The ultimate disgrace

As far as I have always understood the accomplice, the get-away driver in this case is as guilty as the person who pulls the trigger. I believe that is how the government sees it as well. Kathy Boudin got off easy. She should have received life in prison without the possibility of parole at least.

I'm okay with the ones who actually shot the police getting higher sentences. (And she may have cooperated with information and did a deal. She had GOOD lawyers, of course.)

The thing that has always puzzled me all these years was why her husband got such a higher sentence, since he was legally in the same position as she was. Indeed, it could easily be argued he did less: it was Kathy who got out of the truck and tried to persuade the police there was no problem.

We may not know all the facts, of course, for instance if she spilled the beans on the others later, cooperating with authorities. Something was different, very different sentences, 20 years for her and 75 years for him.
As far as I have always understood the accomplice, the get-away driver in this case is as guilty as the person who pulls the trigger. I believe that is how the government sees it as well. Kathy Boudin got off easy. She should have received life in prison without the possibility of parole at least.

I'm okay with the ones who actually shot the police getting higher sentences. (And she may have cooperated with information and did a deal. She had GOOD lawyers, of course.)

The thing that has always puzzled me all these years was why her husband got such a higher sentence, since he was legally in the same position as she was. Indeed, it could easily be argued he did less: it was Kathy who got out of the truck and tried to persuade the police there was no problem.

We may not know all the facts, of course, for instance if she spilled the beans on the others later, cooperating with authorities. Something was different, very different sentences, 20 years for her and 75 years for him.

Its sexism in the system. Men usually receive longer sentences though this is an extreme example.

Men Sentenced To Longer Prison Terms Than Women For Same Crimes, Study Says
The study found that men receive sentences that are 63 percent higher, on average, than their female counterparts.
Starr also found that females arrested for a crime are also significantly more likely to avoid charges and convictions entirely, and twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted.
The President of Columbia University should be fired and the school should be purged of the liberal filth that infects it.

This woman is not only a cop-killer, but she has the audacity to complain that her cohorts involved with the murders are still in prison and (quote) "not with us". Guess what you despicable bitch - neither are the victims of your murder. They are "not with us" nor will they ever be.

How, exactly, does a person with the most serious fellony imaginable get hired at Columbia University? If this is what the Ivy League represents, what an embarassment to the United States.

Jesse Watters Confronts Radical Convicted Cop-Killer Hired by Columbia ? and School Security Wasn?t Happy | Video |

Seems many in that department are ex-cons and murders:

Along with Kathy Boudin (felony murder) who runs CJI at Columbia, she employs:

Wilkins, co-director of the CJI, is listed in the Columbia School of Social Work adjunct faculty directory as a “research scientist” and “Associate Director for the Criminal Justice Initiative. She was convicted for her role in a 1996 gunpoint hijacking of a Federal Express truck in Harlem, in which she served as the getaway driver. Wilkins served a 12-year sentence for robbery and assault at Bayview Correctional Facility in Manhattan.


Denise Blackwell, a “research assistant” under the Social Intervention Group, the parent/umbrella group of the Criminal Justice Initiative, was paroled in 2003 after serving 10 years in prison on an attempted second-degree murder conviction for her role in a Brooklyn holdup in which three drug dealers were killed. According to reports of her 1991 arrest, Blackwell knew the three men and "orchestrated" the robbery.


Mika’il DeVeaux was one of the keynote speakers for the CJI’s “Removing the Bars” Conference in 2012. But his bio in the conference program failed to mention the 24-year stint he served in Westchester County for second-degree murder and his subsequent parole in 2003, or that he’s co-director of a non-profit with Boudin called Citizens Against Recidivism

Columbia's Cons: Ivy League social work program run by team of former prisoners

Read more: Columbia's Cons: Ivy League social work program run by team of former prisoners | Fox News
I'd say let it go: old news.

An yes, the "classy" liberal strikes again.

I sincerely hope that either a parent of yours or a child of yours is murdered someday (or both). Then I'll wait a few years and ask you if you still think it is "old news".

There are no words to accurately convey just how assinine and immature your post is....
They all just wanted the money from the Brinks Armoured Truck. And to get away with it.

Oh, is that all they wanted? They just wanted to steal? They just wanted to take something that didn't belong to them?

Let me ask you, what kind of no-conscience sociopath does one have to be to steal? And is a sociopath devoid of a conscience really someone we should be hiring anywhere in America - much less in the Ivy League where they will have influence over our brightest youths?

By the way, it's ARMORED truck you high school drop out - not "armoured".

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