The ultimate disgrace

Helter Skelter is the definitive examination of Manson.

Says who?!? You? :lmao:

You're dumb ass lost all credibility about 20 minutes after you joined USMB and started crying about how you need more government to mooch off of because you won't take care of yourself.

By the way, the fact that Bugliosi couldn't even bring a case against Manson for these supposed "murders" - much less a conviction - is an indication that they most likely didn't occur.

Bugliosi had a book to sell - and he needed to sensationalize it since a person not committing the actual murders is a tough sell. The fact that you bought it hook, line, and sinker is glaring proof of you're profound idiocy.

The only thing "definitive" from your posts is you're stupidity of considering Hollywood sensationalism to be your source of "facts"... :lmao:
The President of Columbia University should be fired and the school should be purged of the liberal filth that infects it.

This woman is not only a cop-killer, but she has the audacity to complain that her cohorts involved with the murders are still in prison and (quote) "not with us". Guess what you despicable bitch - neither are the victims of your murder. They are "not with us" nor will they ever be.

How, exactly, does a person with the most serious fellony imaginable get hired at Columbia University? If this is what the Ivy League represents, what an embarassment to the United States.

Jesse Watters Confronts Radical Convicted Cop-Killer Hired by Columbia ? and School Security Wasn?t Happy | Video |

Seriously? You cannot imagine a more serious felony? I can think of several right off the top of my head. How about child rape and murder? There are any number of true innocent victims of horrible crimes. Police as valuable as they are to society hire on with full knowledge that they are placing thier lives at risk. Our armed forces face a similar possible fate. I don't think a cop is more valuable a human being than a soldier sent to some shithole to have his or her legs blown to red mist for a politician's sometimes questionable agenda.

Ted Nugent. And the GOP loves him. A child rapist that shit his pants to avoid serving, and the NRA holds him up as the paragon of patriotism.

A child rapist

Link or you are full of bullshit.
Helter Skelter is the definitive examination of Manson.

Says who?!? You? :lmao:

You're dumb ass lost all credibility about 20 minutes after you joined USMB and started crying about how you need more government to mooch off of because you won't take care of yourself.

By the way, the fact that Bugliosi couldn't even bring a case against Manson for these supposed "murders" - much less a conviction - is an indication that they most likely didn't occur.

Bugliosi had a book to sell - and he needed to sensationalize it since a person not committing the actual murders is a tough sell. The fact that you bought it hook, line, and sinker is glaring proof of you're profound idiocy.

The only thing "definitive" from your posts is you're stupidity of considering Hollywood sensationalism to be your source of "facts"... :lmao:

You obviously have not read the book or you wouldn't be carrying on about "Hollywood senationalism". You are a willfully ignorant moron. You have allways been a willfully ignorant moron.

Anwer this one question. Have you read Helter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi or not?
I don't care what standard they hold themselves to. Like I said, if you don't like it, don't patron them. That's how the free market works. You folks claim to believe in that, right?

This is spot on. No rep atm but I owe you one. What is the point of prison if you continue to punish those that have paid the price for their crimes. If you have done your time, you are done and there should be nothing else required of you. If you don’t think that the time is enough then futher punishment is not the solution, making the one that is doled out already is. Simple as that.

It is scary how many here claim to support freedom and then do not seem to recognize it at all.
You obviously have not read the book or you wouldn't be carrying on about "Hollywood senationalism". You are a willfully ignorant moron. You have allways been a willfully ignorant moron.

Anwer this one question. Have you read Helter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi or not?
Reading the book is irrelevant. His conviction is all that matters in the light of what this debate is about. If you have not been convicted, as far as the law is concerned you are innocent. That is simple fact. Hi MIGHT have murdered but we do not know and he has not been called to answer for those charges. Likely because there is no point, he is already in jail forever.
Huggams, in the legal world the child's life is the least valuable of all. That of a breadwinner is considered valuable. Not sure why a comment would draw so much ire. The good ole boy network will always be the good ole boy network.
I don’t really believe that. In essence, that would mean that killing a ‘breadwinner’ would hold a worse sentence than killing the spouse or child. I highly doubt that is the reality of the situation but if it is, please link.

