The UN Vote Proves

I bet you think child molester should be allowed in schools too

I know your president thinks a child molester should have been in the Senate.
View attachment 167312

1.5 billion Muslims......326 million US citizens. They could have wiped us out a long time ago if that's what they wanted to do.

With what moron?

You think all Muslims live in caves like some of the radicals? You're dumber than I thought.

That's not an answer ...again with what? You watch to much Brown dawn .and yes you prove once again you would rather run then fight .
I know your president thinks a child molester should have been in the Senate.
View attachment 167312

1.5 billion Muslims......326 million US citizens. They could have wiped us out a long time ago if that's what they wanted to do.

With what moron?

You think all Muslims live in caves like some of the radicals? You're dumber than I thought.

That's not an answer ...again with what? You watch to much Brown dawn .and yes you prove once again you would rather run then fight .

Turkey Egypt Pakistan, Indonesia and Iran would be pretty formidable if they joined forces, and of course, they all have allies. I;m pretty sure N Korea would be happy to kick in their nuclear capability to boost up Pakistan's nuclear power. Remember, we will have no allies in this imaginary match up, but our current allies all have real agreements with Muslim countries, so who do you think they would join? Their allies, or the US who made it clear they don't want any help and insulted the rest of the world while they were at it. No one country can ever control the world. Hitler proved that.

1.5 billion Muslims......326 million US citizens. They could have wiped us out a long time ago if that's what they wanted to do.

With what moron?

You think all Muslims live in caves like some of the radicals? You're dumber than I thought.

That's not an answer ...again with what? You watch to much Brown dawn .and yes you prove once again you would rather run then fight .

Turkey Egypt Pakistan, Indonesia and Iran would be pretty formidable if they joined forces, and of course, they all have allies. I;m pretty sure N Korea would be happy to kick in their nuclear capability to boost up Pakistan's nuclear power. Remember, we will have no allies in this imaginary match up, but our current allies all have real agreements with Muslim countries, so who do you think they would join? Their allies, or the US who made it clear they don't want any help and insulted the rest of the world while they were at it. No one country can ever control the world. Hitler proved that.

Formible to whom France ? , What are they going to sneak in here on fishing boats?

Your ignorance is astounding...and I bet you were the one to brag the Iran had the 4th biggest army in the world before we kicked their ass .

1.5 billion Muslims......326 million US citizens. They could have wiped us out a long time ago if that's what they wanted to do.

With what moron?

You think all Muslims live in caves like some of the radicals? You're dumber than I thought.

That's not an answer ...again with what? You watch to much Brown dawn .and yes you prove once again you would rather run then fight .

Turkey Egypt Pakistan, Indonesia and Iran would be pretty formidable if they joined forces, and of course, they all have allies. I;m pretty sure N Korea would be happy to kick in their nuclear capability to boost up Pakistan's nuclear power. Remember, we will have no allies in this imaginary match up, but our current allies all have real agreements with Muslim countries, so who do you think they would join? Their allies, or the US who made it clear they don't want any help and insulted the rest of the world while they were at it. No one country can ever control the world. Hitler proved that.

Formible to whom France ? , What are they going to sneak in here on fishing boats?

Your ignorance is astounding...and I bet you were the one to brag the Iran had the 4th biggest army in the world before we kicked their ass .

You think N Korea's nuclear bombs are just a cartoon?
With what moron?

You think all Muslims live in caves like some of the radicals? You're dumber than I thought.

That's not an answer ...again with what? You watch to much Brown dawn .and yes you prove once again you would rather run then fight .

Turkey Egypt Pakistan, Indonesia and Iran would be pretty formidable if they joined forces, and of course, they all have allies. I;m pretty sure N Korea would be happy to kick in their nuclear capability to boost up Pakistan's nuclear power. Remember, we will have no allies in this imaginary match up, but our current allies all have real agreements with Muslim countries, so who do you think they would join? Their allies, or the US who made it clear they don't want any help and insulted the rest of the world while they were at it. No one country can ever control the world. Hitler proved that.

Formible to whom France ? , What are they going to sneak in here on fishing boats?

Your ignorance is astounding...and I bet you were the one to brag the Iran had the 4th biggest army in the world before we kicked their ass .

You think N Korea's nuclear bombs are just a cartoon?

Lol That's your retort?, Dude they don't have the technology to launch nukes yet and do you think 8,000 of ours is a joke?

Once again your fear mongering propaganda has no bounds ....we don't spend more then the next 8 country's combined for nothing.
The UN vote proves just how many countries are afraid of muslim violence

Muslim violence if GOOD. Gets them towel-heads all out in the open moving around so that our targeting computers can get a lock on and drop MOHAMMAD on their heads!

MOHAMMAD Bomb: Massive Ordinance for Heavy Annihilating of Muslim Minimization And Destruction.

Shhh. It's a secret Mattis and Trump project soon to come to a theater near you.
With what moron?

You think all Muslims live in caves like some of the radicals? You're dumber than I thought.

That's not an answer ...again with what? You watch to much Brown dawn .and yes you prove once again you would rather run then fight .

Turkey Egypt Pakistan, Indonesia and Iran would be pretty formidable if they joined forces, and of course, they all have allies. I;m pretty sure N Korea would be happy to kick in their nuclear capability to boost up Pakistan's nuclear power. Remember, we will have no allies in this imaginary match up, but our current allies all have real agreements with Muslim countries, so who do you think they would join? Their allies, or the US who made it clear they don't want any help and insulted the rest of the world while they were at it. No one country can ever control the world. Hitler proved that.

Formible to whom France ? , What are they going to sneak in here on fishing boats?

