The UN Vote Proves

Muslims are the Nazis of today

If you had a brain, it doesn't show. Nothing but stupid shit dribble from you. Nazis wanted to eliminate different people. Zionists want to eliminate different people. Muslims want to convert different people.
Hey, let's converse in Hebrew.
After all, you claimed you'er an expert at Hebrew.
Until I proved you were a liar.
I suggest Israel brokers peace and get what they deserve and give back what rhey took. That land belongs to indigenous jews, christians and muslims. All settlers from europe, US and russia should go back and leave those people alone.

The US is in rhe wrong here.
You probably think we should ignore the way muslims treat women too
Lol im a muslim lived in a muslim a country and our women are superbly fine. We respect them a lot more than men. Ina bus we give thrm our seat, we carry heavy loads for them, we shield them, we fight for them, even if we dont know thrm. Dont go by the propaganda.
And if they are your niece, you get first dibs on them.
Nope our nieces are like our daugters. We have a good moral compass unlike the cult of the pussy grabber who wants to ban his own daughter.

No; that is NOT true, but reading the Main Stream Media I can understand why you would get that impression.

Im not a saudi and saudi arabia doesnt represent all 56 muslim countries. Bill clinton got a blowjob in the white house, Trump bragged about grabbing pussies, does that make all american men sexual predators and american women sluts?
No, it makes a mockery of your implication all Muslims fight to protect women. You should talk about Moroccans rather than Muslims if Morocco is your knowledge. Too, Saudi is most active in proselytising Islam, its Wahhabi influence is spreading. I remember my sister telling me how she was regarded as a slut, travelling alone in Indonesia a few decades back. Weren't too many Muslims protecting her there.
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Im not a saudi and saudi arabia doesnt represent all 56 muslim countries. Bill clinton got a blowjob in the white house, Trump bragged about grabbing pussies, does that make all american men sexual predators and american women sluts?
No, it makes a mockery of your implication all Muslims fight to protect women. You should talk about Moroccans rather than Muslims if Morocco is your knowledge. Too, Saudi is most active in proselytising Islam, its Wahhabi influence is spreading. I remember my sister telling me how she was regarded as a slut, travelling alone in Indonesia a few decades back. Weren't too many Muslims protecting her there.
Dont judge by the US some still bang 12 year old, kids get molested by priests, presidents and congressmen use their power to sexually harass women...millions of women are raped. They wanna us to paint the US as hell for women.

Before i moved to the US, we heard so many stereotypes about americans "fat, uneducated, abnoxious, women are sluts, people dead on the streets, ect..." also, but i refuse to put everyone in the same basket.
Except for the fact that the conservatives in general are less tolerant and open to others.
Nope our nieces are like our daugters.
So, you kill them for "honor",too, I see.
Never heard of rhat while i lived in there for 23 years. It took me 15 minutes watxhing local news in the US to see girls as little as 2 being raped and killed.
In morocco we roamed freely and played unsupervised without unlike here. Parents cant let their kids out of their sight 1 sec, in fear of being kidnapped.
Let's see here. Those who follow a supremacist creed crafted by a serial rapist they consider the world's most perfect man want us to believe that their creed is a wonderful thing for women, the likes of which their so- called "prophet" raped at will. Heck, he ordered his men to rape as well, and in front of the women's husbands, no less.

Do they really think that many of us here in the west are so ignorant about Islam that we don't know that lying to deceive non Muslims plays a central role in their supremacist ideology?
You probably think we should ignore the way muslims treat women too
Lol im a muslim lived in a muslim a country and our women are superbly fine. We respect them a lot more than men. Ina bus we give thrm our seat, we carry heavy loads for them, we shield them, we fight for them, even if we dont know thrm. Dont go by the propaganda.
Or actual laws? Lol :)
I can speak for Morocco , they are treated fearly. Society treats them better. A single mom gets help from not only family but even neighbors more than a single mom.
My mom used to live to work at 6 in thr morning and leave me with the neighbors without a warning and they are so happy to have me. And sometimes they make ect meal for her when she comes.

Dude i love this country that i live in but women are looked at badly , in morocco women have their problems but no where close to how womem are preceived here
I dont agree women are looked at badly.
Sure, we have people that look down on women, but we also have people that look down on men. And blacks. And whites. And latinos. And gays. And straits. etc etc etc
I lived ina muslim country and now the US. You need to go visit Morocco and see for yourself. Stop the propaganda and fake nees as u call it. 21% of moroccan parliament are women how many GOP senators are women?
Oldest unicersity in mankind hisotry was built in Fes Morocco...when were women allowed to vote in the US?
Muslim countries had 8 presidents , when will the US have the balls to elect a women to lead?
Women are raped and dismemberrd bere in the US when will that stop?
Women are raped and sexually harrassed in congress, white house, work place , in parks, schools, as young as 1 year old...and you telling me women are not tteated well?
Wake up.
Oh so this is a partisan rant lol... how fun and cliche
Dude, women are raped all over the world. Don't give me your tunnel vision bullshit.
Especially being a muslim...
The vote didnt prove shit. It was nothing more than political theater. The vote that mattered got vetoed by the most powerful country on the planet :dunno:

Actually it showed a great deal of our power. It was expected that only
3 other Countries would vote with us and 180+ against.

