The United States now has the highest income inequality in the developed world

Mazel Tov!

I'd personally like to thank Wall Street and DC. And a hat tip to their sycophantic, douche bag cheerleaders. The DC/Wall Street combine has been passing laws for decades which favor the banks and the ridiculously wealthy. If you're poor, there's no need to move to Mexico, just give it another decade or so.


The higher the red dot, the higher the income disparity.


Explain to me how life is better in Spain than here. Their income inequality is lower, but so is their GDP per-capita (source). So how is the life of an average person better with less, but only as long as his neighbors aren't much richer or poorer than him.

This idea of shared misery is just stupid.
Shared misery is an idea supported by miserable people who are too lazy to improve their outlook.

They really do hate it that other people are happy.
What is really funny is all of these tools who can not rub two dimes together and have NO future but believe that it is a really great thing that the wealthy own the politicians and can ensure that the middle class and the poor manage to get less and less of the pie and the wealthy get more and more. Because being part of the con tool world, they believe what they are told. And do not read the information out there that explains clearly why it is a dangerous thing. They are a sad lot, but rather funny.
As the us economy becomes less and less important in the world, and as they work longer hours for less pay, they will continue to tell all who will listen how wonderful it is. As they have paid more and more for health care, to the point that they pay twice that of the average world citizen, and have worse than average health care results, they have and will tell all who listen how wonderful our health care is. Because they are con tools. And they believe what they are told.
Thanks to Obama and liberal policies, those who work are a diminishing number.

But tell us again how wonderful Obama is.
Mazel Tov!

I'd personally like to thank Wall Street and DC. And a hat tip to their sycophantic, douche bag cheerleaders. The DC/Wall Street combine has been passing laws for decades which favor the banks and the ridiculously wealthy. If you're poor, there's no need to move to Mexico, just give it another decade or so.


The higher the red dot, the higher the income disparity.


Explain to me how life is better in Spain than here. Their income inequality is lower, but so is their GDP per-capita (source). So how is the life of an average person better with less, but only as long as his neighbors aren't much richer or poorer than him.

This idea of shared misery is just stupid.

Ever been to Spain? It rocks! People might not have suburban McMansions but when they step out on the street, there's a vibrant city to enjoy. The architecture is some of the coolest anywhere and they eat real food prepared by a chef. They work to live rather than living to work and they're friendly to each other.
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What is really funny is all of these tools who can not rub two dimes together and have NO future but believe that it is a really great thing that the wealthy own the politicians and can ensure that the middle class and the poor manage to get less and less of the pie and the wealthy get more and more. Because being part of the con tool world, they believe what they are told. And do not read the information out there that explains clearly why it is a dangerous thing. They are a sad lot, but rather funny.
As the us economy becomes less and less important in the world, and as they work longer hours for less pay, they will continue to tell all who will listen how wonderful it is. As they have paid more and more for health care, to the point that they pay twice that of the average world citizen, and have worse than average health care results, they have and will tell all who listen how wonderful our health care is. Because they are con tools. And they believe what they are told.

I wish I found it funny. Instead, I feel like I'm stuck on a ship of fools.
What is really funny is all of these tools who can not rub two dimes together and have NO future but believe that it is a really great thing that the wealthy own the politicians and can ensure that the middle class and the poor manage to get less and less of the pie and the wealthy get more and more. Because being part of the con tool world, they believe what they are told. And do not read the information out there that explains clearly why it is a dangerous thing. They are a sad lot, but rather funny.
As the us economy becomes less and less important in the world, and as they work longer hours for less pay, they will continue to tell all who will listen how wonderful it is. As they have paid more and more for health care, to the point that they pay twice that of the average world citizen, and have worse than average health care results, they have and will tell all who listen how wonderful our health care is. Because they are con tools. And they believe what they are told.

I agree but what's the solution? I believe both sides could agree on one issue I think. Get money out of politics.
What is really funny is all of these tools who can not rub two dimes together and have NO future but believe that it is a really great thing that the wealthy own the politicians and can ensure that the middle class and the poor manage to get less and less of the pie and the wealthy get more and more. Because being part of the con tool world, they believe what they are told. And do not read the information out there that explains clearly why it is a dangerous thing. They are a sad lot, but rather funny.
As the us economy becomes less and less important in the world, and as they work longer hours for less pay, they will continue to tell all who will listen how wonderful it is. As they have paid more and more for health care, to the point that they pay twice that of the average world citizen, and have worse than average health care results, they have and will tell all who listen how wonderful our health care is. Because they are con tools. And they believe what they are told.

How can the wealthy own the politicians when the politicians have all the power?

The wealthy pay into their campaigns. They give good jobs to the politicians after years of service to them. Like Jim deMint. Working for heritage foundation now. Making way more than he did as senator.
Mazel Tov!

I'd personally like to thank Wall Street and DC. And a hat tip to their sycophantic, douche bag cheerleaders. The DC/Wall Street combine has been passing laws for decades which favor the banks and the ridiculously wealthy. If you're poor, there's no need to move to Mexico, just give it another decade or so.


The higher the red dot, the higher the income disparity.


Explain to me how life is better in Spain than here. Their income inequality is lower, but so is their GDP per-capita (source). So how is the life of an average person better with less, but only as long as his neighbors aren't much richer or poorer than him.

This idea of shared misery is just stupid.

Ever been to Spain? It rocks! People might not have suburban McMansions but when they step out on the street, there's a vibrant city to enjoy. The architecture is some of the coolest anywhere and they eat real food prepared by a chef. They work to live rather than living to work and they're friendly to each other.

