The UN Vote Proves

The UN vote proves just how many countries are afraid of muslim violence
And we're not? What does refusing them to immigrate mean? That we're afraid to have them here?

Yes, it does. Your buddies are afraid of Muslims yet as long as you can taunt them behind a diplomatic fence, you're all proud and stuff. Let them come over the fence and you'll be screaming about the Muslim invasion quicker'n shit.
Muslims converted a lot of people on 9/11

A deed helped by Israel withholding information about the terrorists before 9/11. The difference is, you like to get raped by Jews. I'm not a fan of either Jew or Muslims.
The UN vote proves just how many countries are afraid of muslim violence
And we're not? What does refusing them to immigrate mean? That we're afraid to have them here?

Yes, it does. Your buddies are afraid of Muslims yet as long as you can taunt them behind a diplomatic fence, you're all proud and stuff. Let them come over the fence and you'll be screaming about the Muslim invasion quicker'n shit.
I bet you think child molester should be allowed in schools too
we can all take a bit of consolation from the fact that freaks like you have to hide on anonymous message boards. At least, in this country, you do. You would fit in nicely with an iranian cleric, though.

And, you're not on an anonymous message board? I'd tell you to your ugly face that Zionsts are the nazis of today. But, don't be a fag. Stop trying to make everything about me.
The UN vote proves just how many countries are afraid of muslim violence
It proves Trump is too thin skinned to ignore a bunch of idiots who can make noise but not affect anything. Not that moving the embassy to Jerusalem is helpful to achieving any solution to the mess over there. Of course, it's just typical Trump: give the SIL a brief to get a deal, even while all the arab states have accepted Israel's existence, and then undercut the guy by pissing off the ignorant masses.
And, you're not on an anonymous message board?
The difference being, of course, that I wwould have no problem saying anything I say here in public, while you would at best be laughed out of the room and, at worst, have a hole punched straight through your stupid little face.

Get it?
Further proof that The Don (Phart on his Soul) doesn't understand the US ME piece process. A little piece of Palestine here for Israel, a little piece of Palestine there for Israel .....
they aren't used to dealing with someone who won't lay down or bend over for them.
Of course they are "used" to that, dummy. They have been doing it with other countries for almost 70 years. Typically, these other countries are dictatorships or third world countries with developing societies.
Great deflection but we are talking about the US.
Further proof that The Don (Phart on his Soul) doesn't understand the US ME piece process. A little piece of Palestine here for Israel, a little piece of Palestine there for Israel .....
Fuck the muslims
The vote didnt prove shit. It was nothing more than political theater. The vote that mattered got vetoed by the most powerful country on the planet :dunno:

How long do you think we will remain the most powerful country on the planet with no allies?
Great deflection but we are talking about the US.

The same US they lined up to reject? Seems like they're not having much of a problem. Seems like the silly threats had not much effect. A lot of our allies abstained... they are smart to remember that trump's days are numbered, and their strongest ally isn't going anywhere. they will just wait for him to finish his term, get impeached, or drop dea.
The vote didnt prove shit. It was nothing more than political theater. The vote that mattered got vetoed by the most powerful country on the planet :dunno:

How long do you think we will remain the most powerful country on the planet with no allies?
Who could stop us?
How long do you think we should dictate our own policy on what other countries think?
Also, do you understand what would happen if we didnt have any allies? 3/4 of them would never drop us. They are moochers.
How long do you think we will remain the most powerful country on the planet with no allies?
How long do you think we will remain the most powerful country on the planet if we let muslims in?
Great deflection but we are talking about the US.

The same US they lined up to reject? Seems like they're not having much of a problem. Seems like the silly threats had not much effect. A lot of our allies abstained... they are smart to remember that trump's days are numbered, and their strongest ally isn't going anywhere. they will just wait for him to finish his term, get impeached, or drop dea.
This general assembly vote was a silly threat. Seems like the entire UN is childish. Maybe we should just drop out :dunno:
Muslims are the Nazis of today

If you had a brain, it doesn't show. Nothing but stupid shit dribble from you. Nazis wanted to eliminate different people. Zionists want to eliminate different people. Muslims want to convert different people.
Muslims converted a lot of people on 9/11

19 Muslims converted a lot of people on 911. It wasn't the entire religion.

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