Such a concept is asinine. Committing a crime against a child is the most abhorrent thing that I can visualize and should be treated as such. Certainly, the opposite should not be true.
I don't care what standard they hold themselves to. Like I said, if you don't like it, don't patron them. That's how the free market works. You folks claim to believe in that, right?

This is spot on. No rep atm but I owe you one. What is the point of prison if you continue to punish those that have paid the price for their crimes. If you have done your time, you are done and there should be nothing else required of you. If you don’t think that the time is enough then futher punishment is not the solution, making the one that is doled out already is. Simple as that.

It is scary how many here claim to support freedom and then do not seem to recognize it at all.
You obviously have not read the book or you wouldn't be carrying on about "Hollywood senationalism". You are a willfully ignorant moron. You have allways been a willfully ignorant moron.

Anwer this one question. Have you read Helter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi or not?
Reading the book is irrelevant. His conviction is all that matters in the light of what this debate is about. If you have not been convicted, as far as the law is concerned you are innocent. That is simple fact. Hi MIGHT have murdered but we do not know and he has not been called to answer for those charges. Likely because there is no point, he is already in jail forever.

In as much as we do not have to worry about a Charles Manson on the streets I agree that his not being convicted of other crimes does not matter. If we are discussing the criminality of Manson as compared to Boudin as to if he did commit murders or not the book does matter. It was not written in a sensationalistic manner. It is factual and reads like an inditement for a criminal prosecution as one would expect from a district attourney that prosecuted the case. As I said to BrainRott if you have not read the book you have no business commenting on it's content.
Helter Skelter is the definitive examination of Manson.

Says who?!? You? :lmao:

You're dumb ass lost all credibility about 20 minutes after you joined USMB and started crying about how you need more government to mooch off of because you won't take care of yourself.

By the way, the fact that Bugliosi couldn't even bring a case against Manson for these supposed "murders" - much less a conviction - is an indication that they most likely didn't occur.

Bugliosi had a book to sell - and he needed to sensationalize it since a person not committing the actual murders is a tough sell. The fact that you bought it hook, line, and sinker is glaring proof of you're profound idiocy.

The only thing "definitive" from your posts is you're stupidity of considering Hollywood sensationalism to be your source of "facts"... :lmao:

You obviously have not read the book or you wouldn't be carrying on about "Hollywood senationalism". You are a willfully ignorant moron. You have allways been a willfully ignorant moron.

Anwer this one question. Have you read Helter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi or not?

You are the willfully ignorant moron who reads ONE book out of literally thousands of various materials on the subject (books, magazines, websites, etc.) and then declares yourself "informed" :lmao:

Answer this one question stupid: did this prosecutor bring murder charges against Manson or not? I'm not even requiring a conviction. Was there enough evidence to even attempt to bring a case against him?

No? Exactly, stupid. He needed to sell a book and your dumb ass - instead of looking what actually happened in a court of law - fell for the Hollywood sensationalism (typical of you - Hollywood is where you get all of your information from).

The fact is - you didn't read Helter Skelter, because if you had, you would know that Charles Manson has NEVER been convicted of killing anyone. Yes - he masterminded the entire thing and yes he deserves to spend his entire life in prison. But he didn't do the actual killings. And you're dumb ass claimed he did at the beginning of this thread. I called you out for your misinformation and now you're lashing out like a child because you're embarrassed over your ignorance being exposed.
Here is a post-by-post breakdown of a libtards (in this case, Huggy) misinformation and lies, how it unravels around them, and the tactics they use as each step unravels:

That is not true. He killed several people (post #42)

When this misinformation is called out with links to prove he didn't know what he was talking about, Huggy moves the goalposts:

Manson claimed he killed a guy up in Monterey. It is also suspected by the authorities that he murdered the caretaker of the ranch "Shorty" whatzizname but his body was never found (post #45)

So first it was "Manson killed several people". When he reads the links, does some searches of his own, and realizes he doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about, rather than be a mature adult and admit he was WRONG (as he always is), he moves the goal posts to "Manson claimed to kill ONE guy" and "Manson is suspected of killing ONE other guy". Even if those were true, that's still less than "several". And since when does someone "claiming" they killed for attention and prison "street cred" mean they actually killed several people? :cuckoo:

But wait! Huggy is not done embarrassing himself or proving his own ignorance about a subject he spoke out about:

If you read the book I mentioned it is hard to believe that Manson did not commit at least two murders (post #47)

So he went from "Manson killed several people" to "Manson claimed to kill someone" to "It's hard to believe he didn't kill someone" :lmao:

(Note the subtle sub-conscience alteration to his posts from he "did" murder to it's hard to believe he "didn't" murder - the first being a certain positive affirmation, the second being an unsure negative affirmation...even his own sub-conscience has accepted what he consciously refuses to accept - which is the TRUTH that Manson is not known to have ever killed anyone).

