The United States Has Spent EIGHT TRILLION DOLLARS Fighting And Policing In The Middle East

I have half a mind to go back and find all the warmongering chest-thumping posts by these hypocrites.
On the other hand, a lot of people on the left opposed it based on trendy anti-Americanism that is such a big element of our popular culture, where the left gets most of its ideas.

Well THIS "member of the left" opposed it because I SAW UN weapons inspectors on the ground on TV when Bush said none were there.

I read the newspapers and could see the BS being thrown around and the weasel wording and parsing which...if you paid attention...showed there was no reason to invade
The United States Has Spent EIGHT TRILLION DOLLARS Fighting And Policing In The Middle East
You can thank Bush for that.

It's funny to watch Trump lead all you psychos leftward. Anti-Bush, no longer claiming WMDs were in Iraq, backstabbing the Kurds, running up trillion dollar deficits, tariff wars, hookers, sucking up to Russia. Trump even blames Bush for 9/11! Where will it end? How far to the left will you follow him?

Give me a break. Bush invaded Iraq over a decade ago. People change. For the record, I personally was against the Iraq invasion from day 1 but many people close to me thought otherwise. For them, it was a matter of patriotism and having faith in our "intelligence services". On the other hand, a lot of people on the left opposed it based on trendy anti-Americanism that is such a big element of our popular culture, where the left gets most of its ideas.
As a military vet who has been deployed the Middle East and other shitholes, I supported the Iraq war. I supported it longer than most. I knew we were going to have to fight and defeat Hussein sooner or later, and the sooner the better since we were degrading the US military with every passing year.

The problem I had with the war was with the total fucking amateurish and stupid way Bush prosecuted it.

I'm sick of watching the hypocrisy of the pseudocons who were rabid warmongers allowing themselves to be led around by the nose by a scumbag corrupt huckster. The very same warmongering fucks who have been screaming for war with Iran for over a decade, and who I can solid gold guarantee you will scream for war with Iran in the future, with no sense of their irony or raging hypocrisy.

They are going along with this betrayal of the Kurds because they are a Trump cult. It has nothing to do with morality or beliefs. They are just blind parroting submissive losers.

There's nothing "conservative" about invading other countries and choosing their leaders for them. Nothing conservative about trying to create a one world global economy. Most people who call themselves conservative are more concerned with domestic social issues and were played for fools by the amoral neoconservatives who dominated the republican party for decades and only played lip service to the issues that mattered to them only to sell out and let shit like mass immigration, gay marriage and transgenderism go mainstream.
Blah blah blah.

I remember Dick Cheney saying during the 2000 campaign we shouldn't be nation builders.

If there is one thing the pseudocons have proven, they are raging hypocrites.

As I said, it is a solid gold guarantee these betrayers of the Kurds will be screaming for war with Iran in the future, just as they have been for the past 13 years.

And North Korea.

Watch. It's a total lock.

The idiot boomer generation is dying off. America will have to contend with a new right wing that actually reads books on history and philosophy instead of getting all of their knowledge from 3 tv networks. On the other hand it will also have to contend with a new left that thinks socialism is cool, the world will end in 10 years and that theres unlimited genders. Interesting days ahead.
You can thank Bush for that.

It's funny to watch Trump lead all you psychos leftward. Anti-Bush, no longer claiming WMDs were in Iraq, backstabbing the Kurds, running up trillion dollar deficits, tariff wars, hookers, sucking up to Russia. Trump even blames Bush for 9/11! Where will it end? How far to the left will you follow him?

Give me a break. Bush invaded Iraq over a decade ago. People change. For the record, I personally was against the Iraq invasion from day 1 but many people close to me thought otherwise. For them, it was a matter of patriotism and having faith in our "intelligence services". On the other hand, a lot of people on the left opposed it based on trendy anti-Americanism that is such a big element of our popular culture, where the left gets most of its ideas.
As a military vet who has been deployed the Middle East and other shitholes, I supported the Iraq war. I supported it longer than most. I knew we were going to have to fight and defeat Hussein sooner or later, and the sooner the better since we were degrading the US military with every passing year.

The problem I had with the war was with the total fucking amateurish and stupid way Bush prosecuted it.

I'm sick of watching the hypocrisy of the pseudocons who were rabid warmongers allowing themselves to be led around by the nose by a scumbag corrupt huckster. The very same warmongering fucks who have been screaming for war with Iran for over a decade, and who I can solid gold guarantee you will scream for war with Iran in the future, with no sense of their irony or raging hypocrisy.

