The UN Vote Proves

Wrong! Since we have had so many spineless Presidents, they aren't used to dealing with someone who won't lay down or bend over for them.

so i'm sorry, how is pissing off most of the world to suck up to the Jews really having "a spine".

The vote didnt prove shit. It was nothing more than political theater. The vote that mattered got vetoed by the most powerful country on the planet

I think it shows that the US is sinking in world wide esteem. It used to be we didn't lose votes like this. It's how we were able to pretend that China only existed in Taiwan for decades.
Is that what Trump did? Looks to me like he only agreed with what had been the truth for a long long time. You see, that's what makes you regressive so worthless, you CANNOT be told the truth no matter how upsetting, about anything.
The UN vote proves just how many countries are afraid of muslim violence
And we're not? What does refusing them to immigrate mean? That we're afraid to have them here?

Yes, it does. Your buddies are afraid of Muslims yet as long as you can taunt them behind a diplomatic fence, you're all proud and stuff. Let them come over the fence and you'll be screaming about the Muslim invasion quicker'n shit.
I bet you think child molester should be allowed in schools too

I know your president thinks a child molester should have been in the Senate.
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shoys 1.5 billion Muslims......326 million US citizens. They could have wiped us out a long time ago if that's what they wanted to do.

Yeah, just like a hundred kids with sling shots could wipe out a marine with a machine gun.
I suggest Israel brokers peace and get what they deserve and give back what rhey took. That land belongs to indigenous jews, christians and muslims. All settlers from europe, US and russia should go back and leave those people alone.

The US is in rhe wrong here.
You probably think we should ignore the way muslims treat women too
Lol im a muslim lived in a muslim a country and our women are superbly fine. We respect them a lot more than men. Ina bus we give thrm our seat, we carry heavy loads for them, we shield them, we fight for them, even if we dont know thrm. Dont go by the propaganda.

Thank you; that is a view we don't often hear and is in accordance with my own views.

When i came to the US i was shocked at how womem are preceived. They are looked at as a piece of ass and tits....everyone wants to yalk about their looks and sexuality. Something i didnt grow up with on Morocco. Also so many men in the US cant swallow the fact rhat their direct sup is a woman.
Striptease clubs prostition, salary gaps between genders. Ect....

Then, why the hell did you come to the U.S.?

And why do you stay?
The vote made me proud to be an American again. While the rest of the world cowers in fear of the terrorists or has the destruction of Israel as their goal, America stood for what is right, and stands up to the bullies.

Thank God for President Trump!
The vote made me proud to be an American again. While the rest of the world cowers in fear of the terrorists or has the destruction of Israel as their goal, America stood for what is right, and stands up to the bullies.

Thank God for President Trump!
And just look at all the absolute SPINELESS pos the laft have created in this country.
Oh, another braindead partisan moron that mistakes me for an Obama supporter. how boring and predictable.

Oh, another bed wetting libturd pretending to be "above the fray" while bashing everyone to the right of John McLame.

Don't try blowing smoke up my ass. You're just another moonbat.

The United Nations disgraces, disrespects, denigrates and defiles America by its very presence on American shores.

it is time for them to move to Iran or Germany and/or let this festering pustule to die.

And give them not a penny to help them do it.
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Oh, another braindead partisan moron that mistakes me for an Obama supporter. how boring and predictable.

Oh, another bed wetting libturd pretending to be "above the fray" while bashing everyone to the right of John McLame.

Don't try blowing smoke up my ass. You're just another moonbat.

I love it when these lefties try to pretend they aren’t. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s a fucking duck.
It's almost amusing watching the low IQ leftists in this thread prattling on with their regressive idiocy. Why these morons hate liberalism the way they do is anybody's guess, but the two fallacious rationalizations they are mustering here amount to:

1 -- We hate Trump, therefore we are required to support anything opposite of Trump. Similarly, if Trump ever came out in favor of dogs, we are quite prepared to kick every puppy we see.

