The US and communism

U see posters harping about nauseum. Those who expose this are crackpots and not anyone that I would help if they were in dire straits. All complete empty garbage. NEITHER exists in america.
U see posters harping about nauseum. Those who expose this are crackpots and not anyone that I would help if they were in dire straits. All complete empty garbage. NEITHER exists in america.
Really? I don't know, but when major cities are made "sanctuaries" for illegal aliens outside of the democratic process , (and to the detriment of American poor), something seems a little sketchy about whether or not this is a democracy . That is a blatant example. I know I leave this hanging, because, that's where we stand now...
I don't care what cities i don't live in makes no difference in my life. Keep up the great and panic though....nice work.
We are a plutocracy basically although we are really a republ ic. Our po!icy is built for the wealthy if we examine close.
Given that there arent any communist states left, when will the US lose its fear of Communism ?

I know that anything the loons dont like is labelled as communist but the Reds arent about to invade Manhattan.

So why do some of you still sound like Joe Macarthy ?

Proper healthcare is not communism
Neither is education,or decent housing or gun control or safety nets for the poor, or libraries, or national parks or clean water or compassion or clean air.

Why cant you deal with your irrational fears ?

Those currently within the TrumPutin Russian GOP accuse the 'others' of being 'socialist' and 'commies'

Funny stuff

The US has the MIC & the MIC ALWAYS has to have a 'boogeyman' so, as long as the US has the MIC, there will ALWAYS be another 'enemy' just around the corner to replace the last one. re: communism

The end of the COld War, and the long period of decreased military spending debunked that theory, long ago.

Oh, sure Einstein; that's why G. W. Bushhog wasted $3 trillion for some invisible WMDs, right?

Do you understand that ten years passed between the end of the Cold War and 9-11?

During that time, military spending fell and fell, as Peace reigned, more or less.

Utterly debunking the theory that military spending was driven by internal domestic forces, such as the MIC.

9/11/01 was a false flag event and I guarantee you that Trump knows it. If he is legit, the truth about that day will finally be known to what many of us already know. 9/11/01 covered up a litany of banking crimes by the elites...crimes that were being investigated on the same floors the first plane hit that were holding a meeting that morning about those crimes like insider trading and ten year securities due from the rape and pillaging of Russia after the Ruble collapse in 1991.

Covering up security crimes from WHO? The fucking SEC? They were too busy surfing porn to be a threat worthy of that.
Given that there arent any communist states left, when will the US lose its fear of Communism ?

I know that anything the loons dont like is labelled as communist but the Reds arent about to invade Manhattan.

So why do some of you still sound like Joe Macarthy ?

Proper healthcare is not communism
Neither is education,or decent housing or gun control or safety nets for the poor, or libraries, or national parks or clean water or compassion or clean air.

Why cant you deal with your irrational fears ?

Countries that still practice forms of Communism:


North Korea


Are three off the top of my head, so yeah it is still around Tommy and remember I wrote some forn of it.

Also Gun Control to you is no guns at all, so let cut the nonsense there.

All the rest can be dealt with on State level taxing the taxpayer accordingly and not some one size fit all blanket that usually does not work.
..... national parks....

We could lose your country in any of several of our national parks and no one would ever find it (or care).

Largest National Parks in the United States
What are we talking about, the UK or Wales question? Anyway you are an idiot LOL.

the point here is that Republicans are terrified of Communists and see them everywhere, being brainwashed tools. So the country is the chump for greedy idiot rich assholes. We are the only developed country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage good infrastructure and vacations. Great job idiots.

What is that supposed to mean?

We have commies marching in the streets with banners stating they are at war with us. With the support of the democratic party.

That is not our imagination, you commie lying toad.
Given that there arent any communist states left, when will the US lose its fear of Communism ?

I know that anything the loons dont like is labelled as communist but the Reds arent about to invade Manhattan.

So why do some of you still sound like Joe Macarthy ?

Proper healthcare is not communism
Neither is education,or decent housing or gun control or safety nets for the poor, or libraries, or national parks or clean water or compassion or clean air.

Why cant you deal with your irrational fears ?

Those currently within the TrumPutin Russian GOP accuse the 'others' of being 'socialist' and 'commies'

Funny stuff

The US has the MIC & the MIC ALWAYS has to have a 'boogeyman' so, as long as the US has the MIC, there will ALWAYS be another 'enemy' just around the corner to replace the last one. re: communism

The end of the COld War, and the long period of decreased military spending debunked that theory, long ago.

Oh, sure Einstein; that's why G. W. Bushhog wasted $3 trillion for some invisible WMDs, right?

Do you understand that ten years passed between the end of the Cold War and 9-11?

During that time, military spending fell and fell, as Peace reigned, more or less.

Utterly debunking the theory that military spending was driven by internal domestic forces, such as the MIC.

Do U realize your info came from that GIANT garbage heap in Rio? :206:
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Given that there arent any communist states left, when will the US lose its fear of Communism ?