They are going along with this betrayal of the Kurds because they are a Trump cult. It has nothing to do with morality or beliefs. They are just blind parroting submissive losers.

There's nothing "conservative" about invading other countries and choosing their leaders for them. Nothing conservative about trying to create a one world global economy. Most people who call themselves conservative are more concerned with domestic social issues and were played for fools by the amoral neoconservatives who dominated the republican party for decades and only played lip service to the issues that mattered to them only to sell out and let shit like mass immigration, gay marriage and transgenderism go mainstream.
Blah blah blah.

I remember Dick Cheney saying during the 2000 campaign we shouldn't be nation builders.

If there is one thing the pseudocons have proven, they are raging hypocrites.

As I said, it is a solid gold guarantee these betrayers of the Kurds will be screaming for war with Iran in the future, just as they have been for the past 13 years.

And North Korea.

Watch. It's a total lock.

The idiot boomer generation is dying off. America will have to contend with a new right wing that actually reads books on history and philosophy instead of getting all of their knowledge from 3 tv networks. On the other hand it will also have to contend with a new left that thinks socialism is cool, the world will end in 10 years and that theres unlimited genders. Interesting days ahead.

The only thing this bootlicking generation reads are tweets. They have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker. They have the attention span of goldfish.
Give me a break. Bush invaded Iraq over a decade ago. People change. For the record, I personally was against the Iraq invasion from day 1 but many people close to me thought otherwise. For them, it was a matter of patriotism and having faith in our "intelligence services". On the other hand, a lot of people on the left opposed it based on trendy anti-Americanism that is such a big element of our popular culture, where the left gets most of its ideas.
As a military vet who has been deployed the Middle East and other shitholes, I supported the Iraq war. I supported it longer than most. I knew we were going to have to fight and defeat Hussein sooner or later, and the sooner the better since we were degrading the US military with every passing year.

The problem I had with the war was with the total fucking amateurish and stupid way Bush prosecuted it.

I'm sick of watching the hypocrisy of the pseudocons who were rabid warmongers allowing themselves to be led around by the nose by a scumbag corrupt huckster. The very same warmongering fucks who have been screaming for war with Iran for over a decade, and who I can solid gold guarantee you will scream for war with Iran in the future, with no sense of their irony or raging hypocrisy.

They are going along with this betrayal of the Kurds because they are a Trump cult. It has nothing to do with morality or beliefs. They are just blind parroting submissive losers.

There's nothing "conservative" about invading other countries and choosing their leaders for them. Nothing conservative about trying to create a one world global economy. Most people who call themselves conservative are more concerned with domestic social issues and were played for fools by the amoral neoconservatives who dominated the republican party for decades and only played lip service to the issues that mattered to them only to sell out and let shit like mass immigration, gay marriage and transgenderism go mainstream.
Blah blah blah.

I remember Dick Cheney saying during the 2000 campaign we shouldn't be nation builders.

If there is one thing the pseudocons have proven, they are raging hypocrites.

As I said, it is a solid gold guarantee these betrayers of the Kurds will be screaming for war with Iran in the future, just as they have been for the past 13 years.

And North Korea.

Watch. It's a total lock.

The idiot boomer generation is dying off. America will have to contend with a new right wing that actually reads books on history and philosophy instead of getting all of their knowledge from 3 tv networks. On the other hand it will also have to contend with a new left that thinks socialism is cool, the world will end in 10 years and that theres unlimited genders. Interesting days ahead.

The only thing this bootlicking generation reads are tweets. They have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker. They have the attention span of goldfish.

Spoken like a boomer in true boomer fashion.
I'm just not sure who besides Trump was in on betraying the Kurds.

Trump's always been at odds with the neocons except where it's politic for him to say he was for the Iraq invasion and Iran must be civil (because Israel and his SIL's money sources say so).

W killed the gop, with spending and his war. Both Reagan and Poppy viewed neocons with suspicion. W was just too inexperienced. And Cheney became rich. And Powell stood down.

Obama was initially even less inclined to push the West's interests in a stable ME than was Slick, and even then Obama's world view was of America as an Imperialist that exploited other countries … even when that exploitation led to for workers benefitting.

