The Uninhabitable Earth

The point is that when a population is faced with a real risk it's a good idea to inform them of it. The charge that anyone attempting to warn the population of a threat is, de facto, lying, is a completely bullshit position. As you can see, the comment was aimed at Westwall
What rare gas has increased by 2.5%? CO2 has gone from 280 ppm to 411 ppm. That is an increase of almost 47%. Methane has gone from 700 ppb to 1700 ppb, an increase of 143% [NOTE, I fucked these two values up in my original post and it was caught by Crusader Frank]

Yet again -- you fail to read critically because you're close to scientifically illiterate on this topic... Even AFTER obsessing about it for at least 8 years... Crick-Abraham.

I was CLEARLY referencing the FRACTION of CO2 (allegedly) added by man to the CARBON CYCLE each year.. Not the atmos concentration.. Nature accounts for 95% of that cycle.. Manmade total is 5%.. But 1/2 of more of that IS SUNK into the land and oceans -- not retained in the atmos.. Hence -- Squidward -- the 2.5% number.. Which IS -- of course -- as accurate as the other measurements of the "carbon cycle".

Don't think you're learning anything or getting better at being a "spokesmouth" for this cause.. Appears you're WASTING time arguing and not getting a damn thing for all this time...
It's astounding how much you think of yourself.

You were clearly not referencing the fraction of CO2 allegedly added by man to the carbon cycle each year. The current growth rate of CO2 emissions is between 2.5 and 3 ppm/year. We're currently at 411 ppm. 2.5% of that would be 10.275 ppm. The actual annual increase runs 0.61% to 0.73%.

Your explanation is so obtuse, the idea that you would assume anyone would have, or should have, understood what you claim to have meant is simply not to be believed.
Don't care. The vast majority of climate scientists are convinced it is real. Now, if you can show that thousands of them are considering suicide for their decision, you might have something.

Convinced WHAT'S REAL??? 8DegC by 2100 as it was prior to 2000? Or the 2 or 3DegC prediction from the LAST IPCC farce?? All the estimates of critical parameters and predictions have GONE DONE constantly since this "big scare" started.. And there's been no monthly new predictions of 2100 temps or sea levels BECAUSE they are not as gloomy or hysterical as they were in 2000.. Or certainly 1980...

IN FACT -- MOST climate scientists AGREE that that the public and media have been MISLED about the science.. In the most comprehensive survey of climate scientists BY climate scientists and one of the few that it actually POLLED (not divined from abstracts) --- THE VAST MAJORITY agree with exactly what I told you above... From Bray and von Storch 2005 ---


So Bulldoggy -- WHAT do climate scientists agree on again? And what do they say aboutt the temperature anomaly is gonna be in 2100??

Unfortunately, I'm not a climate scientist, and as far as I know you aren't either. If I am mistaken, please present your credentials. Your charts and stuff mean nothing to me because I am not qualified to evaluate them, or even know if they are even pertinent to the discussion, because of that whole not being a climate scientist thing. The best I can do is go by what the leading climate scientists say.

I have seen more EKG readouts than most, and after having so many explained to me, I have a general idea what I'm looking at. However, if a qualified cardiologist tells me my interpretation is wrong, I'm not going to argue with him. If the vast majority of cardiologists looked at that readout, and agreed with the first, it would be stupid of me to try to explain where they were wrong, or say one of them had a messy office, so I must be right. I see the climate change issue in a similar light. I don't have the expertise to prove them wrong, so I have to rely on the best in the field. Who has the best credentials.

Of course, if you are a trained climate scientist, I will certainly consider your opinion on climate change along with the vast majority of other climate scientists, or, I could just rely on Alex Jones for my information like you seem to do..

You have no clue how science is organized and works. Ocasio-Cortez is a waitress with a bogus economics degree hawking a grand glitter farting Green Raw Meal because she KNOWS the world is gonna end in 12 years and she wants to SCARE THE PISS out of 5th graders..

Climate science is perhaps the most INTERDISCIPLINARY science that ever stalked the planet. You can write as a climate scientist on anything from rodents to atmospheric physics. It could not EXIST without about 10 important scientific specialties.. It has been largely based on data analysis and modeling which IS my specialty for my career.. I've found signals and images that nobody else had been able to do. From ocean acoustics to missile launch sites to breast tumors. My career tools have been used in over a dozen specialty disciplines and are VERY applicable to reading climate science.

ANYONE that can read thru a monthly issue of Scientific American can read and interpret climate science. And the fact that Scientific American has readership by virtually all of the science specialties shows how fungible (tradeable) science tools and skill are. I've had to learn specialties in MANY fields during my career, but I have valid credentials in Earth science from designing the image processing systems and algorithms STILL in use for analyzing Earth resources from space. Algorithms that include the EARLIEST "sea ice" calculators and land cover classifiers. So NONE of what I read in climate science intimidates me.. It's actually mostly 80% data preparation/analysis.. No more intimidating that learning marine mammal biology and communication than I've done for research contracts in the past.

Virtually no serious research scientist I've worked with has the "hoarder" office of Phil Jones. THat's just appalling. But it's NOT germane. What IS germane is that East Anglia has REPEATEDLY restricted access to their data and data prep methods for replication. That is the "coin of the realm" in science and how "theories" get verified...

This whole Clown convention has been skewed by a dozen or so "activists in labcoats" giving the media and the public a "catastrophic" interpretation of GW science. They gave cover to politicians and partisan journalists to LIE about what is known and generally agreed upon.. And THAT is what those graphs I gave you show.. The VAST MAJORITY of people working in this field object to the hype and distortions that had fueled this train. And it's over.. Those days are gone. You don't hear credible people hawking DOOM and destruction monthly in the media now. Except for those waitresses serving up Green Raw Meals so that they can control the entire economy and well-being of every citizen....

WHY isn't this runaway circus train on the tracks anymore? Because, science doesn't appreciate being used and abused. Look at those 2 polling graphs again.. The bar charts aren't any more intimidating than reading a Pew Poll..,. YOU can even do it...,.,

Got it. Science is such a general endeavor till there is no difference between any of the different disciplines. A physicist is the same as chemist is the same as a astronomer is the same as a mathematician is the same as a biologist. Of course all of those disciplines are subservient to someone who can code a little bit. I can build and code a little biofeedback devise based on galvanic effect. Does that make me a super scientist too? Does that mean my knowledge is the combination of all knowledge contained in each and every one of the scientific disciplines, or would that just make me a blow hard like you if I made that claim?

You ABSOLUTELY failed to grasp the difference between SPECIALITIES and APPLICATIONS... So I'm not wasting anymore time with your self-imposed ignorance and trolling.. Can a biologist study the climate pressure on a species and UNDERSTAND what warming rates are likely?

Is a mathematician or a data analyst restricted to any one particular application area? In many application areas, you HAVE to be a physicist AND a chemist.. And Climate science has the BROADEST need for multi-disciplinary teamwork. And for fuck sake, most any physicist, chemist, data analyst, engineer can follow the task of collecting and analyzing something as simple as FUCKING THERMOMETER READINGS...,

Most scientists have been "read into" a large NUMBER of application areas.. Friends of mine at Lawrence Livermore had to reinvent that place when the Cold War ended. They ended up transitioning from NUCLEAR WEAPONS to kidney dialysis and Biometric Identification and mine sweeping and robotics.

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties...