I know that anything the loons dont like is labelled as communist but the Reds arent about to invade Manhattan.

So why do some of you still sound like Joe Macarthy ?

Proper healthcare is not communism
Neither is education,or decent housing or gun control or safety nets for the poor, or libraries, or national parks or clean water or compassion or clean air.

Why cant you deal with your irrational fears ?
Those who are not idiots immediately recognize your post as a strawman argument.
Given that there arent any communist states left, when will the US lose its fear of Communism ?

I know that anything the loons dont like is labelled as communist but the Reds arent about to invade Manhattan.

So why do some of you still sound like Joe Macarthy ?

Proper healthcare is not communism
Neither is education,or decent housing or gun control or safety nets for the poor, or libraries, or national parks or clean water or compassion or clean air.

Why cant you deal with your irrational fears ?

Those currently within the TrumPutin Russian GOP accuse the 'others' of being 'socialist' and 'commies'

Funny stuff

The US has the MIC & the MIC ALWAYS has to have a 'boogeyman' so, as long as the US has the MIC, there will ALWAYS be another 'enemy' just around the corner to replace the last one. re: communism

The end of the COld War, and the long period of decreased military spending debunked that theory, long ago.

Oh, sure Einstein; that's why G. W. Bushhog wasted $3 trillion for some invisible WMDs, right?

Do you understand that ten years passed between the end of the Cold War and 9-11?

During that time, military spending fell and fell, as Peace reigned, more or less.

Utterly debunking the theory that military spending was driven by internal domestic forces, such as the MIC.

Do U realize your info came form that GIANT garbage heap in Rio? :206:

I recall lefties and various other conspiracy theorists making your claim, during the Cold War.

I did not believe it then. THey threat from the Soviet Union was pretty clear and the military spending seemed completely justified, but there was no evidence to disprove their theory.

Then the Cold War ended. And military spending dropped like a rock. Assembly lines, just built, were shut down while still brand new. Systems researched at a cost billions, finished token production "runs" and shut down for good.

I recall my one buddy, bitching of the waste of it all, and wishing for a more rational build down, so that we would not waste r&d and design and production spending, and end up with some shit, to give us some capability during the coming Long Peace.

I told him his hope was a foolish dream and that it would just be a politically driven mess, and no politician would spend an once of political capital on military spending without a major threat.

And I was right.

10 years, spending fell, profits fell, major corporations fell. This is not the type of thing that the MIC, if it really existed, would have allowed.

Your theory has been debunked.
Given that there arent any communist states left, when will the US lose its fear of Communism ?

I know that anything the loons dont like is labelled as communist but the Reds arent about to invade Manhattan.

So why do some of you still sound like Joe Macarthy ?

Proper healthcare is not communism
Neither is education,or decent housing or gun control or safety nets for the poor, or libraries, or national parks or clean water or compassion or clean air.

Why cant you deal with your irrational fears ?
Cuba isn't communist? North Korea? Venezuela claims it's not communist, but it's economics are indistinguishable from the economics of the former Soviet Union.

If you don't see the need to warn people about the evils of communism, just watch Venezuela swirl down the toilet bowl.
Those currently within the TrumPutin Russian GOP accuse the 'others' of being 'socialist' and 'commies'

Funny stuff

The US has the MIC & the MIC ALWAYS has to have a 'boogeyman' so, as long as the US has the MIC, there will ALWAYS be another 'enemy' just around the corner to replace the last one. re: communism

The end of the COld War, and the long period of decreased military spending debunked that theory, long ago.

Oh, sure Einstein; that's why G. W. Bushhog wasted $3 trillion for some invisible WMDs, right?

Do you understand that ten years passed between the end of the Cold War and 9-11?

During that time, military spending fell and fell, as Peace reigned, more or less.

Utterly debunking the theory that military spending was driven by internal domestic forces, such as the MIC.

Do U realize your info came form that GIANT garbage heap in Rio? :206:

I recall lefties and various other conspiracy theorists making your claim, during the Cold War.

I did not believe it then. THey threat from the Soviet Union was pretty clear and the military spending seemed completely justified, but there was no evidence to disprove their theory.

Then the Cold War ended. And military spending dropped like a rock. Assembly lines, just built, were shut down while still brand new. Systems researched at a cost billions, finished token production "runs" and shut down for good.

I recall my one buddy, bitching of the waste of it all, and wishing for a more rational build down, so that we would not waste r&d and design and production spending, and end up with some shit, to give us some capability during the coming Long Peace.

I told him his hope was a foolish dream and that it would just be a politically driven mess, and no politician would spend an once of political capital on military spending without a major threat.

And I was right.

10 years, spending fell, profits fell, major corporations fell. This is not the type of thing that the MIC, if it really existed, would have allowed.

Your theory has been debunked.
Geopolitical threats that drive military spending take time to develop. Ten years is nothing in the scheme of things.
Warn away nobody really cares. Communism is itit? Zero...nada. A threat in the us. NEITHER is socialism.

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