The UN Vote Proves

The UN vote proves just how many countries are afraid of muslim violence
And we're not? What does refusing them to immigrate mean? That we're afraid to have them here?

Yes, it does. Your buddies are afraid of Muslims yet as long as you can taunt them behind a diplomatic fence, you're all proud and stuff. Let them come over the fence and you'll be screaming about the Muslim invasion quicker'n shit.
I bet you think child molester should be allowed in schools too
Yeah, that's got a lot to do with anything.
1.5 billion Muslims......326 million US citizens. They could have wiped us out a long time ago if that's what they wanted to do.
Israel alone could beat the muslims
bacon bra.jpg
The vote didnt prove shit. It was nothing more than political theater. The vote that mattered got vetoed by the most powerful country on the planet :dunno:

How long do you think we will remain the most powerful country on the planet with no allies?
Who could stop us?
How long do you think we should dictate our own policy on what other countries think?
Also, do you understand what would happen if we didnt have any allies? 3/4 of them would never drop us. They are moochers.

Congratulations. That is the best Rambo impression I have ever seen.Yo.
Our military is more powerful than the next 8 combined. It is reality.

So? You think fear of the US military is all that determines our standing in the world? You know better than that.
The UN vote proves just how many countries are afraid of muslim violence

Proves Trump is wrong.
No it doesnt. If 126 countries said the sky was blue because of food coloring, and we didnt, would that make us wrong?

Trump is wrong. Tel Aviv is their capital and now T wants us to pay for a new embassy. No way. We give them almost 4 billion a year as it is. We do not need to interfere in the Jews genocide and thievery of their brothers the Palestinians.

Wrong. Jerusalem is their capital and is now being recognized as it should. The palestinians were offered everything in 1995 but their terrorist leader said no......everything.

No and not for eons, centuries and only for a short period of time, when it was called Judea. Rome ended it for good. The diaspora began in 500 bc.
The vote didnt prove shit. It was nothing more than political theater. The vote that mattered got vetoed by the most powerful country on the planet :dunno:

How long do you think we will remain the most powerful country on the planet with no allies?
Who could stop us?
How long do you think we should dictate our own policy on what other countries think?
Also, do you understand what would happen if we didnt have any allies? 3/4 of them would never drop us. They are moochers.

Congratulations. That is the best Rambo impression I have ever seen.Yo.
Our military is more powerful than the next 8 combined. It is reality.

So? You think fear of the US military is all that determines our standing in the world? You know better than that.
Fear and $$$$
The UN vote proves just how many countries are afraid of muslim violence
And we're not? What does refusing them to immigrate mean? That we're afraid to have them here?

Yes, it does. Your buddies are afraid of Muslims yet as long as you can taunt them behind a diplomatic fence, you're all proud and stuff. Let them come over the fence and you'll be screaming about the Muslim invasion quicker'n shit.
I bet you think child molester should be allowed in schools too

I know your president thinks a child molester should have been in the Senate.

Was moore indicted, convicted of this crime?

He was banned from a mall for perving on little girls. Even without his pedophilia he was scum.
Jerusalem is their capital and is now being recognized as it should.
You haven't explained this. Mohel got your tongue?

It [Israel] also specifically recognized the legal effect of the resolution on Jerusalem in the assurances it gave to the General Assembly in 1949 in support of its application for membership of the United Nations. Abba Eban, Israel's representative then declared to the General Assembly that "the legal status of Jerusalem is different from the territory in which Israel is sovereign."
The Status of Jerusalem under International Law and United Nations Resolutions | The Institute for Palestine Studies
And we're not? What does refusing them to immigrate mean? That we're afraid to have them here?

Yes, it does. Your buddies are afraid of Muslims yet as long as you can taunt them behind a diplomatic fence, you're all proud and stuff. Let them come over the fence and you'll be screaming about the Muslim invasion quicker'n shit.
I bet you think child molester should be allowed in schools too

I know your president thinks a child molester should have been in the Senate.
View attachment 167312

1.5 billion Muslims......326 million US citizens. They could have wiped us out a long time ago if that's what they wanted to do.
Makes you all wet don't it?

Stick to what you know Mikey....... dick sucking and such.
So the US preaches democracy in the world.
The world cotes and condemns the US.
The US goes out threatening and bullying ??!!
Hypocrisy at its finest form.

Crap we are losing democracy here in the US. When the Potus has no respect or Pubs for our judicial system, its lost.
The UN vote proves just how many countries are afraid of muslim violence
And we're not? What does refusing them to immigrate mean? That we're afraid to have them here?

Yes, it does. Your buddies are afraid of Muslims yet as long as you can taunt them behind a diplomatic fence, you're all proud and stuff. Let them come over the fence and you'll be screaming about the Muslim invasion quicker'n shit.
I bet you think child molester should be allowed in schools too

I know your president thinks a child molester should have been in the Senate.

Was moore indicted, convicted of this crime?

He was banned from a mall for perving on little girls. Even without his pedophilia he was scum.

I'm not disagreeing with you. To make such accusations and charges is a serious issue. The person who makes such accusations had better have the evidence to back it up.
How long do you think we will remain the most powerful country on the planet with no allies?
Who could stop us?
How long do you think we should dictate our own policy on what other countries think?
Also, do you understand what would happen if we didnt have any allies? 3/4 of them would never drop us. They are moochers.

Congratulations. That is the best Rambo impression I have ever seen.Yo.
Our military is more powerful than the next 8 combined. It is reality.

So? You think fear of the US military is all that determines our standing in the world? You know better than that.
Fear and $$$$

Forgive me. I almost forgot you were a RWNJ, and fear and money are the only things you care about.
I suggest Israel brokers peace and get what they deserve and give back what rhey took. That land belongs to indigenous jews, christians and muslims. All settlers from europe, US and russia should go back and leave those people alone.

The US is in rhe wrong here.
You probably think we should ignore the way muslims treat women too
Lol im a muslim lived in a muslim a country and our women are superbly fine. We respect them a lot more than men. Ina bus we give thrm our seat, we carry heavy loads for them, we shield them, we fight for them, even if we dont know thrm. Dont go by the propaganda.
I bet you think child molester should be allowed in schools too

I know your president thinks a child molester should have been in the Senate.
View attachment 167312

1.5 billion Muslims......326 million US citizens. They could have wiped us out a long time ago if that's what they wanted to do.
Makes you all wet don't it?

Stick to what you know Mikey....... dick sucking and such.
I know you are a liar.
So the US preaches democracy in the world.
The world cotes and condemns the US.
The US goes out threatening and bullying ??!!
Hypocrisy at its finest form.

Crap we are losing democracy here in the US. When the Potus has no respect or Pubs for our judicial system, its lost.
I lived ina dictatorship and i think Trump showed all the ingredients of a perfect dictator.

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