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties, so some anonymous internet warrior who claims to have a passing understanding of one of those fringe areas, but no credentials at all in the main specialty, is probably not as credible as those that do have credentials in climate science. If you wanted technical advice on playing the cello, would you go by what Yo-yo Ma had to offer, or would you prefer what some internet idiot who might have played an instrument of some kind in school had to say.
Convinced WHAT'S REAL??? 8DegC by 2100 as it was prior to 2000? Or the 2 or 3DegC prediction from the LAST IPCC farce?? All the estimates of critical parameters and predictions have GONE DONE constantly since this "big scare" started.. And there's been no monthly new predictions of 2100 temps or sea levels BECAUSE they are not as gloomy or hysterical as they were in 2000.. Or certainly 1980...

IN FACT -- MOST climate scientists AGREE that that the public and media have been MISLED about the science.. In the most comprehensive survey of climate scientists BY climate scientists and one of the few that it actually POLLED (not divined from abstracts) --- THE VAST MAJORITY agree with exactly what I told you above... From Bray and von Storch 2005 ---


So Bulldoggy -- WHAT do climate scientists agree on again? And what do they say aboutt the temperature anomaly is gonna be in 2100??

Unfortunately, I'm not a climate scientist, and as far as I know you aren't either. If I am mistaken, please present your credentials. Your charts and stuff mean nothing to me because I am not qualified to evaluate them, or even know if they are even pertinent to the discussion, because of that whole not being a climate scientist thing. The best I can do is go by what the leading climate scientists say.

I have seen more EKG readouts than most, and after having so many explained to me, I have a general idea what I'm looking at. However, if a qualified cardiologist tells me my interpretation is wrong, I'm not going to argue with him. If the vast majority of cardiologists looked at that readout, and agreed with the first, it would be stupid of me to try to explain where they were wrong, or say one of them had a messy office, so I must be right. I see the climate change issue in a similar light. I don't have the expertise to prove them wrong, so I have to rely on the best in the field. Who has the best credentials.

Of course, if you are a trained climate scientist, I will certainly consider your opinion on climate change along with the vast majority of other climate scientists, or, I could just rely on Alex Jones for my information like you seem to do..

You have no clue how science is organized and works. Ocasio-Cortez is a waitress with a bogus economics degree hawking a grand glitter farting Green Raw Meal because she KNOWS the world is gonna end in 12 years and she wants to SCARE THE PISS out of 5th graders..

Climate science is perhaps the most INTERDISCIPLINARY science that ever stalked the planet. You can write as a climate scientist on anything from rodents to atmospheric physics. It could not EXIST without about 10 important scientific specialties.. It has been largely based on data analysis and modeling which IS my specialty for my career.. I've found signals and images that nobody else had been able to do. From ocean acoustics to missile launch sites to breast tumors. My career tools have been used in over a dozen specialty disciplines and are VERY applicable to reading climate science.

ANYONE that can read thru a monthly issue of Scientific American can read and interpret climate science. And the fact that Scientific American has readership by virtually all of the science specialties shows how fungible (tradeable) science tools and skill are. I've had to learn specialties in MANY fields during my career, but I have valid credentials in Earth science from designing the image processing systems and algorithms STILL in use for analyzing Earth resources from space. Algorithms that include the EARLIEST "sea ice" calculators and land cover classifiers. So NONE of what I read in climate science intimidates me.. It's actually mostly 80% data preparation/analysis.. No more intimidating that learning marine mammal biology and communication than I've done for research contracts in the past.

Virtually no serious research scientist I've worked with has the "hoarder" office of Phil Jones. THat's just appalling. But it's NOT germane. What IS germane is that East Anglia has REPEATEDLY restricted access to their data and data prep methods for replication. That is the "coin of the realm" in science and how "theories" get verified...

This whole Clown convention has been skewed by a dozen or so "activists in labcoats" giving the media and the public a "catastrophic" interpretation of GW science. They gave cover to politicians and partisan journalists to LIE about what is known and generally agreed upon.. And THAT is what those graphs I gave you show.. The VAST MAJORITY of people working in this field object to the hype and distortions that had fueled this train. And it's over.. Those days are gone. You don't hear credible people hawking DOOM and destruction monthly in the media now. Except for those waitresses serving up Green Raw Meals so that they can control the entire economy and well-being of every citizen....

WHY isn't this runaway circus train on the tracks anymore? Because, science doesn't appreciate being used and abused. Look at those 2 polling graphs again.. The bar charts aren't any more intimidating than reading a Pew Poll..,. YOU can even do it...,.,

Got it. Science is such a general endeavor till there is no difference between any of the different disciplines. A physicist is the same as chemist is the same as a astronomer is the same as a mathematician is the same as a biologist. Of course all of those disciplines are subservient to someone who can code a little bit. I can build and code a little biofeedback devise based on galvanic effect. Does that make me a super scientist too? Does that mean my knowledge is the combination of all knowledge contained in each and every one of the scientific disciplines, or would that just make me a blow hard like you if I made that claim?

You ABSOLUTELY failed to grasp the difference between SPECIALITIES and APPLICATIONS... So I'm not wasting anymore time with your self-imposed ignorance and trolling.. Can a biologist study the climate pressure on a species and UNDERSTAND what warming rates are likely?

Is a mathematician or a data analyst restricted to any one particular application area? In many application areas, you HAVE to be a physicist AND a chemist.. And Climate science has the BROADEST need for multi-disciplinary teamwork. And for fuck sake, most any physicist, chemist, data analyst, engineer can follow the task of collecting and analyzing something as simple as FUCKING THERMOMETER READINGS...,

Most scientists have been "read into" a large NUMBER of application areas.. Friends of mine at Lawrence Livermore had to reinvent that place when the Cold War ended. They ended up transitioning from NUCLEAR WEAPONS to kidney dialysis and Biometric Identification and mine sweeping and robotics.

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties...

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties, so some anonymous internet warrior who claims to have a passing understanding of one of those fringe areas, but no credentials at all in the main specialty, is probably not as credible as those that do have credentials in climate science. If you wanted technical advice on playing the cello, would you go by what Yo-yo Ma had to offer, or would you prefer what some internet idiot who might have played an instrument of some kind in school had to say.

THE difference is that people can actually HEAR Yo-Yo Ma play the cello in lieu of simply taking his word for it and that we must believe him because he makes the claim
Unfortunately, I'm not a climate scientist, and as far as I know you aren't either. If I am mistaken, please present your credentials. Your charts and stuff mean nothing to me because I am not qualified to evaluate them, or even know if they are even pertinent to the discussion, because of that whole not being a climate scientist thing. The best I can do is go by what the leading climate scientists say.

I have seen more EKG readouts than most, and after having so many explained to me, I have a general idea what I'm looking at. However, if a qualified cardiologist tells me my interpretation is wrong, I'm not going to argue with him. If the vast majority of cardiologists looked at that readout, and agreed with the first, it would be stupid of me to try to explain where they were wrong, or say one of them had a messy office, so I must be right. I see the climate change issue in a similar light. I don't have the expertise to prove them wrong, so I have to rely on the best in the field. Who has the best credentials.

Of course, if you are a trained climate scientist, I will certainly consider your opinion on climate change along with the vast majority of other climate scientists, or, I could just rely on Alex Jones for my information like you seem to do..

You have no clue how science is organized and works. Ocasio-Cortez is a waitress with a bogus economics degree hawking a grand glitter farting Green Raw Meal because she KNOWS the world is gonna end in 12 years and she wants to SCARE THE PISS out of 5th graders..

Climate science is perhaps the most INTERDISCIPLINARY science that ever stalked the planet. You can write as a climate scientist on anything from rodents to atmospheric physics. It could not EXIST without about 10 important scientific specialties.. It has been largely based on data analysis and modeling which IS my specialty for my career.. I've found signals and images that nobody else had been able to do. From ocean acoustics to missile launch sites to breast tumors. My career tools have been used in over a dozen specialty disciplines and are VERY applicable to reading climate science.