We really have three separate governing "parties." The dems as we've known them before Obama's for policy. The Mitch McConnnell's who view for policy as an extension of multi-nationals interests, and sometimes the neocons support that. And Trump. Who has no real ideology beyond he thinks the world's fucked us for his entire lifetime.
As a military vet who has been deployed the Middle East and other shitholes, I supported the Iraq war. I supported it longer than most. I knew we were going to have to fight and defeat Hussein sooner or later, and the sooner the better since we were degrading the US military with every passing year.

The problem I had with the war was with the total fucking amateurish and stupid way Bush prosecuted it.

I'm sick of watching the hypocrisy of the pseudocons who were rabid warmongers allowing themselves to be led around by the nose by a scumbag corrupt huckster. The very same warmongering fucks who have been screaming for war with Iran for over a decade, and who I can solid gold guarantee you will scream for war with Iran in the future, with no sense of their irony or raging hypocrisy.

They are going along with this betrayal of the Kurds because they are a Trump cult. It has nothing to do with morality or beliefs. They are just blind parroting submissive losers.

There's nothing "conservative" about invading other countries and choosing their leaders for them. Nothing conservative about trying to create a one world global economy. Most people who call themselves conservative are more concerned with domestic social issues and were played for fools by the amoral neoconservatives who dominated the republican party for decades and only played lip service to the issues that mattered to them only to sell out and let shit like mass immigration, gay marriage and transgenderism go mainstream.
Blah blah blah.

I remember Dick Cheney saying during the 2000 campaign we shouldn't be nation builders.

If there is one thing the pseudocons have proven, they are raging hypocrites.

As I said, it is a solid gold guarantee these betrayers of the Kurds will be screaming for war with Iran in the future, just as they have been for the past 13 years.

And North Korea.

Watch. It's a total lock.

The idiot boomer generation is dying off. America will have to contend with a new right wing that actually reads books on history and philosophy instead of getting all of their knowledge from 3 tv networks. On the other hand it will also have to contend with a new left that thinks socialism is cool, the world will end in 10 years and that theres unlimited genders. Interesting days ahead.

The only thing this bootlicking generation reads are tweets. They have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker. They have the attention span of goldfish.

Spoken like a boomer in true boomer fashion.
I'll match my reading list against any Trump bootlicker. Any time, any day.
This act of betrayal is also a surrender to Turkey. This cannot be spun into something good for America. Next? A substantial withdrawal of troops from S Korea.
What nonsense.
Turkey at this point is a NATO ally. A betrayal would be ignoring that agreement with military action.
I thought liberals were for diplomacy which what is happening.
Lindsey Graham says Congress will call for Turkey to be suspended from NATO and hit it with sanctions if it attacks Kurds
Trump Doubled Wasteful Military Spending & pulled out of key conflicts. The money is funding his friends in the Big Government SWAMP!!!
He did and many Dems voted for his military budget, yet they claim Donny is a Russian spy. Go figure.
I'm just not sure who besides Trump was in on betraying the Kurds.

Trump's always been at odds with the neocons except where it's politic for him to say he was for the Iraq invasion and Iran must be civil (because Israel and his SIL's money sources say so).

W killed the gop, with spending and his war. Both Reagan and Poppy viewed neocons with suspicion. W was just too inexperienced. And Cheney became rich. And Powell stood down.

Obama was initially even less inclined to push the West's interests in a stable ME than was Slick, and even then Obama's world view was of America as an Imperialist that exploited other countries … even when that exploitation led to for workers benefitting.

We really have three separate governing "parties." The dems as we've known them before Obama's for policy. The Mitch McConnnell's who view for policy as an extension of multi-nationals interests, and sometimes the neocons support that. And Trump. Who has no real ideology beyond he thinks the world's fucked us for his entire lifetime.
Trump has no beliefs. He is a chameleon. A huckster. He exploits human weakness for personal gain. Everything about Trump is about exploiting weakness for his benefit.

I'm just not sure who besides Trump was in on betraying the Kurds.

Trump's always been at odds with the neocons except where it's politic for him to say he was for the Iraq invasion and Iran must be civil (because Israel and his SIL's money sources say so).

W killed the gop, with spending and his war. Both Reagan and Poppy viewed neocons with suspicion. W was just too inexperienced. And Cheney became rich. And Powell stood down.

Obama was initially even less inclined to push the West's interests in a stable ME than was Slick, and even then Obama's world view was of America as an Imperialist that exploited other countries … even when that exploitation led to for workers benefitting.

