The United States now has the highest income inequality in the developed world

Do you honestly think the average person having less money causes that?

A lot of things are socialized over there which boosts the quality of life for the average person. Combine that with a much less powerful corporatocracy. The result is a high quality of life.

Not according to this index:

Quality of Life Index by Country 2013

I'm still trying to figure out how life is better with less just because people are more equally miserable.

More equally miserable... Sounds like a Fox News catchphrase. Or maybe you're a glass is half empty person. I would say more equally happy.
Explain to me how life is better in Spain than here. Their income inequality is lower, but so is their GDP per-capita (source). So how is the life of an average person better with less, but only as long as his neighbors aren't much richer or poorer than him.

This idea of shared misery is just stupid.

Ever been to Spain? It rocks! People might not have suburban McMansions but when they step out on the street, there's a vibrant city to enjoy. The architecture is some of the coolest anywhere and they eat real food prepared by a chef. They work to live rather than living to work and they're friendly to each other.

Except the Spaniards can't find a job.

Jobless Spaniards flood in for slave wages in 'Exodus' - FRANCE 24

Kind of throws a monkeywrench into your theory, huh?

Just the ebb and flow of modern day capitalism. I wouldn't be surprised to read a similar headline about the US and Canada before too long.
A lot of things are socialized over there which boosts the quality of life for the average person. Combine that with a much less powerful corporatocracy. The result is a high quality of life.

Not according to this index:

Quality of Life Index by Country 2013

I'm still trying to figure out how life is better with less just because people are more equally miserable.

More equally miserable... Sounds like a Fox News catchphrase. Or maybe you're a glass is half empty person. I would say more equally happy.

How are they happy with less?

Do you really think life in Spain is good these days?
A lot of things are socialized over there which boosts the quality of life for the average person. Combine that with a much less powerful corporatocracy. The result is a high quality of life.

You are really using Spain as an example of why anything is good?

I've been there. It sounds like you haven't. Spain rocks!

It's a wonderful place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there and I certainly wouldn't want my prosperity to depend on their economy.
A lot of things are socialized over there which boosts the quality of life for the average person. Combine that with a much less powerful corporatocracy. The result is a high quality of life.

You are really using Spain as an example of why anything is good?

I've been there. It sounds like you haven't. Spain rocks!

I particularly love how outsiders like you, mostly yanks, visit other countries in Europe and formulate the assumption that the country is so great simply because you have only visited for a short period of time. On the other hand, we do not see your kind rushing to these European countries in mass droves trying to escape the hell that is apparently America.

A rather peculiar phenomenon if I do say so myself.
Not according to this index:

Quality of Life Index by Country 2013

I'm still trying to figure out how life is better with less just because people are more equally miserable.

More equally miserable... Sounds like a Fox News catchphrase. Or maybe you're a glass is half empty person. I would say more equally happy.

How are they happy with less?

Do you really think life in Spain is good these days?

They're no doubt having some down times. I have as much confidence that they'll eventually recover as any countries that are struggling right now including our own.

How can they be happy with less? Well, beyond a level it would take to be comfortable, money isn't that important. You have to ask yourself what you're giving up in order to make more. Are you doing something that's ethical and you can be proud of? Does it take so much time and energy that you can't spend quality time with friends and family? Is it wrecking your health? The list is endless.
You are really using Spain as an example of why anything is good?

I've been there. It sounds like you haven't. Spain rocks!

I particularly love how outsiders like you, mostly yanks, visit other countries in Europe and formulate the assumption that the country is so great simply because you have only visited for a short period of time. On the other hand, we do not see your kind rushing to these European countries in mass droves trying to escape the hell that is apparently America.

A rather peculiar phenomenon if I do say so myself.

It gives me more of a basis for judgement than someone who knows didley about the place. As for becoming an expat, I'd probably choose either Canada or Great Brittain first. I used to work with a guy that moved to GB and I don't think he regretted it.