ANYONE that can read thru a monthly issue of Scientific American can read and interpret climate science. And the fact that Scientific American has readership by virtually all of the science specialties shows how fungible (tradeable) science tools and skill are. I've had to learn specialties in MANY fields during my career, but I have valid credentials in Earth science from designing the image processing systems and algorithms STILL in use for analyzing Earth resources from space. Algorithms that include the EARLIEST "sea ice" calculators and land cover classifiers. So NONE of what I read in climate science intimidates me.. It's actually mostly 80% data preparation/analysis.. No more intimidating that learning marine mammal biology and communication than I've done for research contracts in the past.

Virtually no serious research scientist I've worked with has the "hoarder" office of Phil Jones. THat's just appalling. But it's NOT germane. What IS germane is that East Anglia has REPEATEDLY restricted access to their data and data prep methods for replication. That is the "coin of the realm" in science and how "theories" get verified...

This whole Clown convention has been skewed by a dozen or so "activists in labcoats" giving the media and the public a "catastrophic" interpretation of GW science. They gave cover to politicians and partisan journalists to LIE about what is known and generally agreed upon.. And THAT is what those graphs I gave you show.. The VAST MAJORITY of people working in this field object to the hype and distortions that had fueled this train. And it's over.. Those days are gone. You don't hear credible people hawking DOOM and destruction monthly in the media now. Except for those waitresses serving up Green Raw Meals so that they can control the entire economy and well-being of every citizen....

WHY isn't this runaway circus train on the tracks anymore? Because, science doesn't appreciate being used and abused. Look at those 2 polling graphs again.. The bar charts aren't any more intimidating than reading a Pew Poll..,. YOU can even do it...,.,

Got it. Science is such a general endeavor till there is no difference between any of the different disciplines. A physicist is the same as chemist is the same as a astronomer is the same as a mathematician is the same as a biologist. Of course all of those disciplines are subservient to someone who can code a little bit. I can build and code a little biofeedback devise based on galvanic effect. Does that make me a super scientist too? Does that mean my knowledge is the combination of all knowledge contained in each and every one of the scientific disciplines, or would that just make me a blow hard like you if I made that claim?

You ABSOLUTELY failed to grasp the difference between SPECIALITIES and APPLICATIONS... So I'm not wasting anymore time with your self-imposed ignorance and trolling.. Can a biologist study the climate pressure on a species and UNDERSTAND what warming rates are likely?

Is a mathematician or a data analyst restricted to any one particular application area? In many application areas, you HAVE to be a physicist AND a chemist.. And Climate science has the BROADEST need for multi-disciplinary teamwork. And for fuck sake, most any physicist, chemist, data analyst, engineer can follow the task of collecting and analyzing something as simple as FUCKING THERMOMETER READINGS...,

Most scientists have been "read into" a large NUMBER of application areas.. Friends of mine at Lawrence Livermore had to reinvent that place when the Cold War ended. They ended up transitioning from NUCLEAR WEAPONS to kidney dialysis and Biometric Identification and mine sweeping and robotics.

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties...

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties, so some anonymous internet warrior who claims to have a passing understanding of one of those fringe areas, but no credentials at all in the main specialty, is probably not as credible as those that do have credentials in climate science. If you wanted technical advice on playing the cello, would you go by what Yo-yo Ma had to offer, or would you prefer what some internet idiot who might have played an instrument of some kind in school had to say.

THE difference is that people can actually HEAR Yo-Yo Ma play the cello in lieu of simply taking his word for it and that we must believe him because he makes the claim

Again, I'm not an expert on the Cello any more that I am on Climate Science. The best I can do is go by their credentials. Yo-yo Ma has brought tears to my eyes with his performances, but that has happened with other musicians too. I am not qualified to judge his technical knowledge over any other Cellists. I have to go with credentials, and the judgement of the top in his field, just like I do with Climate Scientists. .
You have no clue how science is organized and works. Ocasio-Cortez is a waitress with a bogus economics degree hawking a grand glitter farting Green Raw Meal because she KNOWS the world is gonna end in 12 years and she wants to SCARE THE PISS out of 5th graders..

Climate science is perhaps the most INTERDISCIPLINARY science that ever stalked the planet. You can write as a climate scientist on anything from rodents to atmospheric physics. It could not EXIST without about 10 important scientific specialties.. It has been largely based on data analysis and modeling which IS my specialty for my career.. I've found signals and images that nobody else had been able to do. From ocean acoustics to missile launch sites to breast tumors. My career tools have been used in over a dozen specialty disciplines and are VERY applicable to reading climate science.

ANYONE that can read thru a monthly issue of Scientific American can read and interpret climate science. And the fact that Scientific American has readership by virtually all of the science specialties shows how fungible (tradeable) science tools and skill are. I've had to learn specialties in MANY fields during my career, but I have valid credentials in Earth science from designing the image processing systems and algorithms STILL in use for analyzing Earth resources from space. Algorithms that include the EARLIEST "sea ice" calculators and land cover classifiers. So NONE of what I read in climate science intimidates me.. It's actually mostly 80% data preparation/analysis.. No more intimidating that learning marine mammal biology and communication than I've done for research contracts in the past.

Virtually no serious research scientist I've worked with has the "hoarder" office of Phil Jones. THat's just appalling. But it's NOT germane. What IS germane is that East Anglia has REPEATEDLY restricted access to their data and data prep methods for replication. That is the "coin of the realm" in science and how "theories" get verified...

This whole Clown convention has been skewed by a dozen or so "activists in labcoats" giving the media and the public a "catastrophic" interpretation of GW science. They gave cover to politicians and partisan journalists to LIE about what is known and generally agreed upon.. And THAT is what those graphs I gave you show.. The VAST MAJORITY of people working in this field object to the hype and distortions that had fueled this train. And it's over.. Those days are gone. You don't hear credible people hawking DOOM and destruction monthly in the media now. Except for those waitresses serving up Green Raw Meals so that they can control the entire economy and well-being of every citizen....

WHY isn't this runaway circus train on the tracks anymore? Because, science doesn't appreciate being used and abused. Look at those 2 polling graphs again.. The bar charts aren't any more intimidating than reading a Pew Poll..,. YOU can even do it...,.,

Got it. Science is such a general endeavor till there is no difference between any of the different disciplines. A physicist is the same as chemist is the same as a astronomer is the same as a mathematician is the same as a biologist. Of course all of those disciplines are subservient to someone who can code a little bit. I can build and code a little biofeedback devise based on galvanic effect. Does that make me a super scientist too? Does that mean my knowledge is the combination of all knowledge contained in each and every one of the scientific disciplines, or would that just make me a blow hard like you if I made that claim?

You ABSOLUTELY failed to grasp the difference between SPECIALITIES and APPLICATIONS... So I'm not wasting anymore time with your self-imposed ignorance and trolling.. Can a biologist study the climate pressure on a species and UNDERSTAND what warming rates are likely?

Is a mathematician or a data analyst restricted to any one particular application area? In many application areas, you HAVE to be a physicist AND a chemist.. And Climate science has the BROADEST need for multi-disciplinary teamwork. And for fuck sake, most any physicist, chemist, data analyst, engineer can follow the task of collecting and analyzing something as simple as FUCKING THERMOMETER READINGS...,

Most scientists have been "read into" a large NUMBER of application areas.. Friends of mine at Lawrence Livermore had to reinvent that place when the Cold War ended. They ended up transitioning from NUCLEAR WEAPONS to kidney dialysis and Biometric Identification and mine sweeping and robotics.

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties...

