The UN Vote Proves

And you are pissing off the 1/4 of your allies that are an asset to you, never mind whether the UN exists. Which is quite amusing seeing the US is trying to get troops from other countries to assist its goals in the ME and South Asia. I mean, if you can go it alone, why don't you?
The UN vote proves just how many countries are afraid of muslim violence
Lol dude no one likes occupation and justice the US is aiding an occupation. The whole world knows. Thr US didnt learn from the brits, the French and the other imperialists....people will fight and resist till they get their lands and lives back.
Then lets fight
Things go around thr nuslim world is sick now. I suggest Israel brokers peace and get what they deserve and give back what rhey took. That land belongs to indigenous jews, christians and muslims. All settlers from europe, US and russia should go back and leave those people alone.

The US is in rhe wrong here.
And you are pissing off the 1/4 of your allies that are an asset to you, never mind whether the UN exists.
By moving an embassy to another city? lol let the children whine.
I guess you dont move without asking others for their valued opinion? No? Then why should our country?
I understand muslim countries being upset. The others? What are they scared of? Their savage imports burning down their cities? Sounds like a personal problem..
How long do you think we will remain the most powerful country on the planet with no allies?
How long do you think we will remain the most powerful country on the planet if we let muslims in?

Muslims are here. They have jobs, send their kids to school, and pay taxes. Why do you want to blame an entire religion for the actions of radicals? There are about 326 million US citizens, and about 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. We would have been eliminated long ago if that is what they wanted.
And how few have any respect for us or our leader

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Right... because that meat puppet faggot you're sycophant of had the rest of the world's respect.

So much for the fuckin "reset" with Russia huh?

When elite global collectivist sociopaths revile our President, you know he is working on behalf of the country's best interest and sovereignty.

The fact that bed wetting, treasonous libtard parasites like you revile him proves it.

Oh, another braindead partisan moron that mistakes me for an Obama supporter. how boring and predictable.
The UN vote proves that the Pervert in the Oval Office is an even bigger and more ignorant asshole than we thought. Unfortunately, he is dragging all of us normal people with him along with the weirdos who worship him, and may get people killed.
I suggest Israel brokers peace and get what they deserve and give back what rhey took. That land belongs to indigenous jews, christians and muslims. All settlers from europe, US and russia should go back and leave those people alone.

The US is in rhe wrong here.
You probably think we should ignore the way muslims treat women too
How long do you think we will remain the most powerful country on the planet with no allies?
How long do you think we will remain the most powerful country on the planet if we let muslims in?

Muslims are here. They have jobs, send their kids to school, and pay taxes. Why do you want to blame an entire religion for the actions of radicals? There are about 326 million US citizens, and about 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. We would have been eliminated long ago if that is what they wanted.

No, because they never have left the 7th century. Now, if rock throwing is ever an olympic sporting event, we're screwed.
The UN vote proves that the Pervert in the Oval Office is an even bigger and more ignorant asshole than we thought. Unfortunately, he is dragging all of us normal people with him along with the weirdos who worship him, and may get people killed.
Put your burka on
The UN vote proves just how many countries are afraid of muslim violence

Proves Trump is wrong.
No it doesnt. If 126 countries said the sky was blue because of food coloring, and we didnt, would that make us wrong?

Trump is wrong. Tel Aviv is their capital and now T wants us to pay for a new embassy. No way. We give them almost 4 billion a year as it is. We do not need to interfere in the Jews genocide and thievery of their brothers the Palestinians.
The UN vote proves just how many countries are afraid of muslim violence
And we're not? What does refusing them to immigrate mean? That we're afraid to have them here?

Yes, it does. Your buddies are afraid of Muslims yet as long as you can taunt them behind a diplomatic fence, you're all proud and stuff. Let them come over the fence and you'll be screaming about the Muslim invasion quicker'n shit.
I bet you think child molester should be allowed in schools too

I know your president thinks a child molester should have been in the Senate.
View attachment 167312

1.5 billion Muslims......326 million US citizens. They could have wiped us out a long time ago if that's what they wanted to do.
So the US preaches democracy in the world.
The world cotes and condemns the US.
The US goes out threatening and bullying ??!!
Hypocrisy at its finest form.
The UN vote proves just how many countries are afraid of muslim violence
And we're not? What does refusing them to immigrate mean? That we're afraid to have them here?

Yes, it does. Your buddies are afraid of Muslims yet as long as you can taunt them behind a diplomatic fence, you're all proud and stuff. Let them come over the fence and you'll be screaming about the Muslim invasion quicker'n shit.
I bet you think child molester should be allowed in schools too

I know your president thinks a child molester should have been in the Senate.
View attachment 167312

1.5 billion Muslims......326 million US citizens. They could have wiped us out a long time ago if that's what they wanted to do.
Makes you all wet don't it?
The UN vote proves that the Pervert in the Oval Office is an even bigger and more ignorant asshole than we thought. Unfortunately, he is dragging all of us normal people with him along with the weirdos who worship him, and may get people killed.
IKR? This new muslim violence thing could get out of control! Hell, they might even start strapping bombs to their own kids chests!
The UN vote proves just how many countries are afraid of muslim violence
And we're not? What does refusing them to immigrate mean? That we're afraid to have them here?

Yes, it does. Your buddies are afraid of Muslims yet as long as you can taunt them behind a diplomatic fence, you're all proud and stuff. Let them come over the fence and you'll be screaming about the Muslim invasion quicker'n shit.
I bet you think child molester should be allowed in schools too

I know your president thinks a child molester should have been in the Senate.
View attachment 167312

1.5 billion Muslims......326 million US citizens. They could have wiped us out a long time ago if that's what they wanted to do.
Lol no they couldnt.
The UN vote proves just how many countries are afraid of muslim violence

Proves Trump is wrong.
No it doesnt. If 126 countries said the sky was blue because of food coloring, and we didnt, would that make us wrong?

Trump is wrong. Tel Aviv is their capital and now T wants us to pay for a new embassy. No way. We give them almost 4 billion a year as it is. We do not need to interfere in the Jews genocide and thievery of their brothers the Palestinians.

Wrong. Jerusalem is their capital and is now being recognized as it should. The palestinians were offered everything in 1995 but their terrorist leader said no......everything.
1.5 billion Muslims......326 million US citizens. They could have wiped us out a long time ago if that's what they wanted to do.
Israel alone could beat the muslims

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