Several media outlets are reporting that the GOP Budget cuts funding for veterans. These same outlets charge that the GOP budget doesn’t even mention the word “veterans.” Both charges are wrong.

These reports stem from a misreading of the GOP Budget and by comparing the CBO scoring of the GOP Budget and the President’s Budget, with that of OMB’s score of the President’s Budget. Using CBO scoring for both budgets, the GOP Budget exceeds the funding levels for veterans over the next 10 year as compared to the President’s budget (see chart below).

The Facts

FACT: The GOP Budget Keeps Discretionary Spending for Veterans Exactly the Same as Proposed By President Obama: $61.342 Billion. Using CBO numbers (which, by law, every Congressional budget resolution must use), the GOP budget assumes discretionary spending (i.e., VA medical care, construction, claims processing and national cemetery administration, etc.) on veterans in FY 2013 at exactly the amount requested in the President’s Budget.

In both budgets, this translates to a 4.3% increase above the FY 2012 funding level for VA, as recommended in the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs’ bipartisan Views and Estimates letter.

FACT: The GOP Budget Fully Funds VA Entitlement Programs in FY 2013 and Beyond.

Again, using CBO numbers, the GOP budget fully funds VA entitlement programs (i.e., disability compensation, pension, GI Bill, etc.) this year and beyond. The only difference between the GOP Budget and the President’s Budget under mandatory spending is the exclusion of the President’s $1 billion Veterans Jobs Corps proposal, on which the Administration has yet to produce any details.

The exclusion of the Veterans Jobs Corps in FY 2013 spending is supported by all 11 House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs’ Democrats and Senator Patty Murray of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs (see SVAC V&E letter).

FACT: The Word “Veterans” Appears 41 Times in the GOP Budget. FY 2014 advanced appropriations for veterans’ medical care is dictated by Section 501(c) of the GOP budget resolution, which permits advance appropriation not exceeding $54.462 Billion “for the following programs in the Department of Veterans Affairs – (A) Medical Services; (B) Medical Support and Compliance; and (C) Medical Facilities accounts of the Veterans Health Administration.” The word “veterans” clearly appears in the GOP Budget.

FY 2013 Budget: The Facts for Veterans | House Committee on Veterans' Affairs[/QUOTE]
Oh just fuck off. I've put up the budgets and they've been going up steadily.

Not just steadily. Their budget is at an all time high. FFS you Leftytoons and your definitions. Not increasing something more is not a cut.
The idea by Republicans is to deny our democracy from working so that they can cynically blame Democrats and government, and now the VA and VA groups themselves.

It's pretty ugly what the GOP is doing. They say they support the troops, but they treat them like dirt, sending them into wars they didn't even plan and now not dealing with a problem that is immediate and real to the quality of the lives of our veterans.

The GOP says we can't afford it even though our annual deficits have gone down dramatically over the last few years. We're even beginning to run surpluses some months, including the month that the GOP denied this bill the first time.

This is not the GOP I knew in my younger days. They would've never stiffed our veterans like this before. Even Senator Burr has landed himself in hot water by talking smack of veterans groups themselves, which is unconscionable to me.

These people put their lives on the line for us and we didn't adequately prepare for all the problems they'd face by making them serve in 2 simultaneous wars, one of which is the longest war in our nation's history.

I think people should hound these 41 Senators with letters and calls and tweets, particularly the ones up for re-election this year.

I'm embarrassed for my country that one political party is only really doing this in order to be able to then blame government for not working.
Republicans block Senate bill to boost veterans' benefits -

Senate Republicans BLOCKED $24 Billion Dollar Spend Bill for Veteran's Health Care and Education on February 27, 2014. The vote was 54 Democrats in favor, 41 Republicans opposed. Even with a majority vote the bill was defeated by the Republicans.

41 Republicans refused to vote for money that would benefit the Health Care and Education of our Veterans.


The fact that if there had been no Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional War(s) in Afghanistan and Iraq, there would be no scandal in Veteran's Administration.

But because the shrub and dead-eye dick(less) lied this country into those wars, with strong ConJob, NeoNut, RePug and TeaHadist support.

Every fucking Conservative at this forum wanted these wars and supported these wars.

Do not blame Secretary Shinseki for YOUR blind absolute, unconditional support for two wars that should never have been fought. If those wars had not been fought, the current crisis would not be happening.

You people wanted those fucking wars.

The blame is in fact yours.

Spot on.


Here to give your butt-buddy a reach-around, huh?

Look, you stupid fucks.

1) Every dimocrap scumbag in Congress voted for the Afghanistan War except one, and that fucking douche is gone now. Even dimocrap scum told heer to piss off.

Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On September 14, 2001 bill House Joint Resolution 64 passed in the House. The totals in the House of Representatives were: 420 Ayes, 1 Nay and 10 Not Voting. The Nay was Barbara Lee, D-CA. [1] Lee is notable as the only member of either house of Congress to vote against this bill.

2) Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans comprise only 7% of the Veterans seen by the VA and only 4% of the money spent.