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties, so some anonymous internet warrior who claims to have a passing understanding of one of those fringe areas, but no credentials at all in the main specialty, is probably not as credible as those that do have credentials in climate science. If you wanted technical advice on playing the cello, would you go by what Yo-yo Ma had to offer, or would you prefer what some internet idiot who might have played an instrument of some kind in school had to say.

THE difference is that people can actually HEAR Yo-Yo Ma play the cello in lieu of simply taking his word for it and that we must believe him because he makes the claim

Again, I'm not an expert on the Cello any more that I am on Climate Science. The best I can do is go by their credentials. Yo-yo Ma has brought tears to my eyes with his performances, but that has happened with other musicians too. I am not qualified to judge his technical knowledge over any other Cellists. I have to go with credentials, and the judgement of the top in his field, just like I do with Climate Scientists. .

AGAIN, you can see the talent of Yo-Yo Ma and witness it in lieu of taking the word of experts. "Climate Change Is Man-Made" scientists are funded by the very ones that are directing them to come to the conclusion. They work at the leisure of the IPCC that is part of the U.N.

This "environmental crisis" is being orchestrated and was planned almost 50 years ago.
Got it. Science is such a general endeavor till there is no difference between any of the different disciplines. A physicist is the same as chemist is the same as a astronomer is the same as a mathematician is the same as a biologist. Of course all of those disciplines are subservient to someone who can code a little bit. I can build and code a little biofeedback devise based on galvanic effect. Does that make me a super scientist too? Does that mean my knowledge is the combination of all knowledge contained in each and every one of the scientific disciplines, or would that just make me a blow hard like you if I made that claim?

You ABSOLUTELY failed to grasp the difference between SPECIALITIES and APPLICATIONS... So I'm not wasting anymore time with your self-imposed ignorance and trolling.. Can a biologist study the climate pressure on a species and UNDERSTAND what warming rates are likely?

Is a mathematician or a data analyst restricted to any one particular application area? In many application areas, you HAVE to be a physicist AND a chemist.. And Climate science has the BROADEST need for multi-disciplinary teamwork. And for fuck sake, most any physicist, chemist, data analyst, engineer can follow the task of collecting and analyzing something as simple as FUCKING THERMOMETER READINGS...,

Most scientists have been "read into" a large NUMBER of application areas.. Friends of mine at Lawrence Livermore had to reinvent that place when the Cold War ended. They ended up transitioning from NUCLEAR WEAPONS to kidney dialysis and Biometric Identification and mine sweeping and robotics.

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties...

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties, so some anonymous internet warrior who claims to have a passing understanding of one of those fringe areas, but no credentials at all in the main specialty, is probably not as credible as those that do have credentials in climate science. If you wanted technical advice on playing the cello, would you go by what Yo-yo Ma had to offer, or would you prefer what some internet idiot who might have played an instrument of some kind in school had to say.

THE difference is that people can actually HEAR Yo-Yo Ma play the cello in lieu of simply taking his word for it and that we must believe him because he makes the claim

Again, I'm not an expert on the Cello any more that I am on Climate Science. The best I can do is go by their credentials. Yo-yo Ma has brought tears to my eyes with his performances, but that has happened with other musicians too. I am not qualified to judge his technical knowledge over any other Cellists. I have to go with credentials, and the judgement of the top in his field, just like I do with Climate Scientists. .

AGAIN, you can see the talent of Yo-Yo Ma and witness it in lieu of taking the word of experts. "Climate Change Is Man-Made" scientists are funded by the very ones that are directing them to come to the conclusion. They work at the leisure of the IPCC that is part of the U.N.

This "environmental crisis" is being orchestrated and was planned almost 50 years ago.

Of course I recognize his artistic genius. I was originally comparing his unquestionable authority in his field to that of some anonymous poster who claims his peripherial .training is just as valid. That would be just as dumb as taking the word of some internet idiot who thinks all scientific fields are the same over real climate scientists.
You have no clue how science is organized and works. Ocasio-Cortez is a waitress with a bogus economics degree hawking a grand glitter farting Green Raw Meal because she KNOWS the world is gonna end in 12 years and she wants to SCARE THE PISS out of 5th graders..

Climate science is perhaps the most INTERDISCIPLINARY science that ever stalked the planet. You can write as a climate scientist on anything from rodents to atmospheric physics. It could not EXIST without about 10 important scientific specialties.. It has been largely based on data analysis and modeling which IS my specialty for my career.. I've found signals and images that nobody else had been able to do. From ocean acoustics to missile launch sites to breast tumors. My career tools have been used in over a dozen specialty disciplines and are VERY applicable to reading climate science.

ANYONE that can read thru a monthly issue of Scientific American can read and interpret climate science. And the fact that Scientific American has readership by virtually all of the science specialties shows how fungible (tradeable) science tools and skill are. I've had to learn specialties in MANY fields during my career, but I have valid credentials in Earth science from designing the image processing systems and algorithms STILL in use for analyzing Earth resources from space. Algorithms that include the EARLIEST "sea ice" calculators and land cover classifiers. So NONE of what I read in climate science intimidates me.. It's actually mostly 80% data preparation/analysis.. No more intimidating that learning marine mammal biology and communication than I've done for research contracts in the past.

Virtually no serious research scientist I've worked with has the "hoarder" office of Phil Jones. THat's just appalling. But it's NOT germane. What IS germane is that East Anglia has REPEATEDLY restricted access to their data and data prep methods for replication. That is the "coin of the realm" in science and how "theories" get verified...

This whole Clown convention has been skewed by a dozen or so "activists in labcoats" giving the media and the public a "catastrophic" interpretation of GW science. They gave cover to politicians and partisan journalists to LIE about what is known and generally agreed upon.. And THAT is what those graphs I gave you show.. The VAST MAJORITY of people working in this field object to the hype and distortions that had fueled this train. And it's over.. Those days are gone. You don't hear credible people hawking DOOM and destruction monthly in the media now. Except for those waitresses serving up Green Raw Meals so that they can control the entire economy and well-being of every citizen....

WHY isn't this runaway circus train on the tracks anymore? Because, science doesn't appreciate being used and abused. Look at those 2 polling graphs again.. The bar charts aren't any more intimidating than reading a Pew Poll..,. YOU can even do it...,.,

Got it. Science is such a general endeavor till there is no difference between any of the different disciplines. A physicist is the same as chemist is the same as a astronomer is the same as a mathematician is the same as a biologist. Of course all of those disciplines are subservient to someone who can code a little bit. I can build and code a little biofeedback devise based on galvanic effect. Does that make me a super scientist too? Does that mean my knowledge is the combination of all knowledge contained in each and every one of the scientific disciplines, or would that just make me a blow hard like you if I made that claim?

You ABSOLUTELY failed to grasp the difference between SPECIALITIES and APPLICATIONS... So I'm not wasting anymore time with your self-imposed ignorance and trolling.. Can a biologist study the climate pressure on a species and UNDERSTAND what warming rates are likely?

Is a mathematician or a data analyst restricted to any one particular application area? In many application areas, you HAVE to be a physicist AND a chemist.. And Climate science has the BROADEST need for multi-disciplinary teamwork. And for fuck sake, most any physicist, chemist, data analyst, engineer can follow the task of collecting and analyzing something as simple as FUCKING THERMOMETER READINGS...,

Most scientists have been "read into" a large NUMBER of application areas.. Friends of mine at Lawrence Livermore had to reinvent that place when the Cold War ended. They ended up transitioning from NUCLEAR WEAPONS to kidney dialysis and Biometric Identification and mine sweeping and robotics.

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties...