I'm pretty much committed to be where I am until the kids fly the coop however. I think you're jumping to the wrong conclusion if you think I'm in a living hell here. If you knew my situation, you'd think I was a lucky bastard. I do see storm clouds on the horizon for this country though and I'm trying to make people aware of them while theres still time to do something about them.
More equally miserable... Sounds like a Fox News catchphrase. Or maybe you're a glass is half empty person. I would say more equally happy.

How are they happy with less?

Do you really think life in Spain is good these days?

They're no doubt having some down times. I have as much confidence that they'll eventually recover as any countries that are struggling right now including our own.

How can they be happy with less? Well, beyond a level it would take to be comfortable, money isn't that important. You have to ask yourself what you're giving up in order to make more. Are you doing something that's ethical and you can be proud of? Does it take so much time and energy that you can't spend quality time with friends and family? Is it wrecking your health? The list is endless.

"beyond a level it would take to be comfortable, money isn't that important" an interesting perspective in a thread discussing INCOME INEQUALITY.
You are really using Spain as an example of why anything is good?

I've been there. It sounds like you haven't. Spain rocks!

I particularly love how outsiders like you, mostly yanks, visit other countries in Europe and formulate the assumption that the country is so great simply because you have only visited for a short period of time. On the other hand, we do not see your kind rushing to these European countries in mass droves trying to escape the hell that is apparently America.

A rather peculiar phenomenon if I do say so myself.
Pfffft. Actually living there is for the proles. :cool:
You are really using Spain as an example of why anything is good?

I've been there. It sounds like you haven't. Spain rocks!

I particularly love how outsiders like you, mostly yanks, visit other countries in Europe and formulate the assumption that the country is so great simply because you have only visited for a short period of time. On the other hand, we do not see your kind rushing to these European countries in mass droves trying to escape the hell that is apparently America.

A rather peculiar phenomenon if I do say so myself.

What I see among Americans when I travel is a rather stoney faced revalation of how much BS they have been taking in about capitalism and the American Way. They see social democracy, and a higher quality of life in places like Canada, Australia, France, Germany, and others, and it is unsettling for them.

And I don't think it is fair to suggest that masses would leave the country on a dime. Work, family, and other committments make this sort of thing unlikely.
I've been there. It sounds like you haven't. Spain rocks!

I particularly love how outsiders like you, mostly yanks, visit other countries in Europe and formulate the assumption that the country is so great simply because you have only visited for a short period of time. On the other hand, we do not see your kind rushing to these European countries in mass droves trying to escape the hell that is apparently America.

A rather peculiar phenomenon if I do say so myself.

It gives me more of a basis for judgement than someone who knows didley about the place.

Not really. While you may have a better experience and judgement of their way of life, it's still very limited. You still don't have an idea of how the Spanish live their lives. It would be the same example as if someone visiting NYC for the first time from Peru, seeing all of the skyscrapers and assuming everyone is 'living it up.'

You're not the first person to have such opinions about a place after merely visiting. And you certainly won't be the last.

As for becoming an expat, I'd probably choose either Canada or Great Brittain first. I used to work with a guy that moved to GB and I don't think he regretted it.

Great Britain is a great place to live... For the most part. I'd certainly would have no qualms over choosing the UK over Spain.

I'm pretty much committed to be where I am until the kids fly the coop however. I think you're jumping to the wrong conclusion if you think I'm in a living hell here. If you knew my situation, you'd think I was a lucky bastard. I do see storm clouds on the horizon for this country though and I'm trying to make people aware of them while theres still time to do something about them.

I don't know your situation, but I did assume that you were doing so well financially that you could migrate to any place you wanted. If you believe Spain was so great, why not leave. Especially if you see storm clouds on the horizon. Why wait? If there is anything my experience as a broker has taught me, it's better to be months to early than days too late.
I've been there. It sounds like you haven't. Spain rocks!