Do you honestly think the average person having less money causes that?
What is really funny is all of these tools who can not rub two dimes together and have NO future but believe that it is a really great thing that the wealthy own the politicians and can ensure that the middle class and the poor manage to get less and less of the pie and the wealthy get more and more. Because being part of the con tool world, they believe what they are told. And do not read the information out there that explains clearly why it is a dangerous thing. They are a sad lot, but rather funny.
As the us economy becomes less and less important in the world, and as they work longer hours for less pay, they will continue to tell all who will listen how wonderful it is. As they have paid more and more for health care, to the point that they pay twice that of the average world citizen, and have worse than average health care results, they have and will tell all who listen how wonderful our health care is. Because they are con tools. And they believe what they are told.

I agree but what's the solution? I believe both sides could agree on one issue I think. Get money out of politics.

Wouldn't that just shift control to the government bureaucrats who get to choose who gets better treatment?
What is really funny is all of these tools who can not rub two dimes together and have NO future but believe that it is a really great thing that the wealthy own the politicians and can ensure that the middle class and the poor manage to get less and less of the pie and the wealthy get more and more. Because being part of the con tool world, they believe what they are told. And do not read the information out there that explains clearly why it is a dangerous thing. They are a sad lot, but rather funny.
As the us economy becomes less and less important in the world, and as they work longer hours for less pay, they will continue to tell all who will listen how wonderful it is. As they have paid more and more for health care, to the point that they pay twice that of the average world citizen, and have worse than average health care results, they have and will tell all who listen how wonderful our health care is. Because they are con tools. And they believe what they are told.

I agree but what's the solution? I believe both sides could agree on one issue I think. Get money out of politics.

Wouldn't that just shift control to the government bureaucrats who get to choose who gets better treatment?

I don't see how it would. Right now the control of politicians is in the hands of big money who pay lobbyists. The supreme court decided that corporations are people. People meaning influence via money. Get money out of politics first and then focus on the bureaucrats next. They're not invincible. Imo anyway.
Explain to me how life is better in Spain than here. Their income inequality is lower, but so is their GDP per-capita (source). So how is the life of an average person better with less, but only as long as his neighbors aren't much richer or poorer than him.

This idea of shared misery is just stupid.

Ever been to Spain? It rocks! People might not have suburban McMansions but when they step out on the street, there's a vibrant city to enjoy. The architecture is some of the coolest anywhere and they eat real food prepared by a chef. They work to live rather than living to work and they're friendly to each other.

Do you honestly think the average person having less money causes that?

I'd like to know how poor people can afford to eat food prepared by a chef.
Speaking of Spain:

Jobless Spaniards flood in for slave wages in 'Exodus' - FRANCE 24
Thousands of Spaniards in the depressed southern region of Andalusia are queueing up to play the role of slaves in film-maker Ridley Scott's Biblical epic "Exodus", hoping for a way out of unemployment.

In a region with unemployment at 35 percent, the prospect of work as an extra with a daily wage of 80 euros ($107) has sparked a rush in Almeria where casting is being held for the story of Moses and the Jewish exodus to the promised land.

Bet they don't have chefs.
If you have all that money, you're one of the rich assholes you're complaining about.

Progressives are such flaming hypocrites.

I was intentionally trolling. My posts have have too serious as of late.

I've noticed that most people that don't have a pot to piss in are the ones that pathologically defend the very wealthy. They actually believe some of the more nonsensical narratives about how hard work alone will make them wealthy. Yeah, I've done exceptionally well, but it's was through luck and being in the right place at the right time.
I agree but what's the solution? I believe both sides could agree on one issue I think. Get money out of politics.

Wouldn't that just shift control to the government bureaucrats who get to choose who gets better treatment?

I don't see how it would. Right now the control of politicians is in the hands of big money who pay lobbyists. The supreme court decided that corporations are people. People meaning influence via money. Get money out of politics first and then focus on the bureaucrats next. They're not invincible. Imo anyway.

How do you buy TV and print advertising without money? Who pays?
If you have all that money, you're one of the rich assholes you're complaining about.

Progressives are such flaming hypocrites.

I was intentionally trolling. My posts have have too serious as of late.

I've noticed that most people that don't have a pot to piss in are the ones that pathologically defend the very wealthy. They actually believe some of the more nonsensical narratives about how hard work alone will make them wealthy. Yeah, I've done exceptionally well, but it's was through luck and being in the right place at the right time.

To me, one of the great things about America is that there is less resentment and envy of success than elsewhere. I get conservative criticism of liberals resenting the wealthy, but I'm Canadian, have lived in the UK, and traveled extensively in Europe, and it is my opinion that America is far less resentful of those who are successful than anywhere else. And that's a good thing.
What is really funny is all of these tools who can not rub two dimes together and have NO future but believe that it is a really great thing that the wealthy own the politicians and can ensure that the middle class and the poor manage to get less and less of the pie and the wealthy get more and more. Because being part of the con tool world, they believe what they are told. And do not read the information out there that explains clearly why it is a dangerous thing. They are a sad lot, but rather funny.
As the us economy becomes less and less important in the world, and as they work longer hours for less pay, they will continue to tell all who will listen how wonderful it is. As they have paid more and more for health care, to the point that they pay twice that of the average world citizen, and have worse than average health care results, they have and will tell all who listen how wonderful our health care is. Because they are con tools. And they believe what they are told.

How can the wealthy own the politicians when the politicians have all the power?

The wealthy pay into their campaigns. They give good jobs to the politicians after years of service to them. Like Jim deMint. Working for heritage foundation now. Making way more than he did as senator.

DeMint? How much is he making now? Wanna bet it is less than he made as a politician?

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