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties, so some anonymous internet warrior who claims to have a passing understanding of one of those fringe areas, but no credentials at all in the main specialty, is probably not as credible as those that do have credentials in climate science. If you wanted technical advice on playing the cello, would you go by what Yo-yo Ma had to offer, or would you prefer what some internet idiot who might have played an instrument of some kind in school had to say.

THE difference is that people can actually HEAR Yo-Yo Ma play the cello in lieu of simply taking his word for it and that we must believe him because he makes the claim

Again, I'm not an expert on the Cello any more that I am on Climate Science. The best I can do is go by their credentials. Yo-yo Ma has brought tears to my eyes with his performances, but that has happened with other musicians too. I am not qualified to judge his technical knowledge over any other Cellists. I have to go with credentials, and the judgement of the top in his field, just like I do with Climate Scientists. .

You would have no fucking clue what credentials make you a "climate scientist"... 2/3 of the IPCC specialists were not even climate scientists and YET these economists, sociologists, and public policy folks got to have editorial control of what the hired help "science" section got to publish to the public.. You can get a "climatology" credential from 3 different University depts and NONE of them are equal in terms of curriculum or subject matter..

While folks like me that do have specialties in modeling, data analysis, and systems theory cover the IMPORTANT gaps in the ACADEMIC knowledge of a "climate scientist".. You have a very childish view of how the science community is actually organized and what "credentials" in Climate science actually mean.. A Paleontologist is just as much a climate scientist as many meteorologists or Earth Resource scientists when it comes to GW/CC..

You just have opinions and "appeals to authority" that don't make sense. Ain't my problem you haven't made an attempt to understand the issue.. There's an epidemic of folks not studying issues and relying on others for talking points..
Got it. Science is such a general endeavor till there is no difference between any of the different disciplines. A physicist is the same as chemist is the same as a astronomer is the same as a mathematician is the same as a biologist. Of course all of those disciplines are subservient to someone who can code a little bit. I can build and code a little biofeedback devise based on galvanic effect. Does that make me a super scientist too? Does that mean my knowledge is the combination of all knowledge contained in each and every one of the scientific disciplines, or would that just make me a blow hard like you if I made that claim?

You ABSOLUTELY failed to grasp the difference between SPECIALITIES and APPLICATIONS... So I'm not wasting anymore time with your self-imposed ignorance and trolling.. Can a biologist study the climate pressure on a species and UNDERSTAND what warming rates are likely?

Is a mathematician or a data analyst restricted to any one particular application area? In many application areas, you HAVE to be a physicist AND a chemist.. And Climate science has the BROADEST need for multi-disciplinary teamwork. And for fuck sake, most any physicist, chemist, data analyst, engineer can follow the task of collecting and analyzing something as simple as FUCKING THERMOMETER READINGS...,

Most scientists have been "read into" a large NUMBER of application areas.. Friends of mine at Lawrence Livermore had to reinvent that place when the Cold War ended. They ended up transitioning from NUCLEAR WEAPONS to kidney dialysis and Biometric Identification and mine sweeping and robotics.

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties...

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties, so some anonymous internet warrior who claims to have a passing understanding of one of those fringe areas, but no credentials at all in the main specialty, is probably not as credible as those that do have credentials in climate science. If you wanted technical advice on playing the cello, would you go by what Yo-yo Ma had to offer, or would you prefer what some internet idiot who might have played an instrument of some kind in school had to say.

THE difference is that people can actually HEAR Yo-Yo Ma play the cello in lieu of simply taking his word for it and that we must believe him because he makes the claim

Again, I'm not an expert on the Cello any more that I am on Climate Science. The best I can do is go by their credentials. Yo-yo Ma has brought tears to my eyes with his performances, but that has happened with other musicians too. I am not qualified to judge his technical knowledge over any other Cellists. I have to go with credentials, and the judgement of the top in his field, just like I do with Climate Scientists. .

You would have no fucking clue what credentials make you a "climate scientist"... 2/3 of the IPCC specialists were not even climate scientists and YET these economists, sociologists, and public policy folks got to have editorial control of what the hired help "science" section got to publish to the public.. You can get a "climatology" credential from 3 different University depts and NONE of them are equal in terms of curriculum or subject matter..

While folks like me that do have specialties in modeling, data analysis, and systems theory cover all the IMPORTANT gaps in the knowledge of a "climate scientist".. You have a very childish view of how the science community is actually organized and what "credentials" in Climate science actually mean.. A Paleontologist is just as much a climate scientist as many meteorologists or Earth Resource scientists when it comes to GW/CC..

You just have opinions and "appeals to authority" that don't make sense. Ain't my problem..

So now all Paleontologists are climate scientists, as are Geologists, Computer coders, and a host of other fields. My first computer course in college was Fortran. Does that mean I'm a climate scientist too?
You ABSOLUTELY failed to grasp the difference between SPECIALITIES and APPLICATIONS... So I'm not wasting anymore time with your self-imposed ignorance and trolling.. Can a biologist study the climate pressure on a species and UNDERSTAND what warming rates are likely?

Is a mathematician or a data analyst restricted to any one particular application area? In many application areas, you HAVE to be a physicist AND a chemist.. And Climate science has the BROADEST need for multi-disciplinary teamwork. And for fuck sake, most any physicist, chemist, data analyst, engineer can follow the task of collecting and analyzing something as simple as FUCKING THERMOMETER READINGS...,

Most scientists have been "read into" a large NUMBER of application areas.. Friends of mine at Lawrence Livermore had to reinvent that place when the Cold War ended. They ended up transitioning from NUCLEAR WEAPONS to kidney dialysis and Biometric Identification and mine sweeping and robotics.

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties...

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties, so some anonymous internet warrior who claims to have a passing understanding of one of those fringe areas, but no credentials at all in the main specialty, is probably not as credible as those that do have credentials in climate science. If you wanted technical advice on playing the cello, would you go by what Yo-yo Ma had to offer, or would you prefer what some internet idiot who might have played an instrument of some kind in school had to say.

THE difference is that people can actually HEAR Yo-Yo Ma play the cello in lieu of simply taking his word for it and that we must believe him because he makes the claim

Again, I'm not an expert on the Cello any more that I am on Climate Science. The best I can do is go by their credentials. Yo-yo Ma has brought tears to my eyes with his performances, but that has happened with other musicians too. I am not qualified to judge his technical knowledge over any other Cellists. I have to go with credentials, and the judgement of the top in his field, just like I do with Climate Scientists. .

You would have no fucking clue what credentials make you a "climate scientist"... 2/3 of the IPCC specialists were not even climate scientists and YET these economists, sociologists, and public policy folks got to have editorial control of what the hired help "science" section got to publish to the public.. You can get a "climatology" credential from 3 different University depts and NONE of them are equal in terms of curriculum or subject matter..

While folks like me that do have specialties in modeling, data analysis, and systems theory cover all the IMPORTANT gaps in the knowledge of a "climate scientist".. You have a very childish view of how the science community is actually organized and what "credentials" in Climate science actually mean.. A Paleontologist is just as much a climate scientist as many meteorologists or Earth Resource scientists when it comes to GW/CC..

You just have opinions and "appeals to authority" that don't make sense. Ain't my problem..

So now all Paleontologists are climate scientists, as are Geologists, Computer coders, and a host of other fields. My first computer course in college was Fortran. Does that mean I'm a climate scientist too?

Paleontogists and Geologists ARE climate scientists.. Yes they are.. Where do you think the Earth's Climate History is studied moron??? Who divines tree rings and ice cores? . Sorry "computer coders" are useful, but only to do what they are told to do..

That's not to dissuade you from TRYING to educate yourself from primary science sources on CC/GW... Originally, I thought you were smart enough to do that. Now it appears you're too lazy and nasty to even spend the time...

