The Untold Story of Robert Mueller's Time in Combat


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

On 12/11/68 Capt Robert Mueller, with complete disregard for his own safety, personally led a team to recover the body of a dead American soldier behind enemy lines. This info is on Mueller’s plaque which is hung in the Army Ranger Hall of Fame. I’d trust him over Trump ALWAYS.



On 12/11/68 Capt Robert Mueller, with complete disregard for his own safety, personally led a team to recover the body of a dead American soldier behind enemy lines. This info is on Mueller’s plaque which is hung in the Army Ranger Hall of Fame. I’d trust him over Trump ALWAYS.


good men of their youth can become corrupt old men when they achieve a high level of power
During the hearing, it looked like he had dementia he acted as if the investigation wasn't his charge to direct.
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Muller is a POS and a traitor to this Great Nation.

Sometimes a person can undo all the good they may have done at an earlier time in their life.

I believe participating in the attempted Coup of an American President may be one of those things.
do you think you are a better American than he is?


On 12/11/68 Capt Robert Mueller, with complete disregard for his own safety, personally led a team to recover the body of a dead American soldier behind enemy lines. This info is on Mueller’s plaque which is hung in the Army Ranger Hall of Fame. I’d trust him over Trump ALWAYS.
It begs the question though, Democrats are either conspiring to, or enabling race riots and as bad as Trump or the Republicans may be, they aren't doing that. What say you?
good men of their youth can become corrupt old men when they achieve a high level of power
During the hearing, it looked like he had dementia he acted as if the investigation wasn't his charge to direct.
I agree ...

I think an argument possibly could be made that the Left exploited a man with dementia.
Did you know that Mueller knowingly kept four innocent men in prison? Two died and the other two that finally got out received a big chunk of change form the taxpayers because of that son of a bitch
A perfect example of a war hero turned bad later in life is Duke Cunningham
He was the Navy's top fighter "Ace" during the Vietnam War with 9 enemy MIG's shot down. And later was the "Top Gun" instructor at the famous fighter pilot training school.
After the military, he ran for political office, and was elected to Congress and served over two decades.
But his congressional career was cut short when he was charged with tax evasion, bribery, mail fraud, and wire fraud. Found guilty, he was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

On 12/11/68 Capt Robert Mueller, with complete disregard for his own safety, personally led a team to recover the body of a dead American soldier behind enemy lines. This info is on Mueller’s plaque which is hung in the Army Ranger Hall of Fame. I’d trust him over Trump ALWAYS.


Did you know that Mueller knowingly kept four innocent men in prison? Two died and the other two that finally got out received a big chunk of change form the taxpayers because of that son of a bitch
Yes I do ..

I have a.ready called him the Enemy of the American People ...
When I was in the service during Vietnam, I risked my life disarming explosive devices to protect people. What the hell does that have to do with my character, or lack thereof, today?
you don't serve the country you have, you serve the country you want to have, and that's what Bob Mueller understood, my friends!
Apparently it's not "untold". 2nd Lt Mueller, along with the other 720,000 Bronze Star recipients in Vietnam, should be proud of his service. I know I am.
A Bronze Star is something to be proud of but it doesn't excuse post Military behavior. Notorious bomber Timothy McVeigh was awarded a Bronze Star in Desert Storm.

On 12/11/68 Capt Robert Mueller, with complete disregard for his own safety, personally led a team to recover the body of a dead American soldier behind enemy lines. This info is on Mueller’s plaque which is hung in the Army Ranger Hall of Fame. I’d trust him over Trump ALWAYS.



Yeah, well as the FBI agent in charge he fought tooth and nail to keep INNOCENT MEN in prison to keep one of his buddies out of prison.

That little ethical problem cost we taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.

In another epic failure of character he decided to try and railroad an innocent scientist who he accused of the anthrax attacks. Even though he KNEW there was loads of evidence that he wasn't the criminal, and they had loads of evidence for another guy who WAS the criminal.

That cost us another 9 million bucks, so your choice of who you believe is fantastically stupid.

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