3) You two are some seriously stupid fucks.

I mean mouth-breathing, drool-cup stupid.
That resolution vote was not for the Iraq war?
Oh just fuck off. I've put up the budgets and they've been going up steadily.

Not just steadily. Their budget is at an all time high. FFS you Leftytoons and your definitions. Not increasing something more is not a cut.
Has it increased enough to cover the 15 fold increase in disabled veterans?

What makes you claim more money isn't needed for more doctors and facilities to handle the huge increase? Just because Democrats already increased the VA budget? Doesn't mean it is funded adequately yet imo.....and never has been funded adequately.....

And here you go again....not supporting the increased funding for the VA to cover the increased demand.....sheesh Politico.....
You should have shut your mouth after posting the link but NOOOOOO, you had to keep hammering home how stupid you are.
Here to give your butt-buddy a reach-around, huh?

Look, you stupid fucks.

1) Every dimocrap scumbag in Congress voted for the Afghanistan War except one, and that fucking douche is gone now. Even dimocrap scum told heer to piss off.

Meaningless. If we only had the Afghan vets to worry about, we wouldn't have the issues.

2) Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans comprise only 7% of the Veterans seen by the VA and only 4% of the money spent.


Poll: Majority of Iraq, Afghan war vets struggle with physical and mental problems ? Health ? Bangor Daily News ? BDN Maine

Iraq and Afghanistan vets are making unprecedented use of the Department of Veterans Affairs, largely because of an Obama administration decision to provide five years of free VA health care to all of them. Of the 1.7 million who are no longer serving in the active, reserve or National Guard forces, more than 1 million have obtained health-care services at least once from the VA since 2002 and about 45 percent of them have sought compensation for service-related disabilities. By comparison, about 21 percent of those who fought in the 1990-91 Persian Gulf War filed similar claims.

3) You two are some seriously stupid fucks.

I mean mouth-breathing, drool-cup stupid.

Do you ever read your own posts to see how irrational you sound most of the time?
Oh just fuck off. I've put up the budgets and they've been going up steadily.

Not just steadily. Their budget is at an all time high. FFS you Leftytoons and your definitions. Not increasing something more is not a cut.
Has it increased enough to cover the 15 fold increase in disabled veterans?

What makes you claim more money isn't needed for more doctors and facilities to handle the huge increase? Just because Democrats already increased the VA budget? Doesn't mean it is funded adequately yet imo.....and never has been funded adequately.....

And here you go again....not supporting the increased funding for the VA to cover the increased demand.....sheesh Politico.....

Where did you get the "15 fold" increase number?

And why I am I not surprised at the typical progressive response, "throw money at the problem" even though there is already a ton of money being thrown into it.
Republicans block Senate bill to boost veterans' benefits -

Senate Republicans BLOCKED $24 Billion Dollar Spend Bill for Veteran's Health Care and Education on February 27, 2014. The vote was 54 Democrats in favor, 41 Republicans opposed. Even with a majority vote the bill was defeated by the Republicans.

41 Republicans refused to vote for money that would benefit the Health Care and Education of our Veterans.


The fact that if there had been no Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional War(s) in Afghanistan and Iraq, there would be no scandal in Veteran's Administration.

But because the shrub and dead-eye dick(less) lied this country into those wars, with strong ConJob, NeoNut, RePug and TeaHadist support.

Every fucking Conservative at this forum wanted these wars and supported these wars.

Do not blame Secretary Shinseki for YOUR blind absolute, unconditional support for two wars that should never have been fought. If those wars had not been fought, the current crisis would not be happening.

You people wanted those fucking wars.

The blame is in fact yours.

Then why did Obama keep us in Afghanistan?

neither party or any administration has given the vets what they were promised before they went to war.....look it up in the history books
as long as you continue to look at this as a party problem...the vets will continue to suffer.....and be is sad that the smoke and mirrors has blinded people to their duties as citizens
drop the party crap and discuss the problem....and the problem is simply this...we cannot afford the large military budget we have now....military spending is dead end spending in that a dollar allotted in the military sector does not return the same amount as a dollar spend in the private sector....we have fooled ourselves into believing that a large army is good for the economy and the country...and no one addresses the problems that the wars have created...the men/women returning home with visible and invisible wounds....we ask them to go and now we thank them how? no medical help...and we are the 'greatest' country in the world....really?
Not just steadily. Their budget is at an all time high. FFS you Leftytoons and your definitions. Not increasing something more is not a cut.
Has it increased enough to cover the 15 fold increase in disabled veterans?

What makes you claim more money isn't needed for more doctors and facilities to handle the huge increase? Just because Democrats already increased the VA budget? Doesn't mean it is funded adequately yet imo.....and never has been funded adequately.....

And here you go again....not supporting the increased funding for the VA to cover the increased demand.....sheesh Politico.....

Where did you get the "15 fold" increase number?

And why I am I not surprised at the typical progressive response, "throw money at the problem" even though there is already a ton of money being thrown into it.

yes on unearned bonuses

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