In fact, one of 3 Univ depts handing out Climate Science degrees is the Geology Dept. And THERE there's not much math, modeling, physics to be had at all.
Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties, so some anonymous internet warrior who claims to have a passing understanding of one of those fringe areas, but no credentials at all in the main specialty, is probably not as credible as those that do have credentials in climate science. If you wanted technical advice on playing the cello, would you go by what Yo-yo Ma had to offer, or would you prefer what some internet idiot who might have played an instrument of some kind in school had to say.

THE difference is that people can actually HEAR Yo-Yo Ma play the cello in lieu of simply taking his word for it and that we must believe him because he makes the claim

Again, I'm not an expert on the Cello any more that I am on Climate Science. The best I can do is go by their credentials. Yo-yo Ma has brought tears to my eyes with his performances, but that has happened with other musicians too. I am not qualified to judge his technical knowledge over any other Cellists. I have to go with credentials, and the judgement of the top in his field, just like I do with Climate Scientists. .

You would have no fucking clue what credentials make you a "climate scientist"... 2/3 of the IPCC specialists were not even climate scientists and YET these economists, sociologists, and public policy folks got to have editorial control of what the hired help "science" section got to publish to the public.. You can get a "climatology" credential from 3 different University depts and NONE of them are equal in terms of curriculum or subject matter..

While folks like me that do have specialties in modeling, data analysis, and systems theory cover all the IMPORTANT gaps in the knowledge of a "climate scientist".. You have a very childish view of how the science community is actually organized and what "credentials" in Climate science actually mean.. A Paleontologist is just as much a climate scientist as many meteorologists or Earth Resource scientists when it comes to GW/CC..

You just have opinions and "appeals to authority" that don't make sense. Ain't my problem..

So now all Paleontologists are climate scientists, as are Geologists, Computer coders, and a host of other fields. My first computer course in college was Fortran. Does that mean I'm a climate scientist too?

Paleontogists and Geologists ARE climate scientists.. Yes they are.. Where do you think the Earth's Climate History is studied moron??? Who divines tree rings and ice cores? . Sorry "computer coders" are useful, but only to do what they are told to do..

That's not to dissuade you from TRYING to educate yourself from primary science sources on CC/GW... Originally, I thought you were smart enough to do that. Now it appears you're too lazy and nasty to even spend the time...

In fact, one of 3 Univ depts handing out Climate Science degrees is the Geology Dept. And THERE there's not much math, modeling, physics to be had at all.

Thank you for educating me, but I'm not a geologist either. Even if I was, I doubt I would be qualified to discredit majority of the top people in that field. Are you qualified to discredit the majority of the top people in the field of geology?
THE difference is that people can actually HEAR Yo-Yo Ma play the cello in lieu of simply taking his word for it and that we must believe him because he makes the claim

Again, I'm not an expert on the Cello any more that I am on Climate Science. The best I can do is go by their credentials. Yo-yo Ma has brought tears to my eyes with his performances, but that has happened with other musicians too. I am not qualified to judge his technical knowledge over any other Cellists. I have to go with credentials, and the judgement of the top in his field, just like I do with Climate Scientists. .

You would have no fucking clue what credentials make you a "climate scientist"... 2/3 of the IPCC specialists were not even climate scientists and YET these economists, sociologists, and public policy folks got to have editorial control of what the hired help "science" section got to publish to the public.. You can get a "climatology" credential from 3 different University depts and NONE of them are equal in terms of curriculum or subject matter..

While folks like me that do have specialties in modeling, data analysis, and systems theory cover all the IMPORTANT gaps in the knowledge of a "climate scientist".. You have a very childish view of how the science community is actually organized and what "credentials" in Climate science actually mean.. A Paleontologist is just as much a climate scientist as many meteorologists or Earth Resource scientists when it comes to GW/CC..

You just have opinions and "appeals to authority" that don't make sense. Ain't my problem..

So now all Paleontologists are climate scientists, as are Geologists, Computer coders, and a host of other fields. My first computer course in college was Fortran. Does that mean I'm a climate scientist too?

Paleontogists and Geologists ARE climate scientists.. Yes they are.. Where do you think the Earth's Climate History is studied moron??? Who divines tree rings and ice cores? . Sorry "computer coders" are useful, but only to do what they are told to do..

That's not to dissuade you from TRYING to educate yourself from primary science sources on CC/GW... Originally, I thought you were smart enough to do that. Now it appears you're too lazy and nasty to even spend the time...

In fact, one of 3 Univ depts handing out Climate Science degrees is the Geology Dept. And THERE there's not much math, modeling, physics to be had at all.

Thank you for educating me, but I'm not a geologist either. Even if I was, I doubt I would be qualified to discredit majority of the top people in that field. Are you qualified to discredit the majority of the top people in the field of geology?

Where have I discredited anyone but those 8 or 10 activists in labcoats giving mutilated information to the press and politicians. You cannot even write a single paragraph about the questions that these ficticious consensus scientists actually AGREE ON.. That's how badly you're making a fool of yourself here.

They MUST all agree that there's only 120 days to save the planet RIGHT??? Grow the fuck up.. Tell me all the important things these omniscient, brain heavy people agree on.. INCLUDING -- what's the temperature anomaly GONNA BE in 2100??? And all the qualifiers that I asked Crick for that are required explanation for the prediction..

Can you tell me HOW they convinced you that the Earth was heading for doom and destruction???

Start with how hot it's gonna be 50 years from now.. Did they CONVINCE YOU??? Or are you just a push over for "credentials"???
Again, I'm not an expert on the Cello any more that I am on Climate Science. The best I can do is go by their credentials. Yo-yo Ma has brought tears to my eyes with his performances, but that has happened with other musicians too. I am not qualified to judge his technical knowledge over any other Cellists. I have to go with credentials, and the judgement of the top in his field, just like I do with Climate Scientists. .

You would have no fucking clue what credentials make you a "climate scientist"... 2/3 of the IPCC specialists were not even climate scientists and YET these economists, sociologists, and public policy folks got to have editorial control of what the hired help "science" section got to publish to the public.. You can get a "climatology" credential from 3 different University depts and NONE of them are equal in terms of curriculum or subject matter..

While folks like me that do have specialties in modeling, data analysis, and systems theory cover all the IMPORTANT gaps in the knowledge of a "climate scientist".. You have a very childish view of how the science community is actually organized and what "credentials" in Climate science actually mean.. A Paleontologist is just as much a climate scientist as many meteorologists or Earth Resource scientists when it comes to GW/CC..

You just have opinions and "appeals to authority" that don't make sense. Ain't my problem..

So now all Paleontologists are climate scientists, as are Geologists, Computer coders, and a host of other fields. My first computer course in college was Fortran. Does that mean I'm a climate scientist too?

Paleontogists and Geologists ARE climate scientists.. Yes they are.. Where do you think the Earth's Climate History is studied moron??? Who divines tree rings and ice cores? . Sorry "computer coders" are useful, but only to do what they are told to do..

That's not to dissuade you from TRYING to educate yourself from primary science sources on CC/GW... Originally, I thought you were smart enough to do that. Now it appears you're too lazy and nasty to even spend the time...

In fact, one of 3 Univ depts handing out Climate Science degrees is the Geology Dept. And THERE there's not much math, modeling, physics to be had at all.

Thank you for educating me, but I'm not a geologist either. Even if I was, I doubt I would be qualified to discredit majority of the top people in that field. Are you qualified to discredit the majority of the top people in the field of geology?

Where have I discredited anyone but those 8 or 10 activists in labcoats giving mutilated information to the press and politicians. You cannot even write a single paragraph about the questions that these ficticious consensus scientists actually AGREE ON.. That's how badly you're making a fool of yourself here.

