The Upcoming Trump/Kim Jong Meeting.What Should We Call It?,The "Shitake Rice Summit?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:2up: :laugh2: :popcorn: By now we have all heard about a possible meeting between Trump and Kim Small Schlong. Well if that day ever comes, you know the media will come up with several names for the big event. So what should we call the long awaited epic battle of good vs evil? :poke:
The "Dim Sum Summit"? :tongue-44:
The "Well Done Poodle" Summit"? :wink_2:
The "To-Fu Summit" :p
or maybe the "Hung Down Lo" Summit? ;)
There are so many name proposals we can come up,,,but till the meeting comes, maybe in two months, lets hear some of your ideas we can submit to The Donald.:laugh:
I would advise Trump to meet with Un. It could prevent WWIII. I hope they meet soon.
I agree he should meet with Um , as S. Koreas new president to be said be wants to be friends with NK.
Meet with him for sure. Psst, shhhh...before meeting him, find a look a like of him, during the meeting arrange for the lights to go out for a few moments, swap in the look a like. Then the new Kim can head back to NK and declare he has changed his stance on some issues. NK can finally join the rest of the world in the 21st century. Give the old Kim a job as a munchkin at Disneyland. Problem solved.
Meet with him for sure. Psst, shhhh...before meeting him, find a look a like of him, during the meeting arrange for the lights to go out for a few moments, swap in the look a like. Then the new Kim can head back to NK and declare he has changed his stance on some issues. NK can finally join the rest of the world in the 21st century. Give the old Kim a job as a munchkin at Disneyland. Problem solved.
meanwhile Trump is eating an elephant balls sandwich and has no idea
Meet with him for sure. Psst, shhhh...before meeting him, find a look a like of him, during the meeting arrange for the lights to go out for a few moments, swap in the look a like. Then the new Kim can head back to NK and declare he has changed his stance on some issues. NK can finally join the rest of the world in the 21st century. Give the old Kim a job as a munchkin at Disneyland. Problem solved.
meanwhile Trump is eating an elephant balls sandwich and has no idea

Nope, not a clue. But he sure as hell will take credit for it.
Meet with him for sure. Psst, shhhh...before meeting him, find a look a like of him, during the meeting arrange for the lights to go out for a few moments, swap in the look a like. Then the new Kim can head back to NK and declare he has changed his stance on some issues. NK can finally join the rest of the world in the 21st century. Give the old Kim a job as a munchkin at Disneyland. Problem solved.
meanwhile Trump is eating an elephant balls sandwich and has no idea

Nope, not a clue. But he sure as hell will take credit for it.
and Kim Dong Wong will be eating a meal prepared by Michelle Obama,,,and when told, he rushes to the mens room
Call it a face to face to face to face meeting...

...2 two-faced phonies meeting.
Meet with him for sure. Psst, shhhh...before meeting him, find a look a like of him, during the meeting arrange for the lights to go out for a few moments, swap in the look a like. Then the new Kim can head back to NK and declare he has changed his stance on some issues. NK can finally join the rest of the world in the 21st century. Give the old Kim a job as a munchkin at Disneyland. Problem solved.
meanwhile Trump is eating an elephant balls sandwich and has no idea

Nope, not a clue. But he sure as hell will take credit for it.
Trump should offer wang chung a glass of diet coke and pop rocks as an friendly offering
if Joe Biden was at the summit, he would be showing all of his pics taken with law makers daughters
Trump said he'd be "honored" to meet the fat dictator fuck. Who Trump is honored by should raise flags. But nope. Trump could say he'd be honored to meet with Pol Pot and these goofy fucks would cheer about that too.

I wonder if he'll bow too!
and till this day, no one can decipher that Obama Macaroni and Cheese summit over a white cop/black man debacle
The Upcoming Trump/Kim Jong Meeting.What Should We Call It?,The "Shitake Rice Summit?

No. The mushrooms don't deserve being exposed to risk of somehow being mistakenly associated with that event. Do Trumpkins even know there exists such a thing as a shiitake mushroom?

As goes the prospect of Trump and Kim meeting, I don't necessarily take issue with the act of their meeting. I'm aware of the pros and cons of their doing so, but, for now, I hold out hope that at the worst, "things won't get worse" between the two nations as a result of their speaking to one another.

I say "hope" with due purpose, for small degree of trepidation accrues in my mind over the notion of two small minded egomaniacs trying to find concord amongst themselves. Two nitwits talking often leads to all manners of unimaginable calamity. Truly, I hope that whomever Trump has a translator exercises enough discretion and good judgment to attenuate the tone of whatever "off color" and inane remarks Trump might make. I know translators aren't supposed to make inferences and do so, but I also think is so incoherent, brash and downright poor at expressing himself, that on the occasion of his speaking with Kim, an exception should be made.

Though we know what kind of silly sh*t has said and believed in the past, we also know that Kim is no stranger to absurd thoughts. Christ, the man thinks we want to invade and subsequently for South Korea subsume his country, when the fact is that however so the latter of that be, the former makes no shred of sense. If it did, we'd have done it ages ago, certainly before the DPRK acquired nuclear weapons.

Even as I'm disquietingly amenable to their meeting, I'm not at all fond of the way Trump undertook to share his willingness to do so. The tacit messages accompanying his announcement that he'd speak with Kim, are, in my mind all kinds of wrong. Quite simply, while Trump and Kim are, as heads of state, technically peers, in substance they are not.

It doesn't matter what one thinks of Trump, the fact remains that he is the head of the dominant and leading state on the planet and Kim not, nor even near it. He merely has nuclear weapons and unlike the other heads of state who control such things, he's "certifiable." Meeting with Kim is something a POTUS might, maybe even should, undertake only because doing so hasn't been tried before, not because Kim deserves such an honor. One might think of it as one's meeting with Kim as a "last ditch" effort to avoid having to instead pursue far more decisive means of abating the threat Kim poses.

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