the US economy is collapsing, & this time there'll be no recovery my friends. just ask Dave Stockman

It is really such non sense. If Trump signed a trade deal with China on Monday, the stock market would go up a couple thousand points, the Fed would soon reverse into raising rates and the entire narrative would change.

The alarmism on all issues is incredible. Everything that happens is catastrophe, a conspiracy or the end of the world.

90% of what we see and read is simply for ratings or clicks, nothing more.

but he will not do so because it is all about his pride and his ego.

Trump will ride the US down the drain like it was the Taj Mahal before he would admit he was wrong.
only through job growth and growing tax receipts for Uncle Sam can we avoid a societal civil war a few years from now.

its looking bleak my friends!
Capitalism the great failure. Only communism could save it.

We're Keynesians. Keynesianism is the great failure. Central economic planning by a central bank is economic socialism. And socialism is always doomed to failure.

The solution is to get back to free markets where the market tells the government what to do rather than the other way around.
brothers and sisters: the Donald's impending trade war scared the living daylights out of retailers, and supply chain managers. they've scrambled like crazy before they get hit by the tariffs

this is not the free market at work
brothers and sisters: the Donald's impending trade war scared the living daylights out of retailers, and supply chain managers. they've scrambled like crazy before they get hit by the tariffs

this is not the free market at work
Its not the free market. This is the expensive market.
Trump calls the economy "my economy"...HIS WORDS...he owns it...he owns this collapse!
Great, more Leftard 'Fear-mongering'.

Thanks to Socialist Dem extremists we already know that we only have just over 11 years before the world is coming to an end thanks to un-regulated COW FARTS .... now .... what?

The coming economic Armageddon is going to cut that time in half...unless Americans vote for Dementia-suffering Biden or Fake Woo Woo Warren?

It's OK.

Not to worry.

Global What-The-Fuck is going to kill us all off in 11.5 years anyway. Don't believe me? Ask the liberal panhandling on the sidewalk at the first intersection down the street from your hovel.
brothers and sisters: the Donald's impending trade war scared the living daylights out of retailers, and supply chain managers. they've scrambled like crazy before they get hit by the tariffs

this is not the free market at work
Its not the free market. This is the expensive market.
Isn't it funny how small government conservatives now thing the government should be managing our trade?
the wealthiest country in the history of the world is also the most in debt country in the history of the world.

good job Trumpbama!
Trump's policies of trade wars, low interest folly, immigrant demonization, and military spending bloat are guaranteed to bring the era of bubble finance to a thundering crash
Obama is no prize, but Trump has made no progress, and i do mean NO PROGRESS, my friends!
Trump is repulsed by failure and is obsessed with success, thats the only thing that gives me hope for him!
The trade war is dragging on. The yield curve is inverting. Investors are fleeing to safety. Global growth is slowing. The stock market is dipping. The Millennials are screwed.

Recessions are never good for anyone. A sputtering economy means miserable financial, emotional, and physical-health consequences for everyone from infants to retirees. But the next one—if it happens, when it starts happening—stands to hit this much-maligned generation particularly hard. For adults between the ages of 22 and 38, after all, the last recession never really ended.
David Stockman has been predicting calamity for a long time.

There are cracks in the numbers, but it's easy to forecast a recession when you know one is coming eventually.

What's the old saying, "economists have predicted seventeen of the last six recessions".
my friends, i have known what i wanted to be since 2nd grade. i wanted to be a political oppo researcher...for both sides.

i cant find a damn job in Trump's economy. that is wrong, that's why we need Biden as president!

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