They MUST all agree that there's only 120 days to save the planet RIGHT??? Grow the fuck up.. Tell me all the important things these omniscient, brain heavy people agree on.. INCLUDING -- what's the temperature anomaly GONNA BE in 2100??? And all the qualifiers that I asked Crick for that are required explanation for the prediction..

Can you tell me HOW they convinced you that the Earth was heading for doom and destruction???

Start with how hot it's gonna be 50 years from now.. Did they CONVINCE YOU??? Or are you just a push over for "credentials"???

You think only 8 or 10 climate scientists say man made climate change is real? You know that's nuts. right? Where did you come up with only 120 days to save the planet? Something Alex Jones told you?
You ABSOLUTELY failed to grasp the difference between SPECIALITIES and APPLICATIONS... So I'm not wasting anymore time with your self-imposed ignorance and trolling.. Can a biologist study the climate pressure on a species and UNDERSTAND what warming rates are likely?

Is a mathematician or a data analyst restricted to any one particular application area? In many application areas, you HAVE to be a physicist AND a chemist.. And Climate science has the BROADEST need for multi-disciplinary teamwork. And for fuck sake, most any physicist, chemist, data analyst, engineer can follow the task of collecting and analyzing something as simple as FUCKING THERMOMETER READINGS...,

Most scientists have been "read into" a large NUMBER of application areas.. Friends of mine at Lawrence Livermore had to reinvent that place when the Cold War ended. They ended up transitioning from NUCLEAR WEAPONS to kidney dialysis and Biometric Identification and mine sweeping and robotics.

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties...

Climate science is a very large APPLICATION AREA requiring DOZENS of specialties, so some anonymous internet warrior who claims to have a passing understanding of one of those fringe areas, but no credentials at all in the main specialty, is probably not as credible as those that do have credentials in climate science. If you wanted technical advice on playing the cello, would you go by what Yo-yo Ma had to offer, or would you prefer what some internet idiot who might have played an instrument of some kind in school had to say.

THE difference is that people can actually HEAR Yo-Yo Ma play the cello in lieu of simply taking his word for it and that we must believe him because he makes the claim

Again, I'm not an expert on the Cello any more that I am on Climate Science. The best I can do is go by their credentials. Yo-yo Ma has brought tears to my eyes with his performances, but that has happened with other musicians too. I am not qualified to judge his technical knowledge over any other Cellists. I have to go with credentials, and the judgement of the top in his field, just like I do with Climate Scientists. .

AGAIN, you can see the talent of Yo-Yo Ma and witness it in lieu of taking the word of experts. "Climate Change Is Man-Made" scientists are funded by the very ones that are directing them to come to the conclusion. They work at the leisure of the IPCC that is part of the U.N.

This "environmental crisis" is being orchestrated and was planned almost 50 years ago.

Of course I recognize his artistic genius. I was originally comparing his unquestionable authority in his field to that of some anonymous poster who claims his peripherial .training is just as valid. That would be just as dumb as taking the word of some internet idiot who thinks all scientific fields are the same over real climate scientists.

The problem lies in the fact that Yo-Yo Ma's talent is self-evident and no one with an ear for music has to be convinced of it. "Climate" scientists that get their funding from the very elites that are pushing the notion that "the enemy of the planet is humankind" and thus must be taxed further for merely existing and leaving a carbon footprint in order to pay penance to "Mother Gaia" is total bullshit. Keep spewing the same shit over and over and over like a song you can't get out of your head and the indoctrination takes root.

This was all planned decades ago when they started planting seeds about how pollution was killing the planet but THEY were the ones exacerbating the problem by intentionally polluting on a massive scale with corporations (that they own) that used our rivers, creeks and lakes to rid themselves of industrial waste and then blamed it on us. Technology to use all gasoline instead of the 20 percent (causing the other 80 percent to be emitted) has been suppressed intentionally. The petro dollar has kept the robber barons flush with Federal Reserve notes to fund asset stripping of countries that had resources they coveted but no means to fend them off. It's the Hegelian Dialectic used all through history and never veering from the script and why should they because it works every fucking time. It pisses me off royally to see decent, hardworking people getting royally fucked as they try to eek out an existence on this shitty prison planet and then told that THEY are the problem....kinda like an abusive husband that beats his wife and "gaslights" her by telling her that she hurt herself and that she is "crazy".

I have just about given up any hope that people will ever wake the fuck up and see the rigged system for what it is. Adolphus Huxley was right, the "Brave New World" where the serfs would embrace their slavery has happened. They have been drugged, poisoned by GMO food and indoctrinated by the biggest propaganda tool ever created which is "television".
Of course I recognize his artistic genius. I was originally comparing his unquestionable authority in his field to that of some anonymous poster who claims his peripherial .training is just as valid. That would be just as dumb as taking the word of some internet idiot who thinks all scientific fields are the same over real climate scientists.

What you will see here, particularly among deniers who have very few climate science experts on their side of the argument, is the contention that the opinions of scientists are irrelevant. They insist that the only thing that matters is that reproducible "proof" appear and that without it, no case can be made for anything.

The problem lies in the fact that Yo-Yo Ma's talent is self-evident and no one with an ear for music has to be convinced of it. "Climate" scientists that get their funding from the very elites that are pushing the notion that "the enemy of the planet is humankind" and thus must be taxed further for merely existing and leaving a carbon footprint in order to pay penance to "Mother Gaia" is total bullshit. Keep spewing the same shit over and over and over like a song you can't get out of your head and the indoctrination takes root.

Are you under the impression that all climate scientists are funded by elites and thus accept the notion that the enemy of the planet is humankind and that all must be taxed simply for existing to pay penance to Mother Gaia? If not, how do you explain that we see no complaints from 'good' scientists about the work of the 'evil' ones ?

This was all planned decades ago when they started planting seeds about how pollution was killing the planet but THEY were the ones exacerbating the problem by intentionally polluting on a massive scale with corporations (that they own) that used our rivers, creeks and lakes to rid themselves of industrial waste and then blamed it on us.

Who is "they" Dale? And if "they" needed to pollute to get rich, why draw attention to it and tell us the practice is harmful and evil?

Technology to use all gasoline instead of the 20 percent (causing the other 80 percent to be emitted) has been suppressed intentionally.

You believe that cars only burn 20% of the gasoline they consume? You believe 80% of it comes out the exhaust pipe? If so, I could take a match to any car's exhaust pipe and turn it into a very powerful flame thrower. But I can't, can I. That's because this statement is utter nonsense Dale.

The petro dollar has kept the robber barons flush with Federal Reserve notes to fund asset stripping of countries that had resources they coveted but no means to fend them off.

With very few exceptions, the petroleum industry consists of corporations owned by stockholders. There are a few very rich folks, but the majority are simple investors. I have no idea what your paranoid delusion about Federal Reserve notes might be but I highly doubt it has anything real to do with the petroleum industry. And if a nation had no means to fend off those who would steal its resources, why do the "robber barons" need federal reserve notes to do so?

It's the Hegelian Dialectic used all through history and never veering from the script

I had heard this term way back in college (and it's supposed to be dialectic, not dialect) but had to look it up again to refresh my memory. From Wikipedia:
Hegelian dialectic, usually presented in a threefold manner, was stated by Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus as comprising three dialectical stages of development: a thesis, giving rise to its reaction; an antithesis, which contradicts or negates the thesis; and the tension between the two being resolved by means of a synthesis. In more simplistic terms, one can consider it thus: problem → reaction → solution. Although this model is often named after Hegel, he himself never used that specific formulation. Hegel ascribed that terminology to Kant. Carrying on Kant's work, Fichte greatly elaborated on the synthesis model and popularized it.

and why should they because it works every fucking time. It pisses me off royally to see decent, hardworking people getting royally fucked as they try to eek out an existence on this shitty prison planet and then told that THEY are the problem....kinda like an abusive husband that beats his wife and "gaslights" her by telling her that she hurt herself and that she is "crazy".