I particularly love how outsiders like you, mostly yanks, visit other countries in Europe and formulate the assumption that the country is so great simply because you have only visited for a short period of time. On the other hand, we do not see your kind rushing to these European countries in mass droves trying to escape the hell that is apparently America.

A rather peculiar phenomenon if I do say so myself.

What I see among Americans when I travel is a rather stoney faced revalation of how much BS they have been taking in about capitalism and the American Way. They see social democracy, and a higher quality of life in places like Canada, Australia, France, Germany, and others, and it is unsettling for them.

Quality of life is relative, not universal. And you don't think Canada and Australia is an example of Capitalism? Those places are more economically free than the United States right now. If you are travelling with the social democracy mindset, then you're another outsider looking in.

And I don't think it is fair to suggest that masses would leave the country on a dime. Work, family, and other committments make this sort of thing unlikely.

No, it isn't. At least not if you are suggesting that it would be a better place to live. America is set up so where you can vote with your feet. Why would it be fair to suggest anyone should move to a state which suits their needs, but not a country which suits their needs?

Most people who really would like to live, are already leaving. But they're not going to Canada or Australia. These people are leaving for tax reasons, not necessarily for a quality of life.
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How are they happy with less?

Do you really think life in Spain is good these days?

They're no doubt having some down times. I have as much confidence that they'll eventually recover as any countries that are struggling right now including our own.

How can they be happy with less? Well, beyond a level it would take to be comfortable, money isn't that important. You have to ask yourself what you're giving up in order to make more. Are you doing something that's ethical and you can be proud of? Does it take so much time and energy that you can't spend quality time with friends and family? Is it wrecking your health? The list is endless.

"beyond a level it would take to be comfortable, money isn't that important" an interesting perspective in a thread discussing INCOME INEQUALITY.

Are you dense? The people at the top are using every tool at their disposal to ensure that the average American doesn't have enough money to be comfortable.
Not really. While you may have a better experience and judgement of their way of life, it's still very limited. You still don't have an idea of how the Spanish live their lives. It would be the same example as if someone visiting NYC for the first time from Peru, seeing all of the skyscrapers and assuming everyone is 'living it up.'

You're not the first person to have such opinions about a place after merely visiting. And you certainly won't be the last.

I was there on business and hung out with the working stiffs in the TV industry. I have much more than a tourists perspective of daily life in Spain.
Not really. While you may have a better experience and judgement of their way of life, it's still very limited. You still don't have an idea of how the Spanish live their lives. It would be the same example as if someone visiting NYC for the first time from Peru, seeing all of the skyscrapers and assuming everyone is 'living it up.'

You're not the first person to have such opinions about a place after merely visiting. And you certainly won't be the last.

I was there on business and hung out with the working stiffs in the TV industry. I have much more than a tourists perspective of daily life in Spain.

Sure you did. So how long did you live there? 6 months? A year?
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Not really. While you may have a better experience and judgement of their way of life, it's still very limited. You still don't have an idea of how the Spanish live their lives. It would be the same example as if someone visiting NYC for the first time from Peru, seeing all of the skyscrapers and assuming everyone is 'living it up.'

You're not the first person to have such opinions about a place after merely visiting. And you certainly won't be the last.

I was there on business and hung out with the working stiffs in the TV industry. I have much more than a tourists perspective of daily life in Spain.

Sure you did. So how long did you live there? 6 months? A year?

Nah, a couple of weeks in Madrid and Barcelona. I'm a quick study.
I was there on business and hung out with the working stiffs in the TV industry. I have much more than a tourists perspective of daily life in Spain.

Sure you did. So how long did you live there? 6 months? A year?

Nah, a couple of weeks in Madrid and Barcelona. I'm a quick study.

A couple of weeks is practically the same length of time as a holiday. Madrid and Barcelona are the two largest cities in Spain. They're exactly the kinds of places one would travel to if one is a tourist.

Are you sure you've learned everything you needed to know how the quality of life in Spain by your length of time there, and by your choice of cities to travel to? What exactly do you know about their youth unemployment problem?
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