Your ignorance is astounding...and I bet you were the one to brag the Iran had the 4th biggest army in the world before we kicked their ass .

You think N Korea's nuclear bombs are just a cartoon?

We know you can't handle the US is the most powerful nation on Earth and we don't give a shit what the world says


1.5 billion Muslims......326 million US citizens. They could have wiped us out a long time ago if that's what they wanted to do.

With what moron?

You think all Muslims live in caves like some of the radicals? You're dumber than I thought.

That's not an answer ...again with what? You watch to much Brown dawn .and yes you prove once again you would rather run then fight .

Turkey Egypt Pakistan, Indonesia and Iran would be pretty formidable if they joined forces, and of course, they all have allies. I;m pretty sure N Korea would be happy to kick in their nuclear capability to boost up Pakistan's nuclear power. Remember, we will have no allies in this imaginary match up, but our current allies all have real agreements with Muslim countries, so who do you think they would join? Their allies, or the US who made it clear they don't want any help and insulted the rest of the world while they were at it. No one country can ever control the world. Hitler proved that.

The UN vote proves they care more about what's right than Nikki Haley's school teacher threats. "I'm taking names" is something I say to my 3rd grade students when they misbehave.

Haley would have you believe Palestinians were the occupiers by the way she was speaking. When in fact Israel has been running an apartheid all thus time.

Jerusalem should be a free city or let it belong to both Israel and Palestine.

All the nonsense about what the Jewish Bible says or Torah is nonsense. They are religious text and should have no barring on how land is decided.
The UN vote proves they care more about what's right than Nikki Haley's school teacher threats. "I'm taking names" is something I say to my 3rd grade students when they misbehave.

Haley would have you believe Palestinians were the occupiers by the way she was speaking. When in fact Israel has been running an apartheid all thus time.

Jerusalem should be a free city or let it belong to both Israel and Palestine.

All the nonsense about what the Jewish Bible says or Torah is nonsense. They are religious text and should have no barring on how land is decided.

You fight a war ya lose , face the consequences..

How many times is Jerusalem mentioned in the Bible? 669

How many times in the QUARN?

The UN vote proves they care more about what's right than Nikki Haley's school teacher threats. "I'm taking names" is something I say to my 3rd grade students when they misbehave.

Haley would have you believe Palestinians were the occupiers by the way she was speaking. When in fact Israel has been running an apartheid all thus time.

Jerusalem should be a free city or let it belong to both Israel and Palestine.

All the nonsense about what the Jewish Bible says or Torah is nonsense. They are religious text and should have no barring on how land is decided.

You fight a war ya lose , face the consequences..

How many times is Jerusalem mentioned in the Bible? 669

How many times in the QUARN?

Religious text whether its Bible or Quran should have no influence on legal land ownership.

BTW the name Jerusalem its self isn't mentioned in the Quran. But the holy land where Al-Aqsa sits is mentioned.
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And you are pissing off the 1/4 of your allies that are an asset to you, never mind whether the UN exists.
By moving an embassy to another city? lol let the children whine.
I guess you dont move without asking others for their valued opinion? No? Then why should our country?
I understand muslim countries being upset. The others? What are they scared of? Their savage imports burning down their cities? Sounds like a personal problem..

China Voted, Cyprus , Costa Rica, Ecuador, Iceland, Estonia, Liberia, Peru, Portugal, UK....and so many more. Because is the right thing to do. The US has no choice because it has been always Israel's bitch, no only it provides Israel with the weapons but it give Israel Billions of dollars from our earned money.

Israel has been committing crimes against the Palestinians since forever, and the US being an imperialist country backs them up for the reason i mentioned above....the future and also history won't be kind to the US role in the occupation of Palestine and the crimes committed against its people......

You can argue all you want, it's pure occupation.....most of the IDF soldiers and settlers are not from the middle east...they were brought in to settle in a land that they claim belonged to them thousands of years ago. Go see for yourself, mostly European and Americans Jews settled there, and Palestinians were push out.
I'm in Europe and I admire Trump's stand on this. Pity we Europeans are such appeasers and lackeys that we'd rather vote with Iran and Saudi Arabia. A sad day for Europe.
Muslims are the Nazis of today

If you had a brain, it doesn't show. Nothing but stupid shit dribble from you. Nazis wanted to eliminate different people. Zionists want to eliminate different people. Muslims want to convert different people.

And eliminate the ones that do not convert and the converted ones live under the heel of their new found masters!
The UN vote proves they care more about what's right than Nikki Haley's school teacher threats. "I'm taking names" is something I say to my 3rd grade students when they misbehave.

Haley would have you believe Palestinians were the occupiers by the way she was speaking. When in fact Israel has been running an apartheid all thus time.

Jerusalem should be a free city or let it belong to both Israel and Palestine.

All the nonsense about what the Jewish Bible says or Torah is nonsense. They are religious text and should have no barring on how land is decided.

You fight a war ya lose , face the consequences..

How many times is Jerusalem mentioned in the Bible? 669

How many times in the QUARN?

It's the puppy with the bowl of food complex.

The Muzzie puppy HAS to eat from the Jew puppys bowl. If the Jew puppy has something, the Muzzy puppy claims it his!
Wrong! Since we have had so many spineless Presidents, they aren't used to dealing with someone who won't lay down or bend over for them.

so i'm sorry, how is pissing off most of the world to suck up to the Jews really having "a spine".

The vote didnt prove shit. It was nothing more than political theater. The vote that mattered got vetoed by the most powerful country on the planet

I think it shows that the US is sinking in world wide esteem. It used to be we didn't lose votes like this. It's how we were able to pretend that China only existed in Taiwan for decades.

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