2 --Since inbred Arabs hate Jews, we need to hate Jews, too, so we don'[t upset the inbred Arabs. Similarly, since the kkk hates blacks, we shouldn't do anything to upset the kkk, so we are quite prepared to go out and burn a few crosses on lawns.

Israel is the most liberal society in the region for hundreds and hundreds of miles. Women's status us among the highest in the world, gay rights parades operate freely in Tel Aviv, they are a world leader in developing green technology and they separate politics from religion, so OF COURSE these idiot regressives must support the inbred troglodytes out to destroy them.
I'm in Europe and I admire Trump's stand on this. Pity we Europeans are such appeasers and lackeys that we'd rather vote with Iran and Saudi Arabia. A sad day for Europe.

There is a reason for that. Right after the oil crisis in the early seventies, European elites embarked upon a program called the Europe Arab Dialogue which sought to draw Europe under Arab influence to make sure the flow of oil continued. Gradually, the street Arab view of the world became the European view of the world as European media depicted world events from the Arab perspective.

It's all about whoring for oil and has nothing to do with values.
The U.S. should abstain from giving any money to any program in the UN. We can help people in other countries without the UNs help. Then we should tell the UN to move their anti-American asses out of the US ASAP. The UN building could be used as a homeless shelter. I see what the UN has turned into. Other Americans see it so why don't we have a movement to have it GTFO of America?
0bama turned this country into a nation of pussies, bowing down to bullies crying “Please if we give you everything will you promise not to hurt us? Please?” Then like in schoolyards when a kid resists the bullies, the bully tries to blame the kid. He claims he has no choice now but to beat up the kid for resisting. It’s not my fault, the bully says: “Look what YOU made me do!”

That’s how the terrorists are. They are bullies but this time, we have a man in the White House who doesn’t take shit from bullies. The UN, a body who as one of its main purposes, protects the interests of terrorists. They are also the bully. They are going to fight back and the terrorists are now saying “Look at what you made us do?”
What business is it of other countries to approve or disapprove where a country chooses to locate their capital or another to locate their embassy?
I for one subscribe to the notion that relocating the UN back to Versailles whereupon the concept originated would be a wonderful idea.
And how few have any respect for us or our leader

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Wrong! Since we have had so many spineless Presidents, they aren't used to dealing with someone who won't lay down or bend over for them.

You sound like you are really insecure about your masculinity.

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Classic regressive I have nothing to say response.
I stand by my statement, which you are not addressing.
And eliminate the ones that do not convert and the converted ones live under the heel of their new found masters!

Nazis and Jews are ethnic/racial supremacists. Muslims are not. And, no one here is defending Muslims, but there's a much of idiots defending Jews.
And eliminate the ones that do not convert and the converted ones live under the heel of their new found masters!

Nazis and Jews are ethnic/racial supremacists. Muslims are not. And, no one here is defending Muslims, but there's a much of idiots defending Jews.
No one is defending Jews or Israel. They're doing a pretty good job of it themselves, Jew-hater.
I suggest Israel brokers peace and get what they deserve and give back what rhey took. That land belongs to indigenous jews, christians and muslims. All settlers from europe, US and russia should go back and leave those people alone.

The US is in rhe wrong here.
You probably think we should ignore the way muslims treat women too
Lol im a muslim lived in a muslim a country and our women are superbly fine. We respect them a lot more than men. Ina bus we give thrm our seat, we carry heavy loads for them, we shield them, we fight for them, even if we dont know thrm. Dont go by the propaganda.

Thank you; that is a view we don't often hear and is in accordance with my own views.

When i came to the US i was shocked at how womem are preceived. They are looked at as a piece of ass and tits....everyone wants to yalk about their looks and sexuality. Something i didnt grow up with on Morocco. Also so many men in the US cant swallow the fact rhat their direct sup is a woman.
Striptease clubs prostition, salary gaps between genders. Ect....

Then, why the hell did you come to the U.S.?

And why do you stay?
Because i felt i like it.

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