Only 128 voted against us.

8 voted with us. 36 abstained and 21 didn't even show up to vote.
Those 65 are being invited to a UN party hosted by us on Jan 3rd
at the UN.

They know where their bread is buttered.

Now The Donald just needs to cut off a bunch of money intended
for the UN to drive the point home.
Lol im a muslim lived in a muslim a country and our women are superbly fine. We respect them a lot more than men. Ina bus we give thrm our seat, we carry heavy loads for them, we shield them, we fight for them, even if we dont know thrm. Dont go by the propaganda.
Or actual laws? Lol :)
I can speak for Morocco , they are treated fearly. Society treats them better. A single mom gets help from not only family but even neighbors more than a single mom.
My mom used to live to work at 6 in thr morning and leave me with the neighbors without a warning and they are so happy to have me. And sometimes they make ect meal for her when she comes.

Dude i love this country that i live in but women are looked at badly , in morocco women have their problems but no where close to how womem are preceived here
I dont agree women are looked at badly.
Sure, we have people that look down on women, but we also have people that look down on men. And blacks. And whites. And latinos. And gays. And straits. etc etc etc
I lived ina muslim country and now the US. You need to go visit Morocco and see for yourself. Stop the propaganda and fake nees as u call it. 21% of moroccan parliament are women how many GOP senators are women?
Oldest unicersity in mankind hisotry was built in Fes Morocco...when were women allowed to vote in the US?
Muslim countries had 8 presidents , when will the US have the balls to elect a women to lead?
Women are raped and dismemberrd bere in the US when will that stop?
Women are raped and sexually harrassed in congress, white house, work place , in parks, schools, as young as 1 year old...and you telling me women are not tteated well?
Wake up.
Oh so this is a partisan rant lol... how fun and cliche
Dude, women are raped all over the world. Don't give me your tunnel vision bullshit.
Especially being a muslim...
Have you been to a muslim country?

And no women are raped and killed more than lets say Morocco. Kids are afraid to ho outside hear from most we didnt fear going outaide to play, and when i go back kids are playing outside without supervision miles away from their homes. I see kids as young as 10 taking thw bus with 0 fear.
You have no lessons to give, i lived in both worlds.
You have no lessons to give, i lived in both worlds.
You have no lessons to give, i lived in both worlds.
Sweet heart again too much Morocco you can get jailed for raping your wife one guy not long ago got 2 years and $1500 USD.
The only problem is hard to prove it unlike the wave now in the US people are getting accused by the millions. In morocco you need a strong proof and in some cases witnesses.

1 in 6 american women suffered complete or attempted rape.
Kids live in fear here cant go out in fear they will get kidnapped raped and killed. Moroccans kids are free to be kids, 0 fear....and everyone watches for them.
At the age of 7 our kids go to school on their own, dont need to be hauled everywhere like here.
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And you are pissing off the 1/4 of your allies that are an asset to you, never mind whether the UN exists. Which is quite amusing seeing the US is trying to get troops from other countries to assist its goals in the ME and South Asia. I mean, if you can go it alone, why don't you?

We can go there alone nimrod once again all they offer is a token of troops
The UN vote proves just how many countries are afraid of muslim violence
And we're not? What does refusing them to immigrate mean? That we're afraid to have them here?

Yes, it does. Your buddies are afraid of Muslims yet as long as you can taunt them behind a diplomatic fence, you're all proud and stuff. Let them come over the fence and you'll be screaming about the Muslim invasion quicker'n shit.
I bet you think child molester should be allowed in schools too

I know your president thinks a child molester should have been in the Senate.
View attachment 167312

1.5 billion Muslims......326 million US citizens. They could have wiped us out a long time ago if that's what they wanted to do.

With what moron?
And we're not? What does refusing them to immigrate mean? That we're afraid to have them here?

Yes, it does. Your buddies are afraid of Muslims yet as long as you can taunt them behind a diplomatic fence, you're all proud and stuff. Let them come over the fence and you'll be screaming about the Muslim invasion quicker'n shit.
I bet you think child molester should be allowed in schools too

I know your president thinks a child molester should have been in the Senate.
View attachment 167312

1.5 billion Muslims......326 million US citizens. They could have wiped us out a long time ago if that's what they wanted to do.

With what moron?
Garlic bread.
And we're not? What does refusing them to immigrate mean? That we're afraid to have them here?

Yes, it does. Your buddies are afraid of Muslims yet as long as you can taunt them behind a diplomatic fence, you're all proud and stuff. Let them come over the fence and you'll be screaming about the Muslim invasion quicker'n shit.
I bet you think child molester should be allowed in schools too

I know your president thinks a child molester should have been in the Senate.
View attachment 167312

1.5 billion Muslims......326 million US citizens. They could have wiped us out a long time ago if that's what they wanted to do.

With what moron?

You think all Muslims live in caves like some of the radicals? You're dumber than I thought.

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