Now, at the risk of sounding like an infomercial: BUT WAIT - THERE's MORE! After his misinformation pins him into a corner from which there is no escape, he changes the subject from Mansons murders to the legitimacy of a book he claims to have read (but which, in no way, indicates that Manson had ever been convicted of murder or even brought up on murder charges):

Helter Skelter is the definitive examination of Manson (post #59)

This is the prototypical tactic of the libtard. First, defend the indefensible at all cost even if it means lies and/or misinformation (ie a radical left-wing organization hiring a radical left-wing MURDERER... a cop killer no less). When facts prove you are lying or misinformed, move the goal posts. When facts render moving the goal posts useless, CHANGE THE SUBJECT.
Like I guessed...You didn't read the book therefore everything you say about it you pull out of your ass.

Like I guessed... you didn't read the book because if you had, you would have known that Manson didn't kill anybody. It was his followers that killed.
Like I guessed...You didn't read the book therefore everything you say about it you pull out of your ass.

Like I guessed... you didn't read the book because if you had, you would have known that Manson didn't kill anybody. It was his followers that killed.

Wrong moron. I read the book several times. I thought it was one of the more fascinating reads I ever picked up. You on the other hand have obviously never read Helter Skelter or you would know that Bugliosi was certain that Manson had killed at least two people previous to the Tate Labianca murders but chose not to pursue them for several reasons one of which, certainly not the least important, was jurisdiction.

I love these little encounters. It isn't that often one gets to see an asshole dig his own grave then bury himself in it.
You on the other hand have obviously never read Helter Skelter or you would know that Bugliosi was certain that Manson had killed at least two people

So because Bugliosi was "certain" - that makes it a "fact"?!? :lol:

You have to love how Huggy turns to Hollywood as his source for information :lmao:
I love these little encounters. It isn't that often one gets to see an asshole dig his own grave then bury himself in it.

For once you've actually said something true! You are an asshole and you did indeed dig your own grave bury yourself in it - as proven by this previous post:

Here is a post-by-post breakdown of a libtards (in this case, Huggy) misinformation and lies, how it unravels around him, and the desperate tactics he uses as each step unravels:

That is not true. He killed several people (post #42)

When this misinformation is called out with links to prove he didn't know what he was talking about, Huggy moves the goalposts:

Manson claimed he killed a guy up in Monterey. It is also suspected by the authorities that he murdered the caretaker of the ranch "Shorty" whatzizname but his body was never found (post #45)

So first it was "Manson killed several people". When he reads the links, does some searches of his own, and realizes he doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about, rather than be a mature adult and admit he was WRONG (as he always is), he moves the goal posts to "Manson claimed to kill ONE guy" and "Manson is suspected of killing ONE other guy". Even if those were true, that's still less than "several". And since when does someone "claiming" they killed for attention and prison "street cred" mean they actually killed several people? :cuckoo:

But wait! Huggy is not done embarrassing himself or proving his own ignorance about a subject he spoke out about:

If you read the book I mentioned it is hard to believe that Manson did not commit at least two murders (post #47)

So he went from "Manson killed several people" to "Manson claimed to kill someone" to "It's hard to believe he didn't kill someone" :lmao:

(Note the subtle sub-conscience alteration to his posts from he "did" murder to it's hard to believe he "didn't" murder - the first being a certain positive affirmation, the second being an unsure negative affirmation...even his own sub-conscience has accepted what he consciously refuses to accept - which is the TRUTH that Manson is not known to have ever killed anyone).