We really have three separate governing "parties." The dems as we've known them before Obama's for policy. The Mitch McConnnell's who view for policy as an extension of multi-nationals interests, and sometimes the neocons support that. And Trump. Who has no real ideology beyond he thinks the world's fucked us for his entire lifetime.
Trump has no beliefs. He is a chameleon. A huckster. He exploits human weakness for personal gain. Everything about Trump is about exploiting weakness for his benefit.

Yes. But those who think our neverending deployments to Europe and Korea are not all wrong, imo, because the deployments themselves tend to become the reason to continue.

That said, we never had any actual deployement in Syria beyond the same number of special forces we have in places in Africa and elsewhere in the ME to keep an eye on Radical Muslims. And other goups with no religion.
I'm just not sure who besides Trump was in on betraying the Kurds.

Trump's always been at odds with the neocons except where it's politic for him to say he was for the Iraq invasion and Iran must be civil (because Israel and his SIL's money sources say so).

W killed the gop, with spending and his war. Both Reagan and Poppy viewed neocons with suspicion. W was just too inexperienced. And Cheney became rich. And Powell stood down.

Obama was initially even less inclined to push the West's interests in a stable ME than was Slick, and even then Obama's world view was of America as an Imperialist that exploited other countries … even when that exploitation led to for workers benefitting.

We really have three separate governing "parties." The dems as we've known them before Obama's for policy. The Mitch McConnnell's who view for policy as an extension of multi-nationals interests, and sometimes the neocons support that. And Trump. Who has no real ideology beyond he thinks the world's fucked us for his entire lifetime.
Trump has no beliefs. He is a chameleon. A huckster. He exploits human weakness for personal gain. Everything about Trump is about exploiting weakness for his benefit.

Yes. But those who think our neverending deployments to Europe and Korea are not all wrong, imo, because the deployments themselves tend to become the reason to continue.

That said, we never had any actual deployement in Syria beyond the same number of special forces we have in places in Africa and elsewhere in the ME to keep an eye on Radical Muslims. And other goups with no religion.
This support for the betrayal of the Kurds has NOTHING to do with any of that. That's a cover story for them to parrot as they submit.

It has nothing to do with a particular belief system other than blind submissive Trump worship.

This will be blazingly evident when they return to their regularly scheduled warmongering cries to attack Iran and/or North Korea.

We are talking about a cult here. One so submissive, one in which the cult members' brains are so compartmentalized, they are at the point where they can and do parrot totally contradictory beliefs without a single spark of cognitive dissonance.

They have gone full Orwell.
Now that we are energy independent..the middle east is not the concern they once to be them....

Killing millions of em was the only positive .....put me in charge I would of kept the costs way down American lives and loot
We could of buried the hatchet with Saddam
And the madman from Lybia should of never been removed and killed
He was under control and was making yuge progress for his people
Lybia was thriving ...war monger Hillary had other ideas

Globo homo inc Epic fails

Trump wants to move 50 guys and they lose thier friggin minds

Good news on the energy side

USGS Estimates 214 trillion Cubic Feet of Natural Gas in Appalachian Basin Formations
Release Date: OCTOBER 3, 2019
The Marcellus Shale and Point Pleasant-Utica Shale formations of the Appalachian Basin contain an estimated mean of 214 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered, technically recoverable continuous resources of natural gas, according to new USGS assessments.
“Watching our estimates for the Marcellus rise from 2 trillion to 84 trillion to 97 trillion in under 20 years demonstrates the effects American ingenuity and new technology can have,” said USGS Director Jim Reilly. “Knowing where these resources are located and how much exists is crucial to ensuring our nation’s energy independence.”
USGS: Marcellus/Utica Natural Gas Resource Has Nearly Doubled Since 2012

What has happened to the rabid ANTI-WAR left....Not a THANK GOD, or a HORAY Mr. President.....Now you tell me how DISHONEST, HYPOCRITICAL and DEPLORABLE you on the left really are!!!

Twitter ^ | 10/09/19 | Donald J. Trump

The United States has spent EIGHT TRILLION DOLLARS fighting and policing in the Middle East. Thousands of our Great Soldiers have died or been badly wounded. Millions of people have died on the other side. GOING INTO THE MIDDLE EAST IS THE WORST DECISION EVER MADE.....

