The Unteachables: A Generation that Cannot Learn

Ah, Johnny can't read, comprehend, and write, speaks volumes as to the failings of our current educational system and quality of unionized teachers.

Don't their parents bear some responsibility here?
what of that large percentage of students that would drop?

They could do what the old generation did, in which is to work out that restless energy doing what ever jobs they could get in life, until they also climb upon the latter of success somehow and/or someway maybe, because lets face it, everyone cannot be at the top, and some are just going to have to be satisfied with the choices that they have made in their lives, and this be it freely and happily to some degree (no regrets), especially after having all the alternative opportunities in their lives given them, and/or even having all these mainstream opportunities offered or given them in their lives as well (or) they could do what the Mexicans would do, which is work & work hard in order to earn ones keep in the nation, but yet not be subjected to terrible abuses in the situation if they do this, and this goes for anyone in any way shape or form (((NO ABUSE)))..:eusa_pray:
^The nation’s worst performing schools are in states and places were unions are weakest.

Correlation does not equal causation. Furthermore, you'll find that most urban school systems are pretty piss poor regardless of what state they are in. Washington D.C. and NYC are two of the worst in the nation while being two of the most expensive.
^The nation’s worst performing schools are in states and places were unions are weakest.

Correlation does not equal causation. Furthermore, you'll find that most urban school systems are pretty piss poor regardless of what state they are in. Washington D.C. and NYC are two of the worst in the nation while being two of the most expensive.


When you were a kid, did you know whether or not your teacher was in a Union?

Unionization is one of the most improbable factors effecting learning.

Effective learning happens most in Asian Households, regardless of economic or social status: Why? Because Asian Parents threaten kids with death on a frequent basis if they make anything less than "A's" and then they work their asses off helping their kids make the grade.
One of the things they are being taught is that when the US can no longer maintain itself, they are expected to pick up the reins of leadership and industry. .

No they're not. You just made that part up to dramatize your point.
^The nation’s worst performing schools are in states and places were unions are weakest.

Correlation does not equal causation. Furthermore, you'll find that most urban school systems are pretty piss poor regardless of what state they are in. Washington D.C. and NYC are two of the worst in the nation while being two of the most expensive.


When you were a kid, did you know whether or not your teacher was in a Union?

Unionization is one of the most improbable factors effecting learning.

Effective learning happens most in Asian Households, regardless of economic or social status: Why? Because Asian Parents threaten kids with death on a frequent basis if they make anything less than "A's" and then they work their asses off helping their kids make the grade.

No need for the "threaten with death" hyperbole.
Here is our problem.

"Meetings about bad grades are uncomfortable not merely because it is unpleasant to wound feelings unaccustomed to the sting. Too often, such meetings are exercises in futility. I have spent hours explaining an essay’s grammatical, stylistic, and logical weaknesses in the wearying certainty that the student was unable, both intellectually and emotionally, to comprehend what I was saying or to act on my advice.

It is rare for such students to be genuinely desirous and capable of learning how to improve. Most of them simply hope that I will come around. Their belief that nothing requires improvement except the grade is one of the biggest obstacles that teachers face in the modern university. And that is perhaps the real tragedy of our education system: not only that so many students enter university lacking the basic skills and knowledge to succeed in their courses — terrible in itself — but also that they often arrive essentially unteachable, lacking the personal qualities necessary to respond to criticism."

Here is the full article: PJ Media » The Unteachables: A Generation that Cannot Learn

Ah, Johnny can't read, comprehend, and write, speaks volumes as to the failings of our current educational system and quality of unionized teachers. The result of looking the other way and advancing without merit to obtain set goals. Well, stated, great article!

By your statement, it's obvious you haven't been in a classroom lately.
If students worked as hard as their teachers, this discussion would not exist.

Next time a kid asks you how to spell a word hand him/her a dictionary and see what their response is....

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