Now, at the risk of sounding like an infomercial: BUT WAIT - THERE's MORE! After his misinformation pins him into a corner from which there is no escape, he changes the subject from Mansons murders to the legitimacy of a book he claims to have read (but which, in no way, indicates that Manson had ever been convicted of murder or even brought up on murder charges):

Helter Skelter is the definitive examination of Manson (post #59)

This is the prototypical tactic of the libtard. First, defend the indefensible at all cost even if it means lies and/or misinformation (ie a radical left-wing organization hiring a radical left-wing MURDERER... a cop killer no less). When facts prove you are lying or misinformed, move the goal posts. When facts render moving the goal posts useless, CHANGE THE SUBJECT.
You on the other hand have obviously never read Helter Skelter or you would know that Bugliosi was certain that Manson had killed at least two people previous to the Tate Labianca murders but chose not to pursue them for several reasons one of which, certainly not the least important, was jurisdiction.

First, why would a D.A. investigate outside of his own jurisdiction? That would be a monumental waste of time.

Second, any D.A. on the planet would turn over any evidence they had on a murder case to the D.A. of another jurisdiction to ensure a murder case was closed and the person responsible was brought up on the highest charge in the land - murder.

You continue to humiliate yourself with each and every post....
I read the book several times. I thought it was one of the more fascinating reads I ever picked up. You on the other hand have obviously never read Helter Skelter

Why am I not surprised that an unemployed parasite of society like you would be obsessed with Charles Manson and read a book about him over and over?
The President of Columbia University should be fired and the school should be purged of the liberal filth that infects it.

This woman is not only a cop-killer, but she has the audacity to complain that her cohorts involved with the murders are still in prison and (quote) "not with us". Guess what you despicable bitch - neither are the victims of your murder. They are "not with us" nor will they ever be.

How, exactly, does a person with the most serious fellony imaginable get hired at Columbia University? If this is what the Ivy League represents, what an embarassment to the United States.

Jesse Watters Confronts Radical Convicted Cop-Killer Hired by Columbia ? and School Security Wasn?t Happy | Video |

Neither Kathy Boudin or her husband actually killed anyone. They were driving the get-away van. The blacks from the Black Liberation Army who actually robbed the Brinks truck all jumped into the back of the van --- and an alert high school kid who thought that was VERY odd, all these blacks rapidly piling into a rental van driven by a white couple called the cops. The cops came and the blacks jumped out with their guns and mowed them down.

She is 70 now. The Ayres couple raised their kid. They'll never let her husband out of prison, IMO. Actually, she did more than he did, but he was the man, so they gave him a higher sentence. That has always bemused me.

I'd say let it go: old news.
It is recognized by society that anyone who will kill law enforcement officers will kill anyone and are a greater risk to society than someone who just kills, say, a friend in a drunken rage.

True. But she didn't kill anyone, nor did her husband, and of course, nobody committing the crime WANTED to kill anyone. Neither Kathy nor her husband were armed.

They all just wanted the money from the Brinks Armoured Truck. And to get away with it. However, when police surrounded the rental truck, the Black Liberation Army leaped out and started shooting.

Basically, Kathy and her white husband were given long prison sentences because they were well-educated and among the "elite" and should have known better. Which is certainly true enough.
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I read the book several times. I thought it was one of the more fascinating reads I ever picked up. You on the other hand have obviously never read Helter Skelter

Why am I not surprised that an unemployed parasite of society like you would be obsessed with Charles Manson and read a book about him over and over?

I am not unemployed.
It is recognized by society that anyone who will kill law enforcement officers will kill anyone and are a greater risk to society than someone who just kills, say, a friend in a drunken rage.

True. But she didn't kill anyone, nor did her husband, and of course, nobody committing the crime WANTED to kill anyone. Neither Kathy nor her husband were armed.

They all just wanted the money from the Brinks Armoured Truck. And to get away with it. However, when police surrounded the rental truck, the Black Liberation Army leaped out and started shooting.

Basically, Kathy and her white husband were given long prison sentences because they were well-educated and among the "elite" and should have known better. Which is certainly true enough.

As far as I have always understood the accomplice, the get-away driver in this case is as guilty as the person who pulls the trigger. I believe that is how the government sees it as well. Kathy Boudin got off easy. She should have received life in prison without the possibility of parole at least.


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