There is nothing about the Hegelian Dialectic that requires or enables to tends towards screwing over hardworking people or victim-blaming.

I have just about given up any hope that people will ever wake the fuck up and see the rigged system for what it is. Adolphus Huxley was right, the "Brave New World" where the serfs would embrace their slavery has happened. They have been drugged, poisoned by GMO food and indoctrinated by the biggest propaganda tool ever created which is "television".

Well that's a lovely sentiment. Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with the topic of this thread or the general theme of this board. Nothing in your post does.

The topic of this thread is whether or not a risk exists that portions of the Earth could become essentially uninhabitable due to unchecked global warming; whether or not there is reason to take drastic and committed action as quickly as possible. My opinions on these two questions are "there does" and "yes".
You would have no fucking clue what credentials make you a "climate scientist"... 2/3 of the IPCC specialists were not even climate scientists and YET these economists, sociologists, and public policy folks got to have editorial control of what the hired help "science" section got to publish to the public.. You can get a "climatology" credential from 3 different University depts and NONE of them are equal in terms of curriculum or subject matter..

While folks like me that do have specialties in modeling, data analysis, and systems theory cover all the IMPORTANT gaps in the knowledge of a "climate scientist".. You have a very childish view of how the science community is actually organized and what "credentials" in Climate science actually mean.. A Paleontologist is just as much a climate scientist as many meteorologists or Earth Resource scientists when it comes to GW/CC..

You just have opinions and "appeals to authority" that don't make sense. Ain't my problem..

So now all Paleontologists are climate scientists, as are Geologists, Computer coders, and a host of other fields. My first computer course in college was Fortran. Does that mean I'm a climate scientist too?

Paleontogists and Geologists ARE climate scientists.. Yes they are.. Where do you think the Earth's Climate History is studied moron??? Who divines tree rings and ice cores? . Sorry "computer coders" are useful, but only to do what they are told to do..

That's not to dissuade you from TRYING to educate yourself from primary science sources on CC/GW... Originally, I thought you were smart enough to do that. Now it appears you're too lazy and nasty to even spend the time...

In fact, one of 3 Univ depts handing out Climate Science degrees is the Geology Dept. And THERE there's not much math, modeling, physics to be had at all.

Thank you for educating me, but I'm not a geologist either. Even if I was, I doubt I would be qualified to discredit majority of the top people in that field. Are you qualified to discredit the majority of the top people in the field of geology?

Where have I discredited anyone but those 8 or 10 activists in labcoats giving mutilated information to the press and politicians. You cannot even write a single paragraph about the questions that these ficticious consensus scientists actually AGREE ON.. That's how badly you're making a fool of yourself here.

They MUST all agree that there's only 120 days to save the planet RIGHT??? Grow the fuck up.. Tell me all the important things these omniscient, brain heavy people agree on.. INCLUDING -- what's the temperature anomaly GONNA BE in 2100??? And all the qualifiers that I asked Crick for that are required explanation for the prediction..

Can you tell me HOW they convinced you that the Earth was heading for doom and destruction???

Start with how hot it's gonna be 50 years from now.. Did they CONVINCE YOU??? Or are you just a push over for "credentials"???

You think only 8 or 10 climate scientists say man made climate change is real? You know that's nuts. right? Where did you come up with only 120 days to save the planet? Something Alex Jones told you?

If you could read as well as you troll -- you'd understand I didn't say "only 8 or 10 climate scientists say that man made climate change is real".. It's not in any of my content.

What I SAID was -- there were only 8 or 10 influential radical movement instigators lining up for interviews to PURPOSELY maul and mis-interpret the science to the media and the politicians who need that cover to present the FEAR and DOOM that kept this circus alive for too long.

Most of that has subsided now.. Not the weekly "end of the planet" projections that we got in the 80s and 90s.. And if you HEAR any -- it's from simpleton politicos and sympathetic leftist media trying to "not let any imaginary crisis go to waste"...

There's an issue. It is NOT a imminent crisis if the surface temperature effect is only 2 or 3DegC in 100 years time.. By THEN -- the whole picture of energy use and emissions will have fundamentally evolved anyways..

Never was.. Just one piece of actually UNDERSTANDING the complex climate system of the planet that we've only had the tools to accurately study for only the past 30 years or so... LOTS of work to do before we can accurately model and predict 50 or 100 years into the future.
Why do we not see the thousands of scientists conducting climate research complaining about those 8 to 10 radical instigators misrepresenting their work?
I trust a scientist's explanation of why it is changing more than I trust right wing radio's explanation.


Did you trust the tens of thousands of scientists who told you that cholesterol caused heart disease....they were wrong

Did you trust the scientists who told you that stress caused ulcers....they were wrong

Did you trust the scientists who told you that salt caused high blood pressure....the were wrong...

Did you trust the scientists who told you that the earth was expanding....they were wrong...

Did you trust the sceintiists who thought that light transmitted through the universe via aether.....they were wrong

Did you trust the scientists who said that phrenology was real....they were wrong

Did you trust the scientists who told you that there were strong genetic differences between the races....they were wrong

Did you trust the scientists who told you that neanderthals didn't exist alongside humans....they were wrong

See a pattern developing here?

Did you trust the scientists who told you that earth might be the only place in the solar system where water exists....they were wrong...

Did you believe the scientists who told you that complex organisms have more genes than a simple organism like an amoeba......they were wrong

Seeing the pattern yet?

Dod you believe the scientists who told you that the universe was 13.7 billion years old?....they were wrong

Did you believe the scientists who said that black holes couldn't exist near young stars...apparently they were wrong...

The fact is that science has been wrong on nearly every scientific topic there is...and the newer the field of science, the more likely they are to be wrong. Climate science is in its really believe it is the only field of science ever to spring forth complete and without error? Really?

You are just one more face in an ocean of faces who are very easily fooled...and the sad thing is that you aren't even aware of it.
I trust a scientist's explanation of why it is changing more than I trust right wing radio's explanation.


Did you trust the tens of thousands of scientists who told you that cholesterol caused heart disease....they were wrong

Did you trust the scientists who told you that stress caused ulcers....they were wrong

Did you trust the scientists who told you that salt caused high blood pressure....the were wrong...

Did you trust the scientists who told you that the earth was expanding....they were wrong...

Did you trust the sceintiists who thought that light transmitted through the universe via aether.....they were wrong

Did you trust the scientists who said that phrenology was real....they were wrong

Did you trust the scientists who told you that there were strong genetic differences between the races....they were wrong

Did you trust the scientists who told you that neanderthals didn't exist alongside humans....they were wrong

See a pattern developing here?

Did you trust the scientists who told you that earth might be the only place in the solar system where water exists....they were wrong...

Did you believe the scientists who told you that complex organisms have more genes than a simple organism like an amoeba......they were wrong

Seeing the pattern yet?

Dod you believe the scientists who told you that the universe was 13.7 billion years old?....they were wrong

Did you believe the scientists who said that black holes couldn't exist near young stars...apparently they were wrong...

The fact is that science has been wrong on nearly every scientific topic there is...and the newer the field of science, the more likely they are to be wrong. Climate science is in its really believe it is the only field of science ever to spring forth complete and without error? Really?

You are just one more face in an ocean of faces who are very easily fooled...and the sad thing is that you aren't even aware of it.

OK. So you don't trust science. That's why you are just another crazy right wing nut bag.

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