....IN THE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY! We went to war under a false & now disproven premise, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. There were NONE! Now we are slowly & carefully bringing our great soldiers & military home. Our focus is on the BIG PICTURE! THE USA IS GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE!


“Fighting between various groups that has been going on for hundreds of years. USA should never have been in Middle East. Moved our 50 soldiers out. Turkey MUST take over captured ISIS fighters that Europe refused to have returned. The stupid endless wars, for us, are ending!”

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Democrats feel like it is not enough... and Mc Cain.

Meanwhile US border is gaping open and invaded, no complaints.
I'm just not sure who besides Trump was in on betraying the Kurds.

Trump's always been at odds with the neocons except where it's politic for him to say he was for the Iraq invasion and Iran must be civil (because Israel and his SIL's money sources say so).

W killed the gop, with spending and his war. Both Reagan and Poppy viewed neocons with suspicion. W was just too inexperienced. And Cheney became rich. And Powell stood down.

Obama was initially even less inclined to push the West's interests in a stable ME than was Slick, and even then Obama's world view was of America as an Imperialist that exploited other countries … even when that exploitation led to for workers benefitting.

We really have three separate governing "parties." The dems as we've known them before Obama's for policy. The Mitch McConnnell's who view for policy as an extension of multi-nationals interests, and sometimes the neocons support that. And Trump. Who has no real ideology beyond he thinks the world's fucked us for his entire lifetime.
Trump has no beliefs. He is a chameleon. A huckster. He exploits human weakness for personal gain. Everything about Trump is about exploiting weakness for his benefit.

Yes. But those who think our neverending deployments to Europe and Korea are not all wrong, imo, because the deployments themselves tend to become the reason to continue.

That said, we never had any actual deployement in Syria beyond the same number of special forces we have in places in Africa and elsewhere in the ME to keep an eye on Radical Muslims. And other goups with no religion.
This support for the betrayal of the Kurds has NOTHING to do with any of that. That's a cover story for them to parrot as they submit.

It has nothing to do with a particular belief system other than blind submissive Trump worship.

This will be blazingly evident when they return to their regularly scheduled warmongering cries to attack Iran and/or North Korea.

We are talking about a cult here. One so submissive, one in which the cult members' brains are so compartmentalized, they are at the point where they can and do parrot totally contradictory beliefs without a single spark of cognitive dissonance.

They have gone full Orwell.

Not all Trump supporters have the same motivation. White supremacists are simply evil people. But not ALL Trump supporters are racist. I'd agree that they are at best grasping at straws and false promises.

They are … Trumpstettes. Obama told workers who don't have healthcare that they too can get on welfare. Gee I think I'd be offended too. McConnell's said they can do fundraisers at local churches to pay for their kids' cancer treatments. That doesn't excuse their embrace of what are laughably false promises made by a man who's loyalty is to self and whose god is Mammon. But it is what it is. Throw a drowning man a faulty life preserver, and he'll grab for it everytime.
Now that we are energy independent..the middle east is not the concern they once to be them....

U.S. & Iran: Not Energy Independent | National Review
Your link seems to be more interested in proving Trump wrong than producing anything factual...all the experts admit...we are nearly energy independent....try again this is fun....

nearly all the expert admit that humans are affecting the climate of the you agree with them?

I cannot help it if you are too stupid to understand the importance of being able to refine the oil, but you are not the brightest bulb on the tree.

The biggest thing you fail to understand is that the oil being pumped out of the ground does not belong to America, it belongs to the multinational companies that are extracting it from the ground and it is sold on the same market that all the other oil produced in the world is sold on.

Unless of course you are suggesting we nationalize those companies.
Now that we are energy independent..the middle east is not the concern they once to be them....

U.S. & Iran: Not Energy Independent | National Review
Your link seems to be more interested in proving Trump wrong than producing anything factual...all the experts admit...we are nearly energy independent....try again this is fun....

nearly all the expert admit that humans are affecting the climate of the you agree with them?

I cannot help it if you are too stupid to understand the importance of being able to refine the oil, but you are not the brightest bulb on the tree.

The biggest thing you fail to understand is that the oil being pumped out of the ground does not belong to America, it belongs to the multinational companies that are extracting it from the ground and it is sold on the same market that all the other oil produced in the world is sold on.

Unless of course you are suggesting we nationalize those companies.
Everything on earth affects the climate...the question is to what extent...dummy....and to that extent can we do anything about it...dum crawl back into your hole...:290968001256257790-final:

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